Anyone else miss Thursday Night Smackdown?


Dark Match Winner
Every week I wish Smackdown was moved back to Thursday nights.. why? Because Friday nights I don't stay home.. Don't you think the WWE would make much much more money and increase it's viewers if it moved off of friday?
I totally agree w/you. I liked TNS sooo much more. And its a lot more convinient cause im not doing shit on a thursday but on Friday i always have something to do. A move back to Thursday may bring back a few more casual fans that aren't going to stay home just to watch wrestling. This could also help WWE completly destroy TNA if they were intrested in doing so.
Well I was in high school band when they first made the move, and I was pissed because I was always missing it. Now that I'm in community college (games are on thursdays), i prefer them on friday haha. But it's a great way to start and end a work week. Starting off with Monday Night Raw and ending with Friday Night Smackdown. Plus if WWE wants to have a show every day of the week, might as well end it with a high show, and not NXT or Superstars.
:worship: hallelujah!!! When I really started to get into wrestling, it was because of Thursday Night Smackdown; back when Stephanie was in charge and a battle between them and Raw was the main talk amongst fans. I would sell my kidney to the black market to get that nostalgia back. Good times.

But it got bumped to Friday and I was pissed. I was a football player in high school, and of course down here games are on Fridays. I missed my Smackdown fix. If they moved back to Thursdays I would be happy, but I'm no longer in school so the time really isn't going to bother me like it did back then. Kind of missed the boat there.

I'd prefer it back on Thursdays, but Fridays isn't all thaaat big of a deal. Sometimes I miss an episode here or there because I'm out, however my roommate and I have gotten int he habit of watching Smackdown or at least most of Smackdown before we peace out.

If they put it on Thursday we could have Thursday Night Wars between Smackdown and Impact haha
I live in UK, i would prefer it on Thursday as well..but the only thing is Raw is repeated on Thursdays...but we do get repeat of Smackdown on Saturday morning...

I like the idea...if Smackdown moves to Thursday, there will be a war...
When TNA was still on Monday nights I said countless times on this board

What if WWE opened up on ScFy with a bang on Thursday Nights? That way it would force TNA to either make the choice to go head to head with Raw (the flagship program which has worse wrestling but known fanbase) or run back to Thursdays against Smackdown (not a consistent fan base, but the best wrestling show today)

I miss it on Thursday though as well.
The only reason I miss it is because of the nostalgia.I'm out either thursday or friday, so i'm usually missing it anyway(i really need to get a dvr) but it was better on thursday because you would see it and then talk to your friends about it at school the next morning
I've been wanting this for years now. SmackDown is way better on Thursdays and I'm pretty sure more viewers would tune in to see it. Friday nights, people usually go out, with friends, family, or whatever. This would also create a good War between TNA and SmackDown, where SmackDown would most likely destroy TNA and force them to gtfo of Thursdays and Mondays. My opinion is, Thursday nights = ratings for SmackDown.
You know, you usually want things to change to the way that you're used too. I started watching wrestling in 2003. I absolutely loved Smackdown on Thursdays. As, I don't have cable, now Thursdays are easily the most boring TV day of the week. Fridays are actually great, but I stay occupied by watching Smackdown. Smackdown was Thursdays was great when I was in late elementary and in early middle school. I couldn't wait until Thursdays and on Fridays, all I talked about was what happened the night prior on Smackdown. I still remember watching Brock Lesnar and Big Show break the ring and talking about it the next day. Man... I would do anything to watch Smackdown on Thursday just one more time.

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