Another "Jersey Shore" Cast Member Reportedly in Negotiations with TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Well, former cast member, that is. Angelina Pivarnick (pictured below), according to is in negotiations with TNA according to a report from TMZ. Story states that Angelina is hopeful to have an actual match with Shore's Cookie, picking up where JWoww left off a few months prior.


The JWoww angle itself resulted in a pretty significant amount of press for the company, so I'd imagine Angelina's signing would as well, especially were she to wrestle an actual match, but I'm kind of torn on this as to whether or not it's really something I'd actually like to see.

I know Bischoff has a fondness for fusing television and wrestling, as does Russo, but this Jersey Shore shit is ridiculous IMO. I understand that it's a cultural phenomena, but fuck man, I don't wanna see more Guido-stereotype nonsense. I don't watch Jersey Shore intentionally to avoid it!

Thoughts on this? Concerns? JWoww didn't bring ratings but she did bring a momentary pop and quite a bit of press. Angelina gonna make a difference or no?
I read this yesterday and I'm surprised that no one wrote a post on it until now. But I digress.

Anyway, I've said it a billion times: any mainstream press that TNA can find to "get themselves out there" is good press. Picking up Angelina and using her on television is a good thing for the company. However, they'd better capitalize on this NOW. In other words, with her recent departure from the television program and its recent resurgence on MTV, she should be used on TV immediately, used as a mouthpiece and a familiar face, and should be joined with the members of "The Shore" until she gets some decent in-ring skills. We don't want another Lacey Von Erich on our hands.

Angelina was known on the Jersey Shore for her mouth... TNA should capitalize on this. Let her come out and cut promos. Allow her to gain realistic heat from the crowd. The more people boo her, the more the mainstream press will pick up on it as a former reality star that is generated a true reaction out of people and is someone that an audience gives a shit about.
I'm going to guess that TNA can't afford Snookie's appearance fee.

As far as what this does? Meh. The Shore angle is dead now; it seems to have run its predictable course, and while it lasted, it was hot as hell. JWoww brought good press; this kind of press, I fear, will be of the 'watching stars on the downslope' variety. I don't want to be the first person to bring up the Arquette word (I swear it's the IWC's version of Godwin's Law), but this reeks of one of those ill-fated cross-promotions that makes everyone involved stink. Two months ago there would have been obvious crosspromotional opportunities for both parties; at this moment in time, I don't see it.

Does it cause any harm? No. But this is a lateral move, and I find it hard to see how to be excited about it, or to see how someone could get excited about it.

Angelina isn't Jersey Shore anymore, remember; she's a Jersey Shore reject.
To me there is simply no point in doing something like this. I would say the "reality" of this situation is that Jersey Shore is a show that appeals primarily to girls, ages 15-25. Will bringing one of it's cast members to TNA generate some 5 seconds of publicity? Sure. Then you have to ask yourself though, even in a hypothetical perfect world if every single 15-25 girl that loves JS watches TNA that week, do you honestly think there's any hope in hell they will keep watching once whatever JS cast member they get is gone?

This is TNA's biggest problem to me, they are too worried about these little moments of publicity and aren't thinking about the big picture. The big picture of course being long term storylines, getting out of the impact zone, expanding product, increasing buy rates, getting better production values, etc. etc...not Jersey Shore.
Personally, I don't want to see it. I have seen a few episodes of The Jersey Shore, and I think they're all trash. She doesn't know how to wrestle, and like the J-Wow chick, she isn't all that great to look at.

However, I understand why TNA is doing it. It does give them some mainstream press, and they hope to attract more fans by doing his. Do I think it will work? Probably not, it didn't with the J-Wow chick. It also concerns me that a company seems this desperate to reach out to new fans. Even if people tune in just to see this Angelina woman, I doubt they will stick around. Not sure it will be worth the money spent to get here on there.
I think Russo just has a soft-spot for that show...isn't he from New Jersey? I remember reading a while back about how he would totally "go" for J-Wow if he was younger (this was at least a year before J-Wow came to TNA for that one episode of Impact).

My finance likes The Jersey Shore, and I told her about how TNA was going to have some new characters debut that were like the Jersey Shore characters. She (my fiance) doesn't watch wrestling, in fact she thinks it's ridiculous. That's fine, because I think a lot of the shows she watches are ridiculous (ie: Jersey Shore, Kardashians, Kendra, Real World, etc).

My point of all that, is that even though my girl knew about these "Shore" characters on TNA, and JWow's involvement, it didn't "do anything" for her. In other words, she didn't care to see the segment on Impact, even though she knew it was on our DVR for a week. On the flip-side of that, the segment JWow was involved in didn't make me want to watch Jersey Shore either.

I really can't see how this (greatly) benefits either show, I just don't see the cross-over appeal at all. Jersey Shore fans aren't about to start watching TNA, and TNA fans aren't about to start watching Jersey Shore. The only real benefit to this is that people who watch TMZ might realize that there's another wrestling company called TNA...but I doubt it's really going to help publicize TNA (or get them too many new viewers) in the long-run.

Forgot to mention, this really can't hurt TNA in any way. They will get a little more main-stream publicity, although I can't see this stunt doing much more for them than the little bit the stuff with J-Wow did.
I didn't like it when JWoww was there, I won't like it when this broad is too.

It'll suck, it'll be boring, but it will bring them some publicity so take that bitch in the ring, bore me do death and get it over with.
You know a wrestling company is desperate to have publicity by having those fake ****es from the Jersey Shore on they're program. I would rather watch one hour of Cookie and Robbie E in the ring talking then watch these ****esfor 5 minutes in the ring at all. What would they even do with these people most of them are too dumb to find the entrence ramp. So they cut promos? really? Shark Boy cuts better promos then these..things
This is an idea that is just terrible. The Jersey Shore is god-awfull tv, and each and every castmember are total idiots. Bringing ANY of those morons on would be a disgrace to the entire wrestling industry. I love TNA but this is about as bad an idea as WWE and there guest hosts.
I got why TNA did this the first time and are thinking about doing this again and that is publicity plain and simple. That being said if she does sign a deal to have an actual match which is what i hear there trying to do it might slightly garner more attention then before. I must admit I am a follower of jersey shore mostly because of my siblings but being part of that community I came to see that she is the most hated of all the cast members. If this was to go down I could predict a couple points boost in the ratings for people to see what should of came to her while on the show(even if its a fake situation).

I just don't get why they would do this around a guy like Robbie E. Most people hate the guy, I actually don't mind him but at the end of the day he is a mid-card guy. Maybe with the strap it would of been relevant but now hes just another guy in the back.

I rather see TNA spend there money to get a retired mma guy like Lidell or something to work a match with jarrett or angle. I know thats what the other company is trying to do for there big ppv but why not try to beat them to the punch.

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