Angelina Love & Winter are the *NEW* Knockouts Champions

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Last night on Impact, Angelina Valentine and Winter beat Madison and Tara in the finals of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship tournament to become the new champs. After the match, Angelina didn't seem too excited about Winter filling in for Velvet(who was out of the match because of an attack by Sarita).

Winter has been stalking Angelina for quite some time now, and now that these two are tag team champions together, the storyline should pick up some speed. It seems as if Winter has a crush on Angelina, but Angelina doesn't want anything to do with her. I think Angelina will continue to fight off Winter. They will have an odd relationship as Tag Team Champions, but there's a chance Angelina could open up to Winter somewhere down the line.

As far as them being champions goes, I really don't think it means that much. The belts will be props, and TNA is using these titles to advance the storyline with Winter and Angelina. These titles haven't been featured on Impact too much, and TNA has to cram a lot of stuff on a two hour show, so I don't think there's going to be enough time to feature these belts.

As far as Velvet goes, It seems as if TNA is going to have her feud with Sarita. She might come between Winter and Angelina or she might be pushed aside, because Winter and Angelina could become close. There's also the possibility of Winter becoming a member of The Beautiful People, but I don't think this could happen. Winter doesn't have that hot blonde look.

As of right now, I'm not too excited about this storyline. The match last night was very underwhelming, and the surprise of Winter replacing Velvet didn't excite me. Yeah, it was cool seeing Winter appear out of nowhere at first, but this storyline has been dragging. All of the previous Knockouts Tag Team Champions didn't have memorable title reigns, and I don't think anything will change here. TNA just doesn't have enough time on Impact to focus on these titles. Although, Winter is receiving a nice push early, and I wonder if TNA is going to go the distance with her.

What do you think about the Angelina and Winter storyline?
Here's my problem with this storyline and the Knockouts Tag Titles in general... where was Mickie James? To invest time in this story and the female tag division TNA had to push Mickie and what should be a steadily-brewing singles feud between she and Madison to the back burner. Now next week they'll probably do the reverse and have Mickie and Madison/Tara do something while we see no sign of Angelina and Winter. If these weren't enough there's also the Velvet/Sarita feud.

It's ambitious to try and cram as much as possible into limited TV time and utilize all your talent, but I think this is one of TNA major weaknesses. Did we really need this Angelina/Winter angle right now? You've got Mickie coming off that great cage match with tons of momentum for a Knockouts Title push that should be the focus of the division. Invest more time into that to set up a major payoff. Then, after she'd win the strap, maybe give her a month of title defenses while you do a storyline with other Knockouts.

Just another example of when "less is more" should become part of TNA's philosophy.
Here's my problem with this storyline and the Knockouts Tag Titles in general... where was Mickie James? To invest time in this story and the female tag division TNA had to push Mickie and what should be a steadily-brewing singles feud between she and Madison to the back burner. Now next week they'll probably do the reverse and have Mickie and Madison/Tara do something while we see no sign of Angelina and Winter. If these weren't enough there's also the Velvet/Sarita feud.

Didn't she injure herself at that cage match?

This was the sloppiest debut ever. Some of it was Rayne's fault, some wasn't. I didn't like it at all but I like the idea of them being the KO tag champs. It's good for Winter, good for Angelina(somehow) and not even a blip on the radar of any fan out there with at least one braincell on active duty.
This is what I was afraid of was going to happen. Now that we got the Knockout Tag team champions where does that leave the other knockouts?? Where does that leave mickie James and the other knockouts. TNA has like what 10 knockouts and I don't see how they are going to fit both the knockout tag team champion and Knockout champion on the same night. I don't know where this storyline is going.
The Knockout tag titles haven't meant anything for most of their existence and the fact that Angelina & Winter are carrying them now isn't going to change that. The match in and of itself was boring, slow and downright sloppy. I honestly don't see what some people see in Winter. I haven't seen anything even remotely special or unique about this storyline involving her and her in-ring debut for TNA last night left tons to be desired. It bugs me that she was just allowed to suddenly insert herself into the match and she managed to botch her finisher.

This will eventually lead to a break up of The Beautiful People and it's probably time for it to happen.

At any rate, pretty underwhelming stuff right now with the Knockouts.
I actually disagree on this one, and not because I'm a Winter\Katie Lea mark, which I'm not (haven't seen enough of her to be one). I like the storyline because it's pretty elaborate for a Knockouts scenario. We've seen a number of times wrestlers fighting for tag team titles in handicap matches and others coming out to join them to win the belts (I know it's happened to Stone Cold Steve Austin at least once with Mick Foley), and this will actually further The Beautiful People storyline with Velvet Sky looking to maybe go heel (or turn Angelina and Winter heel and leave Velvet to join her man) since she was the odd woman out of the tag team title match. Plus, TNA always seems to find a way to get either Angelina Love or Velvet Sky on Impact, so the belts will get exposure. As for Mickie James, I too heard she was injured in the cage match, but she can still win the Knockouts title from Madison Rayne at Genesis and leave her and Tara to chase whomever they choose.

A lot of possibilities for all of the Knockouts to go through, which makes the storyline potential endless.
I liked the match last night since I finally got to see Katia Lea wrestle again but overall im not to happy she has the KO tag belts since that means she pretty much wont have any kind of singles run anytime soon. However im hoping that the whole " im obsessed with Love" thing causes a quick turnaround and a beginning of her singles run in TNA.
I have no idea why TNA hasn't put the WOmen's Tag Titles on Love & Sky at least once, they are the most known female tag team they have there & seemed like the titles were made for them.

But then again this is the same company that had Samoa Joe hold the World Tag Titles by himself when they had New Age Outlaws, The Steiners & 3D at the same time.
Not a fan at all tbh.

The whole Winter/Angelina Love obsession angle has gotten boring to me, and putting the Belts on them ensures its going to go on for longer.

Personally i wish they would get rid of those belts and this was a perfect opportunity to do so, but they continue to utilize them. I just don't see the point in having belts when they are rarely defended, and take away from the Knockouts Title Feud.

I actually would have rather have had Love/Velvet go to the ring, and then get screwed out of the Titles by Sarita, and have Madison/Tara win the Belts. At least that way they could tie in the Tag Belts to the Knockout Title feud for a while.
I like it. I find it interesting when there are two tag team champs who aren't exactly dressed in matching outfits if you catch my drift. Them holding the belts will at the very least make them more relevant than they were, for at least the very fact that Angelina is a bigger star than Hamada or Taylor Wilde were, but also for the fact that the are being held with a story involved, I've got no idea where winter and Angelina storyline is going to end up going but I must say, it has interested me because it's pretty different to anything I've seen before. I think they left the whole story just long enough before actually bringing winter out to finally wrestle a match, and she looked pretty good for the 15 seconds she was in the ring I guess.

The belts themselves are completely useless as there is not enough people to make viable title defences against, similar to the WWE titles but even worse really. But having someone important hold them is the best thing that could happen outside of them being completely relinquished altogether. Winter's motives are mysterious and she is watchable so this story will have me wondering if they continue doing it right.

But no I wasn't happy with the botched finisher, she should have taken notes from Tara's TNA debut.

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