Another Reason New Jack Sucks


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- New Jack went off on Jerry Lawler following his heart attack on Raw Monday night. Here is what he had to say…

On Lawler: "Just heard about Lawler...fuck that racist motherfucka...die slow,you fucking ***********

"If lawler dies,let me know where his grave is so,I can go piss on it...fuck that bitch

"Please let me know where they put that fucka in the ground so,I can piss on his grave."

Responding to Fans: "Bitch,I'm not here to make you happy and if what I said hurts...GO FUCK YOURSELF...FAN

"I don't work for a fucking fan so,if what I say hurts ur lil white feeling...SO FUCKING WHAT...YOU ARE FOLLOWING ME BITCH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!

"I have really out done myself this time huh...1st Terri then Brian knobbs gets knocked the fuck out,I beat da shit outta balls and now jerry."

On Why He Ranted: "When Kamala was going through some shit,nobody said shit so,now this shit with Lawler is supposed to touch me...FUCK EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!"

On Not Being Racist: "Fyi,my 2 kids are from a white woman so,the next 1 of you mother fuckers call me racist,I will send you a free dvd...dammit!!!"

Nice guy there. Please don't infract me for putting this in the wrestling section. New Jack kind of relates to wrestling......almost?
I never heard of this guy until I started here on WrestleZone. BND said he is a murderer, who did he murder?

Plus, this guy sounds like a whack job who should be in a mental hospital, because home dude has some serious issues, jezz.
I never heard of this guy until I started here on WrestleZone. BND said he is a murderer, who did he murder?

Plus, this guy sounds nothing like a whack job you should be in a mental hospital because home dude has some serious issues, jezz.

He's an attempted murderer. Nothing New Jack does or says surprises me anymore; are any of you really that surprised?
Oh shit! Thanks Guys, I didn't know about this. An from what I read on here he seems like such a class act :/ B

Why do they allow this guy to wrestle? I wouldn't get in the ring with him if he is an attempted murderer unless it was Celebrity Deathmatch and anything goes. Other than that, keep this psycho out of a ring and away from children.
Then what the hell does this guy do, KB? I always read about him but nothing of his past or anything. Yes, to lazy to search it up but why search for a guy with such a bad rep.
Then what the hell does this guy do, KB? I always read about him but nothing of his past or anything. Yes, to lazy to search it up but why search for a guy with such a bad rep.

New Jack is a guy that comes to a wrestling ring, hits people with weapons, has loud music playing, plays a guitar, breaks the guitar over someone's head, hits them with a chair and pins them.

I've seen every ECW PPV and I never once remember seeing him use a wrestling move. Literally, not once. Not even a headlock. His finishing move was a chair shot from the top rope.
Umm, yeah. That is horrible. I can see why you said he is not a wrestler. Shit, anyone can do what this guy does.

So why the hell does he run his mouth so much? He makes Zach Gowen look like an Olympic Gold Medalist.
Because ECW fans loved him and he kept getting jobs in indies over the years. He's one of the dumbest sounding people I've ever heard and he's a great example of everything wrong with wrestling in the late 90s.
I don't care if he does 50 zillion chinlocks or whatever it is the little IWC workrate ****es cream their jeans to, His rants are hysterical. They need to give this guy a reality show or something.
I will point out that he has a point about Kamala. I mean, I'm not an idiot and I know why the Lawler heart attack makes news cycles the way it has. But in a warped way I get where he's coming from with that. However, it's hard to take that point seriously when it's wrapped in venom and bile.
I don't believe in the death penalty, but there's some guys that, if someone were to do away with them, I could bring myself to look the other way. He's on that list.
I just watched the Mass Transit Incident on Youtube, and god it was brutal. I read this one interview from RVD, where he mentioned that New Jack came to the back following the match, screaming that he hoped the kid would die.

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