Apocalypse: Titus Avison (c) versus Kagura [EurAsian Championship]

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The legendary reign of Titus Avison will come under a lot of pressure at Apocalypse when Kagura steps in the ring with the Hall of Fame superstar. The challenger has really been on a roll lately, whilst the Champion has found himself floundering under the accusations that he is scared of women. A loss to Eve Taylor, followed by a loss to Wren has put Kagura's name at the front of the queue to finally rob Titus of the EurAsian Championship. The pressure is on for both to rise to their potential but who will do it?

Kodak Theatre. California, L.A. 25th February 2007. 3194 BEA (Before EurAvison Era).​

It is the 79th annual Academy Awards. Host Ellen DeGeneres is on the stage as she gets to announce the winner of the best Actor category.

Ellen: Your nominees for best actor. Will Smith in The Persuit of Happyness. Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson. Titus Avison in The Passion of the Pope and Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond.

The audience of stars clap at each announcement.

Ellen: Your winner. Titus Avison.

Titus looks in shock. He's sat near Leonardo DiCaprio who gives Avison a huge hug. People pat him on the back as he makes his way down to accept the award. He gives Ellen a huge high five and holds his Oscar high above his head.

The scene cuts to British documentary maker Louis Theroux. He's dressed in a tuxedo and stood with Titus Avison who is holding his Oscar.

Louis: Joy and Jubilation. That's one way to start my documentary on the hottest man in Hollywood.

Titus: Ah Louis, it's my honour. I've been a fan of yours for years.

Louis: Don't sell yourself short. At 25 years old you're a three time Oscar winner. What is next for Titus Avison?

Titus: Well Louis I had a movie offer that I turned down. Do you know they're rebooting the Fast and Furious movies? Have you seen Tokyo Drift? It's awful.

Louis: I love Fast and Furious. It's something that could keep going for at least 10 years.

Titus: Don't be silly. I can't see that at all. It'll be a huge flop. Plus I had my mind set on a role and they went with Mickey Rourke.

Louis: Mickey Rourke? What is the movie?

Titus: It's called The Wrestler. They said despite all my accolades that I would not be believable as a wrestler.

For the first time in the interview Titus' smile drops. He sighs.

Louis: That is a shame.

Titus: Do you know, as a child I always wanted to be a wrestler but people told me it was a silly dream. They encouraged me in my acting and look at what I've achieved. So I've decided to make a huge announcement.

Louis looks nervous as to what the big announcement is.

Titus: I'll be telling E! Later tonight but I trust you man. I'm quitting Hollywood to become a wrestler.

Louis looks shocked as if this was the last thing in the world he was expecting. Titus walks off as a three time Oscar winner will be in high demand. Louis Theroux is left alone.

Louis: Well, I suppose we're now revisiting the wrestling ring. I expected this to be an insight into Hollywood but now we have a man who has achieved his dream pursuing a new dream. I suppose this will be a follow up to my 1999 insight into the Power Plant. That was not fun, let us hope this one is.

Madison Square Garden, New York, New York. 23rd April 2017. 515 EA (EurAvison era).​

Titus Avison is backstage. He's dressed ready to go out, street clothes with a cap and hoodie.

Titus: I despise this city. I thought I hated Boston but this city just makes me feel sick. It smells, the people are rude and they all have a hyped up sense of entitlement. This is a city that paints Tony Mancini as some sort of working hero. He was a mob boss. He has a baby. Oh man how can he cope? What is wrong with these people?!

Out of nowhere Batti approaches Titus.

Titus: What do you want?

Batti: I want to look at you.

Titus: Why? Just leave me alone.

Titus walks off but the mean stance of Batti shows a new attitude to her. She's not afraid of the EurAsian champion.

Titus: This shit needs to stop. I defeated Batti on MD135 yet she has the audacity to think she has one up on me because of this girl power? Because the Clarks are running wild? Eve Taylor with her chance to go for the world title? Oh because Wren beat me? It all comes down to one person. One woman. Kagura.

San Jose, California. 20th June 2007. 3079 BEA (Before EurAvison era)​

Louis Theroux is stood in the locker room with a lot of old familiar faces about. Joe T. Everest Joseph Rios. Louis walks up and approaches ring announcer Truman Harrys.

Louis: I guess WZCW is finally here. How are you feeling about this Kyle?

Harrys: My name is actually Truman. They want me to go for Kyle because it sounds cooler. I think Kyle Harrys sounds weird. Don't you think?

Louis: I think Truman has more oompf than Kyle for sure.

Harrys: I'll mention it to Chuck Myles.

Louis' voice can be heard as he's now narrating rather than talking to Harrys.

Narrator: As if by magic the owner of WZCW, Chuck Myles, walked into the locker room.

Myles: Good afternoon. This is a huge day for us as it's the first WZCW show. I want you to go out there, be the best and make us some money. I see lots of happy faces, lots of nerves and that's to be expected. Every single one of you...

Chuck pauses and looks round the room.

Myles: Where's the actor?

Narrator: A voice shouted they had kicked him out, it was Joseph Rios who shouted it. Myles just shrugged as if this was to be expected. Seeing as Titus is my reason for the documentary, I suppose I better find him.

Myles: Today I announce a new WZCW roster member. Nathaniel Grayson, but you can call him Everest. He'll be debuting at Meltdown 3 but welcome him to the family.

Narrator: I wanted to ask Rios about Titus but also wanted to speak to the new kid Everest to see what he's feeling.

Louis approaches Joseph Rios who is pretty menacing but seems to relish the attention he's getting.

Rios: You that reporter from the BBC? I assume you're making a documentary on Joseph Rios? Seeing as how I am the best in this company.

Narrator: That was an understatement. After I completed my documentary Rios would become the first ever WZCW world champion.

Louis: Actually I'm doing one on Titus Avison, the actor that you've kicked out the locker room. May I ask why?

Rios: He's not one of us, he's an actor. I made the call to kick him out because he brought an Oscar with him. Why brag? Your achievements outside the ring don't matter. It's what's inside that counts. He'll be around a few weeks and quit for us never to see him again. Titus Avison will be a random footnote in fed history. Whereas me? They'll tell legends of this man.

Narrator: I took that as an opportunity to leave and find Titus. I find him backstage sat on some flight cases.

Louis: Hey buddy, sorry about what happened in the lockeroom.

Titus: It's fine, don't worry about it.

Narrator: I could tell he wasn't fine, the smile he had since winning his third Oscar seemed to fade as he said this.

Louis: Well I got to meet Joseph Rios.

Titus: What did he say?

Louis: That people will have heard legends of him in the future and that you'll last a few weeks.

Titus: Louis, it seems like this is going to be way harder than I thought. Joseph Rios is a dick. He's someone who will put his needs first over anyone else’s. He wouldn't skip a beat to humiliate someone in their hometown in front of their family. He would laugh after destroying you in the ring with medical staff seeing to you. He'd mock your dead brother. He'd trick your parents into going to the wrong arena for a match. He'll decide he's the best and tell you he's the best.

Narrator: Titus proceeded to grab my hand and looked directly at me. He seemed like he was looking through my soul.

Titus: If I ever get like that. Kick me in the balls.

Louis: Oh gladly.

Titus: Ha. Well I'm going to go to my match.

Narrator: Great, I think to myself, I'm going to have “Video Killed the Radio Star” in my head all day.

The scene cuts to after the match. Louis is in the office with Chuck Myles.

Louis: So Mr. Myles.

Myles: Please, call me Chuck.

Louis: OK Chuck. Why the doubt with Titus? I don't get it.

Myles: The kid is a phenomenal actor but as a wrestler? I don't think he can cut it. He's great for us because people are tuning in to see him but it won't last. They'll turn on him because he's not that good.

Louis: He has just won a match.

Myles: DC won them the match.

Louis: What if in 10 years time he proves you wrong? What if he's the biggest star in wrestling history? What if they write legends about him?

Myles: They won't. In 10 years time it'll be me and Rios at the top. People will forget that Titus Avison ever wrestled.

Narrator: Their hatred for Titus was just weird. I left Chuck to congratulate him on his victory. I find him with the new guy that Chuck Myles introduced earlier.

Titus: Oh hey Louis.

Louis: Congratulations, good match.

Titus: It was great fun. Winning is good and I imagine this would show Myles and Rios what I can do.

Narrator: It had not.

Louis: Yeah definitely. So what you going to do with the prize money?

Titus: Oh I'll be donating that to the women’s refuge in Keystone City. Women have it way worse than men and they really get screwed over. The money I'll be donating will give women and children the chance to achieve their dreams. Whatever that is.

Louis: Wrestling in WZCW?

Titus: Yeah, exactly. If there's women out there who want to wrestle why not? Do it and put us men to shame.

Louis: Indeed! So Everest, have you been kicked out too?

Everest: Oh no, I was just introducing myself to Titus. I feel like we're going to get on really well. Friends for life.

Titus: Either that or we'll become lifelong rivals.

Louis: Maybe both?

Everest: Ha! Maybe. If someone can be so good at something and have pure intentions they are seen as a Superman. What happens if Superman gets bored of being the hero? What if he realises it gets exhausting? Then what?

Narrator: Then what indeed.

Keystone City, Kansas. 20th April 2017. 512 EA (EurAvison era).​

The scene cuts. The camera pans out and it is obvious that Titus Avison was watching the documentary on TV. Now with long hair, 10 years older and one of the most decorated man in fed history. You could say a lot had changed.

Titus: Everest was right, being the hero can be exhausting.

Titus stands up and walks through the corridor of his house. There are numerous framed newspaper and magazine cuttings on the wall.

Titus: Thank you Red Mask. Ha I remember that day, the city was so overjoyed that they had their own superhero in their midst. Alas it didn't last.

Next to that is another framed article. “Red Mask, menace or hero?” is the headline.

Titus: That was when it started. The police couldn't be assed to do their jobs. They left it to me. People would cry for help and eventually I'd have to whisper “no”. Since I've stopped being Red Mask the city has gone to ruins.

I don't care, it gives me more privacy. I owe this town nothing and they owe me everything. The fools.

Titus walks back to his main room. He picks up a piece of mail from the table “help save Keystone women refuge”. Titus crumples the piece of paper up and throws it into the bin.

Titus: Definitely not.

Rockefeller Center, New York, New York. 23rd April 2017. 515 EA (EurAvison era).​

The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon theme cuts. There's a return from commercial break as Jimmy Fallon is behind his desk with Titus Avison sat opposite.

Jimmy: We've looked at your extensive movie career but you're arguably now known more for wrestling than acting. Would you say that is the case?

Titus: You tell me. Ten years ago WZCW struggled to even book an arena in New York City. This week we're in Madison Square Garden. Do you think they did that because of the likes of Eve Taylor? No they're paying to see Titus Avison.

Jimmy: I believe they are paying to see you get your ass kicked.

The audience laughs.

Titus: Well, Jimmy, they'll be paying a lot for nothing because I won't be getting my ass kicked. For over 500 days I have been the holder of the grandest prize in WZCW and no man can stop me.

Jimmy: Therein is the problem, you're not against a man but Kagura. I've got a couple of questions from you from some old friends of yours.

The screen shows Ellen Degeneres who has her shows sign in the background.

Ellen: It's been a while. I've been keeping an eye on what the girls are doing in WZCW. Batti, Eve and Kagura have a chance to show the world what females can do.

Titus: Blah blah blah. Do you have a question?

Ellen: Do you not wish that Kagura was facing Xander LeBelle instead?

The audience give an audible “ooooh” reaction as if Titus just got owned. The video goes off which leaves Avison to answer.

Titus: It's funny, Xander refuses to wrestle against women and I'm the one who is deemed being scared of women. I lost to Wren and Eve but BOTH was due to outside distractions. So would I prefer not to wrestle Kagura? Of course, she shouldn't be in a ring with me. She should be in the Vixens division with everyone else but Becky Serra thinks there's more money in this than that.

So she may be my biggest challenge yet but at Apocalypse I will show why I've done so well.

The screen cuts to reveal Louis Theroux.

Louis: Remind me on Titus, I owe you a kick in the balls.

Jimmy: Ha!

Titus: Don't ask!

Louis: A question though. I was with you when you won your first match but what will you do if you lose at Apocalypse? What then? The EurAvison era will have ended. Will you decide to do another movie?

The video cuts, the crowd goes deathly silent. Titus Avison stands up. EurAsian belt on his shoulders. Fallon looks off stage to make sure security is there, just in case.

Titus: For ten years WZCW has existed. People have come and gone but there's been one constant. Titus Avison. A man you've heard legends of. A man who destroyed Dynasty, Vengeance and the rWo! What happened to those people. Those who secured a victory over me? Vega? Chris KO? Kurtesy? Zander Young? Exactly! Who are they? I learn from each win, loss and everything else in between.

So people dare to question me against Kagura. Do I say I'm not worried? No of course not, that would be stupid. You need to know when to make an effort against an opponent and she's one I need to do that for.

She's made my life hell since Lethal Lottery. Turning up in my matches and interrupting award ceremonies. She refuses to say anything but you know, after Apocalypse she'll wish that she went for the Elite title. They will tell legends of this match and the winner. Well we know who that is.

Jimmy looks to the camera and signals for a commercial break. Fade to black.

1 Central Park West, New York, New York. 24th April 2017. 516 EA (EurAvison Era)​

It's 2am and the hotel room crashes up. Titus Avison walks in and puts his EurAsian belt on the table. He looks furious and switches the light on. The blood shot eyes of the hall of famer tell it all. Anger. Fury. Hatred.

He picks up a plant pot and lobs it across the room. It smashes off the wall. The soil and plant goes over the room. Titus picks up a lamp but then catches himself in the mirror.

Titus: How dare they!

He smashes his fists off the desk in front of the mirror.

Titus: Women! What they doing? I remember 10 years ago where everyone in WZCW had some sort of ****e with them. Heidi. Lindsey. Serafina. They knew their place. They accompanied the men. They had the men in the crowd interested in them. They wore skimpy costumes because they wanted to see some skin. Now?

The sheer anger of Titus can be seen as he looks intently into the mirror.

Titus: Now you have the ****es in their matches. Taking opportunities from those who have worked for years. Would Celeste Crimson be held in such high esteem if she was a man? Would she heck. So why would Kagura be any different. Special treatment because they can!

Titus storms over to his belt. He tales his top off and puts his EurAsian belt on. He looks in the mirror again.

Titus: 516 days. Yet they doubt me. They don't think I can defeat her when I can. It reminds me of what people said in '07. They doubted me then and they doubt me now. I had something to prove then. I've nothing to prove now.

She thinks because she's in NY she has a chance. Just because she won the Elite belt there against a guy we all forget existed. She lost to elegANT. Come on! Yet you think a woman who lost to elegAnt can beat a man they tell legends of. THE man in WZCW. I've had the Elite belt. World titles. Lethal Lottery. Hall of Fame and now I hold the grandest prize in WZCW. Yet people have the audacity to call me out.

Titus proceeds to pick a chair up. He throws it straight off the mirror, the mirror smashes into a hundred pieces. Chaos everywhere.

Titus: They say I'm not their champion. Well I am. NEVER count me out.

1 Central Park West, New York, New York. 24th April 2017. 516 EA (EurAvison Era)​

Morning. The birds are chirping outside. There's not a cloud in the sky as the sun shines through the hotel window. Calmness fills the room and it seems to be a sheer contrast from the night before.

Titus Avison is shown cleaning up the carnage he caused the night before. A stoic look is washed on his face, he knows what he must do.

Titus: I fucking hate Kagura Joheki.

Fade to black.
Madison Square Garden is the most iconic wrestling venue in the world, with a storied history that dates all the way back to the turn of the century. At Apocalypse, it might just make history one more time. WZCW’s latest PPV was already shaping up to be blockbuster of epic proportions. All the championships were up for grabs, and the women of WZCW were looking to make a splash. Well, more than a splash; it was a tsunami. The energetic wildcat Batti Otaku was challenging the misogynistic Xander Crews, while a determined Kagura was taking on the pompous and arrogant Titus Avison. There were fans that were hoping that their successes would do justice to the joke of a Vixens division from years ago, while others simply wanted to see the current champions knocked down a peg.

With the show looming, many eyes were glued to the Apocalypse pre-show. The WZCW commentators were running down the card, and giving their thoughts and feelings on each match. Starting from the left was Cat Connor, the play by play announcer for Ascension. Next to her was Sebastian Copeland, the veteran play by play announcer for Meltdown. On his right was color commentator and former wrestling legend, Jack Cohen. Last on the panel, making an unexpected appearance, was WZCW hall of famer and former world heavyweight champion Everest. The quartet sat at a long black table. There was a television screen in the background displaying the company logo that stretched almost the width of the wall behind them. Occasionally video clips from old matches and promos would pop up as the commentators ran down the card.

“Next up is the exciting Eurasian championship match between Titus Avison and Kagura,” said Connor.

“We are 517 days into the ‘EurAvison’ era. This was a title that Titus won all the way back at Kingdom Come 7 by defeating Johnny Scumm.”

“That’s right Cat,” replied Cohen.

“And since then he’s successfully defended against the likes of S.H.I.T, Vee A.D.Z, Flex Mussel, and Blackjack Theron. He even managed to win a four-pack challenge at Lethal Lottery 8. The only other title reign in history that comes close was Ty Burna’s unprecedented run with the world championship.”

Copeland nodded before adding his two cents, “All fantastic competitors in their own right. They all stepped up to the plate, and yet he still managed to best them time and time again. Everest, as his former rival, what do you think about Titus’ historic title reign?”

Six pairs of eyes turned to gaze at the former champion. The room fell silent. Even the cameramen held their breaths, waiting for the once great competitor to speak.

Everest smiled. “Titus was already a hall of famer before winning the Eurasian championship. It was just about the only thing that he didn’t accomplish in this industry. But it seems to me that despite everything; winning world titles, going into the hall of fame, that he still had something left to prove. And not to the fans, but to himself. I think that brought upon the change in his attitude. Titus has now wrestled long enough to see himself become the villain. And it’s something that many of us would never thought that we would see. After seeing some of the lengths that he has been willing to go through to prove whatever point that he has set out to make, I have to say that I’m shocked.”

Whatever had been driving Titus this hard for so long had to go beyond just simple pride or even a competitor’s spirit. Everest knew this, and so did Cat.

“Perhaps Titus feels that his days as a competitor are truly numbered and this is his way of saying ‘hey, I might have reached the top, but I’m going to set the bar even higher.’ He’s developed an ego of the likes I haven’t seen before. But, how many performers can say that they’ve accomplished what Titus has done?”

“Very few Cat,” Copeland interjected.

“At this point, Titus will remain champion if he wants to be. There’s a strong possibility he might even retire without losing it. Though his recent actions tend to suggest that he might be losing his edge. I have never seen him so frazzled going into a big match like this before.”

“I have to agree Seabass,” Cohen nodded.

“Normally I’d be on the champ’s side, but after that huge loss to Wren on Meltdown, who knows where his head is right now. What an embarrassment.”

“I wouldn’t call that loss an embarrassment, Jack.”

“Then this was clearly a fluke victory. That rookie would have never beaten Titus otherwise.”

Cat held up her hands and interrupted, “Perhaps Titus got way too full of himself and underestimated his opponent. He hasn’t faced an opponent like Kagura before and maybe he got pigheaded.”

“No, he hasn’t,” agreed Copeland.

“Looking back a year ago; even to Kingdom Come, did any of us expect Kagura to be challenging Titus? She’s a former Elite champion in her own right, sure. But afterwards something changed. Ever since she started carrying that book around with her, chaos was never far behind. We all saw what she was capable of when she attacked Ramparte. She morphed into something that was truly dangerous. Not to mention that she has defeated many of the same opponents that have unsuccessfully challenged Titus in the past. Kagura has something to prove here, just like Titus did way back then.”

“I certainly never expected this,” said Everest.

“Kagura had already made some pretty big waves during her feud with Ramparte. But after coming up short for the Elite title recently, challenging someone with Titus’ reputation makes sense. Look at the reaction that she’s received from the fans in recent weeks. She’s become a fan favorite. And I don’t think that the fans cheer her just because they hate Titus that much. Those cheers are real. For every #NotMyChampion tweet there seems to be a ‘Make Kagura Great Again’ sign in the crowd.”

There was truth to his words. Kagura’s transformation had been much like Titus’ had been, but reversed; the fallen hero versus the reformed villain. Perhaps this had been the reason why he had attacked her so viciously.

“I get it. Kagura is now the hero to the fans that Titus used to be, so maybe he sees a reflection of his past self within this recent turn of hers and that frightens him.”

Cohen let out a laugh, “That’s an interesting theory, Cat. If Kagura does defeat Titus at Apocalypse, then I don’t think that it’s going to be a fluke. She’s clearly gotten to him. And she’s not even using her little magic book either. On Meltdown, she was the one that stood triumphant at the end over Titus’ bruised body. I can see that the drive and passion that once lit a fire under Titus has now set her ablaze.”

“I’m surprised, Jack. I didn’t think you’d be on her side. All things considered.”

He smirked, “Listen, that girl was trained by Sasuke Gozaburo, who was a friend of mine. He was more than just a manager to her. He taught her the ropes. Sasuke was an international icon back in the day. He was one of the few foreigners to win the heavyweight title on American soil. I teamed with him many times. He was as ruthless and intelligent as they came. Many fans expected to see some uncultured savage, but that wasn’t Sasuke. He was charming, he spoke fluent English, he had an intimidating look, and above all else he was cocky and outspoken. In fact, Titus’ current behavior reminds me a lot of Sasuke’s back in the day. And months ago, I saw many of his mannerisms in Kagura too. Perhaps Kagura saw so much of her old mentor in Titus, that challenging him was too good of an opportunity to pass up. It’s possible that she knows a lot more about Titus than she lets on. If so, then she’s basically the perfect opponent for him.”

“Not only that but his mind games have all backfired and that must burn him up inside. Kagura seems to have lost her ability to speak, and her silence must be unnerving. She has said more by simply trading fists with him, than Titus could shout in a dozen promos. One must wonder if he’s just filled with hot air at this point. But I should wonder, where does Titus go if he loses tonight? No doubt that Kagura will rocket herself back towards superstardom in she manages to dethrone him.”

“Excellent question, Cat,” Copeland added.

“The most logical answer is that Titus is bound to challenge for the world championship again. I doubt he would concern himself with Gold Rush. With his resume, he can practically do what he wants. But who knows really? What’s for sure is that Titus has a fight on his hands tonight, and if the dust settles and he’s no longer the champ, then we have no way of knowing just what he’s going to do. But is the pressure too much for Kagura to handle though? We have all seen Titus battered and bruised and still come out the victor. Even in recent history against Blackjack Theron, his opponent had undergone a transformation and still couldn’t claim victory. Titus is no stranger to big matches like these, he has the edge in experience. Another factor could be Kagura’s injuries. If Kagura can’t fight through the pain, then Titus will have a clear advantage. Titus is used to working through pain during the regular season. He’s done it for years. For the last 517 days, he’s done it consistently. Kagura might be completely off her game.”

“I can vouch for that,” Everest said, with conviction in his voice.

“Titus is not only physically tough, but mentally too. Kagura might be in his head, but there’s no way she’s broken his body. The man is a machine. I have never faced Kagura before so I have no opinion on her capabilities. I am sure she’s a fine competitor, but then again so was Theron, and Vee, and Flex Mussel, and Matt Tastic. Titus has defeated him too. If Kagura has an extra gear that we haven’t seen before, she’ll have to use it tonight. Otherwise she won’t win.”

Cat let out an audible sigh, “Be that as it may, Kagura does have one advantage though. Titus had already been well acquainted with his previous opponents. He fought Theron Daggershield and Flex Mussel twice. He and S.H.I.T share a long history together. Vee he had become familiar with during the regular season. The point is that Titus had some kind of contact with nearly all his opponents. By the time he was defending his title against them he had a plan of action. He had either beaten them before, or had them well scouted. Kagura came out of nowhere. Complete left field. Kagura was fighting her way through grudge matches, while Titus was on the marquee turning back challenger after challenger. She has no history with him at all, so there was no way for him to prepare for her challenge. Scouting her is difficult because she’s been unpredictable for so long. As soon as his back is turned she could curse him! He had to result to an act of cowardice last week by assaulting her before her match, and it still backfired on him. In my opinion Kagura has the edge here.”

“So what’s the call?” asked Cohen.

“Who’s winning tonight, Titus or Kagura, any opinions?”

Cat was first, “I really think that this match favors Kagura. Unlike his other opponents, Titus has absolutely no experience fighting her in a singles match. And she’s shown the capability of getting the upper hand on him outside the ring. I’d put my money on Kagura becoming the next Eurasian champion.”

The former champion was the next to speak, “Just when I think that Titus had done everything he still continues to impress me. I’ve been in the ring with him. I know what he’s capable of. He’s not the type of opponent that anyone can just walk in and defeat, no matter what type of advantage they might have. In the past Titus fought for something special; an identity that was his and his alone. It got to the point where it wasn’t about ego or fame or adoration. Titus fights because he enjoys going out to that ring every week and showing the world that he’s still the greatest wrestler in our industry. Even though he might not be the hero that we all remember him to be, he still fights for the exact same reasons. Kagura is untested and I think she’s biting off more than she can chew. I have to say that Titus retains.”

Then Copeland, “All of you makes some great points. Kagura is untested, but she doesn’t lack experience in big matches like these. Maybe Kagura wants to prove that she can beat Titus without using her book. That thing has granted her tremendous power in the past, but maybe she feels like it can’t help her here. I like a great underdog story, so I’m going to say that Kagura does the unthinkable, and wins.”

All eyes rested on the ‘Magnificent One’ now, he smirked.

“Unlike Seabass I am a realist. Kagura is underdog, that is for sure. Titus, win or lose, will still go down in history as perhaps the greatest champion we have ever had. Those are some big shoes to fill. Do any of you see Kagura still Eurasian champion a year from now? Don’t get me wrong; I am not trying to discredit her. I am just making observations. She was trained by Sasuke, and I can see that she’s inherited his spirit. I can see the fire in her eyes. The same desire that he once had. Out of respect for my old friend, I’m going to back his student. If he could accomplish things that were said to have been impossible, then maybe she can too.”


Having traveled from Boston to Tokyo and then to Philadelphia over the course of a few days had given Kagura a severe case of jet lag. Mental fatigue was pushing her close to the breaking point. Unfortunately, after the events on Meltdown in Philly, her body was not faring any better. The triple threat with Tony Mancini and Lynx was supposed to have been a short affair – arrive, kick ass, and then leave. She was not expecting Titus to ambush her from behind.

Her backed ached as a painful reminder of being shoved into the steel barricade. After he was escorted away, it had taken every ounce of will power that she had to stagger back to the ring. She didn’t know what was driving her on at that point. Her body was spent; maybe she should have ignored the referee’s pleas to stop. She immediately broke up the pin fall attempt, and that’s when Lynx threw her hard into the turnbuckle. She felt a searing pain in her left shoulder and prayed to the Kami that she hadn’t torn something. After that, everything seemed to slow down; the adrenaline had kicked in. Using her judo training, she outmaneuvered the time traveler before setting her sights on the Yonkers native. She wrestled him to the mat; ending things swiftly with the double fisted heart punch.

She managed to pay that bastard Titus back before the night was through, but she had no time to celebrate. This was going to be the biggest match of her career, and she hardly had any time to prepare. She had planned on leaving directly after the show, but had to wait almost an hour in the medical bay before being discharged. She took a taxi to the airport. Walking slowly along the terminal, she winched as she clutched her shoulder, which was still covered in tape.

Derrick greeted her with a smile, but the forlorn look in her eyes told him that something was wrong. He grabbed her luggage and led her to one of the seats. Her face contorted with pain, as her eyes filled with tears.

“You okay?”

His eyes were filled with such warmth, that she couldn’t hold back any longer. She broke down right beside him, the emotion pouring out of her like a massive raging river. He sat in silence and listened to her cry. This was her only source of relief over her frustration with her daily life.

“I know none of this has to be easy, but you’re not alone in all of this. I’m always going to be here for you.”

He reached over and helped her dry her tears. She was trying to do right by him, her grandfather, and her sensei. Thanks to her selfish actions, Sasuke was now in a coma, and had been that way for some time. She had insisted on going to see him as soon as the realization had hit her that she had been the cause of the man’s suffering. He had tried to avoid the subject ever since the plane ride back from Tokyo, but he could tell that her heart was heavy with guilt.

Kagura slept the whole way to St. Louis; Sasuke’s home town. Bad weather had caused recent delays at the Lambert International airport over the last few days. He grabbed their luggage and got them a cab. It was late into the evening, so he thought it was best to see Sasuke tomorrow morning. She agreed. The suite only had one bed, but neither of them seemed to mind. Kagura undressed and crashed right away. Derrick stayed awake a few minutes longer; he couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful girl that lay beside him. Even covered in bumps and bruises, she looked like an angel when she slept. He smiled. He remembered a time when he used to question why he would go out of his way for her, but deep down he knew the answer. It was love.

Kagura yawned as the rays of sunlight hit her face, and sat up. She turned to see Derrick still sleeping beside her. His light snoring and rhythmic breathing was a comfort to her. If it hadn’t of been for Derrick, she was sure she would have succumbed to the effects of the curse a long time ago. Getting out of bed she tiptoed over to the couch and quietly opened his bag. The book was inside of it.

‘So, he did keep it after all.’

She wasn’t sure if he was going to try and return the book to the Tokyo museum without telling her. Even 7,000 miles of land and water between them wouldn’t be enough to stop the curse. If it would have been that simple, she would have thrown it into a dumpster already. She heard Derrick stirring under the sheets, mentally swearing to herself as she closed his bag. She rushed to his side with a huge grin on her face. She whipped out her phone and sent him a quick text message, holding his phone up to his face.


“You seem to be in better spirits today, Kagura.”

It was a half-truth. Last night’s sleep had eased her physical ailments somewhat, but she was quite anxious to see Sasuke. After grabbing their luggage, and checking out of the hotel they called for another cab.

Derrick had been keeping tabs on Sasuke’s condition ever since the incident. After he and Kagura had left his house that fateful day, a concerned neighbor had seen him asleep in chair in his Florida room through a window. After two days with no visible movement, she had called the paramedics. Sasuke had been admitted into the Barnes-Jewish hospital where his case had baffled doctors. He showed no signs of injury or disease. After failing to bring him out of the coma, they left him when his vitals appeared to be stable. Having no immediate family in the city, his case was picked up by the state until his relatives in Saitama, Japan were eventually notified. He was then transferred to Kindred Hospital-St. Louis, and was placed in acute long term care.

“How are you feeling,” Derrick asked, as he and Kagura walked towards the entrance of the medical center.

She took her phone and shot him another text.


He greeted the nurse at the desk, “I’m Dr. Derrick Housman. I spoke to you on the phone a few days ago. We are here to see Sasuke Gozaburo.”

Looking over his shoulder he shot Kagura a look, “She’s a relative of his.”

He lied, but the nurses were more than likely to give them more privacy if they thought she was his daughter instead of his student. And even though Kagura was on cable TV on a weekly basis, she wasn’t quite as recognizable to non-wrestling fans. Sasuke’s room was located on the north block of the hospital. Kagura bowed slightly to the nurse, as she and Derrick stepped inside. Her jaw nearly dropped. There sitting in a bed, hooked up to a machine which kept him alive, was her old friend and former manager.

She laid one trembling hand on the railing of the bed. Even into his 50’s, Sasuke had been a pillar of manhood. He retained his chiseled physique from his younger days, but now he looked so thin. He appeared to have lost seventy pounds and looked a decade older. Her heart leapt into her throat. Derrick spoke at her side.

“When we split a few months ago, I almost didn’t come back. When I saw that you had forgotten about this, I was disgusted. I tried to get you to remember, but now I understand that it was Ryuumi’s lingering influence that had messed with your memories. I came back because it looked like you were beginning to turn over a new leaf. I had the chance to think things over; you must have had a good reason for performing the ritual. In the short time that I knew both of you, I could tell that you loved Sasuke almost like a father figure. You idolized him, didn’t you?”

Kagura nodded numbly. She remembered it now; the reason why she did this. When she had lost the Elite championship so quickly, she had panicked. She thought that she didn’t have what it took to be a success in the wrestling industry, and the book had offered her a seemingly quick and easy solution. In a moment of weakness and depression, she stole Sasuke’s willpower in the hopes that she could use his infinite confidence and tenacity to achieve her dreams. In a way, she became Sasuke. That was how she came to master English so quickly. That was how she could conquer the effects of her culture shock. Without that willpower, Sasuke’s bodily functions literally shut down. It’s as if someone had ripped his soul straight from his body. By medical logic he was simply comatose.

She clenched her fist and squeezed the rail as hard as she could. Derrick, sensing her mood, left her be. He gave her a reassuring pat on her other shoulder, before shutting the door on his way out. Try as she might, she could not stop her tears from falling again.

‘Sasuke, I’m so sorry. If I had known this was going to happen I never would have done this. I should have stayed far away from that damn book! All I wanted was to be just like you. I wanted to have your confidence and your knowledge. Wrestling was still so new to me, and I didn’t want to return to Japan a disappointment. I didn’t want to drag you down with me. I thought that if I had your abilities, if only for a little bit, that I could become great too. But now I realize that I can’t piggyback off others. I must achieve success on my own. That’s why I vow that I’ll win the Eurasian title with nothing but my own skills. Our skills. It cost me my voice, but I don’t care. I’ll use the last little bit of this power, and after I win I’ll find a way to undo this. I swear!’

She had been so lost in her own thoughts, that she didn’t sense the heavy fog filtering in through the vents in the walls and ceiling. Soon it became hard to breathe. She began coughing. The temperature began dropping.


That’s when she felt it; the icy presence of the onryo. It had followed her here; she couldn’t escape the curse.


‘I knew you’d come for me, demon. I was weak, and I fell right into your trap. I suppose Ryuumi did too. You know, when she had control I knew deep down what was going on. I just didn’t care. I suppose I was already mad. But before you take the rest of my sanity, there’s something that I must do first.’

Kagura felt a chill as the spirit bore down on her; like it was grabbing her throat trying to choke her to death. And that’s when she heard the laughter.

‘I wanted to think that it was Titus laughing at me, but in truth it’s been you this whole time! His 515 days of brutality is impressive, but you’ve terrorized me for even longer. 594 days to be exact; that’s how long I’ve been under your thumb. And even after seeing you for what you are, I still don’t have the power to defeat you.’

She felt its lifeless white hand grip her injured shoulder as she cried out in pain. She jumped away from the bed as she felt the cold air envelope her body.

‘Titus is just a stepping stone. After I defeat him and exorcise his presence from the Eurasian division, I will find a way to defeat you too. I promise you that! You won’t stand in my way. Not now! I’ve come so close to achieving my dream once again.’

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out an ofuda. With one swift motion, she bent down and slammed it against the tile floor, causing the ghost to release her grip.

‘These talismans are special; I got these from my grandfather. They can absorb and contain evil spirit energy. I can’t defeat you yet, but I can trap you here until I return. You won’t ruin my chances to be champion again!’

Kagura slammed the ofuda against all the walls in the room, but couldn’t reach the ceiling. The onryo, sensing the danger, fled. Kagura felt the chill in the air dissipate through the air vents. She swore to herself, as Derrick threw open the door.

“What’s going on? I heard someone pounding on the walls.”

He glanced down to see Kagura holding one of her special talismans. He could see several of them plastered all over the floor, vents, and windows. She gritted her teeth and pulled out her phone. Quickly she pounded out a text message.


Derrick let out a sigh as Kagura took his bag from him. She quickly opened it and retrieved the book. She laid it on the chair beside Sasuke’s bed and slapped an ofuda on top of it. Not satisfied, she quickly slapped two more on top of the first, sealing the cover. She picked it up as if it were a newborn, and then thrust it into Derrick’s arms. She sent him one last text.


‘That’s easier said than done. I must take that title away from Titus. His days of being champion are numbered, and he knows it. If he knew anything about me and what I’ve been through, and what I have sacrificed to get this far then he’d know that his efforts of defeating me are futile. I may have lost my voice, but others have spoken for me. The fans want to make me great again. I want to make myself great again. His reign will go down in history as perhaps the greatest ever, but it won’t last forever. At Apocalypse, when I raise that belt above my head Titus, understand that on that night I was simply better than you. Your legacy will not disappear, but a new one will rise. And pretty soon everyone will be hearing legends about that woman.’
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