Angle is a Heel, But Can He Be the Top Heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So angle is a heel now.

As I seen it, since Jeff Hardy left TNA cannot find any heel that could take his place as the top heel in the company. They tried with Bully Ray, but he just doesn't seem to be relevant in the world title scene. They tried with Anderson, but apparently it didn't work very well. So now its time for Angle.

Do you think that Angle can be the top heel for TNA? Or maybe someone else should play this role?
Of course he can play the top heel. This is Kurt Angle you are talking about, not some generic body builder who just so happens to be employed by a professional wrestling company. He's done it time and again already, and he'll do it one more time as World Heavyweight Champion again.

Best yet, there's none better than Kurt Angle these days (with respect to Chris Jericho) at being the type of veteran who will willingly put over young talent. As the top heel in the company, he's going to be the guy who helps get guys like Crimson over the hump.
Kind of a silly question honestly. Angle has already been the top heel before and he did an awesome job at it. Of course Angle can play the top heel.

The bigger question though, will he be the top heel? I highly doubt it honestly. You bring up Jeff Hardy and Anderson, but neither were actually top heels. Hogan was. He and Bischoff have been the top heels since Immortal was formed and the really haven't shown any signs of them stopping.

So yes, Angle is absolutely capable of playing the top heel, I just don't think he'll be given the opportunity.
Angle can easily be the top heel and, as a matter of fact, he will be. Angle is one of the best wrestlers in the world and is a believable heel and a believable face. He's complete, the total package, and he'll pull this off with relative ease. Hardy was never a really good top heel, he was given every possible opportunity, but he came up short several times. With Angle playing the top heel, that won't happen. Angle is the reliable choice, the veteran of the business who will do anything that is asked of him, whether that means putting over Crimson or putting over anybody else... he's the man.

That being said, I'll have to agree with Nate. Will Angle actually be the top heel? It seems to me that Hogan and Bischoff are the ones at the top and that he's just another heel. Unless they choose to push him past Hogan and Bischoff, he'll be just another guy lost in the shuffle.
TNA is not bad, problem is cannot decide who to make heel or face. It seems like in past year people switch sides every few months. First Fortune for a few months, then Samoa Joe flip flops. the Pope went through the same and now don't know what side he is on. Plus Sting switched like 4 times in past 2 years between MEM and heel then good and then heel once Hogan came and now back to face. Also true with Mr Anderson now, and who knows about Abyss. Angle make a great heel or face, he can work the crowd and give others great matches. Can't they keep someone either way for like more than 6 months ?
Yes Angle can, but we've seen this movie like 1,000 times and honestly, IMO it's just getting old. This seems as if the company once again is just grabbing at straws, this time pulling out Kurt's name, giving him the plan and telling him to just go. I don't agree with this move because it's like the moment you start to get into a person's situation, they start to do this. Anderson was a tweener but even still, it was like, they turn him face (apparently) only to turn Angle heel. I mean, I love the heels, but only when it makes sense. All this stuff about everyone joining with Hulk Hogan is starting to get on my nerves too. Correction...It's been done got on my nerves. So the question isn't can he, but should he and does it even make sense? Too many times guys turn heel and join up with Hogan (yawn!) and then after all that they end up going back to how they were before. They had Bully Ray, and whether or not he got over is a few people's fault. But at least they had him. Now it's Angle's turn to be heel with the title. SMH...typical TNA I swear.
This is Kurt Angle we are talking about. Do you not remember how much heat he would generate, when he first came to the WWE or when he was with Team Angle or better yet his heel run in 2005. Silly question.........he's probably the only decent heels than TNA would have.
The question being asked in this thread has an obvious answer(as most have already stated).

The real question should be... With Angle as the top heel, can they build a credible top babyface to be his foil??
Of course he can play the top heel. This is Kurt Angle you are talking about, not some generic body builder who just so happens to be employed by a professional wrestling company. He's done it time and again already, and he'll do it one more time as World Heavyweight Champion again.

Best yet, there's none better than Kurt Angle these days (with respect to Chris Jericho) at being the type of veteran who will willingly put over young talent. As the top heel in the company, he's going to be the guy who helps get guys like Crimson over the hump.

IDR is spot on. Kurt Angle is one of the best in the world, and has played a great heel on several occasions in his career, be it the more whiny heel or the serious bad ass heel. He is that talented, and will almost certainly prove just how good he is still is one more time.

Angle can wrestle as a heel, talk as a heel and is probably the perfect choice for TNA to push as their top heel. I am extremely excited to see where TNA go with this. Angle is the perfect guy from Crimson to work with, he is a selfless performer and will help to get the new guy over as a star. Working with the best in the world will only be a good thing for Crimson.
Boy do people have a short term memory.

He knows exactly what to do and what to say no matter his role. Those who defy him will be proven wrong. No shit he can be top heel. He can do both roles. Just look above.
Of course Kurt Angle can play the top heel in TNA. Have you not been watching pro wrestling for the past 14 years? At times, Angle has been the top heel in WWE and he's been top heel in TNA. Angle will be able to get over as top heel in TNA because of sheer star power alone if nothing else. From an overall perspective, there's nobody on the TNA roster at this time that can touch Angle in terms of talent.

You honestly believe that Jeff Hardy was better in this role than Kurt Angle? You're serious? Whether it be on promos, whether it be inside the ring, whether it be about basic choices one makes in his life; Kurt Angle is so far above Jeff Hardy that it's not even funny.
You honestly believe that Jeff Hardy was better in this role than Kurt Angle? You're serious? Whether it be on promos, whether it be inside the ring, whether it be about basic choices one makes in his life; Kurt Angle is so far above Jeff Hardy that it's not even funny.
Kurt Angle understands all about the importance of basic choices. For instance, he understood that the public will look past leaving your car crashed in the middle of a highway median with a bottle of painkillers in the glove box, or demanding your boss put your co-worker on leave because he slept with the wife that rumor says you smacked around, but will absolutely not forgive showing up for a pay-per-view under the influence of narcotics several months after the police execute a drug raid on your home.

I wouldn't call either man a role model, but Kurt's troubles have been far more suppressible than Jeff's. Kurt at least has the good sense to keep his name out of the papers.
He was a top heel in WWE, I really don't see why he couldn't do the same in TNA, and while we are on the discussion, he has ALREADY been a top heel in TNA.

Angle was leader of the Main Event Mafia, was heel when he initially became TNA champ and has always been near the top of the card, most of that time he was a heel and a heel was something Angle has done successfully MANY times in his career already.

I'll be honest, I don't even know why you would question if he could be a top heel in TNA when he has already done it quite a few times, I don't think Angle has to prove himself anymore in that department.
You honestly believe that Jeff Hardy was better in this role than Kurt Angle? You're serious? Whether it be on promos, whether it be inside the ring, whether it be about basic choices one makes in his life; Kurt Angle is so far above Jeff Hardy that it's not even funny.
Kurt Angle understands all about the importance of basic choices. For instance, he understood that the public will look past leaving your car crashed in the middle of a highway median with a bottle of painkillers in the glove box, or demanding your boss put your co-worker on leave because he slept with the wife that rumor says you smacked around, but will absolutely not forgive showing up for a pay-per-view under the influence of narcotics several months after the police execute a drug raid on your home.

I wouldn't call either man a role model, but Kurt's troubles have been far more suppressible than Jeff's. Kurt at least has the good sense to keep his name out of the papers.
Angle was top heel in WWE even at times when he was a 'joke character' and a buttmonkey, and he could still be taken seriously. TV Tropes would have call him the "Lethal Joke Character".

And now Angle's all badass and veteran-y, that just consolidates his ability to be this. I really don't understand why anyone would question Angle's ability in this capacity. Even at his age he's one of, if not the best, that TNA has right now. Even with all his 'troubles', it doesn't seem to me to be getting in the way of his work, unlike with two brothers I will neglect to mention further here. That's a whole other spammy-ass thread.

That said, Angle will have to contend with Hogan and Bischoff.
Kurt Angle is the single most overrated in ring wrestler today. He doesn't sell, tells one story, and has devalued all of his finishes to the point that you don't even buy an angle slam as a finish on impact.

That said, his audience belives he's amazing and the other wrestlers and commentators put him over as the best in the ring. The problem is that in TNA, because their audience has an abnormally high % of smarky fans, that means they'll cheer him.

Angle at one point was amazing but I haven't seen much recently to convince me that he still has it. He's kind of been the "I R A GUD WRESTLER...WRESTLER....DIS IZ WRESTLING....I R A GUD WRESTLER" guy in TNA. Which isn't his fault, it's how they book him.

I think somewhere in there Angle still has it to be a great heel, but with TNA's audience it'll be hard. I'd almost say you want a guy like John Cena to be the heel. Who better to get the smarky audience to boo than a big, muscular, handsome goody two-shoes?

Gotta think outside the box. A heel is someone the crowd boos. If doing bad things gets you cheers, you're still a babyface.
Lol at calling Angle the most overrated in ring wrestler today. That's just a stupid statement as he is easily still one of the best if not the best. Just because you don't like the booking and storytelling done in the ring don't say his overrated. Crowds still cheer heels and boo babyfaces. Is John Cena a heel because he gets ferociously boo'd by half the audience? Angle will always get cheers because he is a legend and has a strong following that has been watching him for years. He was getting cheered in the WWE when he was a heel too.
It feels like Angle is pretty much the only wrestler who isn't overrated these days. Cena's overrated, Orton's overrated. If Angle is overrated then so is Punk. They're so alike. They both have cool signature moves, they both have a nice submission and all of their matches are your typical near fall, finisher kick out contest.
Can someone tell me where to find the "universal wrestler rating system" at? Is it the same place where you find the "which wrestler deserves the big push and which don't" almanac? Seriously, I hear this all the time from fans and marks and smarks alike, that this guy is the most overrated (based on what exactly? The amount of people who cheer for them? The ratio of people who think they're good vs the people who think they suck?) And when I hear "wrestler X doesn't deserve the world title, because he didn't earn it like wrestler Y" does someone who watches a finished product and has no access to the goings on backstage (other then dirtsheets, and they're always accurate right? RIGHT?)know who's deserving? Now this little off topic rant isn't against any particular person, but I've seen in two of the posts before me that Kurt Angle,(and in response to Angle) John Cena, Randy Orton and a mention of CM Punk as all being "overrated"(and yes Zion, I got the point of you comparing Punk to Angle, which wasn't a dig on Punk, but still it put him in the convo). Now I get it if someone's simply not a fan of somebody, that's fine, we're all entitled to believe any and everyone else completely sucks, but this overrated argument is pointless, because the only ones who make that decision are the actual decision makers back stage who see the talent everyday for years at a time, and if these top guys don't totally drive your shows ratings into the ground and the live crowd digs them wherever they go they must deserve it and they must be deserving of their high rating. Don't get me wrong, as an individual we can still hate their guts; but if thousands of other people disagree, if I'm Vince McMahon, Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan or Vince Russo, I'd rather go with the thousands opinions as the correct ones. Mostly because they'll pay for the merch. As for Angle being the top heel? Why couldn't he? Seriously its not that hard: if he's booked as the top heel and has the world title to boot, then yes he will be, in actuality, be the top heel.
People act as if Kurt Angle has never been a heel before. Largely he's played the hero, yes, but he plays an excellent heel. The problem with being the top heel is that it would appear Immortal is singing it's swan song, and now he's apparently aligning himself with Hogan (and immortal?), which, to me, comes off as rather forced. They just don't have that kind of chemistry to play off of one another. Not a knock against either, but sometimes things like this just don't stick.
Can Angle be the top heel, yes he can. The thing I am getting sick and tired of is Angle getting lazy and complacent in the ring and TNA recycling story lines. Angle has gotten to the point where he is botching simple moves that he has always done. For instance at Lockdown against Jeff Jarrett. First he slips on the ropes attempting the belly to belly. Then, when he finally gets up there he lands right on top of Jarrett's face. Then the horrible botch of whatever the whole powerbomb/hurricanrana was supposed to be. If it was supposed to be a powerbomb, Someone should tell Angle that you shouldn't take a bump on your head and 2 you should keep your legs around the guys head to give stability. and if it was supposed to be a hurricanrana, again you can't do one without your legs around the opponents head or your going to land on your head which is exactly what happened. Now Kurt is going to go after all the young guys eh. hmm 2008 Kurt called and said get your own gimmick. That is exactly what Kurt and the Main Event Mafia was doing back in 2008; taking all the young guys out. So now we have to see this again. which is so boring especially since some of those young guys that Kurt is going to be going after have been wrestling longer than Kurt has(guys like AJ, Daniels(who is not necessarily young but in Kurt's mind could be a young guy to him even though they are the same age). They need to come up with something else because Kurt is getting more boring and lazy by the second where I can't stand even seeing him wrestle anymore.

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