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Any Big Box Office Matches Left???

I agree with kwig about 'Taker and HHH. But I think that is the only one right now. There is a clear generational gap right now in the WWE and I don't think that any of the younger generation can headline the type of match we are discussing..yet. The problem, I think, is that the character development of the younger generation of wrestlers is lacking. Guys like HBK, HHH, and Undertaker just have a different kind of following than even the most over younger guys. Maybe its a product of the Attitude Era, maybe its just respect for everything they have accomplished. I think that, eventually, a lot of the younger wrestlers have the potential to get this kind of following, which will lead to a lot of marque matchups. The key is to get feuds going that make us care about the people involved. Screw feuding with Umaga or Khali, since no one really cares about them since they are so one dimensional. There needs to be depth of character established in addition to just wrestling skill and toughness. Hopefully WWE can manage to pull this off and still keep some of the younger guys separated for long enough to allow these huge matches to occur.
I personally oredered one night stand just because i wanted to see
WGTT vs The hardys

I am a huge mark for the guys that i think could just put on excellent matches.... John Morrison, WGTT, EDGE, those are my favorites... and if given 30 minutes for a match, any of them can have classics.

Id love to see Morrison vs HBK, cause i see a lot of potential for morrison to be the next shawn

Id love to see Edge vs Taker.. i think this is the wrestlemania match that will rly go down as one of the best.

i also think if cena were to turn heel... his matches would be better in general because of the fighting style hed adapt to... and i wouldnt hate is guts so much... and if he were to be a heel, and fight taker at a big event, that has a lot of potential. soooo Cena vs taker ( no dq )

if and when RVD comes back... id definetely pay to see him fight any of the following, HBK, Taker, Morrison, Kennedy, or HHH.

all that actual good wrestlers r not here right now, its very unfortunate... man imagine if we still had angle, benoit, and jericho in there right now... u put those guys against anyone its prolly gonna be insane
Royal Rumble 2008
World Heavyweight Championship
Matt Hardy (c) vs Edge
-ladder match-

I don't think there is any question that fans would like to see that happen again. There remains unfinished business between the two, and with so many people injured on Smackdown, why not give Hardy a shot at the bet at Summer Slam and wait for Edge to come back to challenge?

Wrestlemania 2008
WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Jeff Hardy

I would also accept Cena vs Hardy. See a pattern here? 2008 should be the year of the Hardy!

i totally agree. that would be an amazing thing if both of them won a world title each. i even made something about that and posted it on my myspace and stuff with other photoshop work. like the khali thing i made, it was just toying and for fun but then it actually happened. who knows, ya know? i guess thats why they still stick to "anything can happen in the WWE"
In my opinion a lot of the matches that people have mentioned are good matches. But the subject of this thread is about Huge Box Office Matches. Now when I hear that I think of a match that involves two huge stars that are known by people not only as fans of wrestling but outside of it as well. However great Edge vs Taker and Orton vs HBK would be, these aren't guys that are known nationwide by wrestling fans and just normal people as well.

Guys that would have to be involved in this match would be: (Cena, HHH, Rock, Austin, Hogan, Flair or Foley)

In my opinion these are the guys that would be the only ones that would attract this match main stream attention. We can rule out Rock and Austin for the most part and Foley is not quite at the level this match would need to be at. The most likely pairings would have to be, and even though I am not a fan of him, he would HAVE TO be included somehow in the match:

John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan

John Cena vs. The Rock

John Cena and Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock and Stone Cold (would be billed as the biggest tag match EVER!!)

I felt that at WrestleMania X-8 when Rock faced Hogan, that was a real big money box office match. The match itself was medicore but because the atmosphere surrounding it was so awesome, it made the match seem good because the two guys involved were just that huge. IMO WWE could make a huge pile of money if they could somehow incorporate a Cena vs. Hogan match into a WrestleMania down the line and it could probably be the biggest box office wrestling match ever!!

That was my two cents and in response to whoever said Kane vs. Lesnar. I would say no to that just because the much more logical choice to face Lesnar would be Bobby Lashley.

Also, if this carried into TNA as well, they could do Kurt Angle vs. Sting, but I feel like they will do this at BFG this year.
I don't know about you guys, but there is one, big box office dream match that I have been waiting for since these 2 guys came into the wwe. This match was teased, I believe, on SD! vs Raw 2005(i could be mistaken which year it was) when these 2 guys shared the cover, and during the opening video when it was these 2 wrestlers staring each other down. The 2 men I am talking about is Cena vs Orton. Both of these guys are young wrestlers, who are quite frankly at the top of their games right now. From what I see, Cena is the top face in the business and Orton is the top heel(shares this feat with Edge I believe). These 2 guys have been on similar, but yet very different roads, each entering the wwe at about the same time, each catapulting to main event levels. But Cena has remained at the top while at times Orton been merely drifting about. These 2 have had a few(i think 3) tv matches in the past, but it was clear before these matches had ever begun that there would be no clear finish, that the matches would not have a winner. And alas, it came to be that neither wrestler has ever beaten the other in a 1 on 1 match. Now, finally after years of waiting, Summerslam will mark the first "real" match between these 2 young superstars, and I think they will put on a show that will be easily the match of the year. Cena has his usual power moves and prestigeness/energy he brings, while Orton is good at selling, of telling a story within a match, and quite frankly carrying the wrestling aspects of the match. I think this easily could be a 25 minute classic that I am very much looking forward to.
Even tho, the WWE is missing the attitude and flare that made it popular in the 1990's, some of the talent can still lay down some smack on the mic.

i would love to see Mr. Kennedy vs. Edge in a reely good solid Wrestlemania Main Event. These two could really promote the feud and both have, in my opinion, very good mic skills and can work in the ring.

Kennedy is a very talented wrestler, but obviously was wasted on SD, has since been moved to raw. His finishing move off the turnbuckle is dynamite and could really give edge a run for his money.

I think Kennedy and Edge matches would be good,fun, and solid to watch and the feud would remind me of the good old attitude era.

great technical wrestling and a very entertaining feud would be guaranteed if these two locked up

I still think some of you are missing the point. Big Box Office Matches = Icon/Legend vs Icon/Legend. Examples are HBK vs. Hogan, Rock vs. Hogan, Austin vs. Rock, etc. Now there aren't too many people on the current roster that fit this bill. Cena (as a heel) vs. Batista or HHH/HBK vs. Taker @ Mania in HIAC would truly fit the bill.
nowadays i dont see any left, or maybe only in the future when these young guys really know how to really pull off a great feud... but of the young roster i dont see any of them that could put on another rock vs austin or HBK vs bret hart... they lack charisma, they lack mic skills, and some even lack in ring skills... and the big box office main eventers nowadays are just past their prime =/.. thats how i see it, its a dark era for the WWE

some guys like edge, mvp, kennedy, and orton could pull of some classics but the writing has gone downhill nowadays so its gonna be really difficult for us to see them in a classic match
I would have to go with
Sable Vs. Trish Stratus
Undertaker Vs John Cena
Hulk Hogan Vs. Triple H ( A higher profile version of their match back in 2002 )

And if a Bret Hart vs. Mr McMahon match could ever happen in some possible way I believe this would be the biggest money making match of all time.. or a Possible grudge match between HBK and Bret Hart... due to the obvious history between these individuals.
I honestly don't see many big money matches left. We just saw a title match between the two big drawers and what do we have left now? Nothing. The only thing left in my opinion is Edge vs. Undertaker and Shawn vs. Undertaker. I doubt we will see the second one and the first one will not be as hyped up when Wrestlemania time comes because they are spending too much time focusing on John Cena's piss poor main events. The one match that pops into mind is Hogan and Austin. But with Hogan Knows Best back on and his marriage troubles I see him to wrapped up and if the match happened Hogan wouldn't job.
hmm, i know the match would suck but maybe and cena vs batista match based on how they both came to the top at the same time and teased a match when they were the last two in the 2005 rumble match and at the time the fans seemed pretty into them two facing off, but i dont those two are over as much now, thats just my opinion

also maybe a taker vs hhh hell in a cell match cause of those two having been the most cell matches etc

edge vs taker would be another because edge was way over before he got injured and taker has pretty much always been over and with the way edge one the title it would also have a purpose instead of them two just having a match for the sake of it

tbh i personally wouldnt wanna see the undertaker and hbk again cause its been done and there matches were great and it would be dissapointing if they went out one last time against each other and had a poor match

if lashley hadnt been injured (and hadnt sucked so much on the mic) then there could have been a few big matches there, like lashley vs hhh/hbk/batista/taker cause he has had two major matches when he was over with the crowd and that was at mania and the bash cause lets be honest no one gave a shit about the 3 on 1 matches cause once again vince was all over them and had to be the most important person in the whole thing

edge vs hhh maybe, but i cant remeber if they have done any 1 on 1 matches together before, they may have done when dx and rated rko were fueding, but still that could draw money

when kennedy finally gets his title push then there are a ton of matches for him there, also cause hes awesome on the mic, and due to his drafting to raw, there are a load of people he aint faced yet in terms of cena, hbk, hhh and the other major guys

so imo there are still a lot of big matches left, just so long as there arent any more injuries until guys like hbk and taker are back, but there will come a point when hhh/hbk/taker will retire and so there will come a point when the wwe will have to creat some new major stars for the long run
I think bringing up Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon is golden, but I don't know how many people really want to see McMahon in the ring again. Plus with Hart, he's in his 50's and almost out of the business for a decade. I would love to see it, but I think I would have loved it more before they reconciled a few years back. Still though, with proper build up, this match could probably draw better then most of the guys on the current rosters.
I think bringing up Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon is golden, but I don't know how many people really want to see McMahon in the ring again. Plus with Hart, he's in his 50's and almost out of the business for a decade. I would love to see it, but I think I would have loved it more before they reconciled a few years back. Still though, with proper build up, this match could probably draw better then most of the guys on the current rosters.

I totally agree with Shockmaster.I would pay money to see Bret Hart vs Mcmahon especially if it is anything like Hogan Vs Mcmahon during wrestlemania 19.

As far as Box office matches go, I think they are only a couple of them left but if Chris Jericho decides to make his return than it would be alot better.

HHH vs Randy Orton
Ken Kennedy vs HBK
Undertaker vs Edge
Edge vs Rey Mysterio
Kennedy vs Triple H

lol notice that batista or cena are not in any of these.

If Jericho came back to the wwe, I would love to see him face off against Kennedy. That match will be a real money maker IMO. Both of the guys are superb on the mic and very solid in the ring. This match would make up for all the piss poor batista and cena matches we've been plagued with over the past year.
I would like to see Edge vs HBK in a Ladder Match

HBK, who made the ladder match famous, Edge who perfected the ladder match. Both of them two in this match would be brilliant, because you have the potential for quite a fast paced match with a few high spots and something for everyone in there.
You know, if were talking what match in your opinion would be a match that would make you shell out 40 bucks, For me I'd have to put my two favorites one on one, I'd Go Jericho vs Orton, with a title on the line.
A good match would be

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in a Retirement match at Wrestlemania I mean come on these guys would definetly put on a clinic and I cant think of any man I'd rather see either one lose their final match to.

I gurantee this match would steal the show at ANY ppv no questions asked buddy!

Or possibly HHH vs Undertaker Hell In A Cell to finally settle who is the King of The Cell. It is amazing because there are so many matches you associate with The Undertaker like The HIAC, Buried Alive, Last Ride Match, Casket Match, etc.

I'd absolutely love to see Bret Hart vs Stonecold one more time one night only! Granted they are both pretty much out of the business but come on I think they could do it one more time. Fuck look at guys like Flair, Hacksaw, and Dusty Rhodes!

Chris Jericho vs Dean Malenko in a Submission match because I think ol Stinko Malenko can do it once more and who wouldn't love to hear Jerichp firing on all cylinders in a promo on Deano one more time!
Great thread Shocky.
I honestly believe until some other guys get a little more elevated we are not going to see a big time Big Box Office match. Maybe 3-5 years down the road we will be lucky enough but right now WWE is pushing guys who aren't going to draw and for the most part are terrible non-exciting wrestlers. The Great Kahli being teh world champion is just wrong and it's acts like this that is making WWE suck right now. I can see down the road Mr. Kennedy possibly being a draw, CM Punk seems to have things going right and even John MOrrision. Right now WWE needs some writers to get some interesting story lines going. It is such a stale product it is sometimes hard for me to watch anymore.
HHH(c) vs Randy orton for the WWE title.

HHH's popularity vs the legend killer, that'd be great..hed be trying to kill his legend and HHH would refuse. HHH would win and they'd feud over the belt leading up to wrestlemania. That'd be a dream box office match to me.

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