And, we have a winner!


Excellence of Execution
For the most mind-numbing, stupid-funny post of the year category.

Disco Inferno whos that? Oh wait i Know now he MUST be that stupid ass who came up with the idea to put Christopher Daniels in a flaming jump suit and call him curry man! Anyway moving on...... I believe that TNA is really ECWCW. Now stay with me on this for a second it all will soon make perfect sense you take a bunch of wrestlers past their prime and you give them a second chance you throw in some good old ECW names Rhyno and the dudleys or wait team 3D now my bad, and then take what ever WWE kicks out add The hit man oh wait sorry Kurt Angle..... I almost forgot Vince Russo and his we don't need heels or faces ******ation and we get Extream Championship World Class Wrestling, and with the 2 extra letters you get 2 extra sides to your ring!

Now don't get me wrong i really do like the whole 6 sided ring thing its actually pretty cool. Here's what my problem is...... I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!!! AND I'M THE TNA WORLD CHAMPION AND THE NEW STANDERED AROUND HERE AND IM NOT SCARED TO DEFEND MY TITLE!!! (rubs ear at this point) Ok there bud congrats you can scream come back and deliver a promo when you have some god damn energy, and they really need to improve on their writing skills though I must say Eric young is just amazing all around and I like what their doing even though its very "Charle Hass" I believe is what one would say they are at least giving him a push and telling a story with it Hass just looks like he went crazy or wanted to play dress up. The fact remains however that currently TNA is really a combined effort of whats been dead and burried for years and they really need to push the younger talent and come up with something new and fresh otherwise they will always be below WCW and ECW they honestly are not even near ready to be put up against WWE. The one thing I do need to give TNA Creative however, I do need to give you props for saving the earth you guys are great i mean reeeeaaally great at recycleing. Your saving us all by reusing one 80's storyline at a time....ooooo P:S you guys should really keep up the Black machismo, with his valet seeing sonjay i mean thats NEVER EVER EVER been done before try spicing it up if you need an idea you could always run with OMG BLACK MACHISMO I NEVER TOUCHED HER SHES MY SISTER YOU SICK BASTARD!!!! but dont forget now Black machismo's dad has to come out and tell him that he and sonjay are half brothers meaning his valets his sister!!!!! OH NO WHAT JUST HAPPEND HERE!!!! Sad thing is that would still make a more interesting angle than some of the more recent crap thats been pulled in TNA.

Simply put TNA IS Extream Championship World Class Wrestling and until they fix their shit and stop living in the past they will never and i mean Never live up to anything but a ghost of 2 dead companies and in the shadow of the company still dominating Wrestling WWE, like it or not thats just how it going to be and recycled story and talent will not catch them up in any way.

Oh and i almost forgot.... HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! (Bang, Bang) ar15smilie:
Could someone translate that from Fetal-Alcohol-Syndrome-ese to English pleaes?
"Let it be written, and let it be said, that with his ninth, albeit nonsensical and grammatically bankrupt post, that Prince Punk accused myself of being a stupid ass for coming up with the curry man gimmick!"

uh, Prince Punk, curry man is chris daniel's invention. He's been doing it for something like the past eight years in Japan. I think you just outed yourself as being the actual stupid ass.

sly...he's beaten his own milestone
You know it must REEEAAAALLLLLY hurt and I mean this when I say it.... wait never mind you wont understand i'll break it down so that even The Disco Man can understand. You know that red jumper, wait of course you do your actually probably wearing it right now! Now I want you to drag your mouse and find a picture of the outfit that Daniels wears as Curry man, ok? Now if you will notice i was making a comparison to your gimicks and the lack their of, oh and then afterwords i kind of just stopped mentioning you as im pretty sure that your not really that important or relevent in any way shape or form. :schild13: :gasp:

what did he say?
no no no!!!

everyone needs to pile green rep upon this guy!!! Encourage him!!! LOL

or I think he is dumb enough for us to convince him that red rep is a good thing....

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