Anti-Love Songs


Undercardbob Jobberpants
I'm looking for weird, sick, funny, creepy, or otherwise offbeat love songs, for no other real purpose than the fact that I've always found them entertaining. So if anyone knows any, I'd appreciate being enlightened. I'll start off to give you an idea of what I'm looking for.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'll not be a gentleman. Behind the boathouse I'll show you my dark secret." Fucking creepy.

"Your shit's like chocolate cake and your ass smells like a rose." Ew.

That kind of thing. Anyone know any others along the same lines?
It probably doesn't fit in with your theme quite so well in being creepy (though I do have a good idea for that) but it is one of the strangest love songs I have ever heard. Apart from the obvious violence promised against the ex's new love is also the quite creepy level of detail she goes into a future relationship despite only meeting this guy once. I love this song :)


And yes the more creepy one. This is a bit of an obvious choice but I am going to throw it in anyway. It doesn't need much explaining, though I do love the mock heoric music thats added with this.

Holy shit that first one IS creepy. It's not so much the lyrics as the sincerity with which she sings it. I love it.
When I saw the thread title "Anti-Love Songs" I thought you means songs that were the opposite of love, meaning breakup or I hate you bitch songs. In which case I have a few.

Atmosphere - Guns and Cigarettes

The song has more to it than just the anti-exgirlfriend stuff, but the following stanza is both very evil and yet hilarious:

"A few years ago an ex-girl of mine,
Asked me to keep her name 'out my rhyme,
So I said this rhyme that I'm about to say,
It came from the heart and it went this way,
I said 'go to hell girl, you make me sick,
I hope your new boyfriend ... in his dick,
Now what the fuck makes you think I'll put your name in my record?'
Yeah, now I feel a lot better...


Joe Pesci - Take Your Love and Shove It


"Why don't you take your love and shove it up your big fat ass,
You know you're the reason we're through.
I'm tired of all the yellin' and the fights that we had,
Hey they're all because of YOU!"

Hilarious stuff off of "Vincent Laguardia Gambini Sings Just for You!"

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