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Angle's Contract Expiring Soon; His Future with TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
In an interview with MMA announcer Mauro Ranallo on The Fight Show this past thursday, Kurt Angle covered quite a few notes regarding TNA, specifically the angle that includes his ex-wife Karen and Jeff Jarrett, Nash & Booker T jumping back to WWE, TNA's current roster and most importantly his TNA contract expiring this coming August.

"My contract's up in August. I'm going to keep the option open. I like TNA. I like being there. I like that the company has built the last four-and-a-half years since I've been there. I don't have any plans of leaving, but I don't think Kevin Nash and Booker T had plans of jumping either."

Granted, Nash and Booker were both signed (confirmed by Angle who noted that they both asked for their releases, and were granted them last minute) and jumped ship to WWE when the offer came from Vince, but considering he's "keeping the option open", what does this mean for his future with TNA?

Nash was quoted following his jump in saying, “When you get in this business, you strive to get to WWE, and when it’s time to hang up your boots, you definitely want to end up a Yankee. So, if this was my last one, I couldn’t be happier,”.

Angle, as we're all well aware has had a slew of medical issues over the course of his career, and at the age of 43 could very well be looking for a similar opportunity to go out on the biggest stage possible, but he's also been one of, if not the the most loyal guy to TNA (next to perhaps AJ Styles) since he joined the company. He does a ton of work behind the scenes, even scouting and attempting to sign talent when it's made available (like Chris Jericho). He's one of the most vocal leaders in the locker room, and has even noted on camera that he fully intends to retire in TNA, so of course this all begs the question:

• What will Angle do when his contract expires in August, and why or why not?
• Will he sign with TNA again? Will he jump ship back to WWE for a retirement package?
• Will the opportunity of a Hall of Fame induction persuade him?

You can listen to the full interview with Angle at Radio.TheScore.com.
I can see Angle staying in TNA but, honestly, I hope he returns to WWE. The reason I say this isn't the usual "because WWE is bigger" schtick though. My reason is that WWE is very, very, light on proven main event talent who can have a gripping match. Angle is one of the guys who, with a greatly reduced schedule, could make a serious bonus to the WWE scene. He's been away long enough that, apart from Cena & Orton, he's not worked with most of the main event guys so there's a load of fresh feuds right from the off.
I can also see WWE offering him the reduced schedule because they seem to be doing things a lot more by the book now, when it comes to talents health. Plus, for all the reasons you've stated, Angle could def help with the character developement and actual wrestling abilities, of most of the greener guys on the roster.

As for TNA, they've got a fair few polished names that can carry the company on without Angle. I'll miss his work-rate but, as with the exit of Nash & Booker (and possibly Sting) that fress up the space for another fresh name to move onwards and upwards in the company (and, again, makes there less vets so, when Hogan or Flair is there, they're a special attraction, instead of one of a crowd)
I think he will stay with TNA. He has noted many times on his twitter account that his relationship with WWE is in the past and he is loyal to TNA and Dixie Carter now, also saying he has no plans to go back to WWE.

I believe him. He doesn't seem dishonest.
He'll end up back in the WWE, eventually. Whether it's as an active wrestler or in a Legends contract to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, I have no doubt we'll see him on WWE programming again. I'd say he's probably going to jump ship after this contract expires, but that's a big IF depending on whether he's still using drugs, what kind of schedule he wants to work, and what plans the WWE would have for him.

If he does re-sign with TNA, which frankly I hope he doesn't as he's done everything he could in the promotion, he might claim to "retire" in TNA but I have no doubts he'd return to the WWE for a real retirement match/ceremony afterwards. That plus I honestly don't expect TNA to still be in business by the end of the decade, so I see it being his only option eventually.

I really hope he doesn't re-sign though. There's nothing left for him to do in TNA and I'm dying to see him wrestle the crop of great young crop of talent that WWE has developed over the last few years (Ziggler, Swagger, Kofi, etc). Not to mention Angle vs. Danielson or Angle vs. Punk...man the possibilities have me giddy.
• What will Angle do when his contract expires in August, and why or why not?
• Will he sign with TNA again? Will he jump ship back to WWE for a retirement package?
• Will the opportunity of a Hall of Fame induction persuade him?

I think Kurt Angle's decision regarding his future once his contract expires this August will come down to two very important issues: the current status and direction of TNA come this summer, and his health.

As he said himself, he will definitely be keeping his options open regarding his future. If he is dissatisfied with where TNA is in August, and if he doesn't like the direction they are headed in, or his role in this, I would imagine he is gone. Likewise, if he has lingering health issues, I would imagine he is as good as gone as well.

I have always felt that with all due respect to TNA and it's fans, the major superstars want to conclude their careers in the big times. That is likely why Kevin Nash is back, and Booker T, and possibly Sting. I have always maintained that when Angle approaches the end of his illustrious career, he will want to go out in a big way, in a way that quite frankly WWE can offer and TNA, for monetary reasons if nothing else, cannot. He will want to end his career with one more WWE run, one more Wrestlemania, and an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.

I think Angle has likely really enjoyed his tenure in TNA. I think it has been really good for him overall in terms of his mental and physical health, and I think TNA has really benefitted from having him (ratings discussions aside). Truly a mutually beneficial arrangement. But come August, if TNA has not made major strides forward, which would seem unlikely, he will want to stroke his enormous ego and end it in the WWE. His health will easily allow him one more significant run, without having to endure the physical hardships of his initial WWE run. I'm not sure if he could or would return for a prolonged period of time, but a short term run, like Sting appears to be doing, would be a great fit for both parties.

If I were to guess, I would say come August, Kurt Angle will be coming home where he belongs. Which will be a nice boost for WWE. And a disastrous story for TNA. Losing Nash, Booker, Sting, and Angle in the same year would be pretty hard to recover from. You would have to think Hogan and Bischoff would be out the door soon thereafter, albeit not back to WWE for them. TNA better hope AJ stays happy, or all of the apocalyptic conjecture regarding the imminent 2012 will definitely apply to TNA.
I have read numerous times that, Kurt Angle thanks WWE for everything they have done for him, but, he is going to end his career in TNA.

I know if, for argument sake, he was to go back to WWE, he would have to get a reduced schedule(like Taker, and HBK). But, after reading what I have, I dont think he will go back to WWE, even though they are having him feud with his ex-wife right now.

To be honest, he has nothing left to prove so, he can end his career wherever, and whenever he wants.
I think he will stay with TNA. He has noted many times on his twitter account that his relationship with WWE is in the past and he is loyal to TNA and Dixie Carter now, also saying he has no plans to go back to WWE.

I believe him. He doesn't seem dishonest.

I'm of the same belief. I think he's got a tremendous deal with TNA right now and that he's truly happy with his position with the company (not necessarily with every story they are producing).

I realize he noted that he'd retire in TNA on their programming, which could come across as kayfabe, but Angle to me doesn't seem the type to blur that line like that (the "Screwjob" aside). IMO he's genuine, and I'd imagine when in fact he does retire, he'll assuredly do so under the TNA banner and likely take his rightful seat back-stage as a major, major player in their business strategy thereafter.

Frankly, the fans who want him back in WWE, while I fully understand why they'd want him there, I don't think truly appreciate what it took for Kurt to not only make the jump to TNA to begin with, but stay there for as long as he has. This is after all not the first opportunity he's had to jump back. If you ask me there's a lot of wish-thinking masquerading as informed opinion in this thread.
I honestly believe that Angle will be staying for a Long Time in TNA he has had said numerous times that loves working for TNA and that he loves working for Dixie. He has also gone record to say the wants to retire from Wrestling in TNA and that when his In-Ring career he would like to work backstage and help the Younger, I think that by August Angle will already have resigned with TNA or about to be signed to on another contract extension.
It all depends on the WWE. If the WWE offers Kurt Angle a deal and a chance, I have no doubt that Angle will jump on it and be out of TNA just like Kevin Nash and Booker T. But, there's always the possibility that WWE won't reach out to Angle, and if they don't or don't offer Angle the kind of deal that he can accept, then he'll remain right where he is in TNA. I think, the only way Angle remains in TNA, is if the WWE doesn't show any interest or reach out to Angle at all. That's it.

But, Kurt Angle wouldn't be in the Hall of Fame for a long time, anyway.
It all depends on the WWE. If the WWE offers Kurt Angle a deal and a chance, I have no doubt that Angle will jump on it and be out of TNA just like Kevin Nash and Booker T. But, there's always the possibility that WWE won't reach out to Angle, and if they don't or don't offer Angle the kind of deal that he can accept, then he'll remain right where he is in TNA. I think, the only way Angle remains in TNA, is if the WWE doesn't show any interest or reach out to Angle at all. That's it.

But, Kurt Angle wouldn't be in the Hall of Fame for a long time, anyway.

Unlike Nash and Booker, Angle is happy in TNA. Nash is Hunter's buddy and wanted to go back while Booker has been long gone from TNA (his last appearance was in october 2009) and he left on bad terms. To say that Angle would leave TNA the moment wwe made an offer to him is ludicrous.
Here is a tweet from Angle dated nov. 14 2010

"To all my loyal fans, many of you ask if I am going to go back to WWE," Angle wrote. "My answer is 'no.' My loyalty lies with Dixie (Carter) and TNA. Never been happier.

"I know a lot of you would like me to, but Dixie Carter has taken care of me. I need that kind of support, so I hope you continue to watch me in TNA. I had fun with WWE and Vince McMahon, but that was in my past. It is behind me. They gave me the opportunity, and I'm grateful but TNA is my home."

If wwe offered him a huge payday that TNA can't match then there is a chance that he would go back; however, IF the offers are similar then I'm quite confident that he would stay in TNA.
I think he'll stay with TNA.

Every interview I've read or watched on youtube has indicated that he is extremely happy with TNA. He also seems like a very loyal type of person. The type who won't turn his back on a company that has taken care of him. While WWE gave hime his oppurtunity, they didn't take care of him the way he thought that they should.

That being said (and keep in mind I enjoy TNA), it really is a shame that we'll never get to see one more match with Taker or a match between Angle and Swagger. That would be a dream match for me as it seems that WWE brought Swagger in to fill Angle's shoes.
I dont think he will ever go back to WWE but its really up to Dixie. Kurts said more than once he wants a job backstage, in creative, once hes hung up the boots in TNA. Dixie loves Angle and Id put money on her making that happen. So to me Angle will never leave and become apart of Creative once his ring work is finished.
I can't see him returning to the WWE, I know he left on good terms and all but If he does retire he will just end up working behind the scenes with TNA, He has an easier work load on TNA and even though the match potential he could have with some of the new stars on the WWE it wouldn't be as good as what it could be with the improved schedule.

Althoug, I can see him in a few years going on a Legends contract with the WWE to get into the HOF, I can't see anybody not wanting to be in the HOF.
I have nothing against TNA but when a top-level talent like Kurt Angle chooses to work there when he could be in WWE, I feel he's wasted his time and deprived his fans of seeing a great performer. To me, it's as if Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees decided he'd rather spend his career in Triple-A rather than playing in the majors.

Yes, Angle can do whatever he wants. I'm just saying I wish he decided to stay with the company that offered the most money and exposure to himself so the highest number of fans could see him perform.
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It all depends on the WWE. If the WWE offers Kurt Angle a deal and a chance, I have no doubt that Angle will jump on it and be out of TNA just like Kevin Nash and Booker T. But, there's always the possibility that WWE won't reach out to Angle, and if they don't or don't offer Angle the kind of deal that he can accept, then he'll remain right where he is in TNA. I think, the only way Angle remains in TNA, is if the WWE doesn't show any interest or reach out to Angle at all. That's it.

But, Kurt Angle wouldn't be in the Hall of Fame for a long time, anyway.

Please don't include Kurt in the same sentence as Nash and Booker. Mr Nash has ALWAYS been about the money and the lack of class he has shown towards a company who looked after him when his best buddy's company didn't want to know him is sickening. Mr Huffman, spent his whole time in his initial run putting in lousy performances whilst trying out stupid accents. Asides from a initial MEM pop, I don't think these two would have added to the product - better they're back in the company where being half assed isn't an option.

TNA is great for Kurt; it has a light schedule, doesn't travel much, he is allowed time off to recuperate and he is (arguably) the most supported member of the roster by Dixie Carter. The only way I do see him back in WWe is if Dixie grants him a short leave of absence to run a storyline and get a HoF induction, which I believe she would allow out of respect for Kurt. Unlike Nash and Book, Angle has done everything in his power to better TNA and I don't believe he has any real interest in rejoining the Entertainers long term.

Kurt is only 3 years younger than HBK and it would be at least next year before he could be available for HoF induction. I really think Vince would be happy to use this as a carrot on the stick if he wanted Angle.
Not sure on this one. He certainly leaves the door open when he says "I have no plans of leaving, but I don't think Nash or Booker T had plans of leaving either." That is essentially saying "never say never".

That being said, I could see him staying with TNA and having a significant role with the company going forward. While no doubt he could get a backstage role with WWE if he went back, with Hunter pulling the strings once Vince leaves (as everyone assumes) there is only so much power he would hold there. In TNA I think he would have much more influence and would be able to shape the company more how he would like.

Bottom line, probably comes down to how he wants to live after his days in the ring are over. More money, go with WWE. More power/influence, stay in TNA.

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