Another School, Another Bunch Of Crazy People

Three years old and already throwing gang signs? What is america coming to??

I think three is still a good age to change your kids name at, especially to promote national security.

So in this one, a student is deaf and when he signs his name, it resembles a gun. This is apparently in violation of a school code which says that any instrument resembling a firearm is prohibited. The student's age: three years old. CLEARLY, this is some kind of secret plot and we need to stamp it out RIGHT NOW!
I guess you didn't bother reading the entire article?

Because of privacy rules a school spokesman could not directly address the Spanjers' complaint.

"Grand Island Public Schools has not changed the sign language name of any student, nor is it requiring any student to change how his or her name is signed," district spokesman Jack Sheard said in a prepared statement.

But sure, let's believe the family who loves outlaws and originally wanted to name their child Shooter, before settling on Hunter. I'm sure they don't have ANY agenda when it comes to guns...:rolleyes:

If it helps, Klunker, I imagine the family of this deaf child is probably....wait for it....shhhh.....Republican. You're most likely supporting a family of Republicans, likely gun nuts too.

Your Democratic party would be ashamed of you.
The article itself suggests that the issue isn't with the sign itself, but the fact that the kid signs in S.E.E. rather than ASL.
Anymore this whole country is becoming just like The Red Scare during the fifities. We're peeking under every bed and behind every garbage can looking for ter'rists. Yeeeeah with a name like Hunter that kid must be up to somethin'. I'll bet his parents must be plottin' they're plottin' damn it. Plottin' with a capital P and that rhymes with T and that stands for Trouble. :rolleyes:
Sounds like things are being blown out of proportion here. The school district itself said they don't have an issue with it looking like a gun but more of an issue with the child isn't using the sign language the school prefers (using ASL instead of S.E.E.).

One thing I will say though is the kid is 3 years old, he's been using ASL since he was 6 months so of course he's gonna go with what he's comfortable with but asking for a S.E.E. interpreter for Hunter isn't a big deal. Its the same as a Spanish kid who just moved from Spain having an English interpreter for school because the kid hasn't learned English yet.

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