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Any Big Box Office Matches Left???


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Jake got me thinking, because he's so damn smart. He hinted around in his pay per view thread about a match that would make you by a pay per view based on that match alone. So it got me thinking, Are there any Big Money Matchups left in the WWE that we haven't seen?

This, also coupled with the fact that they have Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena at the Bash this sunday. Now I know a ton of people are not high on either one of these guys, but this is potentially this decades Rock/Austin feud, and it's getting started...at the Bash??? Why not wait until Summerslam, you know, the 2nd biggest pay per view of the year, to do this match. It makes no sense to rush it.

Now as for big money matches left the WWE can do, one pops to mind, Austin vs. Hogan, but that's too easy, plus one is retired, and the one probably won't job.

I think the best big Money Match the WWE has had in it's pocket for a long time, and we'll probably be getting it at Wrestlemania 24, Edge vs. the Undertaker. Who in the hell wouldn't pay to see this match? Two guys in the company for at least a decade, and they've managed to stay away from each other. This has Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker 1997 written all over it. (How the hell WWF/E slumping in 95-96 didn't have that feud is beyond me.)

So are there any matches that you would pay 40 bucks to see on that one match alone?
i kinda get wat u mean and i tihkn they said sometihng bout the world heavy weight title and GAB being a triple threat match between kane kahli and batista, most people r proboly gonna say its just gonna b a slow boring match but i like it and i wasnt oging to buy GAB until i heard bout it
It can be sad not many of those matches are left. I agree how Lashley vs Cena has potential. I do feel Lashley was pushed too soon but he does have potential but I guess if he's pushed strong enough, he can be forced to improve and eventually become much better, but I don't think even improvement in Lashley will make people's faces turn to him.

Currently I feel the closest thing would be Triple H vs Randy Orton, or better yet, if it's for the WWE title then that would bump the match up greatly but the way things are sounding, it seems as if that might happen at WrestleMania 24.
I think somthing that will make a good match is obviously, a multi man gimmick match. Not another Elimination Chamber match, but somthing else. Like another 6 man Hell in a Cell match. But another thing they would have to do in this situation, unlike the past 3 Chambers, is actually have the odds of everyone involved about equal. Don't put in one guy everyone knows will win against 5 guys everyone knows will lose? (Cena, Masters, and Carlito in the Chamber. Who did you think would win?) I want an unpredictable Multi Man Melee. That should sell. Thats why I believe the MINT is so popular, just put the title itself up there!
There are plenty of big money matches left in the WWE. Mr. Kennedy has big money matches written all over him if he is used properly. My personal opinion is that he needs to stop yelling all the time, and just start talking smack like The Rock used to do. Him yelling all the time is not that entertaining.

And Him turning face and feuding with Edge or HHH would definately sell
Royal Rumble 2008
World Heavyweight Championship
Matt Hardy (c) vs Edge
-ladder match-

I don't think there is any question that fans would like to see that happen again. There remains unfinished business between the two, and with so many people injured on Smackdown, why not give Hardy a shot at the bet at Summer Slam and wait for Edge to come back to challenge?

Wrestlemania 2008
WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Jeff Hardy

I would also accept Cena vs Hardy. See a pattern here? 2008 should be the year of the Hardy!
SummerSlam '07:

6 man TLC match for the WWE Title: King Booker, HHH, Lashley, Kennedy, Cena, and Randy Orton.

No one would ever think of a 6-man TLC match, and if there's anything that would bring the house down, it world be RAW's top 6 guys duke it out. Then the winner of this match has to deal with the returning HBK cause remember HBK was supposed to go against Cena at Judgment Day, where he probably wouldn't have finished Cena's run. Sounds like $$ to me, oh yes it does.

Triple Threat Falls Count Anywhere IC Title Match: Umaga vs. Carlito vs. Jeff Hardy.

Let Mr. Extreme, Mr. Cool, and Mr. Super Heavy get down with their bad selves ALLLLLLLL OVER the arena. This would be a sweet one to watch IMO.

Bra and Panties Fatal 4-Way for the Women's Title: Beth Phoenix vs. Melina vs. Mickie James vs. Candice Michelle

You better know why I want this match. I wouldn't mind calling over ECW and SD! ladies to participate...hell let's make it a Bra and Panties Battle Royal!!!

Hardcore Rules for the ECW Championship: Elijah Burke vs John Morrison

You gotta imagine they're gonna get sick of pumping CM Punk if he fails to win at GAB...losing in 3 title chances kinda hurts credential. Burke has yet to have a shot, an I think he can probably dispose of pretty boy John...they'd have a great match-up with both guys being super-athletic...though a match with Hardcore Rules and two hungry, athletic stars would be SCARY.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista vs. Kane

Kane's gotta like his odds against Batista since Taker took him out, and then battled to a vicious draw in the Steel Cage. I don't see The Great Khali holding the title past GAB, and Kane and Batista will have unfinished business heading into Summerslam...could be good...could be bad.

No Disqualification Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero.

Rey's gonna need to exorcise his Chavo demon sometime, and a No DQ match would be ideal seeing as how Chavo loves to cheat...level the playing field and let the cruiserweights go to work.

4 Team Elimination for the World Tag Titles: Cryme Tyme vs Kendrick and London vs Cade and Murdoch vs. World's Greatest Tag Team

I think Cryme Tyme and Kendrick 'n London could turn up the heat on this type of match...this one's got tons of potential.

This, would serve for a great PPV IMO. I'd watch it.
In terms of wrestlers currently active, I'd say John Cena vs. C.M. Punk would be the biggest selling match. Punk and Cena are both over, and this match could be a 30 minute, possibly even 45-50 minutes if the WWE felt like letting them go that long.

The Undertaker vs. Edge at WM is a given due to history, and I can't remember Matt and Jeff Hardy ever wrestling each other. Maybe they did but I can't remember if and when. One more match would be HHH vs. Kennedy, since both men can cut great promos and are excellent technical wrestlers.
If i could see one match from the past id say Rock vs HBK hell for that match id pay 100 dollers to see it back in the Attitude Era now it would still be a decent match but it seems HBK as lost a step and for Rock we havent seen him in so long who knows?

That is a true dream match imo as both were and still are great in the ring and would put on a hell of a show but i doubt it will ever happen as Rock seems to not want to get back in a wrestling ring HBK would probaly be all for it but that would be a hell of a match even though we may never see it

As of Current wrestlers id say Undertaker vs Edge streak vs streak at WM and its possible it may happen it would be even better with the WHC on the line id pay 40 bucks just to see that match and if it would happen it would steal the show imo

and I can't remember Matt and Jeff Hardy ever wrestling each other. Maybe they did but I can't remember if and when.

I believe they did back in 2002 on PPV (maybe Unforgiven??) i cant remember which one though but it wasnt a good match at all from what Ive heard..
Looking at the current roster, i cant really think of any.
I'll try to name a few though.

From a fan standpoint, and not a smark standpoint i already have one in mind.

Jeff Hardy vs. John Cena

It's obvious that Hardy isn't as good as he used to be, but Cena is as big as he ever was. Except for maybe males 14-20 something, they're very over with the crowd, women, children, and even some guys alike. Whenever Hardy's music hits, you'll hear cheers. Whenever Cena's music hits, you will hear some boos from the smark community and those tired of seeing the same routine again and again, but the majority of the crowd will be cheering. It won't exactly be a wrestling clinic, but with the right build and given maybe the right PPV or time of year, this could attract an audience.

It's already been stated but i figured i'd go with this one also.

Edge vs. The Undertaker

Here you have the incredibly aggrivating, annoying, self-centered heel in Edge. Then on the other side you have numerous year face, and numerous year vet in The Undertaker. (which means Old School fans can get into this match.) Both have a load of wrestling skill, and that boosts ratings with the IWC tuning in. Obviously Edge has crazy heel heat, and Taker is a monster face. Right build and a WM atmosphere, and you have the biggest Main Event since WM XX.

Here's an original one i just thought of.

Bobby Lashley vs. Triple H

Lashley's getting a "Next Big Thing" type of push, and i think when the time is right and the spotlight is passed from Cena or whoever to Lashley, he's gonna carry the company on his shoulders Cena-like. And what is there to say about HHH that isn't already known, simply put you aren't a wrestling fan if you haven't heard of him, he's this generations Hulk Hogan. 10 reigns, and several reigns with several other titles. In his prime he was phenominal, and his DX stint with HBK, X-Pac, and The New Age Outlaws was comedy gold, taking it a step further when HBK was out due to his back. I might be in the minorty when i say i actually am a slight Lashley fan, and i respect his athletic ability. In a couple of years or so, this match is definately WM material if Lashley continues to get his push and HHH isnt putting over new talent by then.
Well, a couple of very interesting matches over here... But i'll stick with two i have in mind:

Mr Kennedy vs Edge: i used properly, this could be a "wrestlemania Classic" truly, both are great wrestlers, masters of the Mic, hell! I cant iimagine the promos because they would be the best promos ever!

IMO the greatest box office match of all time, could be Cena vs Hogan, main event at WM25. even with Hogan in a wheelchair, these two would tear the roof apart.
And we could see Slyfox happiest than ever! LOL!
Of course, Hulkamania would win brother!!!
-Watcha gonna do Brother when i stick my Boot right up your sorry M-ass?, BROTHER???!!
-I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, i'm gonna overcome the odds and kick your ass, because....... THE CHAMPPPPPP.....ISSSSSSSSS..... HEREEEEEEEEEE!!!!

shit, i'm ashamed of this, but i guess i would pay for this, it's like godzilla vs Megaguirus or some shit!!! :D

Oh, and as a bonus, i think the following could be another blockbuster, but never gonna happen, due the actual job of one of them.

Cena vs The Rock (Rock last match ever), main event, WM25(if Hogan turns down the 5 million Vince offered him, this could be Plan B) :lol:

Of course, this is only big box office publicity matches, if i truly wanted to see a decent wrestling match, i'll put Edge vs Chris Jericho TLC match, or William Regal vs Flair in a Hardcore career vs career match, or what about CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin in a iron man match??? Non of these would sell as Cena vs Hogan, but they would be Classics from the very first moment announced.
To be honest im paying 40 bucks this weekend to see Dusty Rhodes vs Randy Orton. I'm a huge mark for odd gimmick matches, and Texas Bullrope Matches are one of my favorites.

Honestly idk if the actual wrestlers in a match can make a 'Super Draw" any more. The days of people buying ppvs just to see Austin beat the hell out of Mr. McMahon are long gone. I know i ordered the PPV with the first elimination chamber (i dont even remember what ppv it was) just to see the crazy 6 man cage match.

Right now, for me, the only 2 guys on the roster that I would wanna see in any kind of match bad enough to order an entire ppv to see is Ken Kennedy vs Edge. I think WWE really missed the boat on that on by drafting Kennedy.

...............................Oh and the Second City Saints vs the Hardy Boyz, but that'll never happen
From my point I'd have to say

Edge vs Undertaker

Pretty obvious why, throw them on Mania as the Main event, streak vs streak with the world title on the line. It would work, with their combined in ring skill, Edge's ability to cut great promos and Takers 15-0 videos plus a couple of "Rest In Peace"s. I know I'd pay to see that. Hell, even throw em in a HIAC match, this just has great fued written all over it.

Mr. Kennedy vs Triple H

Both are really over with the fans as heels. Both can cut amazing promos and that would be explosive right from the get go. Kennedy just needs to stop screaming all the time and you've got a fued you'll tell your kids about.

The Hardy Boyz vs London and Kendrick vs Nunzio/Marella vs WGTT- 4-Way Tag Team TLC Match

Remember Armageddon, If we had known about the tag team match I'm sure everyone on WZ would've been glued to there TV screens come Armageddon. Plus how can you not have a great match with the Hardyz vs Londrick, that's a tag team match I'd love to see, plus you throw in WGTT and a new team of Nunzio and Marella, who in time could be a decent team, then you add some ladders, table and chairs, you mix it all up and you've got a match that will be talked about long after it's over. Remember WM17? Hardys, E&C, The Dudleys?

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Booker T vs. Randy Orton vs. Mr. Kennedy - Elimination Hell In a Cell

A lot like an elimination chamber, but with all six men entering at the same time giving each of them an equal chance to come out on top. And with the talent all of these guys, with the exception of Cena, have they could have a match we'll be talking about for a long time. Plus some good fueds over the title could come out of it. Michaels vs Orton anyone? I think that would be a good match-up don't you? Booker vs Kennedy. whatever the fans want.

WWE has enough talent to pull off a lot of "Box Office Matches" now if they can see the potential that there is for em is another question, they seemed to screw up on the last two elimination chambers, but MITB is great every year.
I feel the WWE has top draw PPV matches at PPVs that people would pay for each month but dont because of one simple thing.

It used to be the two feuding stars would never face off on weekly shows xcept maybe the odd tag match, however every week we have matches between the feuding couple near enough and by the time the PPV comes around everyone has seen them in the ring together X amount of times and thus dont feel like paying for something they have already seen, and 9times out of ten will see a rematch on raw within 8days (next days episode or week) after

thats my two pence
Six Man Hell in a Cell
Triple H vs Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels vs Foley vs Edge vs Kane

HHH and Taker are, in my opinion, the two biggest stars in WWE today; the cornerstones of their respective brands. Take that fact, as well as the fact that every HIAC match has involved either of these two guys, and there's no reason why they can't make this match HUGE.

Shawn Michaels - well, he was in the first HIAC and can make any match exciting and an instant classic. Along with HHH and Taker, he's one of the biggest stars and one of the longest serving wrestlers still in the WWE today.

Mick Foley - whatever persona, Mick was in perhaps the most famous HIAC of them all against Undertaker. Then two years later vs HHH was just as impressive. Not only can he make the match brutal, but he adds to the big match feeling, as one of the main stars of the attitude era (along with HHH, HBK and Taker)

Edge - biggest star of the future, great wrestler and will certainly add something to the match. Has great chemistry with guys like HBK and I'd love to see him face off with Undertaker inside the cell, or re-ignite his fued with Kane.

Kane - never been in a high-profile HIAC match so has never really been able to show just what he can do inside the devil's playground. Put the mask back on and Kane can dominate this match.

What strikes me and would draw me about this match is that it involves probably 6 of the most established stars in the WWE today, all have been associated with the company for a while, and it'd be great to see Undertaker and HHH in the ring together, as well as Foley in another cell match, HBK facing off with Undertaker again, and Edge and Kane add something new. No idea who would win but who can say they wouldn't be interested in this match?
Am i the only one that cant wait for Cena vs HHH??? i mean they have been the two dominant champions for almost the past 5 years. Cena's title reign is exactly like H's. he keeps it for almost a year then loses it for 2 months then does it again and again. I cant wait for this match

also i want to see

C.M. vs Jeff
two guys with cult followings. But i think they shre alot of thier fan base too
I been recently thinking about some others I'd like to see and this one popped right in my head...not sure if it has been said but o well

CM Punk vs Edge

I know this wouldnt be a HUGE match right now but if Punk continues being as good as he has been and with about another year or 2 of experience and maybe a ECW title run...Id love to see this match at maybe a SS or WM either one..I just think if these two stepped in the ring with the Wrestling styles and skills they both have... this would be one hell of a match and Feud with Edge being such a great heel and Punk being an up and coming star who already has a pretty big fanbase give it another year down the road I could see this happening and being a great feud that would produce some very good matches and could draw well
although edge v undertaker could be huge especially in a hitc or ladder match they should keep this away from wrestlemania

every year someone tries to end the wrestlemania streak of undertaker as soon as he retires edge can keep this storyline going.
I'd like to I guess clarify what I meant by Big Box Office Match.

Let's try to not go crazy adding 6 guys to one match, that's too obvious. I would also like to see matches that have zero gimmicks. The Gimmicks sell the match, not the wrestlers, so it's not really on topic.

I will accept tag team matches, even though I think it is very rare where you can actually find a tag team match worthy of 40 bucks.

When you think of big box office,
1. Andre vs. Hulk Hogan
2. Warrior vs. Hogan,
etc. etc.

Think of the old Wrestlemanias. The Pay Per Views sold based upon the main event. People dished the money out to see one match.

So again, Big Box Office Matches: One on One (I'll let tag team match in as well), no gimmicks. The match needs to sell based on the two wrestlers involved, not the gimmick. Give reasons.
This is a good question. WWE is really slipping in a bad way, they're losing the top ones and the lower ones aren't being used right. But in my opinion from present to future there is a possibility of ones to come.

For instance...

Edge vs Undertaker (WM 24) I would only say this would be a top choice at WM 24 because of the stakes. Title, Streak, they both have the streak, so it would be classic. Anywhere else I don't think would be worth the 40 bucks. But it's gonna happen, so I can't complain.

Kennedy vs MVP - This is a no brainer. Not right now you understand, but later on in the years where they're major main event material, it could truly be HHH v HBK, Austin v Rock, any of that. If there's a major title on the line, all the better. Would be an awesome match to see.

Edge vs Orton - We already got the match on RAW, but it wasn't near what it could have been. A world title, a major personal feud, ex Rated RKO, it would be the HHH vs HBK of years past, and added in that they're both tweeners at the time.

Marcus Cor Von v Bobby Lashley - Again, not right now, but later, when they no doubt will be proper main event material, promos, great matches, etc, to add a great personal feud.

I don't think there are any more, but I guess we'll find out in the coming years.
Well I think its a given that Edge vs Undertaker is one Big Box office matchup that the WWE should and will take advantage of in the nearish future. Ive had a think of a couple more.

CM Punk vs Triple H Of course with the push of Punk continuing, perhaps after a lengthy run of being ECW champion. He would have to then drop that belt and move to Raw, but that seems like just a natural progression. Then you could have either one playing the face and the Heel, to me Id make Triple H the heel. The inring match would be amazing, and imagine the split of fans for both Punk and Triple H. I would buy a ppv to see this match.

Of course this may not happen given HBK's injuries and age. But if Shawn was to come back and not try to ghost thru matches I think this could be a really good contest. HBK in the past has loved himself and only himself, and MVP is the same, thinking he is the shit. MVP has proven he can go in the ring and is always improving and if HBK can get out of neutral then the match would be terrific.

Kennedy vs Edge
This would be a great matchup, but would the WWE do a Heel vs Heel feud? I would hope they would as I wouldnt want either of these two guys to turn face. I would not want the WWE to rush this though, but to continue to build it up. To me Edge taking the Money in the Bank from Kennedy should be only one of a number of steps in building up this feud. Drag it out before they finally meet in the ring, this will add to the match.

Randy Orton vs John Morrison
I think this would be a big match in thwe future. Again who would be the face or heel. Dont really care. Just think in a few years these guys will really be up there in the company. They are both goodish to me in the ring and I think would click well. Of course this would be if Orton stays out of trouble and off the shitlist. But again in a few years I think this would have the potentail of being a very good feud that to me could sell PPVs. If the WWE build up both guys well and dont rush things as they tend to do atm.
The Great Khali vs Umaga: Two of the biggest monster heels in the company. Both have had a similar build up. They could have a solid 10 minute match.
Batista vs Bobby Lashley: I think these two power houses would compliment eachother. They have been a tag team and had a brief ecounter on Smackdown a few months ago. Two of the top baby faces in WWE. This could be Goldberg vs Lesnar done right.
Randy Orton vs John Cena: These two broke into the buisiness around the same time. They have fought on Raw but both times it was a un clean finish. I think Cena could help elevate Orton to being a credible main event heel. I think the are saving this one for Summerslam.
In my opinion there is always the potential for a big money match in the future, it all depends on the booker's patience and if they can build a story and the performers the right way. That being said, I feel that right now the only a few wrestlers in the WWE that are ready for a big money match right now and obviously two of them would be Cena and HHH. If you go through the list of all the top guys on the roster you can make a case for the rest IMO to not being there, as in being ready for the huge spotlight match. Guys like Batista and Orton and Booker and Rey never were really a big draw. Guys like the Hardy's are guys the fans can get behind but there is not that star quality you got with guys like Austin and The Rock. Guys like Taker and HBK are on the down swing of their careers and often injured. Guys like Khali, Umaga and Kane are monsters that don't really have the polish or in the case of Kane aren't really on the level of top of the company. Guys like Lashley, Punk, Morrison, Kennedy and possibly MVP have the ability to get there one day but not yet. This brings us to Edge, I think quite interesting actually. When he first debuted I never thought I'd see him headlining a Mania. He is the one man that could be built into a big program when he comes back with either of these two for an ending at Mania. I know a lot of people feel an Edge-Taker match is a way to go at Mania but I think in that one obviously Taker has to go over to keep the streak alive and then where would you go from there. Its not like Taker is a great worker that you can put in there with Edge for 3 PPVs. Cena vs Edge with Cena chasing the title would be perfect, minus the RVD influence and distraction this time. Cena wins Mania, Edge wins the next month and whatever direction you want to go with a specialty match at the next one. Edge vs HHH would be brilliant IMO though and that would be the way for them to go. It doesn't even have to be for a belt and thats where I think the big test if a match is a big money and needs to hold up. Edge chasing HHH and not getting the Mania victory not getting the victory at the next PPV but finally getting an elusive win at the third PPV would re-establish HHH as the force that he is and keep both strong. This however is a waste of my typing because I think Edge will be in a feud with whatever crappy champion SD decides to have by then. Looks like mid 08 at least before we get to see any of these money matches again
If it was possible....

Kane vs Brock Lesnar.
Big Show Vs The Great Khali (has that been done?)

The Undertaker and The Fake Undertaker Vs Kane and The Fake kane a buried alive or casket match lol, that'd be quite interesting.

bring back the good old days i say.
Enough with the old gaurd with all due respect! Triple H, Undertaker, Michaels, legends of the sport, proven money makers. But age and injuries have taken it's toll on them as headliners.

The money match of 2008 at Wrestlemania John Cena vs Batista for the WWE title! We have not seen these two go full tilt one on one, I would go there to fill up the Citrus Bowl. The two most popular stars, from both programs locking it up to see who is the best. That's my main event.

Edge vs Bobby Lashley for the World Heavyweight Championship. I hate Edge. But gotta admit, he has grown on me as the guy you love to hate but have to see him on PPV. After last nite at GAB, Lashley has untapped potential. Great athleticism, he would rise to the occasion on the big stage. Edge comes back, wins the title, Lashley wins the Royal Rumble and chooses to fight Edge.

Mr. Kennedy vs Randy Orton. Kennedy would be a face here and would spring him to possbily becoming the next Raw Champion.

Undertaker vs Triple H II. The streak is on the line again against the King of Kings at Wrestlemania 24.

I think if we lead with these type matches it would sell out Florida. Do i think it's going to happen, no! Someway, Vince will place his son in law HHH in one of the main events since he missed last year, which I think is terrible for the business.

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