Anyone else forget about Swagger's run?


Dark Match Jobber
As I was watching Swagger vs. Kofi last night on SmackDown! (which was a great match), I couldn't help but notice how much Swagger has fallen from last Spring. I was then that I remembered that Swagger was a World-Champion, I couldn't believe I forgot about it but his reign wasn't all that memorable also.

It began when he won the Money in the Bank Contract, most of us thought Swagger would begin to gain his credibility back slowly after jobbing to the likes of Santino and Mark Henry, but instead, he cashed in 2 nights later at a SmackDown! taping against Chris Jericho. From there, Swagger was sowing palpable improvements both on the mic and in the ring. He was given clean wins over Edge and Jericho in a Triple-Threat Match, and Orton at Extreme Rules. This was the pinnacle of his reign. Slowly after, Swagger's reign began deteriorating, he was losing most of his matches cleanly, and being dominated by Big Show. At Over the Limit, Swagger lost to Big Show by means of DQ, around this time, most of us knew Swagger didn't have much time left as Champion for the reason that the Fatal-4-Way PPV was the next month. At said PPV, we thought this was WWE's way of having Swagger losing the belt without being pinned. We were wrong. After taking a 619 from Rey, Swagger's first and so-far, only WHC Reign had come to an end.

Some thought he would regain the belt at following PPV's, others thought he was doomed and wouldn't be WHC for a long time, by the looks of it, others were right. Swagger's been jobbing to the whole SD roster and their mother, I'd compare his downfall to that of Punk's, doing something incredible (ending Jeff Hardy's Career, who was arguably the most over SuperStar at the time) and then, two months later, falling to nearly mid-card status. My question for you is, have you forgotten about Swagger's reign? Was it really as bad as it looks? Is he in line to be the next WHC? Or will that not happen for a long time?
I have not forgotten about his reign. He lost it at Fatal 4way to REy to keep rey happy. Then Kane won it and hes in a fued with taker. The world title picture is filed. And they also realized that Swagge isnt that good. Hes a midcard guy. He needs to stay there. He needs to keep fueding with guys like MVP and build the undercard. The undercard is as important the mainevent.
He lost it at Fatal 4way to REy to keep rey happy.

I believe the real reason was for the major loss of Undertaker, who was out with a broken collarbone. With SD losing many big names at the Draft, they had to give someone more credible the belt to keep the ratings.

Then Kane won it and hes in a feud with taker. The world title picture is filed.

With two people? Hardly a World Title Picture to me. Swagger can easily enter the scene (he was a suspect when Kane was supposedly looking for the attacker), I just believe Creative's lost a lot of faith in him.

Hes a midcard guy. He needs to stay there. He needs to keep fueding with guys like MVP and build the undercard.

Disagree, Swagger's got the look, the in-ring and mic ability, and is moderately entertaining also, he's no Punk, but he gets a good dose of heat. As for MVP, he's getting pretty old and needs to start putting other people such as Chavo over, but that's a different discussion.

The undercard is as important the mainevent.

Agreed. But the UC doesn't need Swagger to help push others, really it should be Kane in Swagger's spot right now if it weren't for Rey.
Swagger's title run was used to make him look more credible and it did just that. By putting Swagger against Kofi you make both look good, especially Kofi since he's facing a FORMER WORLD CHAMPION. Swagger's push is definitely not over, but there just isn't enough room in the title picture at this point because of the whole "Undertaker - Kane Saga". Once that is all over, trust me, Swagger will carry that belt again. It's just like CM Punk, he gets his push then goes and does some mid card stuff then back up... There's nothing wrong with that, you can't have everybody be a "John Cena" type.
I didn't forget about him.

I actually liked his World Title regin. While it wasn't the stuff of Legends it was by no means forgetable. He beat both Edge and Jericho in the same match to retain and he beat Oton. All three are at the top in the WWE and for Swagger to beat them all isa big feather in his cap.
Swagger's heat isnt the heel heat its the get the fuck out of the ring heat. The guy is awesome in the ring no doubt about it, but he just cannot make people care about him to save his life. Ya he beat 3 of the top superstars in the WWE, but he also jobbed to practically everyone while he was World champion. Correct me if im wrong but i remember JoMo and MVP getting wins over him. I honestly hope Swagger stays as far away from that belt as possible at least for the time being.
I believe the real reason was for the major loss of Undertaker, who was out with a broken collarbone. With SD losing many big names at the Draft, they had to give someone more credible the belt to keep the ratings.

They had the other option of CM Punk who was way more credible than mysterio.

With two people? Hardly a World Title Picture to me. Swagger can easily enter the scene (he was a suspect when Kane was supposedly looking for the attacker), I just believe Creative's lost a lot of faith in him.

Yes with 2 people. This is a whos the more superior brother another person shouldnt enter this fued. Maybe just maybe when the fued is over he will re enter the title hunt.

Disagree, Swagger's got the look, the in-ring and mic ability, and is moderately entertaining also, he's no Punk, but he gets a good dose of heat. As for MVP, he's getting pretty old and needs to start putting other people such as Chavo over, but that's a different discussion.

He doesnt neccesarily need to put people over he just needs to be in these kinds of fueds. Mid card fueds b/c he isnt/wasnt ready for the world title picture. What he needs to do is spend some time in the mid card and work his way back up.

Agreed. But the UC doesn't need Swagger to help push others, really it should be Kane in Swagger's spot right now if it weren't for Rey.

It depends on what you mean by 'if it werent for Rey'. If you mean it as Rey injuring Taker than yes. If you mean it by Rey put kane to the top in there fued then not by any means. Kane earned it by his promos. And he wouldnt be in Swaggers shoes b/c then it would most likely be MVP coming out on top. Now either MVP or Swagger can win.
I almost have, but that because he's done fuck all since losing the belt to Rey. A shame, because I actually enjoyed his reign and would've liked to see it last at least a couple more months.

His reign was okay while it lasted. He beat Edge, Jericho, and Orton and his promos and character were entertaining. I mean, during his reign he introduced the now world-famous Swaggie to the world; doesn't get much bigger than that.

Seriously though, I don't see Swagger winning the WHC for some time. I personally don't mind, as I'd rather see other heels (like CM Punk), get a run with it first. But if they continue to push him and build his credibility, I could see him wearing the gold again sometime next summer.
I also had forgotten about his WHC reign. Personally, I think him winning MITB was one of the WORST decisions ever made. He wasn't ready for the main event. His feud with Rey/Big Show was confusing and rather dumb. The only highlight of the WHC reign was Edge making fun of his lisp. One idea could be to have him feud with Del Rio, because he's "The All-American American", and make a face turn. But for now, he's doing fine as a mid-card heel who does a mediocre job of ripping off Kurt Angle.
You must be kidding. All Swagger has done since losing the belt is get BETTER. ever since that Amateur match with MVP hes gone in a whole 'nother direction with his wrestling skills. I see another World championship in his future, although I'd love to see him with the U.S. title.

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