Anyone else tired of the "torch?"


Getting Noticed By Management
I was recently watching one of my old dvds and was listening to the story of Andre passing the torch to Hogan at WM III. I started thinking about this concept and realized it was nonsense. I think this idea of "passing the torch" is just an ego play. No matter had Hogan won or lost he was still way more over than Andre or anyone else. The fans handed Hogan the ball. Just like the fans handed Warrior the ball around the time of WM VI. Bret Hart didn't do Shawn any favors by putting him over in the Iron Man match. He was already over and the fans wanted him to win.

There is no such thing as a feud that puts someone at the next level. It's the wrestler's ability to market himself. With a look, mic skills, wrestling ability, etc... Maybe back in the early 80s and earlier, the wrestlers were known by their greatest matches, but going into the cartoon era and certainly the attitude era, wrestlers were known by what they did and said. Stone Cold and the Rock won't be remembered for their best feuds but rather their ability to draw with whomever they faced.

There is no torch to pass. Do you agree or disagree?
I was recently watching one of my old dvds and was listening to the story of Andre passing the torch to Hogan at WM III. I started thinking about this concept and realized it was nonsense. I think this idea of "passing the torch" is just an ego play. No matter had Hogan won or lost he was still way more over than Andre or anyone else. The fans handed Hogan the ball. Just like the fans handed Warrior the ball around the time of WM VI. Bret Hart didn't do Shawn any favors by putting him over in the Iron Man match. He was already over and the fans wanted him to win.

There is no such thing as a feud that puts someone at the next level. It's the wrestler's ability to market himself. With a look, mic skills, wrestling ability, etc... Maybe back in the early 80s and earlier, the wrestlers were known by their greatest matches, but going into the cartoon era and certainly the attitude era, wrestlers were known by what they did and said. Stone Cold and the Rock won't be remembered for their best feuds but rather their ability to draw with whomever they faced.

There is no torch to pass. Do you agree or disagree?

Andre was immensly popular for his time, in both WWWF/WWF and AWA; but Hogan was a fresh face and really embodied the look of a heavyweight champion. So, you are very correct about the torch not being passed.

I think the whole torch idea is something said as a humbling compliment rather than fact. Though to be honest, Andre worked very hard to make Hogan look good. At the time, due to health issues and bodily pain, Andre had no other choice but to step down.
As far as the comment about the Ironman match between Michaels and Hart, I'd have to say that I don't agree with it wholely, if for no other reason than the fact that the facts weren't really into the match until the last 15 minutes. I remember that match avidly, and also remember feeling as if the technical wrestling aspect of the match went over the fans heads at the time.

Is there a torch passing? No. I'd only say there are better wrestlers rather than a torch being passed.
The 'torch' and its proverbial passing signifies a lot more than what we see on the TV screens. I'd say it is something that is more synonymous with wrestlers from a certain generation i.e. those we perceive to be 'old school'.

The world of wrestling is a carnival, with colourful, larger than life pantomine performers on display for our entertainment. What happens on screen, in my opinion, has nothing to do with the passing of the torch.

Hulk Hogan was unquestionably the face of wrestling in the 80's and early 90's. He was the man dressed in garish red and yellow, a superhero who we all (well, those of us of a certain age) cheered for and wanted to see week in, week out.

Andre The Giant was equally as popular, just not as entertaining or appealing to a younger audience as a Hulk Hogan. He was, what he was. A physical specimen. The eighth wonder of the world. A real threat to the ultimate good guy. On screen he fulfilled that role perfectly.

Now, behind the scenes in the locker room, away from the television production, where politics and dirt sheets rule the roost, the roles were reversed. Andre, affectionately dubbed 'The Boss' by his co-workers, was THE man. The MAIN man. Even Hogan knew and respected this.

The passing of this 'torch' for me is referring to the man, the leader in the locker room, giving his nod of approval to the next guy. Although, saying that I will concede it does get banded about too much on TV. But what I have stated, is my real understanding of the passing of the torch.

It's kind of a romantic 'old school' tradition.
The passing of the torch has been well explained by the previous poster but I would like to add my 2 cents.

It can signify "the future", when the wrestler regarded as "THE MAN", does the job for a new up-and-coming wrestler, which indicates that this new guy is the next big thing, and points out to fans that this is also someone to believe in as a champion.

The rub a wrestler can get by beating the current top dog is huge and can really benefit a persons career. If the losing wrestler has been on top for a long period of time without anyone beating him, and then is finally defeated by a new challenger who has the fans behind him, the new guy beating the previous number 1 guy can sometimes be described as passing the torch
Ok but heres the thing... the locker room leader can give a nod to the new face of the company, however, even if said locker room leader does not give his approval, the guys gonna get himself over. Vince would go with the money.

Andre could have stunk up the match or even refused the match but would that really have had much impact on the momentum that was building into Hulkamania. I am actually a big fan of Andre and am glad he helped the business but Hogan was going to the top with or without anyone (I am not however a Hulk fan- never been a character for me).

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