Anyone else have a Wrestlemania hangover?

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
Is it just me or is wrestling getting bland again? Brock, HHH, Heyman...they've all come back but I dont find myself having to DVR Raw like I did the weeks/months prior to Mania.
Whenever I left town I made sure not to miss it. Now Im slowly starting to care less and less.

Hopefully they have some good programs leading into SummerSlam. Until then, I guess I'll be re-living the glory days in the Old School forum.
That happened to me right before Punk went off last July, I just forced myself to watch it for a while. Then punk had his 'rant' and I guess I just got interested again. I'm sure something will happen that will spark your intrest again soon.
Goodness, i thought the build to wrestlemania was awful!! I was never less interested in catching the chatshow of buff men! After wrestlemania is normally my favourite time!! The pace quickens, new things happen!! Bit of a slow down last week, havent seen last night yet, but they cant stay full go yet!!
The build-up and fortnight post mania were very good in my view. But the past two Raws have been pretty dissapointing, the only bright spots for me this week were Ziggler getting a rare win, Paul Heyman and Orton putting Sheamus in his place. Not a great show.
The build for Mania was bad?? Huh?!

So Undertaker, HHH, Michaels, Rock, Cena, Punk and Jericho all on Raw wasnt must see tv?
Hindsight is 20/ its easg to criticize the shows after they happened. Regardless, Mania was on the horizon and every show was a can't miss, IMO.

Now even with Brock on the show the excitement for me has gone way down. Bring on Wrestlemania 29 NY NJ!!
A little if I'm honest. The fact so much of the show is centred around Laurenitis when they could have just as easily found 20 guys better to fill that spot is hurting me, but there's plenty going on now and I think I can bear it.
Nah. I honestly thought that though. I figured well,Wrestlemania is over,Rock will leave,Jericho won't stay long,all will go back to normal in the coming weeks. The Brock Lesnar came back,Then Punk/Jericho got interesting. There was enough there for me to keep me interested for at least a few more months.

I still Feel that way,as a huge Lesnar mark,its easy for me to say that. I know he won't be on television each and every week but the fact that Brock Lesnar is back on WWE programming is enough to engage me for the rest of the year.
I'll be interested again when they get rid of Laurenitis. I understand the concept of "heel heat"...but its to the point where I cant stand watching him because his acting is atrocious.

Cant wait til Vinny Mac comes back. Hell, resign Bischoff or let Heyman take over. Johnny is so bad it hurts. No personality whatsoever.
I had a literal Wrestlemania hangover. I was blacked out for all of Cena vs Rock, and when I got home, I passed out in my bed with the lights on. The next morning I woke up just in time to catch the train to class, still wearing the cut-off shorts and John Cena t-shirt I had worn the night before. During class I started feeling weird, and ending up having to leave (twice) to puke. I didn't feel well enough to take the train home after all that, so I found a chair in the hallway and passed out for four hours. Coincidentally, it was tour day, so all these high schoolers walked past this sheet-white kid in cut off-shorts and John Cena t-shirt, passed out on a chair in the hallway.

Other than that, I've been doing pretty well and enjoying most of the programming coming from WWE lately.
See the Punk angle is July got people interested again. Brock Lesnar returning was meant to get people interested (had some mixed results to say the least), the issue now a days is that the wwe is lacking in the "wow" factor. That's what the big attraction was back in the day. The things these guys were saying/doing were enough to get people interested, that's why guys like Ric flair, hogan, savage, Austin, rock, undertaker, Foley, Jake the snake Roberts, benoit, Jeff hardy, the harts, British bulldog, ultimate warrior, lesnar, Goldberg, shano, HHH, Michaels, Kane, Roddy Piper, Diesel, (the list goes on but you get where i'm going with this) got so over, that's why they were big stars, it was because of the things they were, doing, what they were saying they had the "WOW" factor, that's what it takes, you can't do the same bland shit every week, the wwe needs to get that "WOW" factor back before it's to late.

They have guys who could do it, but the wwe needs to take the time and effort to look at what they are doing, they need to change the direction they are heading in, they need to start doing things that really get the masses interested (sorry but Brock Lesnar coming back for 30 - 40 days isn't going to do to much for the wwe), they can't rely on older established names anymore, they need new guys, with a new attitude, they need fresh shit, they need to start getting that "WOW" factor back, they need to step their game up or the wwe is going to slowly (very slowly) dwindle down to nothing (yes it could happen, anything is possible), but that's just my opinion.
I don't think so. The Wrestlemania build was pretty bad. Jericho Punk was rushed, Cena vs Rock had been borderline boring at that point thanks to the YEAR in advance they announced it, HHH vs Taker got ruined when they put it in the cell, so honestly, I think the WWE is better now.

Heyman is an asset, no doubt about that. If he's come to cut promos for Lesnar then thats fine. Heyman is fun to watch and he is brilliant. HHH returning for one night should be expected. He's the next Vince. In the years to come I'm willing to bet that he will assume the same role vince had in the late 90's/early 00's. Heel executive with a bad attitude that puts himself in matches to put himself in the spotlight. Hell, its already happening although HHH isn't heel.

I believe that the WWE is only getting better at this point. Punk vs Bryan is going to explode and be one of the greatest matches of this year, Lesnar vs HHH will be awesome to see, I'm sure the Rock will pop back in at some point, and hell, I'm expecting a Lesnar Orton feud which should be good. Aside from all that though I'm liking the mid card talent and the wwe has a lot of options this year on what they want to do and who they wanna push.

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