Anybody else think this is stupid?


the Frog
Listen, i love Brodus Clay and i believe he will go farther than Johnny Curtis will in the business, but come on. Your winner of NXT season four hasn't even graced Raw, Smackdown, or even Superstars; and your runner-up has been on nearly every Raw and Smackdown show since the NXT finale, and will be in the corner of the man who is fighting for the WHC title in the main event spotlight at Wrestlemania.

Doesn't something seem wrong here?

Couldn't of they pushed Johnny Curtis and R-Truth into the story line with Big Show and Kane instead of Santino and Koslov. Then maybe they would have some foundation for when Curtis and Truth challenge for the tag titles later on.

I think creative messed up on this move, and it makes NXT look really bad when the winner consistently gets forgotten about or gets buried.

This is just another one of those things that makes me as a fan go "what are you doing? What you should of done is so obvious!"
For starters not everybody watch's NXT. I didn't know who brodus clay was until he came out with alberto del rio, I have no idea who Johnny Curtis is and no, doing it this way makes sense. Santino and Kozlov lost the titles to the Corre. they have a semi fued going. even though a handicap match would be better, this option is way better then Johnny Curtis and R truth being at wrestlemania as a tag team without any storyline behind them at all. (minus Johnny winning NXT and getting a Number one contenders match for the tag team titles.)

You're right, he hasn't debuted yet but it has already been proven that Vince don't like having new people debut on the main two shows on the road to wrestlemania. they get lost in the shuffle. He will debut after wrestlemania some time. wait for it.

makes NXT look really bad when the winner consistently gets forgotten about or gets buried.
Yeah, where's the first NXT winner now? what has he been doing for the last year?
So what, that's one out of four? The other three of gone nowhere, as of yet. I understand that they don't want to introduce Johnny Curtis during the road so that he doesn't get lost in the build up. I guess I just had higher hopes for the winner of the competition, and makes me a little annoyed to see this happen. I may make "sense" realistically, but does it really make sense kayfabe wise. Kayfabe wise you have a winner of NXT not showing up on any of the shows, while the runner-up pushes his way into a role at Wrestlemania.

Maybe I'm just crazy.
No it doesn't bother me that we have seen Clay on Raw or Smackdown before Curtis. In my opinion Johny Curtis had no business winning season four, so it doesn't really bother me that we've seen Brodus Clay on tv before Curtis. Clay, Saxton or Bateman should've won season four instead of Curtis and I wouldn't be surprised if we see all those guys having a better career then Curtis. Johnny Curtis, in my opinion just doesn't have anything to prove that he deserves to be the next break out star of the WWE, all those guys I've mentioned are either more charismatic, better in the ring or have a better look them Curtis and are more deserving of the push.

Then, as Sparky has already pointed out Vince just doesn't like debuting new Superstars or Divas on the Road to Wrestlemania, why do you think Sin Cara and Awsome Kong haven't debut yet, It's simple he doesn't want them being lost in the shuffle.

Another reason Clay debut before Curtis could be that by playing Del Rio's bodyguard he's adding to Del Rio's character as a cowardly heel who needs someone to do his dirty work, where as Johnny's pro R-Truth hasn't been on WWE tv as of late and is being lost in the shuffle himself.
While I agree that there were, on talent/potential, more deserving winners of NXT 4, a) winning or not will have no effect on the likely success in the WWE long term (e.g. Kaval) and b) both Saxton and Clay don't fit the mould of people creative prefers to push so were never going to win. Clay's ability was such, when paired with ADR, it was enough to merit keeping him around despite him not being in the body builder mold.

As has been pointed out, Mystico and Kong have both been held back from debuting before WM, so if those people with greater talent and careers are held back, Curtis has no chance of getting a look in, at least not on RAW or SD. But more importantly, the tag title shot didn't come with the option to pick your shot like previous winners have had and does anyone really think a minor leaguer like Curtis would get a ticket to WM when so many more established people like DiBiase, Henry or Morrison are either missing from the card or involved in gimmick matches?

It's not about getting lost in the mix - that would easily avoided if say creative were told to build a monster like Lesnar etc - it's about some with little talent, less experience and zero faith from creative not meritting a spot at the big dance when with so many established people ahead of him.

He'll debut after WM, get his shot along RT at the Corre, lose and be future endevoured before SummerSlam, so just be patient.
Listen, i love Brodus Clay and i believe he will go farther than Johnny Curtis will in the business, but come on. Your winner of NXT season four hasn't even graced Raw, Smackdown, or even Superstars; and your runner-up has been on nearly every Raw and Smackdown show since the NXT finale, and will be in the corner of the man who is fighting for the WHC title in the main event spotlight at Wrestlemania.

Doesn't something seem wrong here?

Couldn't of they pushed Johnny Curtis and R-Truth into the story line with Big Show and Kane instead of Santino and Koslov. Then maybe they would have some foundation for when Curtis and Truth challenge for the tag titles later on.

I think creative messed up on this move, and it makes NXT look really bad when the winner consistently gets forgotten about or gets buried.

This is just another one of those things that makes me as a fan go "what are you doing? What you should of done is so obvious!"

I agree with you.

This is one of many dumb moves made by the 'creative' team.

But you can add it to a long list of them.

Why did they have Del Rio leave Clay during NXT and then simply pair them back up a few weeks later as if nothing happened?

Dumb or lazy - you pick.

Why did they have that whole stipulation where the Miz had to 'fire' Alex Riley, only to bring him back a week or two later?

Dumb or lazy - you pick.

How does Sheamus get embarrassed for over a month and suddenly get a US Championship match?

Dumb or lazy - you pick.

Back on point, decisions like this damage the entire NXT process and essentially render the contest and winner meaningless. Why would people want to watch a 'contest' where winning means nothing?
I think NXT as a whole is stupid.

And the storylines following on from it are getting worse and worse.

Also, Last night I watched raw and it was a joke from start to finish. Usually I would be thinking hard about purchasing WM on PPV. I am definately not going to bother.


1. King vs Lawler - pathetic
2. Snooki? some fat short ass from the worst show on tv
3. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes - another terrible storyline
4. The Undertaker vs. Triple H - pretty much decided that Taker will win (yawn)
5. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - can see the match in my head, orton is hobbling because of the "injured leg" cm punk dominates large portion of the match then out of nowhere orton comes back and gets the win.
6. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - how many more times do we really need to see these 2 fight? (mega yawn)
Really and in all honestly, NXT has run it's course. I watches season 1, watched most of season 2, but now it's tiring. I honestly did prefer ECW because young stars would start there (See Seamus) but we not have NXT to deal with. NXT is now a complete joke, as we have low carders mentoring young talent????? And how has Hornswoggle not been released yet? Sure the younger audience finds him comical but what purpose does he serve
I don't see the problem with not pushing everyone all at once. Timing can be everything. Personally having the WWE concentrate on WM and the road to isn't a bad thing. I'd rather they get this off thier shoulders, then concentrate on properly debuting Kong, Sin Cara, or whomever.
Clay makes sense because it makes sense for Del Rio to have him there. Clay fits that role to a mother fucking T. He's that old skool huge SOB that when his boss points, he smashes. I just feel they should have had Clay be more of a force than they have. He should be someone Del Rio's opponents absolutely fear. A nasty Rottie on a chain.
Wen I look at Clay I see traits Yoko, Akeem, Bam Bam etc in the sense that they were massive forces that would crush anyone they got thier hands on.
I can see the reasoning behind this actually, the tag titles are with The Corre right now and they're already involved in an ongoing storyline so the tag title match would just seem out of place and meaningless while this is happening.
We get Nxt on TV over here and Curtis definitely needed to work on his in ring skills from what I saw, so it makes sense for him to improve this before they bring him onto TV.
Big Brodus having ADR as his mentor and his previous bodyguard history just gave them a perfect angle to bring him straight in to do the same.
Actually Del Rio never left Clay he was being busy w/ the Rumble and Chamber stuff and he let his buddy R. Rod take his place as a pro. Leaving his rookie is like Dolph gettin rid of Jacob Novak for Bryon Saxton. This happened before on NXt but I forget who it was. Debuts and returns will happen after this Sunday w/ the likes of Sin Cara, Kia Stevens, Skippy Sheffield, Johnny Curtis, The Nexus members who Orton punted, Jericho, and who ever is else is on the shelf. Cause Vince don't like people returnin or debutin til aftr the big Dance.
Let us look at the situation, shall we?

Brodus Clay is with Alberto Del Rio, a man who is in the main event picture and appears on Smackdown every week and Raw quite frequently. Of course Clay is going to get more tv time when he is with the the superstar main eventing Wrestlemania.

Poor Johnny Curtis got stuck with R-Truth who is semi-over with the crowd but doesn't even show up on his own brand sometimes. Had Johnny been with a star who shows up every week like Del Rio, he would get much more tv time. Plain and simple.

Also, he won a title shot for the tag titles, which aren't as relevant as they once were. Santino and Kozlov are former champions who had a lengthy run and lost the titles to the Corre. It makes more sense for them to appear at Wrestlemania to face the Corre then Curtis and Truth. Plus, who wants to see Curtis and Truth on the Wrestlemania card together? I know I don't.
This thread is 100% true! I would be insulted if I were Johnny Curtis, I mean he won and got that amazing opportunity he wanted, but then the runner up is on TV? The runner up has a role in WM! OMG, that is terrible! However, almost every member of NXT ends up on WWE TV, so hopefully Johnny Curtis will be appearing soon, so then I don't have to look at the disgusting Brodus Clay ;)
NXT hasn't been even remotely important since season 3, and the only reason I can guess it still exists is to give FCW guys a little exposure, and familiarize them with performing in front of thousands of people.

I don't really have a problem with what the WWE is doing. Alex Riley has a ton of charisma and Brodus Clay is a massive guy. I think they both have earned their spots.

I'm not familiar with Johny Curtis (I don't watch NXT), but I assume he's a talented guy, and hopefully the WWE will find a spot for him. Waiting might be best, as NXT has run it's course, and already been used to push Wade Barrett. If Curtis is good, the WWE will consider his role on NXT, and push him with another angle.

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