Any chance this dream match can happen?


Dark Match Winner
So I was thinking that with Stone Cold Steve Austin coming back to host tough enough and the Rock coming back to host Wrestlemania I remembered something. John Cena and Randy Orton have been labeled as the Rock and Austin of this Era with Orton being the Austin and Cena being the Rock.

So now to my question do you think there is any chance that there can be a tag team match like Cena and The Rock vs. Randy Orton and Stone Cold or Austin and Cena vs. Orton and The Rock or even like a passing of the torch type of tag team match like Cena and Orton vs. Austin and The Rock?

What are the chances of this match actually happening?

And if there was a thread posted about this or something similar about this topic I do apologize.
I highly doubt it would happen, because you are burning two big matches in one shot. I think if both The Rock and Stone Cold were willing to have one more match, they would milk them for all they are worth, and have them at separate occasions. The Rock has said he's not going to wrestle again...Stone Cold has said he might have one last match in them, so I don't know. A tag match would save them some wear and tear, but I can't see any reason for them sharing the spotlight.
Rock has said he wont be wrestling again and Austin has never been too keen to have another match, so I'd be very surprised to see this go down in any combination.

This is the problem when legends come back for brief roles, fans understandably start getting ideas and creating dream match scenarios, and are inevitably disappointed when the returns are short and don't result in any actual matches.
I'll give you this, there is almost NO real reason this match could not happen. Unfortunately it is the least likely of scenarios. You are more likely to have Owen Hart vs Chris Benoit at this point in time, put it that way. The Rock is bound and determined to never wrestle again, and while SCSA wants desperately to wrestle again, he also isn't sure that he can do it without physical consequence and refuses to find out. I think it would be a great match, it would have to be with who all you are booking there but as much as it breaks my heart to admit, this is just not going to happen.
Unlikely there would be a duplicate thread as this one is pretty specific, although there are many similar topics floating around.

Well you can't treat this like any ordinary match so you have to be thorough in the preparations, because you can't just arrange this match on the night, you'd need a backlog of at least a month and sufficient advertising to make it worth it. Ok then, so firstly you have to consider this match from a logistics perspective, there has to be a worthwhile reason for dragging Rocky and Austin back into competition after so many years. So the story has to be up to scratch. I see you've go the idea of the similarities of the pairing in their respective generations and that it could work along this angle, so that's sorted.

Then you have to look at the parts on an individual basis. John Cena and Randy Orton both compete regularly and have no scheduling issues to allow them to be cleared for the match, no problems there. But this is where it starts to fall apart. The Rock and Stone Cold are both actors now by trade, and what's more it's their priority, so should there be a conflict in schedules between wrestling and acting, the acting will win. That's the first issue, there needs to be a time allotted so both mega stars can clear their diary for long enough to make it a possibility.

Then you have the ability and willingness to compete. Both Rock and Austin are out of practice, neither of them has actually physically competed in a full-length match since about 2004, that's seven years! So there's bound to be a tid-bit of ring rust. Now Rock is 38, he's in fine physical shape and not-competing for the last 7 years may have actually increased his shelf-life, I don't think physically he'd have much difficulty in out-performing Cena or performing to a satisfactory standard at least. Stone Cold, however, quit wrestling because he could no longer deliver the standard of performance his fans were used to, the years and bumps in the business had really taken their toll on his body to the point where he wasn't left any choice. So actually having Stone Cold in the match seems a bit difficult to say the least. Sure he'd LIKE to compete but with acknowledgement of the toll it may take on his body I don't think he will.

But the fact remains are they willing? Both men have said they had competed in their last match, I know the business motto is never say never but convincing both men to change their mind? It would require something very special to actually attain both men's willingness for a final match. I don't really think the match is possibly based on scheduling conflicts and shape of the competitors but that aside I don't think I'd want to see the match anyway.

I can appreciate Rock v Cena and Stone Cold v Orton as separate matches, the new guys win, go over with a huge rub and move on with massive momentum. But put together? That means is the fresher guys go over it's two of them with the same push, two of them? I don't see how that fits into the scheme of things. That's just me.

Personally I'd think you'd have a hard enough time getting Cena against the Rock, lets just take things one dream match at a time.
Does anyone know why The Rock is so hellbent on not wrestling again? Surely one match wouldn't do much harm to his body considering all the previous matches he's had. He's easily still in shape enough to put on another match and everyone would LOVE to see Cena vs The Rock. Surely Vince could come up with the money. I don't see how him wrestling one more match would affect his movie career much either. I just don't get why he's so adamant never to wrestle again.
This will not happen. I can't see stone cold returning to wrestle, even just one more match. he is happy with an on screen role, maybe take a few bumbs or be a spec ref but I can't see him have a match. It took the WWE how long to get the rock to make an appearance? I can't see the WWE ever managing to get both the rock and STSA in the ring at the same time. I can't see the match being too interesting anyway, if it was two single matches I would like it, but not a tag team match. there would be no way (that I can think off) to get this match to happen.
This match will never happen, for this one simple reason "Legacy". Your talking about 4 men legacy's in a tag-match that has nothing to do with titles,stables bragging rights or HOF. I don't see this match benefiting any of the 4 men.
Does anyone know why The Rock is so hellbent on not wrestling again? Surely one match wouldn't do much harm to his body considering all the previous matches he's had. He's easily still in shape enough to put on another match and everyone would LOVE to see Cena vs The Rock. Surely Vince could come up with the money. I don't see how him wrestling one more match would affect his movie career much either. I just don't get why he's so adamant never to wrestle again.

quite simply because he knows he has one last match or run left in him and by him coming out of self imposed retirment when the time is right makes it more the special

by retiring he has avoided all of wrestling speculating on his future etc which is what jericho has to endure

the IF will always be better than the WHEN
are you joking when u said u are comparing the rock to Cena and Stonecold to Orton? both Cena and Orton are light years away from even coming close to be as great as rock and Austin once were... why in the blue hell would i wanna see that match coz i already know the outcome.... Austin would raise so much hell on both of those guys and rock would layeth the smack down on all there candy asses... so HELL NO!! Randy " the wannabe Stonecold " and John " the guy that look like he came from barney the dinosaurs anus" Cena doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as one HOF and one future HOF!!!
i dont know y ppl keep saying the rock will never wrestle again. yea he may not be as electrifying as he once was and YES he has said tht he wont return to wrestle



i dont see tht happening at this wrestlemania but next year when he as it is being stated by millions of ppl will be inducted into the hof i can visualize a one last time stone cold vs rock.

but the tag team match. really dont see tht happening. maybe 4 or 5 years ago but not now
are you joking when u said u are comparing the rock to Cena and Stonecold to Orton? both Cena and Orton are light years away from even coming close to be as great as rock and Austin once were... why in the blue hell would i wanna see that match coz i already know the outcome.... Austin would raise so much hell on both of those guys and rock would layeth the smack down on all there candy asses... so HELL NO!! Randy " the wannabe Stonecold " and John " the guy that look like he came from barney the dinosaurs anus" Cena doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as one HOF and one future HOF!!!

dude cut the guy some slack. he didnt compare them cuz we all know they are nothing alike. cena and orton arnt even lightyears away. theyre like millions of lightyears away frm being like rock and stone cold.

he said orton and cena r called the stone cold and rock OF THAT AGE. tht age meaning the PG era. and as we all know the pg era aint nothing compared to the attitude era. so chill dude. :)
i wanted to comment on this. im a bit confused on everything. is the rock coming back fulltime? will he wrestle again? i listened to his promo and he told the fans he wasnt here for the money or to promote a movie. then he told the fans, he is back and he will be here forever. so what does that exactly mean...... im a bit confused. is he staying and coming back into the business or was he saying that he will always be here for the fans. why did he say he will be ehre forever? as far as austin vs. the rock, they did the match so many times. they dont need to prove anything to each other or to the fans. i can personally see the rock vs. cena and austin vs. orton but i just dont think austin wants to risk any injury. his health is great right now. why risk it
I personally do not think this is going to happen. Too much hype for one match. Just to put the rock and stone cold together would be a wrestlemania main event match. And i believe randy orton could benefit the most of being out of the pg era. Cena's always going to be pg, unless the bring back his rapper persona ( i dont even like the guy but please dont do that to him).
i wanted to comment on this. im a bit confused on everything. is the rock coming back fulltime? will he wrestle again? i listened to his promo and he told the fans he wasnt here for the money or to promote a movie. then he told the fans, he is back and he will be here forever. so what does that exactly mean...... im a bit confused. is he staying and coming back into the business or was he saying that he will always be here for the fans. why did he say he will be ehre forever? as far as austin vs. the rock, they did the match so many times. they dont need to prove anything to each other or to the fans. i can personally see the rock vs. cena and austin vs. orton but i just dont think austin wants to risk any injury. his health is great right now. why risk it

i thnk hes gonna sign a part time contract. do part times promotions. part time appearances. a dual ownership over the rock persona and all merchandise. something like i believe kevin nash is doing at a much smaller scale.

theres also the fact tht the words 'I WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE' also just escaped his mouth before he thought it through. thts somethng i actually thought abt a lot.

but lets see
In the words of Vince McMahon, "No Chance in Hell". Think about it. This would devaule the Youth Movement the WWE is currently on. Also, it would devaule the match itself to have both stars on opposite sides. Beyond that, there would really be no fessible storyline as no one would understand how this match would come about. It would need more than the "X person is the X person of this era". Doesn't really bode well for storyline purposes. Not gonna happen. Creative, but just not gonna happen.
This match would only be epic if rock and austin were on the same team facing the pg era heroes. The only other amazing storyline that can be done with these 4 men is if austin decided to manage orton and rock managed cena, like how the mcmahons managed 4 different main-eventers at WrestleMania 2000.

Regardless, this match and any variation of the sort is just as unlikely as seeing HBK vs Bret Hart sometime this year
Considering there were rumors back when Austin left that he was one bad bump away from permanent damage to his neck i dont think Austin will wrestle again.Even is hes had time to get surgery and to heal his neck properly with all the time hes had off hes not the young man he once was.Hell he was in his 30's when the 3:16 era was hot.Hes going to be mid 40-50 now.If it could cause serious damage to him i wouldn't wanna see one last match.This is likely the reason Austin/Goldberg was never set up as well.The risk just isn't worth it at this point.

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