AoN: Sam Smith (c) vs. Celeste Crimson - Elite X Title

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the Frog

Going into the All or Nothing PPV cycle, Sam Smith was the most over-looked superstar. Now, he has captured the attention of all of the men and women in the back by his recent dominance in the ring. On the opposite side of the ring is a story in a box. Celeste Crimson is the longest tenured wrestler in the WZCW. However, despite all of her years put into the fed, she has never captured gold. Not even once. This will a battle for great accomplishments for both competitors. Will we see Sam Smith cement his reign as the best Elite X Champion once and for all, or will Celeste Crimson strike gold for the very first time in her career?

Deadline is Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per thread.
Celeste Crimson sat at the desk with her laptop in front of her pecking away at the keys. The room was dimly lit, except for the occasional strikes of lightning that would illuminate the walls. She was trying to sort through her memoires. Every so often she would reach over and grab a glass filled with vodka. The warm liquid embraced her throat like a bitter fire.

What defines my career?’ she asked herself.

It was a wet and humid February evening the weekend before WZCW’s All or Nothing pay per view. Thanks to the wacky warm weather a big storm had hit the city the day before, creating unfavorable conditions that made travel uncomfortable. With no sign of the rain letting up many superstars had decided not to travel far from the hotel, and found other forms of entertainment to occupy time.

‘Is it my tenacity, or perhaps my appeal as a novelty? Was there ever a glass ceiling above me, or have I just been unwilling to move forward?’

She looked down at her glass – it was drained. She stood and walked over to the mini bar by the refrigerator which was stockpiled with a variety of refreshments. She pulled a bottle of the Russian water from the shelf and refilled her glass. The door to the suite opened, and she turned to see her friend and tag team partner Sandy Deserts walking into the living room. Sandy stopped and turned the dimmer to maximum. She turned towards the linen closet, opened it, and took out a clean towel.

“How was your swim?” asked Celeste.

“Refreshing,” answered the brunette. She glanced at the laptop that was still on the desk. “Have you been writing in your diary?”

Celeste raised an eyebrow, “I told you they were memoirs – tidbits of the chronicles of my life. It’s nothing like a diary.”

“Whatever, I’m going to take a shower.”

Sandy grabbed a change of clothes from her dresser and disappeared into the bathroom. Celeste unplugged her computer and plopped down onto the couch in the living area. She was reading through one of her memoirs from a couple of years ago during her previous run. One was dated right before the Eurasian Championship Tournament. She began to read:

May 3, 2009

I can’t believe the nerve of that prick Chuck Myles forcing me to take part in this lowly tournament. Doesn’t he know who I am? I’m Celeste Crimson, dammit! Only losers and posers in this business would want to be a champion. I’m the greatest performer in the whole company, and I don’t need a mere title to justify my greatness! I brutalized both Big Will and Steamboat Ricky and this is how I get rewarded, by having to compete against a bunch of rookies that aren’t even worthy enough to breath the same air as me? Pathetic!

‘I was so misguided back then,’ she thought. She turned to the next entry, dated three weeks later.

May 24, 2009

I have tried everything that I can to get out of this wretched tournament, but all of my negotiations with Chuck Myles have deteriorated. I’m already being paid more money than most others, but that’s not enough for me. Everything should be on my terms! I’m the best performer in the industry! He’s threatening to cut my pay if I skip out on the dates, but I deserve better than to have these morons as my competition. Last week I defeated a 7 foot, 400 pound pile of garbage called Rush. That fat ass should be thanking me that I allowed him to look so good. Whatever – If I end up winning the tournament I’m just going to sell off the title. I don’t need it to be the best.

‘It was greed that motivated me to stick around even though I hated my position on the card,’ Celeste mused as she looked up and turned on the television.

‘My arrogance and pride were what ultimately drove me to lose interest in the business in the first place. I walked around like the world owed me everything, and that I was the loan shark coming to break its legs if I didn’t get what I wanted. What a fool I was.’

The door reopened as Sandy reappeared fully showered and dressed in casual nightwear. Her hair was still wrapped up in a towel. She sat down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the news. She glanced over at her friend who was suddenly lost in thought.

“Are you thinking about anything interesting Celeste? You seem kind of zoned out.”

“What is an ego Sandy? And I’m not talking about the part of the psyche, I mean the self concept.”

Sandy thought for a moment, “I’d say the ego is how we define our material existence. All of us are humans right? I think it’s only natural that we think with our brains and not with our hearts.”

“Right,” Celeste said with a smile. “Years ago I thought the only way to put a true mark on my existence was based on how much money I made. That led me to do several things that I’m not proud off.”

“But you don’t think like that now,” said Sandy.

“No, because I found my ‘true’ self – I realized that the joy of being able to perform was the only thing that I needed to realize my dream of being a pro wrestler. I got caught up with all the money because it was a status symbol. I remember jobbing to Mondragon Meadowgate, and jobbing to Blade because of the promise of better competition and even better pay.”

“You’ve told me the story before – your greed nearly tore your marriage apart.”

“I look at an egomaniac like Sam Smith and I can see a few similarities between him and the person I used to be. There’s no one on the roster that doesn’t have personal problems; even those that might be on top of the world have issues that they have to deal with, hurdles that they have to jump, and goals they have to reach.”

Sandy reached over and adjusted the volume on the television, while Celeste stood and put her computer back on the shelf. She returned as Sandy jump started the conversation once more.

“Isn’t Smith just like you used to be? I don’t know much about the man, but I assume that you see something in him that reminds you of all those years ago.”

“Smith has made it clear that he is unsatisfied with the competition he’s had to face lately; and back then I was too. But that’s as far as similarities go – he’s really nothing like the competitor I once was.”

Sandy raised an eyebrow. Celeste had already lost to the Elite X champion several times in the past few months, for her to have been given another shot, wasn’t that fate? And wasn’t Smith just some arrogant punk like Celeste used to be? That’s what made the story so interesting right?

“I was always under the impression that you two were pretty similar-”

Celeste shook her head, “Being a megalomaniac and being unsatisfied with our competition were the only things that Smith had in common with me. I accepted a larger salary with the promise that I’d get better competition if I did jobs to talent that I didn’t want to work with. When that didn’t happen I left the company. If Smith’s so unhappy with his treatment in the company then why hasn’t he left yet? He’s had opportunity after opportunity to face the big names, and from what I know he’s squandered every one of them. He has no one to blame for those errors but himself.”

She rose off the couch and went to put her empty glass in the sink. She began to pace and talk at the same time.

“The fact that he’s been able to remain the Elite X champion for this long is probably the reason why he hasn’t stopped competing completely. All of his talk about ‘bringing WZCW down from the inside’ makes no sense. As Elite X champion he has no place to do that. I’m sure he realizes this.”

“So you’re saying that Smith should have vacated the title months ago? What kind of statement would that have made?”

Celeste eyed her friend for a moment, “I know you’ve been retired for a while Sandy, but I don’t think you remember how tough this business can be. Dreams aren’t always concrete, and even something as valuable as a championship belt might be considered trash because the glory that comes with it isn’t always glamorous. If Smith truly felt the way that he acts – that he’s been unfairly treated and not given enough opportunity, then wouldn’t he have discarded that belt long ago? That’s what I wanted to do years ago if I had won the Eurasian championship; that would have said ‘I don’t want to be in this division, and I want to face better competition.’”

“And maybe Smith doesn’t want to vacate the title, what champion would?”

“The WZCW champion,” Celeste responded as she walked over to a lounge chair across from Sandy.

“Whoever holds that title is considered to be the best in the company. Years ago when I said that I didn’t want to hold any titles, I was referring to the midcard belts. What I really wanted was the WZCW championship the whole time. Months ago that’s all I advocated for, because that’s all I really wanted -”

“Please don’t tell me you aren’t planning on taking this match at All or Nothing seriously. I had an opportunity to fight for that belt too you know,” Sandy interrupted. She sounded hurt.

Celeste raised her hand and silenced her, “I changed my mind about that a while ago when I was so dead set on challenging Rush. You honestly don’t believe I would have challenged him if there wasn’t something on the line?”

Sandy shook her head and scowled. She wanted to voice a rebuttal; Celeste could tell. Sandy had spent years on the independent circuit wrestling in hardcore matches and putting her body on the line all the time for no reason other than pride. Celeste leaned forward and the two engaged in a brief mental stare down until Sandy relented.

“I can understand how you feel Sandy, but I know deep down you feel the same way. This is why we form alliances – why I formed Fairy Glitter Armageddon with you. The mutual respect that we have for each other is the reason why competition exists. The bastards of WZCW like Constantine, and Steven Holmes, and Ty Burna like to stir shit up to force people like you and I to fight them. Otherwise what would be the point?”

Celeste leaned back in her chair and dropped her tone, “But Sam Smith has something that I want now, and I believe it was fate that brought me back here. To finish my point from earlier, I believe that the Elite X championship defines Smith’s existence. That’s the reason why he’s worked so hard to defend it. And it’s clear now that regardless of the caliber of opponent that challenges him, he’s going to try his damndest to keep the thing because without it he’d be a broken man.”

She folded her arms and leaned forward, “I don’t know anything about Smith’s personal life, and I don’t really care, but what I do know is that something in his life is forcing him to hold onto a division and a belt that he obviously holds in disdain. So at All or Nothing I’m going to do him a favor – I’m going to win that belt, kick him in the ass, and force him to face his demons. I know from experience that he won’t be able to move forward until he hits rock bottom.”

Sandy yawned and glanced at the clock, “It’s getting late, so I’m going to bed. I’m not going to argue the dynamics of all this because I trust you know what you’re doing. I believe in you Celeste, and I know that this match is something that you deserve.”

She smiled, “Thanks, Sandy. I don’t plan on losing; this is something that has been a long time coming for me, and now that I have an opportunity I plan on giving Smith my all. You go on to bed I’m going to stay up and write one more memoir.”

Sandy retired to her room while Celeste booted up her laptop to write one more passage. Staring at the dimly lit screen, she began to type.

February 16, 2013

I have defeated the best of my competition and have earned another shot at glory. I swear to myself that this opportunity will not go to waste. Whatever mask that Smith might be wearing won’t be enough to save him from me. He’s become complacent as Elite X champion, and now I feel that I must finally be the one to put him in his place, and he’ll realize that I was the competition that he had been craving all along.


The following day Celeste and Sandy left their suite and made the short journey over to the arena for some pre match interviews. Even though Sandy wasn’t involved in a match for a championship, her match was very important because the winner would receive a guaranteed spot in the Lethal Lottery and a chance at bigger and better goals in the future.

‘An over the top battle royal,’ thought Celeste as she and Sandy made their way to the entrance of the arena.

Even though there was some stiff competition in that match, she held little doubt that Sandy was going to win the whole thing. Fairy Glitter Armageddon would gain some serious credibility, even though as far as Celeste was concerned Sandy’s victory was mutually exclusive to their success as a team. Celeste bided her friend farewell and promised to rendezvous with her later in the locker room. She turned and trudged forward towards the production room.

‘I can’t afford to lose focus,’ she thought. ‘I’ve never felt more motivated before in my life.’

Fifteen minutes later she found herself standing in front of a camera waited on by Becky Serra. The bubbly brunette looked as lively as ever. Looking ahead she could see hundreds of fans - and upon closer inspection she could tell right away that they were her fans, sporting her merchandise, lined up along the guardrails outside the arena. It was late in the afternoon and it was a bit chilly, but none of the people seemed to care at all.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen of the WZCW universe,” said Becky looking out into the sea on people. “I’d like to welcome the Number 1 Contender for the Elite X championship, Celeste Crimson!”

Celeste stepped forward as Becky turned the microphone to her face so that she could talk, “I can’t put into words just how much I appreciate all of my fans coming out to support me today. It’s been a long time coming, but at All or Nothing I finally have the opportunity to grab that brass ring that’s eluded me for so long.”

She paused briefly before turning to address the fans directly, “What is a champion? Some might say that a champion is the best wrestler among his peers, while others might say that a champion is a representation of dedication, but my definition of a champion is different. To me a champion is tenacious and always stays true to what he believes in. That is the type of person I am – when I set my mind to something I never quit and I never stop.”

She spoke with passion and vigor; the words cascading like water over a falls, “The current Elite X champion is a man named Sam Smith-”

The crowd booed heavily at the mention of his name; Celeste nodded, “A man that has remained Elite X champion by defeating all comers. But does that make him worthy of being the champion? Hell no! Week after week we’ve all had to listen to Smith complain to Big Dave that he’s being misused, that’s he’s under appreciated, and he’s felt disrespected by all of you!”

She pointed towards all of the fans, who responded with more noise, “Sam Smith doesn’t believe in this company, and if he did he wouldn’t constantly talk about wanting to bring it down from the inside. News flash Cupcake, you can’t bring this company down no matter how hard you try! One man did, and he’s gone now. You cling so hard to that championship belt because you know that’s the only thing you’ve got going for you. You are stuck in this division, stuck facing opponents whom you say aren’t worthy to share the same ring, but I say to hell with you! You’re stuck in this division because you aren’t man enough to do something about it.”

Celeste was rolling now, “How many chances have you had to face the big names of this business? A lot; and how many of those times have you been successful? None. I have defeated plenty of big names in this business, and plenty of smaller one’s too. And you may be cocky because you’ve beaten me before, but at All or Nothing there won’t be any giants in your corner, the lights will be on bright, and your title will be on the line.”

She paused ever so slightly for additional emphasis, “Sam Smith has sacrificed his body for that title, and he’s sold his soul for the little bit of pride he’s managed to salvage. When I returned a year ago, and I targeted Ty Burna and the Apostles of Chaos, I preached about ridding this company of those ideals because they only lead to disaster. Sam Smith is the perfect example of the power of chaos at work! What is good about being a champion if you become complacent? What is good about being a champion if you can never move forward? And what is good about being a champion if you give up on yourself? At All or Nothing I am going to kick Sam Smith’s ass, take his championship, and force him to wake up to reality! Only then, Cupcake, will you move on to bigger and better things, and give up on these delusions.”

Celeste nodded and gestured towards the fans, “I am a sleeping giant! I feel no pain, I have no regrets, and now I’m playing for keeps! Every action that I take the fans experience them it with me; they see every move that I make and I have nothing to hide. Someone like Sam Smith has no one to connect to because his pride has blinded him to the truth. No matter how many times you win, and no matter how long you hold that title you’ll never amount to anything because you’re a coward! Your arrogance will be your downfall, and no one’s going to be around to catch you when you fall!”

She smiled; her voice dropping an octave, “I realize now that I am the only one that can take the Elite X championship. I had to go through four others to get this far, and among them included my tag team partner. I experienced the same darkness as Sam Smith years ago, but I was only able to free myself once I hit rock bottom. At All or Nothing I will throw him into the abyss, as he plummets all the way to the bottom!”

Celeste’s voice resumed its normal tone, “After so many years my journey will be coming full circle! At All or Nothing I am going to win the Elite X championship and take my place among the all time greats of this company! To all of my fans who have supported me I say the journey has just begun!”

Celeste stopped and let the ocean of praise from the fans wash over her. The fans chanted her name over and over again; it was a feeling of pure bliss. Celeste walked around the rail and shook hands with as many people as she could. She signed a few autographs and posed for a few photos. All or Nothing was soon to be history in the making. The sun would soon set, and the lights would be turned on bright; caution would be thrown to the wind, battles would be waged, and only one person would stand victorious after the dust settled. Stand tall Celeste; I am the champion!
November 19th, 2012 -- WZCW SuperShow

Chaos is abound inside the ring. Sam Smith stands in the corner with a steel chair in hand, menacingly stalking his prey, "Showtime" David Cougar. On the other side of the ring, a referee is occupied with Rush, unaware of Smith's sinister intentions.

Cougar slowly crawls to his feet, turning directly into a brutal chairshot to the head from the Elite X Champion that echoes through the arena. Cougar crumples to the canvas while Smith slides the chair under the ropes and yells out for the referee. The ref turns and sees Smith covering the fallen champion, beginning his count. Through a chorus of boos, a few fans chant along with the count:




No! The champion gets his shoulder up at two and a half. A shocked Sam Smith stares down at the broken champion while pulling at his own hair. He lets out an agonized scream, in absolute disbelief at the champion's resolve.

Sam: "Stay down, Cougar!"

The scene re-opens inside of Sam Smith's home. The home is unusually empty -- save for Smith, the camera man, and a box upon which Smith sits, it is completely barren. Smith stares deep into the camera, silently pondering his next words. The Elite X Champion's appearance is a vast departure from what has become the norm as of late. The champion's hair is carefully cut, his face is cleanly shaven, his clothing -- a suit -- is immaculate, and -- as a final touch -- the Elite X Championship shines brightly from its position around his waist.

Sam: "Have you ever had everything you've ever wanted yanked away from you? Have you ever seen the one thing you dream about -- the thing that keeps you up at night, the thing your life revolves around -- slip between your fingers? Have you, Celeste?"

Smith pauses, almost as if he is waiting for a response from Celeste herself.

Sam: "I have, Celeste. I have."

Smith pounds the canvas in frustration, trying to think of further punishment to inflict upon the World Heavyweight Champion. All hell has broken loose ringside, where Rush and Matt Tastic are brawling into the crowd. Smith hollers at the ref while getting to his feet. He once again begins stalking his opponent, that sinister grin of his slithering back into place.

Showtime shakes the cobwebs out of his head while using the ropes to stand back up. Smith pulls him towards the center of the ring, hoisting him up for Nightfall! Showtime shifts his weight and transitions off of Smith's shoulders, countering into the Commercial Break!

Smith flails wildly, trying to break the hold, but Showtime has it locked in tight. Smith uses every ounce of upper body strength he has left and begin at clawing his way to the ropes. Inch by inch he moves for what seems like an eternity. The ropes continually evade his grasp, like a mirage in a desert. Smith's fingertip reaches the bottom rope, but the World Heavyweight Champion finally manages to drag the weakened Smith back into the center of the ring.

Smith solemnly continues on.

Sam: "It hurts, Celeste -- so much so that even you would feel the pain. It breaks your will. You feel incomplete, you feel violated. You become that little kid again, wanting nothing more than to dive into your mother's arms and weep. Think about it, the meaning to your existence -- the reason you crawl out of bed every morning -- is gone. It's out of reach. You don't have it."

Smith looks down at his feet for a moment, mumbling a few words out.

Sam: "So, Celeste -- do you know what that's like? Better yet, have you ever been in that position?"

Smith screams out in pain, slowly beginning to fade. He stares out into the crowd and sees the cheering masses, egging Showtime on to break him. He searches for the strength to break out, but he doesn't have it. With his last ounces of energy, he meekly taps the canvas. The crowd lets out a mammoth roar in support of the World Heavyweight Champion, as Smith lies in a puddle of his own sweat face down on the canvas.

The referee raises Showtime's hand, handing him his belt, while his music courses through the arena. Showtime celebrates, raising his belt and pointing to the fans a few times before stepping out of the ring.

Smith lies in the ring for a while longer. At this point, Showtime's music has already cut off, but Smith hasn't so much as moved an inch. He eventually moves, turning onto his back and staring at the lights over the ring. A gamut of emotions runs over the Elite X Champion, as he seems transfixed on the lights. The fans boo Smith, but he doesn't seem to notice. Finally, Smith begins to break into laughter -- cackling as he rises off the canvas, grabs his belt, and goes backstage -- leaving the fans perplexed as to what they just saw.

Smith stands up off the box, pacing around his empty living room, vehemently shaking his head.

Sam: "I don't think you know that's like. I don't think you have any idea, Celeste! The realization that everything you've ever wanted is gone hits you like a ton of bricks -- it takes you to a place you never thought existed. That place is cold, it's dark; Celeste, it's a terrifying place to find yourself in. You're confronted with a reality that most people suppress for their entire lives and you question everything about yourself.

So, Celeste, take a nice, long and hard look at yourself. Who are you? Are you the family woman, who loves her husband and child without question? Are you the brutal destruction machine, incapable of feeling pain? Or are you that scared little girl, searching for her place in the world, coming to me for validation?"

Sam stops pacing. He leans against a bare wall in his living room, continuing on. A look of sincerity -- seemingly -- comes across his face.

Sam: "Here's what I think, Celeste: I think you've barked up every tree in the fed, trying -- for years -- to prove your worth, to prove that your words aren't hollow. You've jumped from Rush and the EurAsian belt, to me and the Elite X Championship belt, to the tag team ranks, and now back to me. Throughout all that, you've never been able to do it. Sure, the fans still love to cheer you on, but it's because they're stupid and don't realize that you just keep lying to them."

With at, the look of sincerity is wiped off Sam's face, as a sly grin replaces it.

Sam: "Listen, I get it, I do. A long time ago, I tried to wear all those caps too -- the family man, the wrestling machine, the champion -- but I finally came to the realization that I just couldn't do it. Nobody can. You can't keep spreading yourself so thin, Celeste. You lack focus. You'll never beat me -- ever -- if you keep trying to juggle all your roles. It's why I fell short against Showtime. I tried to rebuild my family and what did I get for it? A humiliating defeat, in what was the biggest match of my career.

It took me losing to Showtime and losing my family to realize what I needed to do. I needed to evolve. I went from that dark place and became better. I haven't lost since. It's been months, Celeste. I've beaten everybody WZCW has thrown at me inside of the ring -- including you. I was strong enough to come out of that dark place alive and better for my troubles, and now I want to take you there."

Smith slithers back over to the box in the middle of the room and slumps down onto it.

Sam: "Crimson, I have no fears. I will -- without a single ounce of doubt -- do whatever it takes to beat you. What do I have to lose? The last remnants of my old life sit in this box and I will destroy them today. All I will have left is wrestling, the Elite X Championship, and destroying WZCW alongside Rush. It's all I need.

What separates me -- someone who sits at the apex of this profession -- from you, Crimson, is that fearlessness. I don't walk out into that ring with the fear of losing or the fear of disappointing the fans weighing on my shoulders, I simply do not care. Can you say the same?"

Smith shakes his head.

Sam: "You'll come out at All or Nothing and you'll fall short. Just like you always do. You, too, might have the opportunity to turn your career around then, but it'll take changes. You should be thankful, honestly. I'm giving you the same treatment "Showtime" David Cougar gave me. It takes a cold slap from reality to realize that you're reaching, that you need to hone your craft more to make it on the upper reaches of this profession. It's an evolution we all need to make, if we want to succeed."

Smith stands up from the box and tips it over, spilling its contents on the floor. A plethora of items litter the floor. Smith begins rummaging through them.

Sam: "I complete my evolution today."

Smith reaches down and picks up a photo, he points at the faces in the photo.

Sam: "This is me with my father. I was, maybe, seven years old. He was a scumbag and a raging alcoholic. I depended on him."

Smith reaches down and picks up another photo.

Sam: "This should be a familiar face to WZCW fans -- it's my brother Scott. I depended on him, too."

Smith drops the photos and grabs a small chain with an engagement ring hanging off of it.

Sam: "This is my ex-fiancée Chelsea's ring. I loved her more than anything. She was just another thing I depended on."

Smith gently puts the ring back onto the floor, before removing a picture frame from the mess. He proudly turns the frame to the camera.

Sam: "This is my law degree. I depended on it to define who I was."

Smith tosses the frame to the floor and stands up.

Sam: "Every single one of these people or things has something in common: They failed me. I depended on them to take me to the top, but they only served as distractions. As of right now, I can confidently say they mean nothing to me."

Smith reaches behind the camera man and brings forth a sledgehammer. He maniacally stares down at the pile of possessions. He begins violently smashing the assortment of items.

Sam: "I don't need any of these things anymore! Not a thing!"

Smith throws the sledgehammer aside, staring down at destruction in his wake.

Sam: "No more distractions, no more weaknesses. Celeste Crimson, you'll face the toughest test of your wrestling career at All or Nothing. I'm the mountain you can't climb, the obstacle you can't overcome -- I'm everything you've ever feared. Come All or Nothing, your quest for validation will come to an end. You'll leave the PPV empty handed, forced to come to terms with the fact that you just couldn't beat me, forced to deal with the fact that you were just another tally in my win column.

Good luck."

The feed cuts to black.


Some time later, Smith stands in his empty living room. The camera man is gone, but the pile of rubble still lays there. He takes on last look at it and makes his way to the front door. He turns his head, looking at the now-empty home he had bought a few years ago to house the family he was going to have with Chelsea.

Sam makes his way through the door, locking the house behind him. He steps into his car and looks at his house once more, specifically staring at the "For Sale" sign poking out of the lawn. He takes a deep breath before zooming out of the driveway, leaving the house in his rear view mirror.

He was days from the PPV -- no real destination yet -- he just wanted to drive. A buzzing noise broke the silence in his car. His phone sat on the dash -- he was getting a call. He looked at the caller ID, it was his brother Scott. Sam ignored the call, letting it go to voice mail. A few minutes later, he called up his voice mail to listen to his brother's message.

Scott: "What the hell is this, Sam? I hear you're selling the house? Running from your problems, running from your family? You're a coward, Sam -- always have been. Go to he--"

Scott's voice is cut off as Sam rolls down his window and hurls the phone out, which shatters across the concrete. Smith smiles and pushes the gas, speeding toward the sunset.


February 23rd, 2013 -- The night before All or Nothing

Sam Smith sits on the bed in a top of the line hotel room, his eyes transfixed on the television.

Sam: "God, there's never anything on. Cooking, news, more cooking, reality TV."

Smith turned the TV off and tossed the remote aside. He looked at the clock, it was only 9:30 -- there had to be something to do.

Sam: "AGH!"

Smith let out a yell as a sharp pain in his knee derailed his train of thought. The pain was nothing out of the ordinary, his knees had long ago reached their expiration date -- years of bumping will do that.

Smith leaned over and began rifling through a duffle bag next to his bed.

Sam: "Pills, pills, pills -- anywhere?"

He finally found the bottle he'd been looking for, he grabbed a few painkillers and tossed them back. Smith laid on his bed for a few moments before the familiar grip overtook him and swept him off of his feet.

He slung on a dark hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants to match. He pulled on some sneakers and grabbed a bundle of cash. He bounded out of the hotel, walking deeper and deeper into the heart of the city. He walked for what seemed like ages -- his energy renewed. Weathered and unfamiliar faces stared back at him suspiciously, buildings became more decrepit the further he walked.

Though a new city, the surroundings were all too familiar for Smith. He'd spent many an hour walking the streets after his beating at the hands of the Sons of Destiny. He'd leave at random hours of the night, leaving Chelsea to think about where he could be, if he was safe, when he'd come home, or -- worse -- if he'd come home.

Smith's mind raced.

Sam: "Chelsea. It's been almost a week since I left, and I still can't stop thinking about her. She's the only one I care about. Always has been. She just doesn't get it -- she doesn't understand me. We've been through too much together, though.

Almost a year to the day I lost my Elite X Championship, and the same thoughts are running through my mind -- the same demons are consuming me. Is fate doomed to repeat itself? Am I really all talk?

No. I need to stop. I can't go into a match thinking this way."

Smith continued to walk, completely wrapped up in his thoughts. Eventually he came back to his hotel and walked back up to his room. A familiar face met him at the door, as Sam -- for once -- was at a loss for words.

Chelsea: "Why did you leave, Sam?"

Sam: "How did you find me?

Sam didn't know what else to say. How had she found him?

Chelsea: "You're not all that hard to find, Sam. I know what you're like -- I've known you since we were children."

Sam: "You need to leave."

Chelsea: "Sam, shut up. You need to stop being a coward. You can't just leave your family -- your brother and your ailing father -- it's not like you!"

Sam: "And how would you know, Chelsea? How?! I'm not the Sam you fell for anymore! I was naive -- but now, my eyes are open to the world; Scott and my father don't love me, they only use me because they have to, they have no other choice. I'm starting to think you're only here to do the same thing."

A familiar back-and-forth argument followed. It wasn't the first time they'd fought like this, nor it would be the last. The screaming got louder and louder until everything suddenly went quiet. Chelsea's face began to fade, the room began to spin, and it all just faded to black...


...everything came back into perfect focus. It had all been a dream. Smith was laying on the bed of his hotel room, the pills next to him. It was still dark outside, he turned to the clock and found it was only 12:30. Smith's head throbbed, he felt miserable. He stalked over to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face, looking at his bloodshot eyes in the mirror. He let out a loud groan and laid back down on his bed. A sharp knock on the door pierced through the room.

Sam: "Really?"

Sam walked over to the door and pulled it open. Chelsea Shaw's exhausted face greeted him. Smith shook his head.

Sam: "This is unreal."

Chelsea: "Can I come in?"
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