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Anyone else think the ecw stars are crying right now?


Pre-Show Stalwart
They could've made it a 5 on 5 on 5 brand fight as opposed to 7 on 7.

Now before someone comes in here and talks about lack of star power on ecw, you need to remember the terrible SD team :p Mcintire, escobar, cryme tyme....

Where's the ecw title? Is this the 3rd ppv in a row that doesnt have an ecw title match? I maybe wrong.

It's kind of like the Smackdown Vs Raw game how it hilariously states in a cheap little bubble "featuring ecw!".
Well the game is called Smackdown vs Raw, featuring ECW so the PPV that is hyping the game won't be Smackdown vs Raw vs ECW.

It's not a big deal ECW is left off. Afterall, the show is really just a bridge between development and the two main shows. It isn't meant to feature superstars at every PPV, just occasional ones to help the newer characters slowly over with the fans who don't watch ECW.

Plus, the seven-on-seven is a clusterfuck as it is, where's the need to add another team? I would say no one knows the ECW roster well enough for it to feature on a PPV anyway, but seeing the Smackdown team, that point is now invalid.
I agree with the 7 on 7 being a clusterfuck, but see I have an odd outlook on things like that and it's "Hey man fuck it, it's alright going to be a shit fest, whats another 3 people?"

I guess you're right about the game name, and it doesn't roll off the tongue or abbreviate as well as SvR.

I would've prefered at least an ecw title match versus a womans match but eh that's me. Also there's a week left so maybe they'll announce one making this thread null and void, but with an hour long iron man match, fatal 4 way, and the 7 on 7..entrances.. that right there is at least 2 hours.
When I read your title, I thought you were talking about the original ECW stars and I was thinking, "Oh no, not another one of these topics again." lol

But back to the topic, I would really like to see ECW joining forces with SD because there's not much star power on that team and I think putting someone like Christian in there would be great.
just a question something that has been bugging me about this whole thing is it going to be an elimination like SS or is it just going to be a tag because that would be stupid. And 1 more thing that bothers me if i were to form a team of superstars for my brand i would at least wanted my brands champions but no we get a guy thats 19 stoned and some fat cuban who cant wrestle and truthfully i think the 7 on 7 will be the last match of the show so shouldn the miz vs morrison match have some sort of standing on it say if morrison wins(which i if he doesnt i refuse to watch anymore) then smackdown gets some sort of advantage. I might be wrong in your opinions and it might sound stupid but hey makes since to me.
and to go with the thread ecw of course wont be in there because they would just get squashed and make ecw look even weaker but there should be an ecw match like hey to go with the bragging rights gimmick have the new guys vs the vets as kind of a hey we belong here kinda thing. all it would do is elavate the rooks
i understand everyone's issues w/ the ppv and don't blame anyone one bit. i too hope they'll announce the 7 on 7 match as an elimination match. hell, since tomorrow is the last raw before the ppv, it'd be cool if team smackdown invaded just to elevate the hype behind the match, and do the same tuesday w/ the smackdown tapings. it would've been interesting a bit to see wwe involve ecw somehow in that match or at least bother having ecw matches in some capacity. as for the issue w/ the game title: it's called smackdown vs. raw 2010 featuring ecw, so technically, it can still be referred to as svr...
Agree with ECW being completely ignored again, they could probably field a stronger a stronger team than smackdown can think about:
Christian,Regal,Kozlov,Helms,Eziekel, Ryder and Burchill
The power of koz and zek, speed of helms and ryder, skills of regal, christain and burchill are a match for the sorry state of team SD, come on cryme tyme, mcintyre and escobar?!?!
Apart from Jericho and Kane, team SD is awful, they should bring in finlay. Matt Hardy and Hart Dynasty for cryme tyme, escowho and mcyntyre. Team SD was going to be screwed with the fatal 4 way robbing them of at least 2 top stars
they could easily add christian to the miz v morrison, there all mid card titles anyway and it could never hurt to add christian to a ppv. but they should atleast have an ecw championship match.
they could easily add christian to the miz v morrison, there all mid card titles anyway and it could never hurt to add christian to a ppv. but they should atleast have an ecw championship match.

They can't, because ECW is a "World" Title, or so we've been told.

I don't think ECW stars should be "crying", they should be happy that they're even in the WWE and getting a chance to get some exposure/develop on ECW. It really is a quite useful show.

I do think they should get some type of match on PPV. However, Regal's being a dick about things, so no one else is able to challenge for the ECW Title. They could at least have a match involving Koslov and Jackson or let Ryder have a match with Christian on PPV, the TV matches have been solid.
i don't care what anybody says about ECW okay you WWE fans need to get this through your heads, ECW is dead and gone okay vince is just making money off of the blood, sweat, and tears that the original ECW gave us. ECW died in 2001 when its doors closed even though VKM gave us back ECW it wasn't the ECW true fans know and love it was a basdard child that vince made. u want to see a the true child of ECW then every die hard old ECW fan should watch TNA though its not the same its a close second
i don't care what anybody says about ECW okay you WWE fans need to get this through your heads, ECW is dead and gone okay vince is just making money off of the blood, sweat, and tears that the original ECW gave us. ECW died in 2001 when its doors closed even though VKM gave us back ECW it wasn't the ECW true fans know and love it was a basdard child that vince made. u want to see a the true child of ECW then every die hard old ECW fan should watch TNA though its not the same its a close second

Just because it isn't filled with tables, blood, and the Dudleys, it doesn't mean it's a "bastard" child. Obviously it's something completely different at this point and the name is only used to get more viewers, but it actually is not that bad and features some good wrestling. If you are a "true" ECW fan that is only interested in the hardcore kind of stuff, I can understand, but just because the current ECW is different, doesn't mean it isn't good.
I enjoy ECW along with Superstars..sometimes moreso than SD *haven't watched raw since WM*. Typically with ECW & Superstars you're in for a nice brisk one hour of wrestling.

Just a shame it's left off of PPV.
Just because it isn't filled with tables, blood, and the Dudleys, it doesn't mean it's a "bastard" child. Obviously it's something completely different at this point and the name is only used to get more viewers, but it actually is not that bad and features some good wrestling. If you are a "true" ECW fan that is only interested in the hardcore kind of stuff, I can understand, but just because the current ECW is different, doesn't mean it isn't good.

dude you just don't understand the orginal ECW it was a revolution of wrestling. You saw shit there that you wouldn't see on WWE/F or WCW hell they invaded the WWE in the early 90's, they always had 5 star matches and the fuckin fans we apart of the show just like the wrestlers its not always the blood, tables, and those damn dudleys. i am talking about Raven, the whole fuckin show Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, the Sandman, Rhino, Shane Douglas, and countless others that made ECW into the legacy that it was and yeah i was fuckin happy as hell when they came out with ECW one night stand that brought back some happy memories, i even started watching a little of it when they brought in as the new ECW cuz they had a lot of the originals. but when vince won the ECW title and was a big FUCK YOU to every die hard fans and you know what i hate to say this but i still watched it hoping that an original would kick his ass but when they changed that title, enough was enough i stopped watching it. I am happy though that TNA has sort of pick off where ECW left with that small crowd that would go nutz
Am I the only one in favor of having McIntyre in team SD? He's a great young talent who has been put on SD and it will give him a chance to showcase his talents against the established stars in RAW. But I do agree Cryme Tyme and Escobar have no place in that team (Cryme Tyme more than Escobar). I think the suggestion of Hart Dynasty was pretty good, but the ones I would consider before CT and Escobar are Finlay (proven solid wrestler if a little old now), R-Truth (come on, he deserves a push. great wrestler and former NWA champion? Come on! Plus it could make thingsd interesting with McIntire), Matt Hardy (justification required? He could wrestle a broomstick I think), or my conroversial choices, Mike Knox (lower carder to be fair but has done ok in higher level matches in the past and is at least a big guy!) or Khali (he's terrible, but wouldn't it be great to see him and Show square off in what would redefine the term 'stiff').

Personally I would rather Rey and Batista dropped from the main event, give iot a gimmick and put them in this. But I think they decided on going with heels purely to try and build up Jericho as the ultimate heels heel. Even though Swagger and Rhodes are heels strictly speaking, everybody seems to like them still.

In other matches, I'd enjoy DiBiase vs Matt Hardy if this isn't going to change...
Ecw to be honest isnt being used properly...Ever. But be fair the point of it from 2007-Future is since all the ecw orignals are pretty much gone The show is really baised on training the stars better like FCW. Look at miz come to Ecw now he is awesome. Same goes to morrison. Cm punk too. Im very suprised to see drew and escobar arnt on ecw They seem like they suck. Which is why vince isnt really letting ecw get thier part Because ecw needs a few more star power to it. They need kane Punk and matt hardy on ecw then they can be On ppvs everytime
ECW is the third rate brand in WWE, and it's being treated like the third rate brand. I would like to see Christian or William Regal or Zack Ryder on the ppv because it would it would add a fresh element to the tag match and the ppv overall. I guess that's what WWE is trying to do with Mcintyre and Escobar. But I don't think ECW stars should be crying because let's face it ECW is pretty much an up-scale version of FCW.
ECW could easily get a better team then SmackDown. There team is horrible. McIntyre, who the hell is this guy, along with Escobar(someone said ecowho before, that was funny), have no business main eventing a PPV, no business at all. As for CrymeTyme, I like them on the team, and for the people that don't they basically had to be because then there whole team would be all Heels. They can't do that.

Christian, Zack Ryder, Regal, Zeke Jackson, Vlad Kozlov, Dreamer, and Sheamus(heard he was pretty good) is easily better then the SmackDown team.

And as for who wins, if it isn't Raw, I just would'nt know what to think. With DX, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Swagger, Kofi Kingston, and Mark Henry, how can't you win.
The ECW Championship should still be showcased even if it's the developmental brand of the 3 it still deserves at least a match on the card. A 3 way tag team elimination match would've been nice to see as well. I also agree with ECW in the fact that they would have a stronger team than what SmackDown has to offer right now. This is def a one sided match right now.
dude you just don't understand the orginal ECW it was a revolution of wrestling. You saw shit there that you wouldn't see on WWE/F or WCW hell they invaded the WWE in the early 90's, they always had 5 star matches and the fuckin fans we apart of the show just like the wrestlers its not always the blood, tables, and those damn dudleys. i am talking about Raven, the whole fuckin show Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, the Sandman, Rhino, Shane Douglas, and countless others that made ECW into the legacy that it was and yeah i was fuckin happy as hell when they came out with ECW one night stand that brought back some happy memories, i even started watching a little of it when they brought in as the new ECW cuz they had a lot of the originals. but when vince won the ECW title and was a big FUCK YOU to every die hard fans and you know what i hate to say this but i still watched it hoping that an original would kick his ass but when they changed that title, enough was enough i stopped watching it. I am happy though that TNA has sort of pick off where ECW left with that small crowd that would go nutz

get over it. seriously. original ecw is dead man. yeah it was great and progressive in its time but its over. stop bitching about it and don't watch it if it makes you that upset.

on the topic, ecw is just developmental for raw and smackdown. the whole 7 on 7 concept sucks. adding ecw wrestlers to the mix couldn't have made it any worse. however, if it is an elimination match, team ecw would have been squashed, leaving raw vs smackdown. there's really no point to putting ecw in that match. and yes, team smackdown sucks with the exception of jericho and kane.
team smackdown does leave a lot to be desired. however, the hart dynasty isn't as good as most of you seem to think. mcintyre isn't that bad. escobar looks like shit. i don't understand how he's on this team and not matt hardy. i'm not even a hardy fan. cryme tyme is horrible and are only there because they are faces. i don't really see smackdown winning this. even raws worst members are better than all of team smackdown with the exception of jericho. some of you need to get off the hart dynastys dicks though. they havent done a damn thing yet and aren't really that impressive.
Okay when i first saw team raw I thought who could possibly be on team smackdown. First of all why isn't Kahli on the team for crying out loud. Honestly i would go with a 7 foot 3 400 plus pound monster then some scotish noob anyday. Quote the Rock: Who in the blue hell is this eric dude. Honestly Chris Jericho have you lost your damn mind. Only guy good on their team is kane although he has had a crappy storyline with Kahli which is probablly why they didn't put him on. Then now i think about it Team RAW is the good guys and team SMACKDOWN is the bad guys. Seriously count how many heels r on team smackdown compared to team raw.
Dude you when something you love is being paraded around WWE programing thats PG is just a fuckin slap in the face to any original ECW fan okay, i am not bitching and moaning about it all i am saying is that people need to realize that ECW is a basdard child that vince made, in fact it shouldn't be callled ECW cuz its not extreme anymore. FOR ANY TRUE ORIGINAL ECW FAN THAT IS READING THIS YOU KNOW THAT WHAT VINCE HAS DONE TO ECW IS A BIG FUCK YOU TO ALL OF THE ECW FANS.
I agree that Team Smackdown is cack and although Escobar needed to win his opening match it didn't have to be a qualifying match especially against someone as established as Matt Hardy who would've been a better inclusion on the Smackdown team.
As far as ECW goes there are a few superstars who could've probably done a better job but I reckon there may still be an ECW title match announced we've still got another week before the PPV remember and as they seem to be building up to a Regal/Christian/Ryder triple threat match I still reckon we'll see that.
I understand why ECW is left off, but it would be nice to see 7 Extremist interfere in the 7 – on – 7 Bragging Rights match. This will not only make it interesting, but it will cause a no-finish and have this Brand feud continue to the Survivor Series. Better yet, I’d have Tiffany get the whole Tuesday roster, which happens to be 14 ECW Stars, attack the 14 Raw and Smackdown Stars in the ring. This would also give Tiffany a whole new dimension as the Extreme GM.

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