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Apocalypse: Tag Team Turmoil World Tag Team Championships

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Champions Action Saxton and Saboteur will defend their titles under Turmoil rules. Their opponents include the New Church, Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff who are getting their championship opportunity. Former champs Strikeforce put their existence on the line after the champs accepted their challenge, having successfully got under the skins of the champs and beating them in singles action on the most recent Ascension. Mr King for a Day John Constantine pairs up with Matt Tastic after their unlikely victory over the champions at Ascension 53.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
Lesson of the Day: Faith is a verb, not a noun.


The scene opens in a large office. Beautiful cedar bookcases, filled with books and awards, stand along the walls and atop a glorious golden carpet. At the far end of the room, sits a large desk, perfectly matching the bookcases. Behind the desk sits Brother Mason Westhoff in a large leather chair. Across from him sits Brother Derek Jacobs in a chair that would be the most elegant in any office other than this one. Together, they watch a large screen that sits on the end of the desk, playing highlights from their destruction of Joe Mason on Meltdown. Brother Westhoff begins to speak as Joe Mason flies off the stage on the screen next to him.

That was a job well done, Brother Jacobs. Truly, the power of The Almighty was running through you that night.

Thank you, Brother Westhoff. I am here to do the work of The Almighty, and I am glad I could do just that on Meltdown.

Joe Mason’s head and back could be seen bouncing off the floor while Brother Jacobs replied.

He was a man of pride, that Joe Mason. That was his downfall. Rather than be thankful for the blessings he received from The Almighty, he believed he was better because of them. Luckily for him, I think you put a pretty permanent end to that pride, Brother Jacobs. Someday, I’m sure young Mr. Mason will thank you for opening his eyes to the power of The Almighty.

I hope so, Brother Westhoff. I hope so.

Mason is rolled out on a stretcher as the video clip ends.

I don’t want to be pushy, Brother Westhoff, but could you please tell me more about that letter? All you told me is that it said we needed to take out Joe Mason.

Brother Westhoff stands and begins to walk around his office, occasionally stopping to glance at the shelves of books.

You are right, Brother Jacobs, I was vague about the letter. Your faith and trust in what I told you have definitely earned you an explanation, in the least.

I spent most of my life looking for religious fulfillment, and here is where I found it. I’ve been labeled a cult leader, a liar, a thief; all of it. The truth is that leaders of the more mainstream religions were jealous and fearful of what I had discovered. Their churches are based on traditions hundreds of years old, while mine is based off actual conversation with a higher power, The Almighty.

Now, as I’m sure you know, there are dozens of people every year that claim to be the Judeo-Christian messiah. The mainstream religions just ignore these claims, instead trusting that they’ll just know somehow when that person actually comes to walk among us. I go visit them, however, giving them the opportunity to prove that they are what they claim to be. Obviously, none of them have been thus far. Except for one.

Brother Westhoff pulls a large binder from a case close to his desk, walks back over to the desk, and places in front of Brother Jacobs.

I just call this person 888, because they are the closest match I have ever found. Rather than boast of their supposed abilities, 888 has managed to keep themselves under the radar. I have been following them for many years now, which is part of the reason I ended up in WZCW. I don’t know what relationship they have with the company, but the travel patterns match up too well for it to be a coincidence. The letter last week was from 888. I don’t know why they wanted Joe Mason eliminated, other than the pride we talked about earlier. I believe this may be the one, and I am prepared to do whatever they ask of me.

Brother Jacobs arrives at the last page of the binder, the letter from last week within a plastic sleeve.

Are you with me, Brother Jacobs?

Brother Jacobs closes the binder and sits back in his chair, running his hands through his hair.

Your story is an incredible one, Brother Westhoff. I’ve followed you this far, and I’m going to follow until the end.

I’m glad to hear it, Brother Jacobs, because we have but one job this week. Win the WZCW Tag Team Titles. We’ve already beaten Strikeforce, Constantine and Tastic are not even a true tag team, and the goofball champions have only ever faced us with the backup of a former world champion.

Work hard and pray hard this week Brother Jacobs, I want your body and soul to be prepared for when we, by the grace of The Almighty, become tag team champions.

Brother Jacobs rises to his feet and the two men share a firm handshake as the scene fades to black.
Chapter 3: The apocalypse is near​

After our victory on Meltdown, I expected Mason to be relaxed. I expected a celebration. What I got was a man with more fire in his eyes than ever before. After our training session abruptly ended the way it did before our match, he has been more intense than I’ve ever seen him. All of this intensity, all of this fire was started with one letter. The Almighty, the very reason Mason joined WZCW; the reason he saved me, was going make his presence known soon. Apocalypse was coming.

This man known as 888 is the one that Brother Westhoff has been looking for, and the destruction of Joe Mason only serves to prove that He wants to rid WZCW of prideful, evil people. Our opponents in the Turmoil match at Apocalypse will be no different.
I feel like I should be the one to take charge in this match, for the simple reason that Brother Westhoff has never really been in a multi-team match during his tenure here in WZCW. I have experience when the card is stacked against me. I won the first ever Relay match and I had a good showing in the Mayhem scramble match at Redemption before he helped save me from my former, prideful self. The other teams we are facing are all full of sin and evil, and I’m honored to be on the team that is going to rid WZCW of these plagues once and for all. Our plan is simple: divide and conqer.

The easiest team to do this against will be Matt Tastic and Constantine. Even though both of these men have had success as singles competitors, they don’t have the experience teaming with each other like the other teams in this match do. We can’t get too lackadaisical with these two, though. Tastic is one of the longest reigning Mayhem champions ever and Constantine is the current King for a Day. These two men are the epitome of what is wrong with this company. Constantine is a lowly politician, a man who would sell his own mother to earn a vote and the approval of people, and Tastic has changed himself to satisfy the sheep so many times that it would make one nauseous to keep up with. If these two man can't agree on what mask to wear, how can they agree with another person in a tag team setting? If I would have to find and exploit a weakness for this team, it would be inexperience as a team.

Saboteur and Saxton will be almost too easy to beat. This team, this…VIRUS only has one thing on their mind at this point: beating Strikeforce. This has been their purpose for the last couple of months now, ever since they beat Stormrage and Howard for the titles at Redemption. Their eyes are so blind to the rest of the competition that it would be quite easy to eliminate these two buffoons. Again, resting on our laurels with this team could prove quite fatal. Even though there’s a history of infighting between these two (who can forget the match at Kingdom Come this year?) they are a solid unit. Saboteur pulled off what’s been called the upset of the century by beating Ty Burna, and Saxton has had a fair share of singles success as well. What I’m really counting on is an all out brawl to break out between these two and Strikeforce, and then we can swoop in and clean up what’s left.

This only leaves one team. One final obstacle to defeat: Strikeforce. The very existence of this team rests on the outcome of this match, and what a day it would be if we were the ones to put the nail in the coffin of this corrupt machine. Stormrage and Howard are so focused on SaboSax that they might easily forget that we beat them this week. They will be so bound by rage and driven by revenge that they will be blind to us, and that will be their downfall. Mikey Stormrage is a lazy, gluttonous out of shape poor excuse for a human being that has worshipped the Tag Titles to the point of obsession. James Howard is an animal of a man with a temper that can be exploited so easily that a kindergartener could get a rise out of him. They do have strengths, though. They ended the epic reign of Runn Reynolds Runn at Kingdom Come and have been successful as team, but we can…no we WILL beat them. Strikeforce will be no more.

As I write this entry into my diary looking into my personal transformation, I really do feel blessed to know Brother Westhoff and feel the power of The Almighty. I believe that the letter that Brother Westhoff received was only the tip of the iceberg. We are right. We are strong. And soon enough, we will be champions.

And Apocalypse will come nigh.
The scene opens with Saboteur, Action Saxton, and Krypto sitting around Saboteur’s apartment not doing much of anything at all.

Saboteur sighs. Saxton sighs. Krypto giggles with excitement as he bounches up and down in his seat. Saboteur shoots him an angry look

Saboteur: What are you so happy about?

Krypto: Friendship!

Saxton: Sucka, we ain’t friends! We are legally bound to mentor your dumb green butt.

Krypto: And you have done a good job! We won last week!

Saboteur face palms and groans.

Saboteur: We didn’t win, Krypto. you won.

Krypto: And you were there with me. Therefore, you’re winners too!

Saxton: Like anybody gives a what about you. Both Saboteur and I lost our matches because them refs are just as incompetent as them NFL replacement jokers!

Krypto: But I won! Which makes us all winners! And friends!

Saxton grumbles and gets up from the couch.

Saxton: I need a drink.

Saxton makes his way to Saboteur’s fridge, hoping that Saboteur has a nice frosty beverage waiting for him. He’s in for a surprise as he opens the fridge, though, as a spring loaded boxing glove just grazes Action Saxton’s fro. This does little to improve the Bad Ass Brother’s mood, and the big man spins around and shoots an angry glare at Saboteur.

Saxton: You crazy sucka? I could have gotten hurt before our match this Sunday! You wanna face six of the baddest wrestlers in WZCW?

Krypto: I could replace him!

Saboteur: You couldn’t replace my dishrag. And I don’t even have a dishrag. Sorry Saxton, but after Krypto made a mess of my refrigerator last week I needed to install some extra home security.

Saxton: Whatever, let me grab some beer and… what the hell is this?

Saxton pulls a large pile of mail from the fridge. The mail is about 6 inches high and tied up some strings to prevent it from scattering all over the place.

Saboteur: Ohhhh, that’s my neighbor’s mail. I put it in the fridge so I remember to return it to him! There’s just something I keep forgetting to do…

Saxton: You mean give it to him?

Saboteur: Yeah that’s it! His name is Jesús, he’s under house arrest for stabbing some dude in a Boston nightclub a few years ago. He’s a good guy and all but… huh.

Saxton: "Huh" what?

Saboteur: Isn’t New Church one of the teams we’re facing at Apocalypse? And isn’t Jesús that dude they pray to?

Saxton: I think you may be right! They’re always like, “Praise Jesús,” and, “Jesús saves,” and funky junk like that. Kinda strange that a celebrity lives in this crappy building with you.

Saboteur: Maybe if we give him his mail he’ll give favor to us in our match against New Church! I have a package in the freezer for him, grab that one too.

Saxton nods in agreement and opens the freezer door, only to have another spring loaded boxing glove clobber him in the face, knocking him out cold. Saboteur and Krypto run to him and try to wake him up.

Krypto: Master! Please wake up master!

Saboteur: He’s not your master! He’s your mentor.

Saxton slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times. He quickly sits up and says…

Saxton: Oy! What a rough shot that was to me noggin!

Saxton speaks in a thick cockney accent.

Krypto: Um, are you okay? My knowledge of human anatomy and medical conditions indicate that you might have taken a very damaging bruise to your kidney.

Saboteur: That’s his head, dummy. Are you feeling better Saxton?

Saxton: Aye aye govnah! Feelin’ tip toppity!

Krypto: He’s talking different. Isn’t that a sign that he might not be okay?

Saboteur: He sounds fine to me. Come on, lets go.

Saboteur grabs his neighbor’s mail and Krypto’s arm and charges out his door. Saxton gets up slowly and tips his non-existent hat to the microwave.

Saxton: Sorry poppit, but it seems I must be going!

Saxton catches up with Saboteur and Krypto whom are waiting outside Jesús’s door. Saxton arrives just as the door opens.

Jesús stands on the other side of the doorframe in the most intimidating way. He’s six and a half feet tall and has an angry scowl on his ugly mug.

Jesús: Yeah what?

Saboteur: Hi Jesús, I’m your neighbor from down the hall, Saboteur! It’s nice to…

Jesús: That my mail, homes?

Saboteur: Yes it is. Funny story… true story actually, my buddy Saxton here…

Jesús: Give it here, ese.

Saboteur hands Jesús the stack of mail and the package. He tosses the package backwards and starts flipping through his mail. His scowl turns even scowlier and scowlier as he nears the end of the pile.

Jesús: Where’s my birthday card from Father Lopez? My priest sends birthday cards to his congregation every year, and I didn’t get mine last week!

Jesús starts to crack his knuckles and clench his hands into fists. Saboteur is quick to explain the situation.

Saboteur: Now now, no need for fist clenching. I can assure you, I am not withholding any priest mail from you. But maybe you can go to the post office and see if they have it?

Jesús: I’m afraid that won’t work hombre, I’m under house arrest.

Jesús pulls up his left pant leg and reveals he has a GPS monitor strapped around his ankle.

Jesús: I take one step outside and this things blows man! Say goodbye to the Jesús!

Saxton: I don’t think that’s how it works sir!

Saboteur: I know! How about me and my friends here go find your mail at the post office and in return you give us your favor in our title match this Sunday instead of New Church?

Jesús: What? Yeah, whatever, just go get my birthday card!

Jesús slams the door in their faces as Saboteur turns to his group with a big smile on his face.

Saxton: Oi! How are we gon’ get to the post office Saboteur? My auto is getting a paintjob and it’s all the way on the otherside of town.

Saboteur: Easy, we walk! How else do you get anywhere when you are on a quest… a quest called…


Saboteur, Saxton, and Krypto are standing outside Saboteur’s apartment building, about to begin their quest when suddenly a homeless man with a shopping cart full of dead rats walks by.

Homeless Man: Bring out your deaaaaaad rats! Bring out your deaaaaaad rats!

Saboteur: Excuse me! Do you just take rats, or do you take other undesirable creatures too?

Homeless Man: Sorry, I only want rats. I make dioramas with them.

Saboteur: Well you’re in luck because I have a giant green rat here that I’ve been looking to get rid of!

Saboteur picks up Krypto and sticks him out towards the homeless man. Krypto struggles to free himself without much luck.

Krypto: I’m not a rat! I’m an alien!

Homeless Man: He’s not dead!

Saboteur: Well he’s mostly dead. Please take him? We don’t want him anymore.

The homeless man sighs.

Homeless Man: Well alright.

The homeless man strikes Krypto in the head with a wooden stick that he had concealed in his pocket, attempting to knock the little man out cold.

Krypto: Ouch! That hurt!

Homeless Man: He’s still not dead! And I’m pretty sure he’s not even a rat!

Saxton: Oh bugger! That was our chance to get rid of this pain in the arse, it was!

Saboteur: That’s okay, he’ll probably become useful to us later on in this adventure when just when we need him most. Come on, the post office is that-a-way!

Saboteur heroically points in a random direction and jogs off. Saxton follows on Saboteur’s heels as Krypto hustles to keep up with his mentors.

Krypto: Wait for me! Wait for me! Hey guys, wait up, I have tiny bottom arms!

Krypto hustles after his mentors, but they keep fading off in the distance until they are just tiny specks down the road. Krypto begins to take in his surroundings and realizes that he’s very much alone in a very bad area. The store fronts are all empty except for a Jail Bond store, and there is nobody on the street except for two thugs dressed in ski masks and hooded sweatshirts that droop down to their knees.

Thug: Wells wells wells, what’s dos wes haves heres?

Krypto: I am Krypto! Pleased to meet you!

Krypto sticks out his hand in an attempt to greet the thugs, but they don’t seem interested in exchanging pleasantries. Krypto nervously pulls his hands back.

Krypto: Say, you didn’t see where my friends went, did you? One is a big tall black man, and the other is clad head to toe in spandex.

Thug: Nos, wes haven’ts. Buts, mys names is Mason Jacobs, ands this is Derek Westhoff, and wes ares the thugs thats says… GIMME ALL YO MONEY!

The other Thug point a knife at Krypto’s face.

Krypto: I’m terribly sorry, sir, but I sent all of my space credits to a Nigerian Prince attempting to escape his father’s tyranny. Never you worry, though, he’s going to pay me back double when he moves to Canada and then I will be sure to give you my space credits!

“No one will be unjustly exchanging their space credits today, chaps!”

Action Saxton springs onto the scene and punches Derek Westhoff in the throat. Westhoff drops his knife and stumbles backwards, whereupon Saxton follows up with some kicks. Saxton is dominating Westhoff when all of a sudden Mason Jacobs jumps on his back and starts slapping his head.

Saxton: Bloody hell! You’ll ruin my haircut you will!

Saboteur: Not if I can help it!

Saboteur bursts on to the scene, sliding down a nearby fire escape and grabbing a hold of Jacbos and flinging him backwards off of Saxton and into a dumpster. The dumpster lid closes shut and Krypto quickly scurries over and locks the lid shut.

Saxton pins Wethoff up against a brick wall with one hand and cocks the other one, ready to strike.

Saxton: Any last words before your clobbering, you right nutter?

Westhoff woozily replies…

Thug: Hows abouts a shrubbery?

Westhoff slinks backwards on the wall and passes out, defeated by the combined efforts of Saxton and Saboteur. Krypto was there too.

Saboteur: Come on, the post office is around the corner.

Saboteur and his companions round the corner and are greeted by the Union City post office, a building off little splendor. It’s part of a small shopping center, sandwiched between a Vietnamese nail salon and a store that specializes in clothes for Latino babies. Krypto presses his face against the Latino baby clothes store and his eyes grow wide.

Krypto: It’s just my size! What a beautiful bonnet! And that t-shirt says, “Yo soy gangstero!” It’s adorable!

Saboteur grabs Krypto by the arm and drags him away from the window.

Saboteur: We can go clothing shopping later, we’re so close to the holy mail I can smell it!

Saxton: Chums, I do believe that odor is coming from the discount seafood store across the abbey!

Saboteur: Gross. Well let’s get inside the post office, it won’t smell that bad in… what the?

Saboteur tries to pull open the door to the post office, but it won’t budge. He checks the schedule and sees that the post office should be open. He presses his face to the glass and starts knocking.

Saboteur: Excuse me! We’d like to get into the post office please!

A post office employee walks up to the door and yells back at Saboteur.

Employee: No! You may not enter the post office! You have been deemed unworthy!

Saxton: Allow me to talk to this fellow, perhaps I can talk some sense to him. Excuse me sir, my mates and I are trying to pick up a fellow’s mail. Is there any chance you could let us in?

Employee: No! You are not allowed inside the post office!

Krypto: Please? It smells out here!

Employee: No! I fart in your general direction!

Krypto: That’s not going to help!

Employee: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

Saboteur: My mother was most certainly not a hamster! She was a person! And the only reason my father smelled of elderberries is because he was an elderberry farmer!

Employee: You cannot enter the post office! You can never enter the post office! You… yes sir? Sorry sir. Yes sir, right away sir.

The employee unlocks the door and holds it open for the crew. The Post Master welcomes the trio into the store.

Post Master: Sorry guys, this is my brother, Tim. Tim isn’t right in the head.

Saboteur: I know what you mean, Krypto here isn’t right in the head either. Say, where’d he go anyway?

Saxton points towards the back of the store where Krypto has managed to get himself completely wrapped up in bubble wrap. He tries to wave to his mentors but can only manage to wiggle his hand back and forth.

Saboteur: We’ll take care of him later. We are here to pick up some mail for Jesús.

Post Master: Okay, Jesús who?

Saboteur and Saxton freeze. They quickly shuffle through their brain, trying to come up with a last name to pair with Jesús.

Saboteur: Uh… Christ?

The Post Master types the name into a computer. Nothing comes up.

Post Master: Sorry, we don’t have any Jesús Christs in this area. Are you sure that’s his last name?

Saxton: Mmmmaybe Pip Pip Cheerio?

Post Master: No, no Jesús Pip Pip Cheerios in this area either.

Saboteur: Well… I guess that we, uh, don’t…

Krypto: Rodriguez. His name is Jesús Rodriguez.

Post Master: Ah yes, Jesús Rodriguez, 127 Main Street apartment 4B. And it appears that we do have a piece of Mr. Rodriguez’s mail here. I’ll go retrieve it right now.

Saboteur turns to Saxton.

Saboteur: Told you he’d come in handy when we need him most.

Saxton: That you did governor! But now that we got the most out of our little green chum, what say we find a way to… dispose of our problem.

Saboteur scratches his chin as the Post Master returns with a letter.

Post Master: Here you are, sir, one piece of Holy Mail!

The Post Master hands the envelope to Saboteur. The golden envelope sparkles in the light and there is a big ruby in place of a stamp.

Post Master: That must be why it didn’t get sent: it didn’t have proper postage. Oh well, here you are.

Saboteur: Thanks a lot, and while we’re at it… I’d like to send a package somewhere.

The scene fades to black before fading back in as Saxton and Saboteur stand in front of Jesús’s door.

Jesús: Hey thanks eses! This Holy Mail is going to really cheer me up! I haven’t been to church since I stabbed that dude, so this is the only communication with my priest I get.

Saxton: Well it was our pleasure to be of service to you chap! God save the Queen!

Jesús: Sup with him?

Saboteur: What do you mean? He always acts like this. Come on Saxton, that’s go.

Saxton: Pip pip cheerio governor!

Saboteur and Saxton walk back to Saboteur’s door and find a strange package by the door.

Saboteur: Huh, I wonder what it could be.

Saxton: Probably nothing to worry about governor. Let’s just go inside.

Saxton opens the door and takes a step inside when the box pops open and a little green alien pops out.

Krypto: It’s me! Krypto!

Saxton is caught off guard and jumps straight up into the doorframe causing a loud THUMP.

Saxton: Motha sucka! That got damn alien done punked Action Saxton for the last time! Get over here you!

Krypto screams and then scurries between Saboteur’s legs. Saxton gives chase up and down Saboteur’s hall. Saboteur ignores the scene and puffs out his chest and says in a deeply heroic voice…

Saboteur: It’s been a while since I’ve talked this way, but it is time to become a hero once again! With the power of Jesús and our recent butt kicking off Mason Jacobs and Derek Westhoff we are sure to succeed in our quest to retain our titles at Apocalypse! But, there are two other teams besides New Church that will be opposing us on our journey, and we need to figure out a way to stop them too! Luckily, our weekly adventure is only half over! What happens next? Find out next in…

Krypto climbs up Saboteur and onto his head, trying to avoid Saxton.

Saxton: Get down from there you no good, green faced, stinky butt alien!

Saboteur: Seriously man! I can’t see! Woah!

The hectic scene continues as the picture fades to black.
Yazloz said:
....you walked away, so I have to walk away....

I sat alone on the floor. A gentle breeze blew in the fresh crisp fall air through an open window, making the hardwood beneath me slightly chilly. Occasionally I would look back down at the handwritten note, hoping the words would change. By now the paper was dotted with small circles of moisture. No matter how many times I closed my eyes and blinked them clear, the words remained the same.

As I sat alone, waiting on James and Dinah to return, I thought back to something my mom had said while I was home.

It's like your grandmother always told my brother, a good woman will pick you apart.

My mom had been talking for some time, but it had all gone in one ear and out the other.


The words still didn't register.

Michael, did you hear me?

I sat, staring intently at the glow of the television. I knew my mom was talking, but at that moment I was more concerned with using my blue turtle shell to take out my younger brother.


Yeah, I'll take out the garbage in a second mom, I'm about to win.

I pressed my controller with great enthusiasm, and moments later Luigi and his kart sailed past the suddenly wrecked Baby Mario. When he crossed the finish line I threw my hands up in celebration.

Yes! I told you I still had it.

I taunted my younger brother, who rolled his eyes at the sight of man in his twenties dancing in celebration after winning a video game.

Are you finished?

You could hear the impatience and annoyance in her voice.

Sorry mom.

I wiped some sweat from my forehead, my victory jig having been a mini workout.

He challenged me, and my Mario Kart skills are outrageous, seriously if you play me, anytime, anywhere, I will prove that I am the best racist....wait no racer.

My mother just shook her head. Her body language spoke volumes to her annoyance and building anger. Despite being over a foot shorter than me and half of my weight, my mother scared me. I knew she was a woman not to be trifled with, and I was toeing a thin line.

Did you hear me just now?

No, I'm sorry, I was miles away.

I'd like to talk to you if you have time.

I nodded and she sat on the couch. My brother exited the room, respecting our privacy.

Whats up?

I asked casually as I flopped down on the opposite end of the couch.

I'm worried about you lately.

I snickered a little. What do you mean?

Life seems to be getting to you lately.

Not too interested in what she had to say I allowed my eyes to wander around the room. Family pictures from throughout the years. I was the spitting image of my mother. Both of us had curly dark hair, glasses, and chubby faces. The similarities weren't exclusive to physical features however. My mother had always had a big heart and was overly generous. Both were traits I had inherited. I also managed to pick up her tendency to let her emotions get the best of her.

I've noticed a change in you.

I turned to face her. What do you mean?

The last few months you haven't been you.

I looked at her puzzled.

You don't call like you used to, you aren't running out and buying games at midnight, you have cheated in the ring, you don't go out with James like you used to, and worst of all you almost completely ignore Rose.

I don't ignore her mom. With her career, and her wanting to spend all her time with Dinah makes it hard to spend time together. I still love her, she just has her own thing going right now.

Maybe you should let her go then.

What! I raise my voice enough to startle the dog lying in the chair across the room.

You said she has her own thing right now, and spending time is hard. Maybe it would be better. If you love something, give it away.

Mom that is ridiculous.

I'm just saying. She doesn't even talk to me as much as she used to, and when she does she seems unhappy.

Life has just been hectic. She knows that. Saxton and Saboteur have consumed our lives for a while, and they have been a puzzle we can't quite seem to figure out. The two of them are just completely over the top. James and I are just two fairly normal guys, how can we combat that?

My mom just looks at me, her wrestling knowledge being limited.

Then you add The New Church and Constantine and Matt Tastic into that mix and it makes the upcoming match a deadly cocktail.

Those names sound familiar.

I nod my head and sigh.

Yeah, The New Church beat us a few weeks ago, and Constantine has a win over us in tag action. The depression in my voice isn't subtle.

You used to be a champion though, you can do it again. I'm not just saying it because I'm your mother, but I believe in you Michael.

I give my mom a halfhearted smile. Silence falls between us as I take a moment to ponder the upcoming match.

When I speak again my voice has perked up.

You know what, I think you are right mom. The New Church are the hottest new team since, well, since Strikeforce was created. We had so much focus on Saboteur and Saxton though, that we overlooked them. The blueprint to beat them is there. Both are big strong guys who can be incredibly ruthless, but they both lack speed. If I can keep their attention and have them beat on me, James can use his quickness, striking, and aerial ability to wear them down. All I have to do is tank them and keep them occupied. Not to mention the remarks Westhoff has made about my weight.

I snap my fingers and stand up. I start to pace around the room in my excitement.

When Constantine beat us, we were distracted with an upcoming TLC match at Kingdom Come. This time he will be the one who is distracted. Not only is he wrapped up in the mentor program, but he is the King for a Day. The tag titles won't matter to him as much as keeping an eye on the world title match later. If he even thinks he has a chance to cash in later in the night, he will take it easy, leaving Tastic all alone.

My mom watches me as I pace, she seems like she wants to say something, but she is either afraid or to polite to interrupt.

And with Tastic, my size will come in handy. I could make a joke about how he learned to fight from watching anime, but I have no room to talk. Plus he has a horse in the mentor program race as well. He may not even be able to trust Constantine. Like I said, Constantine has the briefcase, he doesn't need this match to get a shot at gold. Tastic may look at this match as a lost cause and put more effort into his rookie. We can do this!

I pump my fist and leap toward my mom, hugging her in my excitement. When I pull back I have a smile on my face like I just entered an all you can eat buffet, but my mom doesn't share the sentiment.

That's how come I'm worried son. I mention you having potential relationship issues and you go into a long winded rant about wrestling.

Mom, I promise you, everything will be okay.

I hope so.

She looks at me, her nervous smile is very telling of the cautious optimism she has. We can hear a car horn honking and she glances over my shoulder out the window.

Your cab to the bus station is here, you better not keep him waiting.

Thanks for letting me visit mom.

No matter how old or big you get you will always be my son, and you are always welcome in this house.

We smile at each other and hug.

Thanks. I love you mom.

I love you too.

As I grabbed my bag and headed out the door I heard my mom one last time.

Remember Michael, a good woman will pick you apart.

I didn't give the advice much though as I sat alone at the back of the bus. With mom footing the bill and booking the trip in advance, the return trip was much more comfortable. I tried to think of what I would say to Rose when I got back. I hadn't talked to her since the morning of the day I left, save her voice messages she left the first two days I was gone. Since then she hadn't called back. I had taken a call from James a few days before, and while he was annoyed, he was understanding as to why I left. Neither he or his misses had heard from Rose since I left however. I attempted to try to find something to say in the first few hours, but the monotony of the twenty two hundred mile trip was wearing on me, and I quickly drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to vibration in my pocket. I pulled out the phone and read the text message from James.

Hey mate, you on the bus?

I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the setting sun shining directly into my face. I shift my position so my back is to the window before I send my reply.


Any idea where you are?

I shield my eyes and crane my neck around to check the surroundings.

Nothing but cornfields around. Probably Nebraska.


Still no word from Rose

Really? Oh well. I'm sure she just had a studio thing. Maybe she ran off in the middle of the night to visit home too lol.

Lol. Well bud I'm knackered. Between Dinah, Alex, and Apocalypse, I'm mentally drained. I'm gonna try to get some sleep. If you get back and Dih and I are gone, she wanted to go look at potential wedding locations.

Try to get some sleep. Oh and you don't even need to ask, of course I will be your best man. Thunder buddies for life right?

You know it.

The rest of the trip was a blur. The only thing I really remember was trying to come up with a smart quip about churches, politicians, swordsmen, and the Apocalypse.

When I got back to the house, the driveway was deserted. I got the spare key from the fake rock just off the porch. When I went inside, I was stricken with an uneasy feeling. I called out just to make sure I was alone before I went upstairs to unpack. When I opened the door to the spare bedroom, I could feel the chill from the open window. The first thing I noticed was the lack of most of Rose's things. The second was a note left on the bed, gently flapping in the breeze. The only thing keeping it from being blown away was the pink Xbox controller I had gotten Rose for her birthday. I walked over and picked up the note, my heart sank.
spacer to allow me to post
The phone woke me at 4am; the shrill sound of an old Bakelite phone screaming through my ears the screen was a bright as a naked flame to my darkness adjusted eyes. Through the fog of the light I was able to make out a name; Alex.

“It’s four in the morning” I scowled at the clock on my phone thinking it might help.

“Forgive me friend, but it is difficult to use my phone when the Nurses are giving me a sponge bath.” Alex was as jovial as ever.

I laughed and Dinah started to stir. “Give me a minute mate; don’t want to wake the missus.”

I quietly slid out from the bed-sheets and threw on a t-shirt before trying to sneak across the room avoiding all the creaking floorboards on the way. I escaped into the hallway without making a sound.

“What’s up buddy?” I asked still half asleep.

“I called because I have just watched Ascension, because I have just heard what you said to Leon Kensworth and because I want to know what the hell has happened to my friend. Where is your remorse? Where is your tenacity? Where is James Howard?” His accent virtually disappeared as he spewed adjectives he’s been taught for commentary.

Alex’s words shocked me awake as quickly as a cup of coffee. “Remorse? You want to lecture me about remorse? I was the guy who paid for your medical bills after I found out you were bankrupt, not because of guilt but because you were my friend. If it wasn’t you in that ring with me I wouldn’t have felt anything at all. In fact if it hadn’t ended my career I doubt you would even be talking to me right now, regardless of what I did afterwards. The only people that I owe anything to in WZCW are Mikey, Saxton, Saboteur and the New Church.”

I was stomping down the stairs towards the breakfast area, the TV was on and unbeknownst to me at the time, Mikey was asleep on the sofa.

“I owe Mikey more than you could even begin to understand, we’re partners and that isn’t changing anytime soon, no matter how bad things get. I owe Saxton and Saboteur because they showed me the hypocrisy of the WZCW fans; they’ve caused thousands of dollars of property damage, assaulted Mikey without provocation then served to completely ignore our challenge and forced Vance Bateman to make the match for us and yet they are the ones the crowd goes crazy for. For some reason the fans can’t get enough of them.”

“Dude, seriously it’s four in the morning and you’re walking around the kitchen screaming into the phone. Who are you talking to?”

I glared at my partner; his head poking over the top of the sofa like an archer on the battlements. “Alex? Jesus Christ man, lay off the guy. He had a massive heart attack a few weeks ago; he’s lucky to be alive and you’re berating him on the phone like he spat in your coffee?”

“Go to bed Mikey.”

He shook his head, refusing to move.

“Go to bed” I screamed at him; the fire in my eyes almost tangible. He rolled his head back onto the sofa; he stayed quiet until the morning.

“Anyway, I owe the New Church because they showed us their hand; everything they can throw at us has already been thrown. They’re far stronger than we anticipated and it cost us, big, we went on holiday instead of focusing on them, hell I thought I could just bribe Derek Jacobs into leaving. It’s not a mistake you make twice.”

I was silent, awaiting a response from Alex; but he had hung up.

A guttural scream filled the living room as I cursed as loud as anyone ever could. Mikey didn’t flinch, Dinah didn’t come downstairs and not so much as a squeak came from the room where Mikey and Rose had taken residence. Coffee was made, fists were strapped and I threw open the door to the basement training room, its lights hummed into life as I took out my aggression on an actual punching bag.

The following morning we’d scheduled a training session; Mikey woke me from my sleep in the middle of the ring. I say woke, his run up forced my eyes open in time to see his boots connect with my sternum.

“What the hell got into you last night? You were screaming at Alex, you were screaming at me, did you find out we’d run out of Captain Crunch or something?”

I sat bolt upright, wheezing and gasping for air as Mikey continued to berate me.

“Seriously, this partnership can’t survive or win the gold from those assholes who took us for a ride if you’re running around and locking yourself away from every ally you’ve ever had.”

His leg swung back to kick me again as I caught my breath, I rolled towards him; hooking his knee and folding it over my ribcage.

“You think I don’t know that? But please explain how kicking the shit out of me is making it better.”

I rolled my body weight forwards, causing Mikey to roll face first onto the mat. I grabbed his ankle and locked it.

“Constantine. How do we beat him?”

Mikey reached for the ropes but I had no intention of letting go.

“I don’t know; we nearly beat him last time, until Holmes tried to cave my face in with a knuckle duster.”

I applied more pressure to his ankle; Mikey was kicking his leg onto the mat and lifting his arm to tap.

“Don’t tap out you pussy, we can do this, and you can withstand this. How do we beat Constantine?”

His breathing was getting heavier; he couldn’t take it much longer. I increased the pressure.

“We smash his massive elephant trunk of a nose into his skull.”

I relieved the pressure.

“But that might kill him”

“So? We need those titles back, anyone gets in our way and we take them down.”

I let go.

“We need to get to him, get into his mind. But we can’t; I wasn’t ready for him to be added to this match, I wasn’t expecting New Church to be in there either, nor Matt Tastic.”

“We’ve never even been in the ring with him before” Mikey said as he grasped at his ankle “Seriously man, you nearly broke my leg then. Tastic thinks he’s a Super Saiyan, thankfully his partner is walking around with a guaranteed title shot. That’s our ace against them man; Constantine has so much more on his plate than the tag team titles.”

“Good job really, I’ve seen Dragonball; Goku is ridiculously over-powered.”

“You should try watching Sailor Moon.”


“Sailor Moon; it’s uh, you know what? Forget I mentioned it, it’s really not your thing.”

The name rang a bell. We sat in silence for a while waiting for someone else to speak; then I remembered.

“Wait. Isn’t that the show with the teenage girls in sailor outfits?”


“I can cope with My Little Pony. Just. Let’s not get any girlier around here, especially since you’ve been relegated to sleeping on the sofa.”

I threw my towel onto the bench.

“What did you do anyway?”

“It’s uh, it’s not important. Let’s worry about Apocalypse dude.”

I decided not to push him too hard.

“Yeah, you’re right. We need to stay focused. Six people between us and immortality Mikey; We can do this.”

“Hell yeah we can.”

For the next few days, right up until our flight we trained each time one of us had a submission locked in we quizzed the other before letting go - we'd spent hours focusing on how to win and had a strategy to deal with every man in the match.

Action Saxton: get him on the ground and keep him there.

Saboteur: get in close and grapple or try to distract him.

Westhoff: speed and technical skill.

Jacobs: speed and fast attacks, relentless jabs to piss him off and force a mistake.

Tastic: tag in Mikey or get into his head, hopefully his partner will do some of the work for us.

Constantine: relentless assault, keep him defending so he can choose to cash in later, the more we beat the hell out of him the more options we take away.

Six men between Strikeforce and our titles. Six men who could force an end to our team. Six days until Apocalypse. We were feeling like ourselves again; we knew we could leave there heroes and we were the most dangerous men in the room, after all the only thing we had to lose was each other.
Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur [size=-3]& Krypto[/size]
"The Dark Fight!"

Scott's Bottom, Wyoming. A beautiful city in a beautiful state that doesn't exist. The site of such attractions as Captain Anderson’s House of Delicious Pancakes, Milkshakes, Rice Cakes, and Earthquakes ("We bake to wake the snake!™"), a rock shaped vaguely like a stack of waffles, popular jazz band The Singing Masochists, and of course the building that dominates the skyline, Saxton Tower!

"Saboteur Tower!"

Right, of course, Saboteur Tower. This tower, set up by our heroes Action Saxton and Saboteur, serves as a base of operations, a place of peace, and a place of training. And training is exactly what our heroes are doing! Fresh off of their quest to find The Holy Mail, they have reported to their tower to test out a brand new machine inherited from a friendly dancing alien duo. Saboteur glares at the neon-pink mechanical monstrosity from under his mask as Action Saxton leans against a wall, holding a strong hand over the mouth of the duo's alien rookie, Krypto.

"So," says Saboteur. "It took as two hours and three camels, but we finally managed to assemble this thing, carry it up the stairs, dissassemble it, move it into this room, and reassemble it."

"I did tell you, sucka," pipes up Action Saxton, hand still clamped firmly over Krypto's mouth, "that we should have just put it on the roof. But no, your goofy ass insisted on the room!"

"The sun would have ruined the groovy paint job!" Saboteur protests. He continues to stare at the machine. "What is this thing supposed to do, anyway?"

"It's supposed to train us," says Saxton. "The sucka with the blue head said it was supposed to simulate a situation to help us train for any tag team match. Did you try reading the damn instruction book?"

"Nobody reads the manual! It's all in some alien language, anyway. Look!"

Saboteur hands the instruction book to Action Saxton, who takes it with his free hand, opens it, and stares.

"Damn," he says finally, "You're right! What the hell is 'Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale' supposed to mean? What the hell planet is that even from?"

"Beats me," says Saboteur, as Krypto struggles from under Action Saxton's hand.

The two partners stare at the machine some more. Time passes.

"Is it plugged in?"

"I think it runs on french fries."

"Are the french fries plugged in?"

Saboteur shrugs. By this point, Krypto is pulling on Action Saxton's hands with the force of a big rig, jumping up and down and waving his limbs wildly. Action Saxton sighs and removes his hand from his rookie's face.

"What the hell do you want, sucka?" he asks, sighing.

"Well, Friend," Krypto pipes up, "I know how to make the machine work!"

The duo stare at their alien rookie, and then back to each other.

"Do you think those alien suckas are the same type of alien sucka as this alien sucka?" asks Saxton.

"I don't know," Saboteur responds. "These aliens seemed a little more funky-fresh than this one."

"Krypto! Are you funky-fresh?"

Krypto shrugs. "I don't understand what you are asking, but if you let me fix the machine..."

The two partners look at each other again. They nod, and Krypto scampers forward to examine the machine. He starts to poke and prod it, flipping switches, pressing buttons, and turning upside-down parts the right way up. Finally, a large light on the top of the machine lights up, filling the room with a blue light.

"How the hell did you do that?" asks Saxton. Krypto shrugs.

"All space technology is standardized as per the regulations of the Galactic Embassy," Krypto responds. "I am not sure why Earth is not like that. It confuses me greatly."

A short but awkward silence pervades the room. Saboteur is the one to break it.

"So, do you want to test this thing out?"

Saxton looks warily at the machine. "How will that thing know what we want to train for?"

"I inputted the data when I was making it work!" explains Krypto.

"Is it going to explode?"

"I am 99% sure it will not explode!"

"So we just walk inside this thing, and bam, we're ready to train?"


The duo and Krypto glance at each other. Saxton looks at Saboteur. Saboteur looks at Saxton. They both eye Krypto with distaste. Krypto looks at the ceiling.

They nod, and step into the machine's entrance.

There is a very bright light.

There is a very loud noise.

There is a very dark darkness.

There is a very quiet quiet.

The three wrestlers stand in an infinite stretch of black, with green coding trailing across the ground. The code crawls, snakes, rises, forming vague shapes that enhance themselves into polygons, that enhance themselves into fully-textured scenery. Slowly, an entire city takes form, with our heroes and Krypto in the center of it.

Action Saxton goggles as the code snakes its way up his arm.

"What the hell is it doing to me?" he asks.

"It's trying to take over our souls and kill us!" exclaims Saboteur, tugging at his suit. "You set us up, alien! I knew we should have left you at the dump!"

"Peace," Krypto says. He is completely tranquil. "Let the machine work."

"If this thing messes up my hair, I'm throwing you into one of those buildings, sucka," grumbles Action Saxton.

The code snakes off of the trio and vanishes, and finally they can see what exactly the machine has built for them. It is a city at nighttime, a place of tall skyscrapers and bright lights. There is something foreboding about the whole thing. Not to our heroes, of course, as they are no mere men, but if a normal person were here? They'd be scared. Unless they were mass-murderers.

"Get that stupid thing off of your head!"

Action Saxton's voice breaks the silence. He is staring at Saboteur, who is now wearing a strange black cowl over his spandex, along with black body armor and a cape. Saboteur stares back, indignantly.

"Me?" he says. "What about you?"

Slowly, the two men reach up to feel the identical cowls on their heads. Their hands reach the points. They look at each other. And then, the bickering begins.

"I'm Batman."

"I'm Batman!"

"No, me!"

"No, sucka, me!"

"I'm already wearing the spandex!"

"I'm already the Dark Chocolate Knight!"

"There can't be two Batmans!"


"Can I be a Batman?" Krypto pipes up.

"NO!" the teammates yell.

They look at each other again, arms crossed. Saboteur shrugs.

"We can both be Batman," he says. "More Batmans, more Batfun, right?"

"You're right, sucka," agrees Action Saxton. "Which means our goofy alien sidekick here must be Robin."

The two turn to Krypto, who flashes them a thumbs up, dressed as he is in his red shirt, black trunks, and domino mask. The tag team members sigh and shake their heads.

"I hope he goes the way of Jason Todd."

Saxton bends down to Krypto's level.

"Listen up, sucka," he says. "You are Robin, and that means no talking, okay? Sidekicks don't have any speaking lines. Trust me on this, sucka, I am a movie star."

Krypto nods quickly. "Okay, Action Saxton!" he squeaks. "I won't talk at all! I'll be as quiet as a Zormibian Worm!"

"Good. Because we have enough to worry about without you distracting us."

Action Saxton points at the sky. Saboteur follows his finger. Krypto looks upwards as well. Shining high, barely visible in the clouds, is the silhouette of a tag team championship.

"The Saxoteur Signal!" Saboteur exclaims.

"We have to get into the Batmen-mobile!" says Saxton. The trio turns to the left to see a black 1960 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, with the Saxoteur logo spraypainted on the hood. Saxton nods. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

The trio approach the car.

"I'm driving!" says Saboteur.

"Sucka, it's my car. I'm driving."

"I want-"


After more squabbling, Action Saxton gets in the driver's seat, Saboteur in the passenger's seat, and Krypto in the trunk. With a flourish, Saxton puts the pedal to the metal and they speed off to the origin of the Saxoteur Signal.

They park their car on the top of a building and get out. The night casts its shadows on the roof of the building, but our heroes can see the man operating the Saxoteur signal very clearly: None other than Commissioner Garrett, who looks very pleased to see them.

"Hello, Batman," says Commissioner Garrett. "And to you too, Batman."

"And me!" pipes up Krypto, "Krypto!"

"Yes," coughs Garrett. "Krypto."

He looks Batman and Batman in the eyes.

"Batman, Batman, I need your help."

"And Krypto! And these aren't really Batman and Batman! They're really Action Saxton and Sa- MMMMF!"

Action Saxton places his hand over Krypto's mouth. "He's just playing, sucka," says Action Saxton. "Of course we're Batmen."


"What do you need help with? Ninjas robbing a bank? Gorillas gone rogue? Suckas trying to replace all soul music with calypso?"

"To be quite honest," says Garrett, "I'm not entirely sure! you see, the station received a clue, nothing too specific but it must be an evil clue, and it was this."

He holds up a red mushroom. Saboteur takes it and studies it intensely. Garrett continues.

"Our team has been working on it, but we simply aren't sure what it could possibly mean! This is why we are enlisting your help, Batman and Batman! Help us uncover the evil plot!"

"If I didn't know better," says Saboteur, "I'd say that this mushroom looked rather...super."

Action Saxton nods. "Super...like a Super Saiyan?"

"A Super Saiyan, yes, and you know what kind of person is always 'saying' things?"

"A politician!"


"And you know what kind of sucka supports politicians?" Action Saxton is getting excited now.

"The fat cats!"

"Now take that last word, spell it backwards, and drop the S."

"Tacs...Tac...Tic-Tacs! And you know who has bad breath?"

"Mixed Martial Artists have the worst breath in the world!"

The two teammates high-five each other. Garrett looks on, confused.

"That's all well and good, Batman and Batman, but what does this mean?"

Action Saxton and Saboteur turn slowly to Garrett. Saboteur draws himself up. "What it means, Garrett-"

"-is that Matt Tastic, Constantine, and Strikeforce are planning an evil plot!" pipes up Krypto. Action Saxton and Saboteur stare daggers at him. "Yay! I figured it out!"

Garrett looks shocked. He shakily points towards a building across the way.

"If what you say is true," he says, "they will be where all evil individuals call home: Kung Fu Building!"

Action Saxton and Saboteur turn to follow where he is pointing. A tall and unsurprisingly black building stretches to the sky. On it, in neon letters, are the words "KUNG FU BUILFING".

"Sucka, are you sure that's the right building?"

"Oh, my mistake."

Garrett moves his arm to the right. The tag team champions turn to look at the building to the right. It is even taller, even blacker, and the neon letters are even larger. They spell out "KUNG FU BUILDING".

"Well, suckas," says Saxton, "That is definitely Kung Fu Building."

"And we have to stop the evil plan."

The three pile into the car.

"Good luck, Batman and Batman!" calls Garrett as the three speed away. "You're going to need it."




The car pulls up to Kung Fu Building and the trio pile out.

"Those evil suckas must be at the top," says Saxton. "I've fought a lot of evil suckas, and they're always at the top."

"Good thinking," says Saboteur. "I think I might have something in my utility belt that can help us..."

He messes with his spandex in a motion that looks like he's trying to pull a plunger from his groin. A few moments later, that's exactly what he does. He hands two of the pink suction-cups to Action Saxton. Action Saxton stares at them.

"What the hell are these?"

"State of the art climbing technology!"

Saboteur places his plungers against the side of Kung Fu Building and starts making his way up. Action Saxton sighs.

"Sucka, I have a better way."

He presses a button on his own utility belt, and it dispenses a container.

"Feast your eyes, sucka!" he calls to Saboteur, who is halfway up the building. "Ground Repellent!"

The Badass Batman starts spraying the ground repellent at his feet. Immediately, he starts to lift off, keeping level with Saboteur. A tiny voice echoes to them from the ground.

"What about meeee?"

"Did you hear something?" Saboteur asks.

"Nope," Saxton replies.

The two heroes land on the roof of Kung Fu Building, Action Saxton tossing his Ground Repellent can to one side while Saboteur tosses his plungers to the other. And it is there that they stand face-to-back with four figures.

"Your time of evil scheming and dreaming is up, you shadowy suckas!" barks Action Saxton. "Turn around so we can kick your asses!"

Slowly, the first figure turns around. He is dressed in a sharp suit and a tie decorated with the stars and stripes. One half of the suit is red. The other half of the suit is blue. His face is painted much the same way.

"Expecting someone else?" says the man. "It is I! The Two-Faced Politician! And I have come to destroy you, Batman and Batman!"

"Holy ballot box!" exclaims Saboteur. "Wait..."

"Indeed!" says The Two-Faced Politician. "My tricks and lies and politicking will keep you from retaining your tag team championships, and then I will take over the world using red tape and budget cuts!"

"You jive-ass sucka!" gasps Action Saxton. "You try and get any of that red tape near me and I will use it to tie up your own ass!"

"Not if I can help it!" says the second individual, turning around. His clothes are a mish-mash of styles and fabrics, and his face is painted with every color of the rainbow. His hair is gold and stands straight up. "Prepare yourself for the wrath of The Jokester!"

"Oh, I thought you were The Question."

"I thought he was just some sucka with no fashion sense."

"Enough!" roars The Jokester. "If you do not stop talking, I will shoot you with an energy blast and take your tag team championships from you!"

"I think it would hurt more it you stabbed us with your hair."

"And it would be interesting to see which would break first," says the third individual, turning around. "His hair, or your body!"

This man is different than the first two, in that his has a black and white mask covering his head, which is perched on top of a fit and muscular body. On his hands are gloves commonly used in Mixed Martial Arts. He is barefoot.

"You foolish fools," says the masked man. "You will regret the day you ever challenged Jame to a fight! I personify brutality and skill! My fisticuffs are unmatched!"

"Is that right, sucka?" says Saxton. "Well I am a master of martial arts myself. I am floatier than an ice cube in a tub of pool noodles, quicker than a night with President Clinton, and meaner than a fat sucka trying to eat the last of his ice cream with a spork."

"Yeah!" says Saboteur. "And I'm a trained assassin! I have speed and super strength and a healing factor!"

"And together, we are Team... Team..."


"Batmen! And we're going to kick your fool asses!"

The team leaps forward to tangle with the trio of bad guys. They kick, and they punch. They slap and they chop. They bite and they headbutt. They use Bad Guy Repellent and Miniature Dinosaurs found in their trusty utility belts. At the end of the fight, The Two-Faced Politician finds himself tied up behind an air-conditioner, The Jokester is knocked out, and Jame is conveniently missing. There is only one man left. He is attired in a black and white suit, and is grotesquely fat. He waddles around, his rolls rolling and jiggling. He has a monocle in each eye.

"Hello, Batman and Batman," he says. "I am the leader of this evil group of evil."

He spreads his arms wide. Well, as wide as he can spread them, considering they're like T-Rex arms. Beads of sweat start to roll down his forehead at the effort.

"My name is Stormy Michael! But you may call me...El Penguin!"

Saboteur stares at El Penguin, silently. He starts to shake, slowly at first. Action Saxton's eyes start to widen.

"Oh hell no," he breathes. El Penguin continues.

"I am a perfect amalgamation of speed and weight! And with my penguin army by my side, nothing can stop me!"

"Penguins?" asks Saboteur, still shaking. "Did you say 'penguins'?"

"Of course I said penguins, you buffoon! They are truly-"

"PENGUINS!" screams Saboteur, unsheathing his katanas. "PENGUINS! PENGUINS! PENGUIIIIIIIIIIINS!!!!"

"Saboteur!" yells Saxton. "Save that anger for the match!"

"They said I was done with the penguins after the Roulette! They said I was done! Penguins! Penguins!"

"Batman doesn't kill!"

"I'm a better Batman than Batman!"

"And I'm getting the hell out of here!"

Action Saxton takes off down the fire escape, the screams of rage and pain echoing in his ears. On his way down, he passes Krypto.

"Mr. Saxton!" exclaims Krypto.

"No time to talk, sucka!" says Saxton, picking the alien up. "It's time to get down!"

"I am not very good at dancing."

"Not that kind of getting down, sucka! Take cover! Run your goofy-looking alien legs off!"

The two dive down the stairs, the screams and honks of flightless birds, fat villains, and spandex-clad superheroes still echoing from the top of Kung Fu Building. The two make it outside, out of breath but unscathed. After a few moments, Saboteur exits the building.

"Penguins," he spits.

Suddenly, the city begins to dissolve. The lines of code return, snaking into blackness that is falling, leaving our heroes huddled together in the infinite nothingness. Their costumes melt away, leaving them standing in their normal clothes.

There is a very bright light.

There is a very dark darkness.

There is a very loud noise.

There is a very quiet quiet.

As the trio's eyes adjust, they see that they are standing inside the groovily-painted machine. They make their way out, shielding their eyes from the fluorescent lights over head. Action Saxton leans against a wall.

"Damn, sucka," he says. "I'm exhausted. That was one hell of a training session. We were good Batmen."


"And I don't know about you, sucka, but I learned a lot. I learned that we can defeat many men by working together, as we are much more of a team than some thrown-together suckas. We learned that we are better at hand-to-hand combat than some fool fighter who got kicked out of some dumbass hugging league. And I learned that when you get mad, you destroy people, buildings, and flightless birds!"

"Always the flightless birds."

"So sucka, what we need to do is channel everything we've learned on our adventures and our time as a team. We need to channel the anger and the teamwork and we need to rise up on top and we need to kick ass!"

"Strikeforce, Constantine and Tastic, and The New Church won't know what hit them!" says Saboteur, the old spark in his voice.

"Damn right!" exclaims Saxton. "We got to the top by being the two baddest suckas in wrestling, and we're going to stay on top by being the best damn team this company has to offer! Because we are team...team...Action Saxton and Saboteur!"

"And I'm Krypto!" pipes up Krypto.

"What he said! And we're going to walk into Apocalypse as the tag champs and we're going to walk out the tag champs! Can you dig it?"

Saboteur nods. Krypto bounces up and down excitedly. Saxton looks at him.

"Sucka, uh, why don't you go play inside the machine thing for a bit?"

Krypto nods excitedly and runs into the machine. Action Saxton places a heavy lead blanket over it and with Saboteur behind him leaves the room, turning off the light and locking the door. After a few moments, Krypto's voice comes out from under the covering.

"Guys?" he says.

There is a banging from inside the machine.

"Is anyone going to push the button?"​
The scene opens with Matt Tastic sitting alone on a bench. It's the late evening as the light of a street lamp illuminates over Matt's head. Lowered with his hands holding each other, it seems he's thinking heavily about something.

Are you praying or sleeping?

Matt raises his head reacting to the voice from a distance and looks at the source. His eyes lock on his tag team partner. Constantine. Dressed in a simple track suit.

Heh. Just thinking. I can't believe you showed.

Constantine walks over to Matt and stands over him with his shoulders crossed as Matt looks up at him.

It might be nearly midnight but if my tag team partner calls I can't leave him hanging. I hope this is important.

Well, I guess that all depends on you. I called you to ask you something.

Well, what is it? It must be important if you didn't want to ask me over the phone.

Listen, I've been in WZCW since 2010 non-stop. I'm a 4 time Mayhem Champion and did that in my first year. Two years later.... well, my track record isn't so good.

I know. That's why we need to wi.....

Hang on, partner. This isn't about me. You've been here a little less than I have. Debuting a few months after me. Have you done anything other than win that case?

I.... What's your point?

Doesn't it eat you alive? You see guys like Triple X, Black Dragon and Mick Overlast come in and win titles after a short while. They've done more than you.

Woah, woah. Hang on. I'm the King For A Day. I....

I know what you are and I know what you have. I wasn't King For A Day, but I have gotten a hold of that case. You haven't done anything until you actually win the title. That case doesn't guarantee you'll be champion.


You've screwed up chances just as much as I have. You failed to beat Austin Reynolds for the Elite X title, you failed to have it given to you by Showtime, you failed Lethal Lottery and you failed to beat Steven Holmes. It's frustrating, isn't it? Are you afraid to use that case because you might fail at that too? You do realize that case has a history of causing problems, right?

Constantine sits down next to Matt and lowers his head thinking. The same way Matt was earlier.

OK. You're right. I am worried. But that doesn't mean I'll let that weigh me down. I've gotten this far, worrying now about that kind of stuff won't help. My focus right now is on the Tag Team titles. And it's because of what you said. I do want to start showing success and I do want to win my first championship as soon as possible. And right now, that means teaming up with you. I really hope you aren't feeling down and were just wondering about me. Because I sure as aren't worried about you.

Matt stands up and puts his arms on his hips out of slight anger at Constantine's words.

Really? And how's that? I drag you out here and try to talk to you about an issue and then just respond to me with
"I don't give a damn about you?"
Haha, take it easy there. I didn't mean it that way.

Then what did you mean?

What I meant to say is that I've never seen someone so stubborn in my life. Because no matter what happens to you, you just keep marching forward like nothing happened. You ended up as #1 in the Lethal Lottery. But that didn't stop you from lasting until #30 came out and eliminated him. After that loss, you built serious momentum into King For A Day, even dragging me along for the ride. After that loss you marched right up to Rush's face. After that loss....Well look as us now. A Tag Team title match. I'm confidant you'll someday win your big one. Even if it means outlasting the entire roster. I know you can do it. You're that stubborn. That's why I'm not worried about you. Because I know that no matter how low you get, you always bounce back for more.

Matt sits right back down after Constantine's speech. Both of them lower their heads for a bit and think.....

Well they do call me the Man-Beast Machine.

Pfftt :lmao: Where the hell do you come up with this stuff?
But hey, seriously. We're focused, right? We're a unit, right? We can break our losing streaks, right? We can do it this Sunday, right?

I don't know..... Is Pitbull a horrible musician?

I like Pitbull.

OK, if we share a car, let's agree to leave the radio off.

Or we can listen to Linkin Park.


===================Another Day==============

At an unknown gym, Matt Tastic is lifting weights. Dumbbells to be precise. He stretches out his arms and holds them up in the air for 2 seconds.

*huff* *huff* Uggghhh!! One Mississippi, two missi.... Oh crap.

*BANG!* Matt's arms give out and he accidentally drops both weights to the ground leaving a solid dent under each. He nabs a towel and cleans his face as Stacey Madison walks in.

Hard at work, I see. I'm here for the interview you asked me to do.

Ohh.. Great. You can come over and sit down while we wait for our other compatriot.

What? Someone else? Is it Alisha? Or Constantine?

Nope. Alisha is at her house and Constantine is out doing whatever ex-politicians do in their free time. Loitering or something like that.

Then who're we waiting for?

That guy.

Stacey turns around. Her face shows a bewildered look as it's revealed who it is. Johnny Klamor.

Hey? What gives? What are you doing here, you hussy? I'm doing this interview.

What did you call me? Why don't you go change your colonoscopy bag? I can smell it from here.

That happens to be a very expensive cologne. Not that you would know about manly fragrances, tramp.

I didn't realize men smelled like crap-filled sewers. Matt here smells better than you and he's sweating like a pig. And dresses like one too.

Matt gets in between the two as they argue and tries to separate them.

All right, all right. That's enough. Shut up, both of you. And for the record, if I dressed like a pig, I'd be butt-naked and covered in mud. Get your facts straight.

Tell her to leave. You called me over.

What? He called me too, you know.

Enough. I called you both here for a reason.

For what reason did you call her? To look at her fake boobs and lifted ass?

OK. Make that two reasons. Se-


Whatever!! See, I called you two here to show off something. Chemistry.


See, chemistry is all around us. It's what enables things to interact with each other. It's not just those chemicals in the test tubes in science class. Bread and butter have chemistry. Salt and pepper do too. But others are a bit harder to work out. Just like tag teams. Some mesh in an instant. Like chocolate and milk or Strikeforce. Others take a bit of time to develop their bond. Like broccoli and cheese or Saxton and Saboteur. Others are odd but deep down have their niche. Like a pizza with pineapple toppings. Or the New Church. Then there are some mixtures that are enabled due to their parallels. Like Bacon and eggs. Or Constantine and..... ME! And who doesn't love bacon and eggs?

Wait? Why are bacon and eggs parallel?

Both fall under meats, blondy. But more importantly, how do these dumb comparisons help you?

You simpleton. He knows what makes those teams come together. Therefor he knows their mentalities. What kind of wrestling analyst are you?

A damn good one, missy. You-

Matt once again comes in between the two.

Alrighty there. Did you notice, Johnny?

Notice what?

That I just covered something for you.


He's trying to say we have chemistry.

What? We do not.

He's showing we can compliment each other.

We do not!

Don't be so stubborn, old man!

Great. Well...... I made my point. Now excuse me. This Man-Beast Machine here has Kickassery to deliver. Bye.

Matt walks off as Stacey and Klamor continue bickering. Not noticing the already gone Matt.

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