Angry Boys

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
No this isn't a thread about certain posters, but rather an Australian show written, created and almost single-handedly performed by the brilliant Chris Lilley, who was also responsible for Summer Heights High which is well worth a watch.

When Angry Boys was on TV the first time around, I only caught the last 3 or 4 episodes which were enjoyable as they were, but I was keen to see the episodes preceding them. Earlier this week, my sister got me the dvd for my birthday and I rattled through the series in a day.

What I liked about the show is that although it primarily is a comedy, there are several touching moments that really caught me off-guard, yet a short while later there'd be another joke to lighten the mood.

So, anyone else seen this show?

Is that another Lilley show? If so then I'm sold.

Neh it's not.

You want to check out We can be heroes and summer heights high for that.

I love S.Mouse (slap my elbow).
We Can Be Heroes will be the next one to check out as I've seen SHH and absolutely loved it. Jonah was such a little shit but reminded me of folk I went to school with. Aside from the Tongan heritage of course.

Took me a while to warm to s.mouse but his rap at the school sealed it for me. His dad was pretty funny too when he's saying he thinks s.mouse is ******ed, but it's probably too late for an abortion.
I love that Squashed ***** is the theme to the show just slowed down.

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