Anybody Else Impressed By Mick Foley?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
For a while now, I think Mick Foley has been doing an amazing job of bouncing back and forth between face and heel in TNA. Back when he was champion, I thought he did a great job of playing the executive shareholder gone mad with power. As usual he played the deranged lunatic role to perfection. During his time as legends champ he was a face again, only to turn heel yet again, attacking Abyss. Then on the last episode of IMPACT! he seemed to be returning to his mentorship role with Abyss. Foley said he had to test Abyss, and then presented him with that goofy picture. Now to me Mick's ability to go back and forth with the face/heel role really started to get impressive going into Lockdown, when he was in his feud with Sting. Mick can still go out there and cut one hell of a promo, especially when he's a heel. Foley can be the gentle and funny executive shareholder or he can be the crazy executive shareholder gone mad with power. Either way Mick does a hell of a job on both ends. So have you been impressed by Mick Foley?Thoughts?
Foley has been hands down one of the best things to happen to TNA in it's 7-year history. Bar none. When he joined, I was really happy to hear that he'd be "crossing the line", but I never expected this. I honestly thought he'd put heat on West to better his announcing, and would eventualy take over, or work back-stage with creative, but it's incredible how much is left in his tank, IMO.

His promo about being a wrestler, and doing what wrestlers do – wrestle, is an instant classic.

Or to answer your question in a more direct capacity, yes, I've been supremely impressed by Mick Foley.
I guess he impressed me technically, since I expected a train wreck. But he has done a good job considering his age and toll on his body. The only problem I have is the bouncing between heel and face. Can he stick to one side? I hope he stays face with this alliance with Abyss.

His promos have been hit and miss. He can come out there and do the perfect delusional lunatic, then we have him beating up a cardboard Rocky. He's also put on some good matches that have impressed me. The Abyss match didn't live up to expectations, but those were some high expectations.
I love Foley in TNA. It's been said he can go seamlessly between face & Heel which I enjjoy but I'd rather him stay heel for a while. His Heel Promos are 1,000x better than his face Promos and I just plain enjoy him better as a heel. It's probably the ECW mark in me that makes me think like that.

As for the AM I impressed with Foley question, Yes i am. HE may have only a few years left in him but I like the fact that he's spending them in TNA putting over the future of this business instead of in the WWE at the announcer's table
I'd go so far as to say Mick Foley has been one of TNA's best champions since the TNA title was created. The way he acted as champ made me want to tune in every single Thursday and order every PPV just to see what he would do next. AJ complains about being booked as a weak champion, it is just a shame that he actually is a weak champion. But that isn't completely his fault, he is still young and in a great need of some character maturing. I love Sting, but even he as champion wasn't half as entertaining as Mick Foley. Kurt put on some good matches as champ, but he did that anyway. Mick Foley is the only guy I can think of that actually stepped up his game when he was champion, and even without the title, he is still so great to watch.
No one should be surprised by what we're seeing from Foley right now. His mic skills have been top notch ever since he first laced up his boots, and his ring skills have slipped, but he can still put on a show when the lights are on him. His stuff with Nash, and more recently, Abyss, has all been great. There's no reason to believe it'll slow down any time soon either.
Foley has always been one of my favs. And when he joined TNA it made me a little more excited about the possibilities of TNA. I DVR it every week and Mick Foley has always been on of the things I've enjoyed most about Impact. He is great on the stick and his matches have been pretty good. The switching between face and heel bugs me a bit, but Foley works it perfectly that I'm alright with it. So yes I have been impressed with the Mickster thus far in his TNA career.
Ever since his debut in TNA, not to mention his time spent in WWE, ECW, Japan, etc, I have been impressed with Mick Foley.

Sure, he's never really had that "wrestlers wrestler" look about him, I mean look at the pain and suffering he has put his body through over the years. And he's never been the most technical wrestler. But the man sure as hell makes up for that with his promo skills and unique input into any character he portrays. Face, heel, tweener, he has always pulled it off almost effortlessly.

His tweener side he is currently showing in TNA has been excellent. And even at the age that I am, he still always leaves me guessing what he will be booked to do next
His tweener side he is currently showing in TNA has been excellent. And even at the age that I am, he still always leaves me guessing what he will be booked to do next

No matter how awesome Mick Foley is, even he can't carry the constant turns that his character is doing.

As for what he'll do next, I'll tell you: turn on Abyss. Maybe next impact in the Dr. Stevie leaves Impact match, or maybe at the PPV to get Raven the win over Abyss.

I think that Foley's run in TNA has actually hurt his credibility. Cue sounds of denunciation, alarm and strife. Yes, yes, I know. Settle down, Timmy.

Think about this--if Foley had just gone home from WWE and sat on his butt in Long Island, maybe guest hosting RAW once, he'd be on the list of people we wish Dixie Carter had handed TNA over to along with Heymann, Sapolsky and Bischoff-without-Hogan
Mick Foley is one of those guys that seem to be caught in the act where he has to continue wrestling because he hasn't got the money and is forced to act against his morals to support his family. But you know what, he is one of the guys that I enjoy seeing in TNA right now and is possibly the best guy to cut a promo or give time on the mic. He knows how to work a crowd despite what alignment he may be and can still gain a reaction from the fans. He is a very reliable person to get the job done in the ring, though his wrestling ability isn't the best you have seen from him at the moment.

I find his TNA character to be interesting and should be given the time always to have the stick. A top notch talent when it comes to speaking and a person who gets the job done, not in a fancy fashion though, when he is wrestling.
Imo, Foley is the best guy on the mike TNA has. His talks with Abyss on some of the episodes of impact are some of the best wrestling has had to offer this year. He really gets the audience both at home and in the studio behind the words he says. His constant turns are relatively smooth and not something many people could be able to pull off so easily. His title reigns have been good.

He's no technical guy in-ring, but he puts out some pretty consistently good matchs generally. I would say Foley is one of the few of the old school who still completely has "it".
It has been a mixed bag for me...sometimes he just comes off as a complete idiot and other times he pulls off the unstable lunatic well.

I sorta like how he is trying to be unpredictable but...well he took it to far a couple of times with JB.

As for the in ring stuff, I must say he far surpassed what I expected out of a man his age and with his number of injuries and I look forward to the book that will come from his experiences in TNA.

Just My Opinion
Doesn't make sense to go back and forth, certainly makes it hard to know whether you are meant to chceer or boo him LOL, but thats old school mentality

Mick Foley is one of best mic workers, personally i love his comedy and as a heel promo cutter he's one of the best.

his current character does suit his life to a point, he is a bit demented, schitzo and has taken so many headshots there's noway he could be thinking straight :p

FOLEY IS GOD!!!! just don't make him wrestle LOL
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