Apocalypse: The Clark Sisters versus Wren & Yemrez Reqonic

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By order of Becky Serra, it’s an all female tag team match. The Clarks get the chance to team up against Wren, who has been very impressive with a victory over Titus which puts her right in the title hunt, and Yemrez Reqonic. All four women will want to impress with Gold Rush fast approaching and spots in the tournament already being discussed. A victory here would do wonders for any of them wishing to be involved in the tournament.

Part of my rp won't make sense until you read Jam's. Just a heads up.

My Day From Hell:

The Day After Ascension: Philadelphia International Airport

It was the day after Ascension and time for Gabi and I to head to the next city for the next round. But this time we're heading the best city in the world, our hometown, New York City baby. Most if not all the roster was driving there, but Gabi, Bates, Sid and I are flying. Driving 4 hours when you can fly for 30? Puh-lese, so not happening. At least not until WZCW starts providing us with a limo. Sid was in my bag, I got away with bringing him on the plane because he's such a good boy and hello, money talks. We had just finished going through the TSA line when Gabi spoke up.

Gabi: I'm so excited we get to team at Apocalypse girl.

Callie: Me too sis, and even better it's in our hometown! Finally the fans will show us some respect and not boo us. Plus we're facing Wren and Yemrez Reqonic, I've already beat both of them in my last 2 matches so beating them together should be totes easy.

Gabi: Totes.

Callie: Did you get an update yet if our costumes have arrived?

Gabi nods.

Gabi: Yup they have, we're gonna pay tribute to a couple of New York legends. Of course one day we're gonna be the biggest New York legends ever. Even bigger than both of the ones we're paying tribute to combined!

Callie: Well yeah obvi, we're already legends in the making.

We proceeded to our gate with Bates leading the way, prepared to act as a security guard if need be. As we got to our gate, we took 3 open seats together and waited to board the flight. Bates took the chance to read a newspaper that someone had left there, Gabi and I decided to discuss our upcoming match more.

Gabi: So what tips do you have after facing Wren and Yemrez? Anything I should be on the look out for?

I shrug.

Callie: I mean if Yemrez goes to the top rope watch out for her finisher, and I guess Wren is a good striker or whatevs, but they don't have experience in teaming like we do, they won't be able to work together well and come on, between the two of them they can barely equal the talent of one of us, never mind both of us!

I let out a laugh, sure I was being cocky but truthfully I did feel that way. Gabi and I have a super strong bond and we can communicate in the ring without saying a word and having the home field advantage is going to help us even more. Gabi nodded in agreement with what I had to say.

Gabi: Well yeah obvi we're more talented, but if we get too cocky they'll catch us off guard and beat us. We can't lose in our hometown, we can't.

Gabi shook her head and I agreed with her, coming home and losing our first pay per view match? No no no, that can't happen. We are sooo not going to let that happen and let ourselves look like jokes. We are not jokes.

Callie: We won't sis, no way. Wren is simply a coward, a coward too afraid to show her face to the world and Yemrez might have Olympic medals, but Olympic medals aren't going to get her victories.

Before we could continue our conversation, the lady at the desk announced they were about to begin booking and asked everybody to line up. Sadly this stupid airline didn't offer first class so we would have to board along with the disgusting group of people known as everybody else on the plane. But at least we won't have to sit with them since Bates, Gabi and I have tickets for the same row. The three of us stood up and walked over to where we were supposed to line up, pushing past others already in line in the process. Their might be no first class on this flight, but we're still VIP's and we deserve to be on the plane before these normal P's.

We managed to get on the plane pretty quick thankfully, with me in the isle seat, Bates in the middle and Gabi having the window seat. As the flight began filling up, one of the flight attendants came on the intercom with an announcement.

Flight Attendant: Ladies and Gentleman thank you for flying United Airlines today, we will go over the safety information in just a coupe minutes but first we have an announcement to make. Unfortunately we seem to have overbooked this plane and are going to have to ask some people to leave. We're very sorry for the incovience and will make sure to get you on the very next flight out of here to New York as well as offering you a gift card to our airlines which can be used for your next flight.

Gabi and I looked at each other and shrugged at the announcement. We watched to see 3 or 4 people get asked to leave and see them gather their things and walk off the plane. Just as I was about to turn my phone off, i felt a tap on my shoulder and could see an attendant squat down next to me, oh no they are totes not about to do what I think they're gonna do.

Flight Attendant: Miss you have been randomly selected to be moved to the next flight. We're very sorry but we are going to need you to leave.

Gabi let out a little chuckle before I could respond,
but I was appaled at this woman daring to try and kick me of all people off this flight.

Gabi: You picked the wrong girl to kick off the plane lady, good luck getting her to leave.

I turned my head to look at the flight attendant, hate in my eyes as I shot her the nastiest glare I could manage.

Callie: Me? Uh no do you not know who I am?

Flight Attendant: If you're Callie Clark then yes I do, you're one of the names randomly selected to be moved to the next flight out and we're going to need you to leave.

How dare this woman treat me this way, I felt so disgusted in that moment. If I didn't think it'd land me in jail I would have slapped the taste right out of her mouth.

Callie: Why me? Why not that guy over there?

I pointed to a guy a couple rows up on the other side of the plane, who was enjoying a snack he brought with him.

Callie: He's sitting there grossing everybody out chewing with his mouth open and he smells!

The flight attendant looked over quickly, showing no signs of changing her mind before looking back at me.

Flight Attendant: Again I'm sorry miss, but you were chosen at random. You need to leave.

I felt so annoyed at this moment, clearly this woman doesn't know who she's dealing with.

Callie: Uh no, I need to get to New York and get home. Besides I'm with my sister and butler.

I had no intention of getting off this plane, and the flight attendant could see that as she began getting annoyed with me and called over the other 2 flight attendants.

Flight Attendant: And I'm very sorry miss but we have to be fair and your name was picked at random. Now please, grab your things and get off the plane so we can finish boarding.

I looked over at Gabi and Bates, both of whom tell me to just go and they will see me in New York.

Gabi: Sis I agree this is totes unfair but I don't think you can win this battle.

I roll my eyes and stand up, giving the group of flight attendants a death glare as I do.

Callie: Fine, but I'm not leaving without my dog.

Bates, who was holding Sid in his carrier bag,, hands me the bag and I take it.

Gabi: I'll call you in a minute and we can keep talking sis. Good luck getting home.

I nod as I put the bag on my shoulder so I can get my suitcase out of the overhead bin, and head off the plane much to my annoyance. As I get back into the airport, the lady at the desk tells me the next flight leaves in 2 hours from the same gate and hands me the gift card, as if I'd ever fly this totes unprofessional airline again! I storm off in anger from the gate, now I need to find something to do. But first I unzip Sid's bag and he pokes his head out.

Callie: Well Sid, I guess we might as well get some lunch since we're stuck here for awhile.

A Half Hour Later: The Airport Food Court

Sid and I settled on the food court in the airport for our lunch, we tried going into one of the actual restaurant so we could sit and enjoy a decent meal but they all refused to let me bring Sid in, whatevs rude people. Don't they know who I am? World famous people deserve special treatment! As I walked to the food court I looked at my phone and saw a text from Bates, after opening it I realized it was Gabi texting me from his phone.

Gabi: OMG that witch stole my phone out of my hand and hung it up! How dare she do that! She said it was because "I couldn't use my phone during take off" but now she says she won't give me my phone back until we land, ugh! I had to steal Bates's phone to text this to you. You should tweet something about her, we need to ruin her!

I couldn't believe what I just read. Not only did that witch Molly kick me off the plane but then she treated Gabi bad too? That was the last straw, time to ruin her. I quickly opened the twitter app on my phone and sent out a tweet.

Nobody should ever fly @UnitedAirlines again, their flight attendant Molly is the rudest person I've ever met! Kicked me off the flight and stole Gabi's phone!

I smirked and put my phone back in my pocket as I entered the food court, and looked around.

Callie: Hmm what should we eat Sid?

We looked over our options, the few we had. After a quick mental debate we chose pizza, after all nobody can mess up pizza right? After getting my slice of pepperoni pizza and root beer soda, I found an empty table in the corner of the food court, perfect chance for me to get a little bit away from these disgusting people in Philly and try to enjoy my lunch, even if it was less than ideal.

Callie: Ugh this pizza is so greasy!

I looked down and saw small puddles of grease on the pizza and almost gagged. Thankfully I had some napkins to get as much of the grease as possible off the pizza, at least to the point of being eatable. Finally I was able to bite into the pizza, for being food court pizza it actually was decent, not that I had much better options available to me.

Callie: I tell you Sid, this has been a day from hell and when Apocalypse comes, I'm going to unleash all the rage that's been building inside of me today on Wren and Yemrez! They might think this is their big chance to steal the spotlight off The Clark Sisters and beat them in their hometown, but I am full of rage now and Gabi just needs to stop playing nice and she'll start winning too. The spotlight Gabi and I have is only gonna keep growing, Yemrez and Wren need to step back or get stepped on, because The Clark Sisters are climbing straight to the top on the ladder of success.

I sat and ate the rest of my pizza, giving Sid a little piece of the crust as a treat for being a good boy. I was just about finished with my root beer when I pulled out my phone and checked the time, looking to see how much longer I would be stuck in this hell hole of a city.

Callie: Only another 45 minutes Sid, I guess we might as well head back to the gate, at least those seats are cushioned.

After seeing a text I got awhile ago from Gabi saying her and Bates landed safely in New York and taunting me, saying she hopes I'm having fun in Philly,. I rolled my eyes and stood up, putting Sid fully back into his carrier bag. I thought about taking care of my tray, but after the day I've had I was in no mood to do a favor for anybody and I didn't feel like walking all the way back across the food court to the trash can so I left the tray on the table and walked out of the food court.

Callie: Frank Sinatra said if I can make it there, I can make it anywhere. You know where he said that about? Our city, New York City. Gabi and I have already made it in New York City, we've made names of ourselves. But Yemrez and Wren? HA! They can't make it in these crappy other cities and they think they can make a name for themselves in the greatest city in the world?

I shook my head.

Callie: The only thing they're gonna be doing in New York City is getting boo'd out of the building and helping Gabi and I prove why we're just as good as we say we are.

I chuckled a bit as I walked back over to the terminal area, and sat down to wait to board. Hopefully my day from hell was over and I could get back to New York and enjoy my time home with Gabi and Bates and Sid. After all Gabi and I have much preparation to do for the biggest match we've ever had.
As soon as Callie was taken off the flight, I looked out my window to see my little sister with a frown on her face but she’ll be fine. At least she had Sid with her. I bust out my phone and dialed her number. I look through the window again and see her looking into her bag.


“Cal, you alright? Sorry that just happened. Who the hell overbooks an airplane? I swear, we’re never flying United ever again.”

“Exactly! What stupid face was born and got the job of booking people’s flights that they overlook an overbooking? Ugh. Totes annoying.”

“You gonna be alright?”

“Obvii I’ll be alright Gab, I’m just totes annoyed.”

“Look on the bright side…”



“Yeah, I got nothing.”

“You know the flight is taking off right?”

“Yeah! So! I’m comforting my baby sis. Got a problem with that?”

“Uhm no you dummy. I’m just saying that the flight is taking off and the flight attendant is gonna tell you to turn your phone off.”

Just then, the red headed flight attendant came up to me and Bates’s aisle.

“Excuse me ma’am, I’m gonna have to tell you to turn your phone off. You can't use your phone as we take off.”

“Don’t tell me what to do! You guys just removed my sister from the flight because of overbooking. How the hell does that even happen?!”

“Ma’am, I’m sorry that happened but I’m gonna have to ask you again to turn your phone off.”


I ignore her and look to Bates.

“Can you believe the nerve of SOME PEOPLE, Bates?”

I look towards the flight attendant at “SOME PEOPLE.” Almost immediately, the flight attendant flashes her cat like reflexes and snatches my phone away from me.

“What?! Did this woman just do that? What?! Hey! Give me back my phone!”

Looking real happy with herself, the flight attendant flashes a smile before looking to the other people on the flight as she makes a calming motion that everything is under control. She looks back at me.

“You can have this back after we land.”

"Did she just? No. She didnt - oh heck no. There'll be hell to pay. I just need to know her name."

Ugh, this woman is so annoying as she began to walk away. I was balling my fists and was ready to punch something but I stopped myself. I have to find out this chick's name.

“Hey! Stupid face who took my phone away!”

She looked my way and I saw her name – Molly. As soon as she walked away, I grabbed Bates’s phone from his shirt pocket.

“Gabiiiiii, c’mon. What are you doing this time? They’re gonna take my phone away now.”

“Oh hush, Bates. This’ll only take a second.”

I put in Callie's number and being texting her.
OMG that witch stole my phone out of my hand and hung it up! How dare she do that! She said it was because "I couldn't use my phone during take off" but then she didn't give me my phone back until we landed. I had to steal Bates phone to text this to you. You should tweet something about her, we need to ruin her!

The signal cut out right before I could send another message. I give Bates his phone back.

“Are you happy with yourself?”

“Totes happy with myself, Bates. Totes happy.”

I know that was pretty snobby of me but Bates should be used to that by now. At least he still had his phone. I had to wait for that witch to give me back my phone. What am I? In middle school!? Ugh. So annoying. I’ll admit that I’ve been snobbier and bitchier lately because of my losses so far in WZCW. I went up against a weirdo in Lynx and Eve just got the better of me that night. What’s worse is that I know I can beat these guys. It’s never a good feeling to think you’re not good enough. I know I may be snobby but I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy. Well, maybe to Molly though. Nah. Maybe not.

“There are other matters that you should be focusing on, Gabi. This is the first instance in which you and Callie can finally work as a tag team. In your hometown of New York City nonetheless! Surely you’ve got to have some butterflies in your stomach, no?”

“Damn it, Bates. I was just getting comfortable about that topic. First, Callie is taken away from us. Second, my phone is taken away. Third, I’m still groveling over my losing streak!”

I knew I had to take a deep breath after saying that loud. A few people on the plane began looking at me as if I was some weirdo. Fudge. I just made this worse for myself. Not gonna lie, it did feel good saying that out loud.

“And the truth comes out.”

“What are you talking about now, Bates?”

“You can’t fool a wise man, Gabi. The past few weeks, I've noticed that you weren't yourself. Sure. You and your sister can be... a handful, but this was different. Now that I know what it’s about, I’m here to tell you what I always tell you when you come to me with an obstacle. Suck it the hell up.”

Ugh, Batesy. Bates was the only person in the world that I couldn’t hate. Especially since he’s usually right about things. He’s been there for Callie and I since I can remember and for that, I really owe him a lot. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m annoyed with him now though. Ugh!

“Yeah, well… if you were a competitor in WZCW, you’d know how I feel.”

“Oh trust me. I know how you feel, Gabi. You feel as if you're letting down an important person in your life- talking about Callie of course. And you feel you're good enough to be in WZCW just because of a losing streak. You must be feeling a million and one emotions. You’re such a girl!”

I just looked at Bates, stoic. After a few moments, I burst out in laughter. Again, people turn their heads towards me.

“I really hate you, Bates.”

“Of course you are. The right advice will help you come to a realization that what I say is indeed correct.”

“Yeah, well. I hate it when you’re right.”

“What else is new?”

“Ugh! Because… Callie is killing it so far and I feel like I’m just weighing her down. My sissy may have more success without me. Plus, we’re performing in front of all our fans in New York City! Madison Square Garden! The pressure. Ugh. This is worst than my period.”

“Uhmmm… now you’ve just made it awkward. Superb job, Gabi.”

“Oh hush, Bates. Callie and I have never been in a tag team match in WZCW before. This is our first one. Callie has been winning her singles matches. She hasn’t lost yet. So how embarrassing would it be for her first loss to be in a match where I’m her partner?”

You guys agree with me right? How much pressure I must feel being in a tag match with my sister who has never lost while I’ve been losing a ton while we have to perform in our hometown of New York City in front of all our adoring fans! Ugh. It’s hard being me sometimes.

“Gabi Gabi Gabi. Just take a breath, alright? We'll be in New York City soon. United Airlines surprisingly isn't that inept. If you see their other flights, it actually would've taken us longer to take the plane ride instead of driving to New York. So just take a breath and relax. Let me tell you about New York. Don’t you know that New York City has some magic to it?”

“What do you mean?”

“New York City is such a busy city that it’s hard to get noticed. However, you and your sister are in the spotlight. Now, it’s up to you guys to grab it and stay there. New York is known for some of the best sports teams in history. The Yankees, the Knicks, the Giants, the Rangers. All of these teams were once great and some are great right now. The bond you and Callie have with New York City is legendary. There’s just something about New York City that forces people to take it to the next level.”

“Holy crap, Bates. You’re so freaking right. Callie and I are not only representing ourselves out there, we’re representing the entire state of New York!”


“Now that I think of it, Wren and Yemrez haven’t tagged together. EVER. They both know the wrath that is called Callie but when you add me to the mix, they won’t know what’s coming. Not only that, but they’ll be dealing with two different styles. While they possess different styles as well, Callie and I have the advantage of being freaking sisters. I know her like the back of my hand. Sometimes more than I know myself, it’s scary.”

So with Bates calming me down and just me being totally freaking awesome, I’m now feeling better. Yeah yeah, I guess you can say I was being a girl with my emotions. But can you blame me? I am a girl for Christ’s sake! Bite me.

“Bates, it’s funny you talk about the legendary sports team New York has.”

“Why’s that?”

“You recognize names like Ewing, Frazier, Jeter, Rivera, Messier, Manning, Strahan, and so on and so forth. By the time Callie and I are done, you better bet your ass that everyone will be assosicating the name, Clark, with that all-time great list. With a win at the Apocalypse pay-per-view, we move one step towards making that a reality.”

After that, I was calm. Several minutes have passed and this 30 minute flight had gone by quickly. The pilot went on the comms and thanked everyone for flying United. Molly came back and handed me my phone. And she did so with a smile. Oh boy, the things I wanted to do to her right now. I could've punched her un-aligned teeth down her throat but I chose not to. I took my phone back with force and she flashed me a disgusted look. Oh hell no!

Moments later, a plump, big nosed man came aboard. He was wearing a suit and some expensive silver cuff links. I noticed a United Airlines pin right above his pocket square. I knew this man! He was an investor in one of the modeling agencies Callie and I model for. I surely made this man a lot of money.

When we came on board, his facial expression showed was not a happy one.


OMG. Is this about to happen? No way... Indeed. Mr. Edward Verrett stood before Molly who was standing right next to me. She looked super worried to see her boss. He cuffed his hands and whispered something into Molly's ear. I could see Molly melting as if she didn't want to be there at that very moment as she turned a bright apple red.

Molly nodded her head after Mr. Verrett stopped speaking to her. I was looking at the whole fiasco the entire time. And why not? ;) Molly glared at me then proceeded to leave the plane.

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience Ms. Clark. Please accept our voucher. We've booked you, your sister, and Mr. Bates here at the Four Seasons Hotel. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience."

"Oh that's quite alright Mr. Verrett. It's a sad day that some of your EMPLOYEES can't show the same decency that you do."

I make sure that "EMPLOYEES" was emphasized and loud enough for Molly to hear even as she was walking away from everything. She stops in her place as she hears me then a split second later, she continues walking.

"Again, we are sorry Ms. Clark. It won't happen again. Please, we have a limo waiting for you. Let me take your bags."

Bates's bags and my bags were taken by some of the luggage guys as we could see our limo in the distance.

"My goodness, Gabi. You are so...extra."

"And that's the way it's supposed to be ;) "
It's All About Bliss.!

~Chapter 3: Aftermath of First Loss~

2 Days After Ascension 116
The scene opens with Yemrez Reqonıc standing in kitchen of her modest home. She was standing there since almost an hour talking to herself about why she couldn't defeat Callie Clark at Ascension 116.

Yemrez: Why? Just Why?

???: Because of yourself.

Yemrez is shocked as she believed that she was alone on the kitchen. She gazes around the whole kitchen and is confused if she misheard it or someone is actually in the kitchen. As she keeps looking for the speaker, the speaker speaks again.

???: You can't find me. As much as you try, you just can't because it's my prerogative to be visible or not.

Yemrez is in even more awe and she doesn't say anything. Or rather she has nothing to say.

???: Well, don't be so confused. It ain't as puzzling as it seems. I'll help you to crack this puzzle.

As soon as the unknown speaker stopped speaking, Yemrez hears some noise from the fridge. She immediately goes to open the fridge and is even more bewildered at finding everything normal. The noise continues as Yemrez backs off from the fridge. As the noise continues getting louder and louder, she gets even more baffled. Suddenly, the fridge starts vibrating as a figure starts taking shape at the top of fridge. It takes a couple of minutes for the shape to be clear while Yemrez starts getting what's happening in the kitchen. The unknown person jumps down from the fridge. Yemrez is elated to see him and immediately runs to hug him as tightly as she could. They both continue hugging each other for what feels like several minutes for a normal person but only mere seconds for these two. With eyes closed, they keep hugging each other without speaking anything. At the same time, Quiney comes into kitchen and is baffled to see Yemrez hugging nothing but air. The innocent rabbit immediately leaves the kitchen. After a while, the hugging stops and Yemrez takes his hands in her hands and continues seeing him and getting happy as if she had discovered a treasure of bliss.

Yemrez: Thanks for coming back, my elu!
elu means "life" in Estonian language

It was indeed a too happy moment for her. Kıvanç Carrasco, her lovely fiancée who had died in a car accident in 2016, had returned to her life. He died the day when Yemrez's Olympic Finals took place. His death was the reason she choked in the final and couldn't win the big gold medal for her lovely country Estonia.

Kıvanç: The only reason you couldn't defeat Callie Clark was you yourself.

Yemrez is mystified at him knowing about her new career.

Kıvanç: I know everything about you, my elu. I have returned back for helping you in WZCW.

takes a deep breath and continues.

Kıvanç: You were defeated because you weren't focused on the match. You were distracted by various factors. Like in the midst of the match, you were giving poses for the audience. I mean, the audience does matter but posing for them in the midst of a match? That's stupid. The audience is here to see you fight every adversity and be the winner as well. Not for poses.

Yemrez: You're actually right. I was truly distracted and I need to take care of this from now onwards.

Kıvanç: Another problem was that you underestimated Callie because of her size disadvantage against you. It’s almost a crime to underestimate your competitor. You should never do so or you'll face consequences like you did by suffering your first defeat in WZCW.

Yemrez calmly listens to her fiancée while agreeing with him.

Kıvanç: But it's better late than never. The Almighty God has given you another chance against the same competitor at Apocalypse. Even better that you're provided a fierce partner in Wren against the Clark Sisters. Don't miss this opportunity to improve your past mistakes. Defeating Clark Sisters ain't going to be easy since they are real sisters and will have a certain advantage over you and Wren because you two have never talked to each other. But there's a lot of time to prepare. You two can easily defeat the sisters if you focus on the match and don't give the foxy sisters any chance to gain advantage by committing any sort of mistake.

Yemrez: I'm surprised that you know almost everything about me. But nonetheless, I need to prepare hard so as to defeat the sisters alongside Wren. I need to talk strategy with her as soon as possible.

At the same moment, Yemrez gets a text message which makes her even more happier. She shows the message to Kıvanç as well.

Text Message said:

I think that we need to meet tomorrow to talk strategy about defeating the cunning Clark Sisters. Be ready by 13:00 and I'll call you to inform the place of meeting. Take care.


The scene ends with Yemrez cooking food for Kıvanç and herself.
That was it! I have arrived as they say. The man who everyone says to have the greatest title reign of all time had fallen to me. The hall of famer and the Eurasian champion had fallen to me. Even after 2 days of the event, I couldn’t believe what I had pulled off. I didn’t know why it felt so special. It was not the first win of my life. But it sure felt like one.

“Ah! Here you are!” These words interrupted my chain of thoughts.

“What do you want?” said the annoyed voice inside me. I just kept looking out in the vicinity.

“I cannot believe that you let WZCW disrespect you so much. Aren’t you mad?”

I was a bit confused by Allison’s rhetoric. Why should I be mad? What has WZCW done to make me mad? I looked at her with a puzzled look on my face.

“I mean you beat the biggest dog in WZCW and all you get for your effort is a match against two narcissistic bitches while teaming up with someone who nobody knows about? You should be fighting for championships and no.1 contender ship. Doesn’t it make you mad?”

I wasn’t ready to hear that. I never thought so highly of the Clarke sisters as people. Narcissists is exactly what they were. But that didn’t mean I didn’t respect them as opponents. Callie had beaten me not long ago and both as a team were dangerous. And even if I didn’t know Yemrez that well, I knew one thing and that was she was a tough and proud woman. Fighting at Apocalypse against two tough opponents with a tough partner wasn’t something I would call a waste. I gave a funny look to Allison.

“You don’t get it, do you? As soon as you walked in WZCW, you should’ve been in the main event. And here you are, in meaningless matches. But now that you are in one, I want to make sure you win.”

Yeah! I had forgotten about Allison, the matriarch. Always knowing what to do. Always knowing what needs to be done to survive, to win. Forever treating me like a 10 year old. I didn’t know what she had cooked up in her mind to make sure I win, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I still wanted to find out. I tried asking her.

“You’ll find out in time. As of now, let me do what needs to be done.”


“Let me do what needs to be done.” Allison wasn’t joking. The group that was camping nearby had no idea about our presence. They sure looked like having a lot of supplies. Allison had already made up her mind.

“But why do we have to steal?” I was queasy about the whole thing. “Why can’t we scavenge like we were doing earlier?”

“Because that’s not enough. You know full well that we are running out of food and water and there’s not enough to go around. I don’t have to tell all of this to you.”

With no choices left, I reluctantly joined her in this madness. She had repeatedly assured me that we’ll take only what was necessary. We surveyed the whole camp. There were children, women, and elders. It seemed like they were halting for the night. There were cars, vans and tents all around. People seemed to be resting as there wasn’t much noise. Allison moved in ahead of me, quietly. I was still uneasy about this whole situation. We started checking in different tents and cars, looking for whatever useful we could find. Allison had a handmade backpack which could hold way more than I could, which I guess was a good thing because I couldn’t lift for shit.

We thought we were careful with everything we were doing, but apparently we were not. Suddenly, a man caught hold of Allison.

“You little piece of shit. You think you can steal from us?” The man had a pretty strong grip on her. I had retreated to a safer place, but I couldn’t do anything. I saw the man tightening his grip while trying to wake up other people. I knew I had to do something, but I had no idea what.

Allison may have been young, but she was a tough. Somehow she was successful in loosening the grip of the man and able to run, but her backpack fell. The man was on his tail and by now had been joined with a couple more. Allison led them away, and luckily no one spotted me. I caught hold of the backpack, which was as heavy as it gets. As I tried pulling it away, a man was standing in my way.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I was petrified as the man closed in on me. However, before he could grab me, he was hit by a heavy log.

“Son of a bitch. Ellie, give me that bag and run. You know where to meet.” She disappeared through the woods, and so did I. We reached our rendezvous point, all out of breath. We had successfully evaded the band of men chasing us. I was still thinking about the people from who we had taken stuff. As we tried calming ourselves down, Allison could see the conflict on my face.

“What are you so bummed about? We now have stock to last a month! You should be happy.” But I wasn’t. I couldn’t help but think about all the people who would not have that month’s supply.

“What will happen those kids that we saw back there?”

“What about them? They’re not our problem.” I wasn’t convinced. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

“We did wrong. We shouldn’t have done it.”

Allison had had it.

“Quit with your whining. Remember this. It was us or them. You saw what they would’ve done to you if they had caught you.” I was struggling to understand. Allison saw that. “Listen. There’s no right or wrong in this world. You win, you survive. You lose, you don’t. We won, they lost. That’s all there’s to it.”

Yes, that’s all there was to it. Cold. Hard. Truth.


The café didn’t have a lot of people inside it. Allison was sitting at a table all by myself. She had told me she was going to ‘fix’ everything for me. I didn’t trust her, so I had followed her without her seeing me. After a few moments, I saw Yemrez entering the café.

“Hello, Yemrez. How are you?”

“You are the one who sent me that text? Who are you?”

“I am Gale, Wren’s manager, and I wanted to talk about your match with the Clark sisters.”

“Never saw or heard of you, but go on.”

“See, I’ve tried telling this to Wren, but she refuses to listen. I hope you’d be more receptive.”

I didn’t like where this was going.

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“It’s simple. You do whatever it takes to win. You have Wren’s back and make sure that you win, even if it means playing dirty. I want both of you to be aware of the kind of competition you have. They don’t play nice, and they won’t hesitate from playing underhanded. I’ve seen both you and Wren fall prey to this before, and I want you both to understand it. Wren doesn’t listen to me, at least you do.”

“Are you kidding me? It doesn’t matter to me if I win or lose, I would never cheat to win.”

“I didn’t say anything about cheating. Just make sure you’re ready to do whatever is needed to be done.”

“No. I wouldn’t cheat. If they play dirty, so be it. I won’t.”

Before Allison could say anything else, Yemrez got up and left. I could see Allison seething, but I knew I had someone I could trust in that ring.
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