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Any Good Big Men Left?


Testicles. That is all.
I mentioned this in the Sid thread, but I think it needs its own place. Has anyone noticed that a lot of the big guys, Khali, Sid, Snitski, Big Show, can't wrestle worth a shit? I remember in the old days, wrestling was geared towards the monsters. The bigger the better, and the old big guys could usually put on a good show in the ring. I am noticing that the next generation of big men cannot move well in the ring, and they're skills as a whole are terrible. I am impressed with a lot of the young talent being brought in, but most of them, Punk, Santino, MVP are all smaller guys. Could it be that now big guys are just big from juicing, and it has affected they're skills and movements. I miss seeing a 250 plus pounder flying around the ring. ALL THESE BIG GUYS ARE CRIPPLED, NOW! The era of the cruiser weight is here to say, me thinks.
I think you pretty much answerd your own question its a new era in wrestling. Its more about talent then being the size of monster.
Alot of promotions are looking for fast pace matches that keeps the fans into them and that keeps alot of big men in the dark when it comes down to it because they cant keep pace with the quicker wrestlers mostly leading to boring matches that fans cant get into.
The only guy in the wwe that i can think of off the top of my head that can keep up with the smaller superstars and give a great match is Kane. But hes one of only a few.
Seems that you forgot the Best man in years, and HoF 200% guaranteed: The Undertaker. The man can be your big monster heel, for a 300 pounder, he can fly as fucking Rey Mysterio (see: WM23), and always delivers a good show..dont be fooled by the most recent attempts of big men: Snitsky? he's shit, Balls?he cant move anymore, Umaga?he's good but the GIMMICK is way to...Old?, but i have to say this; maybe Big show was not your high flying technical big guy, but for a 500 POUNDER!!! my god, you couldnt ask Big Show more than he actually did, you never gonna see Khali over the second rope receiving a superplex....
when Boris Alexiev (aka: Vladimir Kozlov, aka: I Love double double E...) was on the line for a big push, i was hoping to see some good competition between him and Umaga or even Khali, but it seems that the guy suck balls too, cause i havent heard a thing about him.
you are right, the super heavyweight division sucks right now, but dont count on the cruiserweights for taking the spot, dont forget that the "late"Vince McMahon loves...sorry, always loved guys over 270lbs and 6ft 7', so it only a matter of time to see more of the new freak experiments, and with some luck, we could get a new decent big guy.
Umm, when, at any time in the past, was wrestling loaded with big guys that would pass as good wrestlers by todays standards? I mean, when did we have this huge influx of "big men", that we don't have today?
I still think Undertaker has the psychological chops and the experience to build a pretty good match with most anyone, within reason. And by within reason I mean some matches are doomed to fail, like when they're against A-Train or somebody gets hanged at the end.

It depresses me to think that Kane used to be an incredibly mobile and effective big man. I think after his initial face turn, it screwed up his psychology and then he's gotten out of shape and that's cut his mobility. He was pretty good in the ring as Isaac Yankem, but his peak effectiveness was during his initial fueds with Vader, Undertaker, and Austin. He was really over as an invincible monster, or at least he was over with me. If he got into shape and was a heel, he could probably reclaim a lot of that ability but then again he's been around for a while now.

As for Sylvox's question, I would say that while they have never been plentiful, but there have been some scattered throughout, but they seem to a bit rarer now. I don't know why it's happened, but I also don't think there is going to be more of a focus on smaller guys anytime real soon. That's why we've got terrible big men in the main events now.
As for Sylvox's question, I would say that while they have never been plentiful, but there have been some scattered throughout, but they seem to a bit rarer now. I don't know why it's happened, but I also don't think there is going to be more of a focus on smaller guys anytime real soon. That's why we've got terrible big men in the main events now.
We only have two been men in the main-events, that I can think of. Khali and Henry. They both play the monster role very well. They're not as high quality as someone like say Vader, but they still play their role well. But, Big Show was a very solid wrestler. If you want to count Umaga, he's a good wrestler. Abyss in TNA is a very good wrestler.

They are out there.
But, Big Show was a very solid wrestler.

Big show was not a good wrestler, he was a good wrestler for a 500-pounder.

But all the other guys you mentioned are good wrestlers for their size. Umaga, IMO, is a very good wrestler, but now that he's in this whole deal with Shane'o'mac and Mr. Suicidal Vince McMahon, he lost his spunk and no one cares anymore.

Undertaker is a great example of a bug guy who can still move. He puts on great matches, and like aerinder said, has a 200% chance if being in the HOF.

As of right now, though, there is not a single big guy who is considered a good wrestler in the WWE now.

Except, the best big man wrestler who can carry a match and be very entertaining is the Great Khali, no question about it. I mean he has absolutley awesome mic skills and has the best in-ring work I've ever seen in my whole life.
Except, the best big man wrestler who can carry a match and be very entertaining is the Great Khali, no question about it. I mean he has absolutley awesome mic skills and has the best in-ring work I've ever seen in my whole life.
You Better be joking. Hedoesnt have good mic skills, it only takes a monkey to yell "dskjfgdsjkhgsjgfjshgf, dfkdsjhcdskjbdsc!!!". and ya, he probably has THE WORST IN RING SKILLS I HAVE EVER SEEN.

You guys are all forgetting the mot mobile big man in wrestling write now.... SAMOA JOE. He an carrya match exetremely well and can move around witht he smaller guys.
samoa joe is totally a small guy with a bigger body. he doenst act like a big man, or look it when hes standing against one. I thought that they had a few goood big men when TNA first started, A-1 looked like Conan the barbarian, that woulda been a good angle to work. Too bad they let him go.
But for best big man ever, that award has a few contenders - Andre, Yokozuna, Big Show, or Undertaker. those all stick out in my head as unforgetable. prove me wrong? :p
I agree, TNA by far has the best super heavyweights, with Samoa Joe and Abyss. Monty Brown also(i refuse to call him Cor Von). Kane recieves alot of undeserved heat, but i agree he is not as agile and athletic as he once was. I think it was due to his loss off monster appeal and aggression when he turned face.
Khali does not even deserve to step in the ring.
It's true there aren't much good, big guys anymore. Undertaker is still amazing and is one of the best big men in WWF/WWE history. Kane is very good, but lost his "big man" status when he lost his mask.

Yokozuna was amazingly agile and could move around the ring looking like a 200 pounder. Bam Bam was also very agile and moved well for his size. Andre wasn't very agile, but was still amazing.

There were/are some good big men in wrestling, but the quality is certainly decreasing.
Undertaker remains a good big man. Kane still has some in him. Abyss is not that bad. Not the best but not bad. Khali flat out sucks, period. Monty Brown was okay but nothing spectacular. Yokozuna was something when he held the title. He was a juggernaut plain and simple. but yeah, with pro wrestling evolving, we've gone to an age where big men aren't the big draw that they used to be. And most of the time, the big men that are shoved into the spotlight (Khali ) suck.
Ide have to say undertaker is prolly the only big man that can actually still wrestle...kane could too if he got his fat ass in shape nd put the mask back on but we know thats not gonna happen hes jobber used pretty much to get his ass whipped now, but undertakes as big as he is an as old as hes gettin is still in my view the best big man in the buisiness...top ones in history Undertake, kane(masked), Diesel(kevin nash) and thats all that comes to mind right now cause im not thinkin past 1995 ha...

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