Another Spears???


GLaD I'm not you...
I'm not into the whole pop culture thing, but I noticed something while on MTV. I read this

Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's sister, is pregnant, the 16-year-old told OK! magazine. The father is her longtime boyfriend, Casey Aldridge, she said. "It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," Jamie Lynn Spears, who is 12 weeks along in her pregnancy, told the magazine for its new issue, which hits stands this week.

That's off of MTV's website and Nickelodeon which is the network of which Jamie Lynn Spear's TV show Zoey 101 airs also confirmed it. It's a shame. Jamie is 16 yrs old, and she seems to be starting to follow in her sisters footsteps. I hope for her sake that she can keep her head on straight through all of this. MTV's website also had this

When the magazine reportedly asked her about the message her pregnancy might send to young people, she replied, "I definitely don't think it's something you should do; it's better to wait. But I can't be judgmental because it's a position I put myself in."

Perhaps she's learned her lesson... the hard way... Oh well looks like another Spears on the way.
I'm not into the whole pop culture thing, but I noticed something while on MTV. I read this

Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's sister, is pregnant, the 16-year-old told OK! magazine. The father is her longtime boyfriend, Casey Aldridge, she said. "It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected," Jamie Lynn Spears, who is 12 weeks along in her pregnancy, told the magazine for its new issue, which hits stands this week.

That's off of MTV's website and Nickelodeon which is the network of which Jamie Lynn Spear's TV show Zoey 101 airs also confirmed it. It's a shame. Jamie is 16 yrs old, and she seems to be starting to follow in her sisters footsteps. I hope for her sake that she can keep her head on straight through all of this. MTV's website also had this

When the magazine reportedly asked her about the message her pregnancy might send to young people, she replied, "I definitely don't think it's something you should do; it's better to wait. But I can't be judgmental because it's a position I put myself in."

Perhaps she's learned her lesson... the hard way... Oh well looks like another Spears on the way.

Perhaps if she would've taken the first half of her own advise, she wouldn't of been put in that situation. All in all, I don't know why she's worried. Her kid will likely end up with Britney's.. far away from the Mother.
What is wrong with these Spears? They need to learn how to make their "partners" wrap it up. It's pretty f*cked up and I came to find out that her boyfriend that Casey guy is 19 so can't he be charged with some sort of rape?
Perhaps if she would've taken the first half of her own advise, she wouldn't of been put in that situation. All in all, I don't know why she's worried. Her kid will likely end up with Britney's.. far away from the Mother.

Isn't that the sad truth though... I found it funny that her mother was putting out a book about good parenting, but since this news broke out she pushed the release date back to an unknown date. It's seemingly just one big screwed up family... One day Jamie Lynn was supposed to "save the tainted Spears family" now it looks like she's just going to do more damage to it... Unless as I said she actually learns from this, but we'll see about that.
What is wrong with these Spears? They need to learn how to make their "partners" wrap it up. It's pretty f*cked up and I came to find out that her boyfriend that Casey guy is 19 so can't he be charged with some sort of rape?

ONLY if it wasn't consentual. The Mother was likely okay with the relationship, & obviously Jamie wasn't "yelling rape." So therefore, the guy did nothing wrong.

This kinda goes hand in hand with the whole e-wedding thread in my opinion. People think just because a girl is under 18, that if she does anything with someone over 18 its illegal. A girl thats 16 & up is old enough to legally make her own decisions, of her own free mind.

The Parents CAN choose to press charges, I believe, but ONLY if the girl ends up admitting in some form to being "pushed" or "pressured" into anything.

Isn't that the sad truth though... I found it funny that her mother was putting out a book about good parenting, but since this news broke out she pushed the release date back to an unknown date. It's seemingly just one big screwed up family... One day Jamie Lynn was supposed to "save the tainted Spears family" now it looks like she's just going to do more damage to it... Unless as I said she actually learns from this, but we'll see about that.

I kinda like how Britney was this big, huge innocent girl up until her sudden marriage to K-Fed.. then she's this big "****e" (using the term loosely) because she's getting knocked up left & right & she's gloating about how great sex is, & I mean come on.

She "as a virgin" (so she claimed) wore skin tight outfits that very clearly showed off her crotch, her whole career has been centered around sex & sex appeal.. so I really don't get the news-reporters claiming they're tainted, when they started out that way.

Its only because Britney said she liked being a role-model, that they latched onto that & drove it home that she wasn't a good role-model. And bottomline is, NO celeb is a good role-model. NONE of them.
:( Totally dissapointed by this, but I guess everyone makes mistakes. I'm a huge fan of Jamie, I watch her show Zoey 101 on Nickelodean, watched her since she first started acting on All That, and I am REALLY shocked by this news. I never, ever would have expected this.

Flames Out
What is wrong with these Spears? They need to learn how to make their "partners" wrap it up. It's pretty f*cked up and I came to find out that her boyfriend that Casey guy is 19 so can't he be charged with some sort of rape?

She obviously isn't screaming rape is she? What the authorities need to realise is that rape is someone being forced into sex. She obviously wasn't forced, or has said nothing to make anyone believe this was the case. And, come on, he's 3 years older. It's not like it's a huge difference. I don't particularly believe age means a lot anyway, but a lot of people do. So if she was pregnant by a 40 year old, I could understand a few more eyebrows being raised.
Seriously though, Rape? It beggars belief really. They can't be bothered to catch actual rapists but when it comes to this I bet they'll put more effort into it :icon_evil:
Why is there all of the sudden this huge rush of pregnant teenage celebrities getting knocked up? First it was Keisha Castle Hughes at age 16, then Hannah Montana had all the pregnancy rumor's floating around, and now Jamie Lynn. I mean its not like Lynn has a ton of money or anything, she's not Britney (who could afford a whole army of children if she wanted.) I don't know what these kids are thinking, that just because their somewhat famous that makes them better suited to have and raise children than non famous teens? I don't quite follow the logic of thinking here. Unless the Spears family is looking to achieve the All White Trash American Dream.
:( Totally dissapointed by this, but I guess everyone makes mistakes. I'm a huge fan of Jamie, I watch her show Zoey 101 on Nickelodean, watched her since she first started acting on All That, and I am REALLY shocked by this news. I never, ever would have expected this.

Flames Out

I don't watch Zoey 101, but I heard enough about from watching Nickelodeon. I really thought that Jamie could have been a great actor someday. I hope once this is over that she can move on and continue with her acting and try to salvage a "normal American life"
I hope once this is over that she can move on and continue with her acting and try to salvage a "normal American life"

You act as if an actor's life is completely over, simply because they got pregnant though. I don't know exactly how you meant to word it, but "I" would like to think "I" lead a "normal American life" & I have a daughter.

While I'm not an actor, several actors/actresses have children & continue to lead great lives. On one hand I'd love to be like them, because they can simply snap their fingers & get all the help they need with their children. "Normal American Families" don't get that ability.

So its kinda an oxy-moron to consider any actor/actress to ever lead a "normal" (typical) life.
You act as if an actor's life is completely over, simply because they got pregnant though. I don't know exactly how you meant to word it, but "I" would like to think "I" lead a "normal American life" & I have a daughter.

While I'm not an actor, several actors/actresses have children & continue to lead great lives. On one hand I'd love to be like them, because they can simply snap their fingers & get all the help they need with their children. "Normal American Families" don't get that ability.

So its kinda an oxy-moron to consider any actor/actress to ever lead a "normal" (typical) life.

Sorry Will, I should have been more specific. What I meant by it was I hope that she can go on and live a normal life as opposed to her sister who is certainly not living a normal life. Sorry for the confusion...=/
You act as if an actor's life is completely over, simply because they got pregnant though. I don't know exactly how you meant to word it, but "I" would like to think "I" lead a "normal American life" & I have a daughter.

Yeah but your 25, with a college education and a stable job, Jamie Lynn Spears is just 16 and doesn't have either. it would be easy for you and your wife to have a child but its going to be hard on her, regardless of the fame she has.
Yeah but your 25, with a college education and a stable job, Jamie Lynn Spears is just 16 and doesn't have either. it would be easy for you and your wife to have a child but its going to be hard on her, regardless of the fame she has.

Well, I'm 25 at least. hahaha I was pulled out of school by my Parents, & ended up with a G.E.D. education. I've attempted a couple college courses, but never fully went through with a full college degree. (Therefore, I'm no better than your average High School grad.)

Also, I'm currently unemployed, so therefore.. out of your statement, I'm actually only just 25. hahaha

However, I understand the difference between a 16 yr. old having a child & a 25 yr. old having a child. Most 16 yr. olds do NOT plan on having children at that age. So its more or less a sidetrack in their life plans.
i say everybody makes mistakes and Jamie deserves another chance. she may be good 4 months and never make any mistakes again, then she deserves our respect. also give her props for not just disposing of child(abortion).

I'm stevie ray fighting for all who makes mistakes(including celebrities)
i say everybody makes mistakes and Jamie deserves another chance. she may be good 4 months and never make any mistakes again, then she deserves our respect. also give her props for not just disposing of child(abortion).

I'm stevie ray fighting for all who makes mistakes(including celebrities)

I wouldn't exactly say it was a mistake, more than a mis-step. Accidents happen, & the better thing to look at is that she got pregnant with a boyfriend that she had been with.. not just some random guy.

While I'm against abortion, I have talked with some who aren't fully & I understand the situation at hand as to why they aren't. So all I'll say to that is, be careful on your words regarding it.

Finally, I think the situation at hand isn't exactly that she got pregnant, or even at 16.. the latter is definately an issue that the mainstream media will attack.. but the main issue here, is to "practice what you preach."

She released a statement in a magazine, stating its better to wait.. & how can she even say anything of the sort, because she didn't do it herself. All anyone will see that as, is a pure cover-up to try & save face, which in (at least my opinion) will only hurt her worse.
After thinking, I wonder how much of this media attention has to do with Brittney being her sister. All of the news outlets seem to ramble on about that and how Jamie is justy going to become like her sister... It is the media and we all know how they blow everything out of proportion. It's not like Jamie was part of a major TV series. Yes Zoey 101 is very popular, but it's not like it's a show like House, 24, or anything like that. I expect to see Jamie return to acting when her pregnancy is over.
After thinking, I wonder how much of this media attention has to do with Brittney being her sister. All of the news outlets seem to ramble on about that and how Jamie is justy going to become like her sister... It is the media and we all know how they blow everything out of proportion. It's not like Jamie was part of a major TV series. Yes Zoey 101 is very popular, but it's not like it's a show like House, 24, or anything like that. I expect to see Jamie return to acting when her pregnancy is over.

To be honest, I didn't even know Britney's sister's name. And furthermore, I never even knew she had a t.v. show.. so yeah, this is (in my mind) getting blown up simply because of her Familiy, & more specific, her older sister.
To be honest, I didn't even know Britney's sister's name. And furthermore, I never even knew she had a t.v. show.. so yeah, this is (in my mind) getting blown up simply because of her Familiy, & more specific, her older sister.

That's what I'm starting to think as well. I've read a few more articles and interestlingy enough they target Jamie's sister and all of her acts as well as her mother's book being indefinatly put on hold. I also read that if Jamie's mother wanted to she could sue for stachitory rape since the age of consent in Louisiana is 17 and Jamie is 16
I also read that if Jamie's mother wanted to she could sue for stachitory rape since the age of consent in Louisiana is 17 and Jamie is 16

I still don't think she could do that, as her Mother was well aware of their relationship. And ANY Parent naive enough to think their child, especially at the age of 16 on up, isn't possibly thinking about, if not having, sex.. then they don't deserve to write a book about "good Parenting."

I'm not saying it couldn't happen, however I think it'd only make the Spear's Family look 10x worse through the public eye.. simply because "It takes two, to tango." (so to speak) And Jamie is still (to my knowledge) dating the guy, therefore.. its hardly rape.
I still don't think she could do that, as her Mother was well aware of their relationship. And ANY Parent naive enough to think their child, especially at the age of 16 on up, isn't possibly thinking about, if not having, sex.. then they don't deserve to write a book about "good Parenting."

I'm not saying it couldn't happen, however I think it'd only make the Spear's Family look 10x worse through the public eye.. simply because "It takes two, to tango." (so to speak) And Jamie is still (to my knowledge) dating the guy, therefore.. its hardly rape.

They are still dating, and apparently do want to get married. To me Jamie seems to be in a much better mental state as her older sister... well her whole family for that matter. Apparently she loves this guy very much, so as far as I'm concerned if the two of them legit. love each other like it seems then things will turn out just fine in the end. Will I agree that if Jamie's mom actually went and pressed charges she'd just make her family look that much worse. I just find it so ridiculous that the media is blowing this up to be some big thing. Primary reason bing Britney is her sister. Hell the two of them are so close that Brit. found out through the media just as we did, and not from her sister. If this is what's going to either make Jamie happy, or wisen up, which it seems to have done, then I can almost see it as a blessing in disguise for her. The last thing we need is another Britney Spears in the world... One is enough...
You act as if an actor's life is completely over, simply because they got pregnant though. I don't know exactly how you meant to word it, but "I" would like to think "I" lead a "normal American life" & I have a daughter.

While I'm not an actor, several actors/actresses have children & continue to lead great lives. On one hand I'd love to be like them, because they can simply snap their fingers & get all the help they need with their children. "Normal American Families" don't get that ability.

So its kinda an oxy-moron to consider any actor/actress to ever lead a "normal" (typical) life.

It's not that they can't live an normal american is that fact that people that have the celebrity statis are whether or not they want to be a role model, and that it might cause an uproar in the public because of all the daughters, that watch the show that she is on, because she didn't do things in the order that society accepts,this might cause a backlash whether she sends a positive message or not
It's not that they can't live an normal american is that fact that people that have the celebrity statis are whether or not they want to be a role model, and that it might cause an uproar in the public because of all the daughters, that watch the show that she is on, because she didn't do things in the order that society accepts,this might cause a backlash whether she sends a positive message or not

It'll likely cause as much of a backlash, as Britney created when she debuted with all the ****ty clothes. How many hundreds of Parents wanted to stop their children from watching Britney.. when all it was, was simply a teenage girl, wearing revealing clothing.

What I can't understand, is why Parents have such a hard time believing their children will want to run out & wear ****ty clothing because a singer did. Or why they feel their child may rush to have sex, because their favorite t.v. star is. Thats a Parent's way of being naive to me.

Teens.. Children, are having sex at a rapidly younger age.. & all this is, is a way to place the blame on anything but where it belongs. Its not a celebs fault kids rush out & get pregnant.. teens, should have common sense enough to know better. Sex has been so peer-pressured that its ridiculous. Its everywhere, especially in schools.
What is wrong with these Spears? They need to learn how to make their "partners" wrap it up. It's pretty f*cked up and I came to find out that her boyfriend that Casey guy is 19 so can't he be charged with some sort of rape?
I get pissed when an 18 or 19 year old guy gets charged with rape because he had consensual sex with a 16 year old.

A 16 year old is old enough to make that decision, at least that's what I believe.

I also think a slight difference shouldn't matter. If the guy was 30, that would be something else, even though I still think if the 16 year old isn't forced, it shouldn't be rape.

I won't even comment on the Spears, as I cannot stand the wasted space in my newspaper about who these rich, ****ty people fuck. This goes for both men and women. To the depths of hell with Britney, Afleck, Jo-Lee and the rest.

Stop wasting money on reporting on these people's lives. If Britiney Spears were killed right now, I'd keep doing what I'm doing. I don't know her, don't care about her, and don't want to read about her.

Just venting, as this celebrity bullshit really does piss me off.:smashfreakB:
This little spears must be a "****e" like her older sister the only difference is that "little" spears probably isn't a coke junkie (50-50), I think it's disgusting to show these types of women on TV, they should be banned....from T.V for being street walkers.
This little spears must be a "****e" like her older sister the only difference is that "little" spears probably isn't a coke junkie (50-50), I think it's disgusting to show these types of women on TV, they should be banned....from T.V for being street walkers.

i dont understand how she's a ****e. It's not like she went out and got pregnant by some random guy, it was by her boyfriend of a couple years. The ratings for her show on nickelodeon went up so much because of all the publicity its getting, so why take her off the tv if she's bringing in crazy ratings. I agree that she shoulda kept her legs shut or used protection, but hey she knew what she was getting herself into.

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