Anyone But WWE Fans Using Twitter On Monday Nights?


Championship Contender
Last night on Raw, they teased the upcoming Divas match (aka let you know it was time for a bathroom break). They show Alicia Fox and Beth Phoenix walking towards the ring.

As soon as the match started, Awful Michael Cole announces that Alicia Fox is trending worldwide on Twitter. WHY?!!?

I don't find her attractive at all, but that is just my opinion. Much like my digust at her "Hello...Foxy holiday" speech is my opinion.

But what, oh what, would people be tweeting about?? THAT MANY PEOPLE are interested in this nothing walking to the ring??

I don't get the appeal of Twitter, but can understand if and when Cena or Orton or someone popular is being sold as "trending on Twitter". But this girl?

Can someone please explain this to me? It's not so much that I care; but, they are shoving Twitter down our throats, so I might as well try to understand it.
It kind of goes to show you the weight "trending worldwide" on twitter has if thaat quickly a Diva was trending. I think that one possibility is that fans viewing are tweeting about it to see if they can get it to trend world wide and hear it announced. Kind of gives them a sense of involvement. I believe WWE knows this and that is why they are shoving it down our throats. Twitter users see it on Raw, tweet about it and then stay tuned in to see if they pulled it off. If that's the case then it got a lot of people to watch a Divas match.
Also it doesn't cost anything for a twitter account and only takes minutes to make. I'm not saying this is the case, but another possibility is that WWE has many "ghost" twitter accounts. Purely hypothetical though.
Dude, you are trippin hard if you don't think Alicia Fox is fine...
But with the way WWE has been pushing Twitter, I'm not surprised. If they did all this aggressive promoting and DIDN'T trend the way they do, it'd be embarrasing.
Alicia Fox was probably trending because of her ridiculous entrance attire on her head....

I just truly believe that WWE on a worldwide scale is a big deal....people in North America may have begun to fall out of love with it but it Europe, Asia, South America, etc. it is the biggest thing going outside of their national sport (soccer or cricket or baseball).

WWE trending worldwide regularly does not surprise me at all just based on them being available in over 150 countries, 5 continents, populated by billions of people.
I just truly believe that WWE on a worldwide scale is a big deal....people in North America may have begun to fall out of love with it but it Europe, Asia, South America, etc. it is the biggest thing going outside of their national sport (soccer or cricket or baseball).
Yeah, no. North America is the biggest market. At least in Europe, WWE or wrestling in general isn't a big deal. I doubt even 3% of the people here know who John Cena is.
This is just the latest way for WWE to push themselves as socially relevant. Look, it is common knowledge that Vince is consumed with the need to be seen as more then just wrestling. Remember he's not just a wrestler promoter, he's in the entertainment business. Which means his own network, his own movie studio, the various CDs they released, the hyping of their superstars (not wrestlers!) on other shows, and now Twitter. Basically WWE uses whatever is at their disposal to push their company and profile. In fairness it is smart business and marketing. Annoying beyond all description, but still smart. As mentioned earlier, just because something is trending doesn't mean it's positive. So I personally never take stock in "what's trending". Quite frankly, it doesn't matter if those people aren't following the product or buying anything. If they aren't making money from it what good is it? Also, don't discount the idea that they are simply lying about what is truly "trending". Let's be honest, it wouldn't be the first time WWE twists the truth to suit their own purposes.
Dude, you are trippin hard if you don't think Alicia Fox is fine...

I don't think Alicia Fox is good looking either. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're black. Not because you think she's hot...just the words you used in your post. If I'm wrong, I apologize. If I'm right then big deal.

I don't get how she was trending on Twitter. I think this whole twitter thing is completely absurd.
Yeah, no. North America is the biggest market. At least in Europe, WWE or wrestling in general isn't a big deal. I doubt even 3% of the people here know who John Cena is.

WWE is making millions with overseas tours, selling out every international venue they visit.....I think thats a clue it is as hot as ever in the international markets
Yeah, no. North America is the biggest market. At least in Europe, WWE or wrestling in general isn't a big deal. I doubt even 3% of the people here know who John Cena is.

The common guy on the streets of London (Where I live) knows the name John Cena from source or another. WWE sends out promotional advertisements across the globe, you even see advertisements for their upcoming shows in newspapers.
I don't think Alicia Fox is good looking either. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're black. Not because you think she's hot...just the words you used in your post. If I'm wrong, I apologize. If I'm right then big deal.

Well you are correct, so... yeah, no big deal.
And come on, you too? I thought she was looking really sexy with the whole fox hat thing going on, shows off her :boobs: ... guess I'm riding alone on that side of the agument.
Dude, you are trippin hard if you don't think Alicia Fox is fine...
But with the way WWE has been pushing Twitter, I'm not surprised. If they did all this aggressive promoting and DIDN'T trend the way they do, it'd be embarrasing.

Well, I must be trippin' as well because I don't find her hot at all. There's way hotter in WWE. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Kaitlyn, Eve Torres, Aksana, AJ, Layla, and even Kelly Kelly. Alicia is at the bottom of the barrel as far as hottness goes, she's right above Kharma :)

And about this Twitter thing. I have no idea what's so fascinating about it. I tried it for about 5 minutes, then deleted my account. It looked worthless. Plus, if Alicia was "trending," maybe it's because people were saying either, "she's hot," "ugly," or "here's another boring diva match involving Alicia." I'm guessing anytime they mention someone's name too many times, whether it's good or bad, they become the trend. Or WWE is just making it up to make Alicia Fox seem like a huge star. And her little speech she did after her match was terrible. She should have never beat Beth, yes, that pissed me off. She's the Diva's champ. She should be looking stronger than that. :(
Considering how on most days,the trending topics on Twitter can be something like "Hey Arnold" or "Justin Bieber's lady parts",I'm not surprised that Alicia Fox can become the top trending topic during her match. I'm looking at twitter right now and Conway Twitty is trending,so I know a lot of people are watching Family Guy right now.

It's quite easy to trend on twitter because you have to be tweeting about a very specific topic (i.e. Alicia Fox). For example: Alicia Fox comes out,2000-5000 people watching Raw tweet about her entrance. Then those people tweet about how stupid that furry thing on her head looks. 2000-5000 people retweet those tweets about the dead animal on her head. Those 2000-5000 twitterers + the retweeters then tweet about how stupid Alicia Fox looks in general. Then they tweet again about how stupid she looks swinging her hips like she's trying to hit a home run at the bottom of the 9th. Add the spam bots on twitter adding Alicia Fox's name to their spam tweets. She wins her match 2 minutes later,then gives one of the worst promos I've ever heard. Then 2000-5000 people tweet about that stupid promo and 2000 people retweet those tweets. Then 5000 people see Alicia Fox trending and then tweet "Who the hell is Alicia Fox?" or "Why is Alicia Fox trending?" or "RT if you know who Alicia Fox is! @WWE" or something stupid like that. If 2000-5000 people tweet 3-5 times about Alicia Fox and get 1 or 2 retweets for every tweet,that's about 18,000 to 75,000 tweets. Add about 5000-10000 miscellaneous tweets about her,that's about 85,000 tweets with Alicia Fox's name in them in a 5 minute window. That's a lot of tweets about a specific subject in a short amount of time. Not even Kim Jong-Il would get that many tweets about him in 5 minutes.

Guys like Cena and Orton and Punk,or main event guys in general tend to trend less,maybe because when they're in the ring,people watch them instead of getting bored and tweeting. I remember when Cena debut the 'RISE ABOVE HATE' shirt at Vengeance,there were 3 different Cena-related trending topics on twitter and those topics were still trending after an hour or so.

Also,fans see twitter as a chance to get involved. If you watch twitter when Raw is on TV,you can see a number of wrestlers' names and wrestling terms trending for at least a couple of minutes each. It's a tangible involvement from them. Fans watch the show and wonder if them turning on the TV even matters in terms of ratings,but if they tweet about a wrestler and that wrestler starts trending on twitter,then they have directly contributed to the product,so it encourages fans to tweet more about what's happening on Raw. It makes them feel like they matter and makes them all warm and tingly inside.
False advertising maybe. like guys ascending a ladder and suddenly they are 20feet in the air when the ladder is only 10ft tall at most. or someone slated to be 400lbs when they are clearly not.

They've always overexadurated stats to sell the product or the matches.

they can't get updated results as quick as they present them, they are just educated guesses based on averages.

as for WWE onl being a big deal in Nth America, Vega, you are dillusional, it's obviously not as big a live deal as American's are the only ones that get to go to PPV's and TV Tapings on a regular bases so ofcourse thats a bigger marker, if WWE toured with there PPV's and RAW/Smackdown tapings you'd see some big crowds elsewhere. WWE is global, even people that don't like wrestling atleast know of WWF/WWE.

Might i add one stat, the 2 of largest PPV attendances of all time (not just wrestling) other then WrestleMania 3 were both times WWE stepped outside it's borders.
Wembley Arena posted the largest outdoor attendance record ever staged to that date for SummerSlam 91 beating the Rolling Stones
WrestleMania 6 was the second largest indoor attendence record for a staged event ever next to WrestleMania 3 and 6 was in Canada.

WWE advertises globally as MattMoneyG said, it's on plasted over alot of channels on PayTV it's in papers, it's even occasionaly mentioned on free to air and certainly the tours are heavily advertised wherever they go.
False advertising maybe. like guys ascending a ladder and suddenly they are 20feet in the air when the ladder is only 10ft tall at most. or someone slated to be 400lbs when they are clearly not.

They've always overexadurated stats to sell the product or the matches.

they can't get updated results as quick as they present them, they are just educated guesses based on averages.

as for WWE onl being a big deal in Nth America, Vega, you are dillusional, it's obviously not as big a live deal as American's are the only ones that get to go to PPV's and TV Tapings on a regular bases so ofcourse thats a bigger marker, if WWE toured with there PPV's and RAW/Smackdown tapings you'd see some big crowds elsewhere. WWE is global, even people that don't like wrestling atleast know of WWF/WWE.

Might i add one stat, the 2 of largest PPV attendances of all time (not just wrestling) other then WrestleMania 3 were both times WWE stepped outside it's borders.
Wembley Arena posted the largest outdoor attendance record ever staged to that date for SummerSlam 91 beating the Rolling Stones
WrestleMania 6 was the second largest indoor attendence record for a staged event ever next to WrestleMania 3 and 6 was in Canada.

WWE advertises globally as MattMoneyG said, it's on plasted over alot of channels on PayTV it's in papers, it's even occasionaly mentioned on free to air and certainly the tours are heavily advertised wherever they go.

This year during Wrestlemania week there were billboard signs for Wrestlemania all over the UK, not even just in London, i know of at least 4 cities that had them not including the usual places they tour. Why would they waste that money if they didnt have a decent audience in the UK?

Also, if something is trending, be it good or bad, then people using Twitter are going to see that. Whether it be something as obvious as "WWE" or something non fans would have to google like "Alicia Fox" is all free advertising for them. If someone who used to watch Raw saw Alicia Fox trending, googled who she was, saw she was a Diva, he/she may be tempted to tune in. If every week 1000 people do that and continue to tune in then your going to build your viewership its effectively free marketing :)
Alicia Fox was probably trending because of her ridiculous entrance attire on her head....

This is entirely true. People were talking about how stupid her dead-animal hat was, not to mention her Dora the Explorer wig. She was trending because people were discussing how bad they feel for her that she is brain-dead enough to go on national TV dressed like Davey Crocket. Then at the end of the match she tried to say one line. Didn't go to well.
I stopped caring about the Divas when Mickie James and Victoria left and went to TNA, Victoria especially, she's got a nice arse, and is gorgeous looking, but then so's Mickie IMO.

As for Twitter, meh.. I have an account there and a few "tweets" but I very rarely use it, I find the whole "social networking" thing, including Facebook, to be very overrated to be honest.
i would have thought this is obvious. She trends on twitter because she's not really a regular and so people are looking up to see who she is, and where she's come from
just because something is "trending" doesn't mean it has trended to the extent of something more popular. I could say the word "prepare", and now prepare is "trending, even though it's only said once.

also, twitter is such bs anyway. it's a false sense of social awareness, and a cheese way to show executives that your product is "popular." As we can all attest, the IC as a whole is as fickle as a 14 year old girl. I wouldn't put a lot of stock in what's happening on twitter. You're a twit if you do.

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