Angle & Jarrett; Life After Lockdown


Championship Contender
When Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett have their final showdown (assumed) at Lockdown, it will free up one mega-star and another big personality to be used in new angles. My question to you is how would you use them?

With Angle, it certainly seems like he's overdue for involvement in the World Title scene. It's really hard to say right now who the champion will be after Lockdown, but Angle can face anyone. I have a hard time seeing him feuding with any of the mid-card guys, except MAYBE Pope, so if Angle's used at all it almost has to be as a title contender. I just hope he's not going on another hiatus after the Jarrett feud, because it's been pretty lame.

As for Jeff, I'd kind of like to see him take on more of a GM-like role as both a member of Immortal and the TNA founder. With the talk that they plan on revitalizing the X-Division, maybe Jeff could be part of that but staying heel as he tries to push an Immortal wrestler (Shannon Moore?) to the title. Or maybe he and Bully Ray could team up to feud with Beer Money.
hopefully Immortal becomes more of a threat bc really they suck! they are nothing compared to fortune and angle. they ahve no one...matt hardy no, gunner n murphy deff not...abyss..HA hasnt been a good wrestler since james mitchell left him....bully ray not even gonna start. they need a couple big names like put anderson n pope in there to lead then maybe they could b a threat then u can have angle n pope go at it or anderson n angle go again
I kinda liked Jeff as a comedy Guy... his MMA thing was pretty funny and the home skits are great... But, I would actually like for him to maybe turn face and join Dixie in trying to get their "company" back from the evil Hogan and Bischoff... Maybe even a little fued with Flair over how Jeff wanted to be just like him and now he is embarrassed by what Ric has become... I think if played right in the next few months he could get over as a face again... But with Karen with him now, it probably won't happen...

Angle should be the champion again.... No doubt! He brings instant cred to the belt and after all the Hardy bullshit, they could use Angle to add some respect to the belt... He could feud with Anderson again and have great promos and matches... Not to mention more AJ vs Angle matches or Joe or even Morgan...
Hard to say what should or could happen until the Lockdown feuds culminate, really, but I'd love to see Kurt finally get the chance he's been asking for to put over the young talent in the company (with the exception of [Not So] Amazing Red).

I actually think he'd do wonders working programs with guys like Pope, Morgan, etc.
I would like to see Angle put Crimson over. They could have Crimson turn heel and join Immortal, the back story would be that he helped Kurt Fight off Immortal and be his messenger for they. And after the whole Fortune reveal was just thrown to the back burner by Angle and that Immortal sees the real potential in him. Then Hogan tells Crimson to get rid of Kurt once and for all! This way we can see if Crimson is legit in the ring because he absolutley has the look down. As for Jarret who knows?
Jarrett is severely underrated as both an in-ring performer and as a great heel. Personally, I'd like to see him put into a long term feud with a mid-card face like Morgan, Lethal or Joe. An extended feud with a heel of Jarrett's caliber, particularly if he's at his most dastardly, might be just the thing that either of these men need to push them to the next level. Whether you like him or not, Jeff Jarrett is probably the top heel in TNA now, and it would mean a lot for either of TNA's midcarders to hold their own against him in a feud.

As for Angle, I think giving him another TNA championship title run is the best thing they can do for that belt right now. After the debacle with Hardy, and seeing as how a lot of people are less than satisfied with Sting's recapturing of the title (and also because, lets face it, you can't look at Sting's current title run without revisiting that Jeff Hardy fiasco at VR or the 3/3/11 promo), the title has little credibility left. Angle can restore it in short order. Following this, I would also feud with someone raised from the midcard; a fresh face. TNA has a lot of talented wrestlers rotting in the midcard; it couldn't hurt to pick one and at least try to push them into a title feud. After all, Angles feud with Desmond Wolfe, a relative unknown, was excellent. Some candidates might be Pope, Williams, or Magnus. At some point, TNA is going to have to start producing some top tier talent not named A.J Styles; they might as well start now.

What I do not want to see is any more of Immortal; neither Jarrett remaining involved with them, or Angle feuding against them. It's seriously the worst faction I've seen in 20+ years of watching wrestling, and a giant albatross around the companies neck. It's like the NWO B Team, led by Stevie Ray. Only with less talent and more dead weight.
We don't know what going to happen his contract is coming to an end soon, but a nice little fued with anyone right now would be a good thing. He could help Fortune, he could have a nice little segment with Jay Lethal (using how he lost the belt to him last year or so)

I would like Immortal disbanded also maybe Kurt can systematically take them apart one by one to end it.
I have little interest in seeing Angle back in the World Title picture. Angle is above the title at this point in his career and he's already spent most of his time in TNA within the championship picture to begin with. I'd rather see him work at putting over some of the younger talent on the roster. Maybe a successful feud against Angle is what someone like Morgan or Pope or a handful of others need. Seeing him do something with the X Division wouldn't hurt my feelings any. If Angle can't help restore some prestige to it, then TNA might as well just scrap the entire division and be done with it because nothing's gonna help.

As for Jeff Jarrett...meh. I wouldn't mind seeing Jarrett disappear from television to be perfectly honest. I know it's probably not gonna happen, but there's no harm in wishing. Between Bischoff & Hogan, the authority figure character is already covered. Put Jarrett in the back somewhere or maybe try and use him to put over some of the younger guys on the roster.

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