Apocalypse: Justin Cooper (c) versus Garth Black [Heavyweight Championship]

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It has all come down to this for both Garth Black and Justin Cooper. The back and forth affair between the two has had the fans on the edge of their seats, especially after the match at the Aftershock special a few weeks ago. Since then, Garth Black has stolen the World Championship belt for his own. The question remains whether, after being unable to beat Cooper at Aftershock, Garth Black is able to steal the Championship for his own on a more permanent basis? A last man standing match awaits the two outspoken superstars and this promises to be the last time that we see both in the same ring for a while.

My name is Tony.

I’ve been a writer at the Source Magazine for nearly ten years.

Throughout my career I’ve broken stories, got the big scoops and seen my name flash across the screen with an article I’ve prepared. To this day, I still feel a great thrill whenever my work is published.

I’ve covered politics, music in all forms, television, film, sporting events and even professional wrestling. Some say I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. I would’ve loved to stay in one field but it never worked out that way. No, my career has led me down several different roads and none more, challenging shall we say, than my interactions with Justin Cooper.


That Justin Cooper.

The Justin Cooper.

I wrote a feature on him back in 2005 for a different publication. It revolved around a week we spent together on tour. I was his human shadow, following along, never interacting, just observing as the most successful rap star in Australian music history did his thing. I saw an arrogant kid do what he wanted, when he wanted to do it and somehow, even with so much confrontation from big record labels and media figureheads, I saw this kid reach heights never seen before.

Fast forward a few years later and I covered his retirement from the music industry. We laughed. That feature was a comedy piece and I had it framed for my office. A joke we all thought. Wrestling? Not a chance. The idea that this kid who couldn’t get along with anyone would be successful twice in his life was impossible.

That feature, it’s beautiful frame and all, no longer hangs on my wall. I’ve never read it again. Now, it sits in Justin’s house alongside his wrestling championships. Whenever he invites me over for drinks, even as a thirty-four-year-old man, Justin still becomes that arrogant little kid who must remind me that I dared to laugh at his dream. I said it was impossible.

That’s the thing about Justin Cooper. I said it earlier, he does what he wants, when he wants to do it. No matter if he is nineteen or thirty-four. Justin is smug. Justin is arrogant. He’ll tell you that but that’s what makes him great. You don’t believe in him? Justin doesn’t give a fuck.

So, as I sit here on the edge of retirement I couldn’t imagine going out on any other story. For the final time, please take a seat and relax. This is a little story of my final journey with Justin Cooper. My final time, sitting across from my friend, someone who has grown to share a common respect with me.


“Over here, Tonz.”

A warm greeting awaited me as I arrived in to the bar where we agreed to meet. New York. The home of Madison Square Garden and the place where Justin would be competing. A World Championship match against a man he tells me is, and I quote, “Worse than Ricky Runn.”

The seat was cold and hard. Around us it wasn’t as busy as I had expected. For the most part it seemed like the bar held truck drivers and grizzled old veterans of the bar. Locals, I could tell by the way the barman spoke to the few other patrons by their first name. For a big city, this was one of the few local hotspots where tourists wouldn’t visit. I could see why. The room was poorly lit, the television... well they didn’t have one and it clearly hadn’t caught up to current regulations as the bar stunk of smoke.

“Drink?” asked Justin, downing a glass of whiskey.

I declined.

The barman poured Justin another drink. I watched him without saying a word. It was always interesting to see him. I found that letting him speak without asking anything was an effective way to get Justin to open up. From the first time we worked together, back when I shadowed him for a week, I never learnt so much about the man behind the character than I did when he forgot I was there. His face was stained with a beard. It was unclean, patchy at best and his eyes were dark underneath. As he grabbed the glass I noticed bruised knuckles and his clothes were wore and dirty.

“What do you call the man who defeats the greatest to ever live?” Justin said, he took a drag from his freshly lit cigarette whilst peering across the bar. His eyes never meeting mine. I wasn’t sure. “I asked you that a long time ago. At the time the answers were few. These days pretty much anyone has beaten Ty by now. A cheap imitation of what he once was, Tony. My achievement, gone down the fucking drain, because Ty couldn’t hang it up. He had to come back and for what?”

He took another drag of the cigarette. His eyes wandered over to meet mine and there they stayed. Justin was always hard to read and now, on this final meeting, I couldn’t tell what I was looking at. The guy was different. He was checked out. I only came to this realisation later. I could easily act like some prophet but it was only as I walked away from the meeting. The brief five-minute conversation that I’m detailing now, that I realised it.

We continued. With a certain intrigue, I waited for him to speak again. The silence grew awkward as he continued smoking and slowly blowing the smoke back in my face. Sometimes he made rings. Still a total prick.

“Why am I still doing this?” Justin liked to ask questions of me. It was a power thing for him. He wanted to have some control and now, as his smoke dwindle away and he added to the thickness of the air inside the bar, Justin needed that. Control was slipping away for him professional. He had lost the World Championship, you see. Not the right to be called champion but the physical belt. Taken by the challenger, Garth Black. That had torn away at him. To have it ripped away so easily, control slipping through his fingers so he looked for something he could control. He looked at me as an easy mark.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t. Justin received another glass of whiskey almost immediately. He took a deep sip and slid the glass over to the barman. Refill. Slowly, he reached down and pull up a bag. Black, gym style and seconds later it was gone. The bag wasn’t important. What was important was the thing inside it. A title belt. Not the title belt he had lost but a replica as I would soon discover.

“They sent me this since I’m doing media tomorrow. Can’t have a champion without a belt they said.” Justin spat. The thought of wearing this belt was vile. It wasn’t his belt. The one he had worked so hard to achieve. This was a lie. It was fake. “I will not wear it. Fuck ‘em. Let them fire me. I’m over it. I’m over the games. I’ve played this game for seven years. I’ve climbed to the top of the mountain, Tony. Look at me now! Do I look happy?”

He didn’t. The signs were all there. You just had to be looking for them. “Garth Black. Three times I’ve beaten him and now I’m going for the fourth. Then it’ll be Eve or Flex. The cycle is never ending. They just keep coming and I’m sick of it. I’m done. Everything keeps spinning no matter what you do. I’m not important to this company. The wheel keeps turning with or without me.”

The fake title belt sat on the wood of the bar. It looked beautiful. The gold, jewels and crisp leather strapping. For the common person, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Justin however could. He saw it as a lie. A symbol of his failure. He wanted the real thing. “Garth Black. Again. He’s got my title and they send me this. They slap me in the face by telling me to go on television with a child’s toy wrapped around my waist. I will not do it! I've given everything to this federation, I've achieved my dreams and yet here I am still feeling like I have no control over anything. I thought that once I became World Champion that I'd be able to control my own destiny but ever since I've been nothing but a puppet for Garth. He has been the one in control. Well, that ends this Sunday!”

"It all ends when I reach down to that place which made me famous. When I return to my mayhem roots one final time. Whether I win or lose, Garth Black will forever remember the day he stole my World Championship. It'll be a moment when he's old and retired that he regrets because of all the pain he suffered as a result in our Last Man Standing Match. He will remember what happens when you take what I earned. I don't have much left, Tony but I sure as hell have one last ass kicking left in me for that son of a bitch!" He stood up and threw a glass. It shattered.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the last time I ever interviewed Justin Cooper. Five minutes in a local bar with a man who had lost himself. They had taken the one thing that had driven him. He had dreamed of becoming World Champion for years. Finally, he achieved it and right away someone had deprived him of the celebrating. That seemed to be a theme for Justin. Whenever he’d win anything, it was haunted by a sense of doom.

On this occasion, we were asked to leave following his outburst. Justin went one way and I went the other. I haven’t spoken to him since.

Well, I did get one text message from him in the days after. One on the night he defended the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship against Garth Black. It was just two words. For all the hype, the celebrations and the smugness. I truly believe that Justin Cooper is one of the most real athletes I’ve ever encountered. Athletes might even be the wrong wording. He is as real a person as I’ve ever sat down with. I said it in an article when he left music, you may have dislike him, even hated him but you’ll miss Justin when he’s gone.

It was as I reflected on that statement when I realised it. Nobody else had figured it out in the days leading up to his Madison Square Garden showdown. It was right there. For all to see if they just opened their eyes.

Win, lose or draw.

This match was to be his last.

And his final two words?

“Fuck Garth.”
So it’s finally happened. I have achieved enlightenment, and it’s an endless stream of contradictions.

“An endless stream of contradictions”. My life in 5 words. I don’t know when I started to think this way. To be so miserable. But I feel that the winds of change are finally blowing through the WZCW.

Is it the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? I really don’t know, I guess it could be either. For eight years, this journey has been a cacophony of noise. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve been shouting into the wind. Sometimes, like I’m preaching to the choir. Whatever, I guess the fat lady is singing now. For the end of the Act or the end of the Opera? I guess we’ll find out.

I have striven for one thing, and one thing only for the past eight years and that is consistency. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been swimming with the tide or against the current, if there is one thing that I can say I have always done, it’s been true to myself. Everything I’ve ever said or done has been consistent with my character. Until a few weeks ago, that is.

I suppose it all started in earnest two years ago. Third comeback, and I noticed a pattern emerging. As soon as someone with a bit of a dark character came in, the WZCW elite would push them to the hilt. I remembered when my mentor Daddy Mack was here. Aftershock 38. He defeats Slaughter, easily. But who got the push? Who got the screen time? The dark guy. The mysterious guy. The guy who became buddies with the back room. Which one of those guys would be here tomorrow if called upon and which one took their ball home?

If stupidity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result, then WZCW is Forrest Gump. I had been brow beaten by this idiocy for way too long.

Cornered, I kicked out at the world and for a while the world took it’s beating. You see the world, this federation, is rotten. It always has been. The same sorts of people succeed, and you have to be with them or you get lost in the wash like a dirty old sock. I wanted to do something a little different, only after a while I suppose it wasn’t that different any more.

Fast forward a year or so and there I was faced with Hunnicutt. Same old, same old. So I pointed it out, the obvious. And the tide began to turn against the old. Suddenly the dark and dreary wasn’t what was so interesting anymore. The emperor’s new clothes had been revealed and years of WZCW history was stood bollock naked on parade.

And that’s when it started. Momentum started to gather, the ball started to turn. The sun set on these darkened characters and everything began changing. Ty Burna lost the plot. Hunnicutt went from golden goose to also-ran. Where once was darkness, now was light. The ball was rolling, I was turning it. I had read the book of WZCW success and I had spoiled the plot to everyone, so they had to throw that book away.

But I rejoiced too soon.

When I went off the script two years ago I was doing it because I sought vindication that everything I had done had been worth it. The nature of this business is such that people will ask you if you’re sincere. Well I am and the truth is that I’ve completely and utterly fallen out of love with the federation. I suppose that won’t come as much of a surprise, but I really thought I had made a difference to it. Now I’m not so sure.

My momentum couldn’t be denied, so I started to pick up wins. They stacked the Gold Rush against me, but it didn’t matter. They put the old company stalwarts against me, but it didn’t matter. Stormrage, Tastic, who cares? I beat them, and that’s when it happened. I realised I’d written the new formula.

So what to do with the rebel without a cause? They took my formula and they bottled it in pretty WZCW packaging.

Don’t get me wrong, the copycat company men of this world won’t be the first and they won’t be the last. They are clever individuals ahead of the trend, but they aren’t innovators. They are the Madonna of professional wrestling.

You see, a guy like me is gold dust because I’m everything the audience wishes they were, and I say everything they wish they could say and I do everything they wish they could do. There’s an obvious appeal and back when I was beating Matt Tastic, people were paying to see that. But what happens when they can’t tame the beast? What happens when I start to make legitimate demands? Uncertainty. And the market does not favour uncertainty.

So I get ignored. They realise that they have had the compliant, user-friendly version of Garth Black all along and they made him the champion. Justin Cooper is Garth Black with a brown nose and no testicles. The thing is, I’m not even sure if they know it.

I read some opinion piece hack the other day that said ‘Garth Black doesn’t belong in the Hall of Fame because he has no lasting legacy.’ I’m not sure if they’re blind or stupid. Ty Burna run roughshod over this company for years. Nobody could slay the beast. Three months after I start telling it how it is, Burna is dead the water, losing handicap matches to a carbon copy of me. I ended this pseudo supernatural bullshit in this company forever. Hunnicutt is cut down. Burna is burned out. Theron is gone. I beat those three and where are they now? Vis Imperium are already on about their eighth incarnation because that crap doesn’t work any more because of me.

No lasting legacy? This company is built in my image. The truth is I don’t belong in the hall of fame, because it’s a hall of cliché and they broke the mould when they made me. I am more articulate, more intelligent and more ambitious than every single one of these low rate, low budget low IQ excuses for wrestlers in this company.

Titus has been doing the same schtick for a year and a half but nobody can beat him because they are so utterly devoid of any creativity whatsoever. But it’s starting to drive me insane. I said before that I hadn’t been consistent in character recently, and it’s true.

I’ve been driven to the edge. Whether it’s corrupt referees or Flex Mussel blindsiding me, the truth of the matter is that I just can’t seem to get out of a rut and it’s consuming me. I took the title. I’ve preached for a long time about wanting vindication, and by being in possession of this belt, I guess I felt that I had achieved it, but the honest truth of it is that Justin Cooper consumes me. The inability to beat him, when I’ve beat everyone else grates me so much.

I’m not here to make a deal with the devil. I’m not here to try the underhand, or the backhanded compliment. Cooper is not better than me. Cooper is not a better wordsmith than I am, he’s just more in tune with the idiots that run this place more than I could ever be. I will not dumb myself down to be heard. I will not simplify my transmission so that it can be received by anachronistic equipment.

I am the most eloquent performer this business has ever seen and I intend on showing that. I have Justin’s belt. He has my life. He has my position. He is where I deserve to be. I’ve carved out a throne out of solid rock, and he’s jumped in it whilst I was painting it.

He is riding the crest of the wave, but I am Neptune. I summoned that wave, and I’m going to summon another, but this is a tidal wave. Tsunami. And I will flood in and take my rightful spot. He can have his nameplates back. I don’t even really want the belt, just what the belt represents. I am the best in this business and the only way that I can show the mouth breathers that I am the best in this business is to wear this belt.

People may say that it’s driving me crazy or that I’m unhinged by this, but I’m not. I never have been and I never will be. The fact of the matter is that I know my value and I want everyone else to. Is that really too much to ask?

The thing is, yes, I want to beat Cooper because I know I am better than him and I need everyone else to see that, but his very existence is the vindication of everything I’ve been saying.

My manifesto has been the same since day one:-

Ditch the Darkness
Reward Reliability
Champion the Champion
Prevent Politics

When I started my crusade, all I wanted was for the champions to defend their titles. I wanted the company to take stock of itself and realise that the people at the top should be here for the long haul but they should also not be some tired 90s Buffy the Vampire Slayer extra.

Three of my four points have come true. If Cooper beats me, I know and you know that the politicians haven’t been vanquished just yet, but his presence in the main event and Eve or Mussel’s in the next means that this company has changed an awful lot since I started pointing out its flaws.

I’m not the anarchist of WZCW. I’m its architect. And this weekend, I’m going to build myself a second legacy. The truth is that I ran out of things to say a long time ago. It’s only sitting here now that I realise that subconsciously I am having an impact.

People say I need this win. I don’t need anything except a level playing field. The rest is pretty much a given.

I want this win.

I have to have this win.

Like I said, an endless stream of contradictions.
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