And the WWE "Jobber of the Year" goes to ...

Jobber of the year? That award has to go to Kane. I mean cmon, he is put in numerous main event matches, but I don't think I have seen him win one in a couple months. He is only used in order to make the champion look stronger or to make the challenger look stronger.
No way is Swagger jobber of the year. My pick belongs solely to Evan Bourne. He is one of these jobbers that you know will lose, but still puts up a fight while making you look like a million bucks because of his selling ability. No matter who he was facing he always put up a winning out in a losing effort.
My Jobber of the Year seems to go to Kane almost every year. It appears he has become the measuring stick, or right of passage for up-and-comers moving into the next phases of their careers. I understand, yet hate it at the same time. I wish someone would write him back to being sadistic. I assume the WWE going PG has a lot to do with tempering his character back. No more car batteries attached to testicles I would imagine. I always had an appreciation for his character and I wish if they are pushing someone past him, they should have to go through hell to do it. Like MVP had to do.
Bah. Swagger could easily bounce back.
Yes, he got tossed by Santino.
Yes, he lost to HHH.
Yes, he lost to Cena.

However, the guy is entertaining. His career is far from over. How old is he? I would guess 25-27, and that's plenty of time for him to mature and get over.

It's not about just raw talent. It's not just about size. It's not just the combination.

Swagger will be around the WWE for years. I honestly expect him to get drafted and spend the summer on SmackDown!, and be the challenger for the SmackDown title in december/january.

Besides, isn't young talent going on a losing streak but looking strong usually a sign of a push to come? (Granted, Swagger has looked amazing every time against HHH & Cena & all main eventers he has faced, and lost every time).
They did the same thing to MVP what they're currently doing to Swagger. They made Montel lose a bunch of matches so that when MVP finally won a match it was the most amazing thing to happen. The only difference is Swagger is gonna stay heel whereas MVP turned face after his win.

Anyways, Swagger is not my pick for JOTY. I'm going with Evan Bourne. He makes his opponent look good all the time while putting up great offense in the ring as well. Even teasing Air Bourne gets a great pop. Best of all, the guy is doing his job properly: getting his rear end handed to him and making the other guy look good doing it.
A good showing in MITB means nothing ask Shelton Benjamin...Swaggers best chance is in a tag team for now. ..He has been made to look like a buffoon...What a waste right? I could see him teaming with Shelton and winning the titles being able to travel between shows but then the ? would be who would they face? I just hope they don't try one of those unexplainable and sudden face well this isn't working so let's try this.
It's not Swagger, who gets mic time and who's matches matter even if he does lose. Even Chavo, who spent most of the year losing to a dwarf still had some level of character development. There aren't many true jobbers in the WWE these days, because they tend to get released pretty quickly, but the closest thing to it are probably Primo, Charlie Haas and Jimmy Wang Yang, so take your pick out of them.
The person that you are looking for to give jobber of the year to is not Swagger, he gets time on the show, which is better than others. In my opinion either of the Colons are the jobbers of the year. WWE split them up to see where it would go, this is was the worst move for both of them that the WWE could do. You rarely see Carlito anymore, and when you see Primo he loses to jokers. So either will do for jobber of the year.

That is if you are talking 2009 of course
This is what's wrong with wrestling these days. People are bitching about people getting pushes. I mean since when did it become the heel lost... shit i thought theye were gonna push them! It's supposed to be woo hoo the heel lost and looked like a fool!

At least one person in this thread said something right... Evan Bourne may be a jobber, but that's what he should be. He's small, he has no weight to him, he's immensly talented but that doesn't mean that he should be beating people twice his size, and let's face it, just about everyone in the "E" is double Bourne's size. He does his job, and he does it damn good.

Belive me, I don't think that Vince and the rest of the writers are building much well these days, but did you ever think that's what they are doing for Swagger? I mean how many people are on here whining that Sheamus got the belt to soon but are bitching that Swagger hasn't gotten it yet?

Double standards anyone?!

Swagger is feircly talented, and one day hopefully he will make it, for now, he's at least on television he hasn't fallen in the way of Carlito, Primo, Hass, Funaki, Wang, and all of them.

You have to give people something, in ECW Swagger was touted as something special, he was dominant and very good. He gets to Raw starts off ok, and now he's in a rut, so what? People want to see him lose, so he loses, it's not like Santino pinned him. Give it a rest.

Oh as far as the JOTY... Chavo... easy.
Jobber of the year? That award has to go to Kane. I mean cmon, he is put in numerous main event matches, but I don't think I have seen him win one in a couple months. He is only used in order to make the champion look stronger or to make the challenger look stronger.


Apparently, Backlash, Summerslam, Breaking Point, and Bragging Rights don't come into play. Kane won at 4 consecutive PPV's. Any way you cut it, that can't be considered a bad thing. Not to mention after he came back after missing a few months, he picked up wins over the likes of Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy, in addition to his PPV victories over the likes of CM Punk and Great Khali.

And when he has lost, and it really didn't even happen all that much, it was a couple losses to Batista, Jericho, and Dolph Ziggler. And the only guy who pinned him cleanly was Jericho.
You said it correct, Jack Swagger.
He has the potential to be WWE's next Main Eventer but they wont do anything about it
Funny I would have said Matt Hardy.

The guy started off okay, fueding with Jeff. Then his arm was broken, he got moved to Raw where he was generally losing, he then had abdominal surgery which kept him out for a while, came back tagged with Jeff for a bit, then started jobbing to CM Punk and a few other people (Escobar and McIntyre) and is now tagging with Khali and losing as well.
I would say Jillian when she hasn't had 1 storyline nor has she won a legitimate singles match for years.
The only memorable moment she had is when she won the Divas title but then lost it 30 seconds later.
She's the biggest jobber to me.

Chavo was only jobbing to Horny because of the storyline. When I saw him at a house show. He beat Santina.
Well...My vote here is for Chavo. He's been made almost as big a laughing stock as Santino Marella and this is a shame.

When his uncle was still alive, Chavo was able to capitalize on Eddie's success in WcW and WWE. After Eddie's untimely and sad demise, Chavo was able to coast for a few years, however, I've noticed that while Vickie is getting a LOT of heel heat, Chavo was stuck in an angle with Hornswoggle. Chavo is letting himself down, but, more importantly, letting Eddie and the rest of the family down by letting creative put him in this program.

The program with Hornswoggle is worthwhile, but, it's not the comedy relief that it could be. I would have paired Hornswoggle with Santino for a few weeks, to gauge fan reaction (maybe at a few house shows before springing it on TV). That might have been more funny in the long run as poor Santino is handed some of the wierdest angles (I was happy with Trump "fired" Santina, though. That was a stupid angle) as it is.

But, I give the edge (no pun intended) to Chavo right now with Santino a close 2d (at least on the RAW Brand).
Why does this upset people? He would not be the next Kurt Angle. He may have a good amateur wrestling background and his matches are okay but never great. Just because he was a great amateur wrestler doesn't mean he makes a great WWE Superstar. He has no charisma, his character is crap and he's just plain boring. Please do not compare him to Angle. Angle is the total package, wrestling ability, charisma, entertaining, great story-teller etc... Swagger has no swagger
Are you crazy???

Swagger is NOT jobber of the year. Now jobber of the year is no other that MATT HARDY. Matt beat a former WWE/World heavyweight champion in a 1 on 1 match at Wrestlemania, and now he's losing to Luke Gallows. Swagger is not jobber of the year.

However, I will agree that he's being completely wasted. The guy is talented, he may be lackluster on the mic, but that didn't stop Batista or Jeff Hardy. The guy can really wrestle, but the WWE probably doesn't care to say the least. It's a shame. IDK if they'll ever realize what they're doing...
Are you crazy???

Swagger is NOT jobber of the year. Now jobber of the year is no other that MATT HARDY. Matt beat a former WWE/World heavyweight champion in a 1 on 1 match at Wrestlemania, and now he's losing to Luke Gallows. Swagger is not jobber of the year.

However, I will agree that he's being completely wasted. The guy is talented, he may be lackluster on the mic, but that didn't stop Batista or Jeff Hardy. The guy can really wrestle, but the WWE probably doesn't care to say the least. It's a shame. IDK if they'll ever realize what they're doing...

The main difference between swagger and batista is this : charisma. Batista can get the crowd going in any role that he plays; heel or face. When he's a face the little kiddies eat him up like dogs to fresh meat. When he's a heel the little kiddies hate him and want him to die; same effect on matured people as well.

Another thing Batista has over swagger is LOOK. He's huge. He's marketable. And he's known. Swagger, not any of those three by a long shot. He's got a mediocre body (and imo very unbalanced and not impressive in the least), and his general look is that of a midcarder.

Swagger can't connect with a crowd. He doesn't draw a realistic amount of heat for the kind of character he's supposed to portray. Case and point. That little feud he had with the miz where he was constantly interrupting his matches to hit on Eve. No one cared about swagger, the whole story surrounded miz and how much it was pissing him off. All the reaction was going to the miz throughout that whole little feud, and swagger couldn't draw a realistic amount of heat to get himself over in it. The feud was dumped, and Miz went on to greater things and swagger was buried.
totally agree with you about hhh, people do seem to link him with everything negative regarding pushes etc but as far as swagger goes surely you must realise that for the most part it is out of the stars hands whether they make it or not. swagger cant improve his mic skills beacuse he is told exactly what to say, if you ask me he does ok with what he is given to say. Only a handful of stars get to script their own stuff and they are ones who have been around long enough to do so. Thats just one of the many reasons why they are having such a hard time creating new stars because aside from their matches everything else is out of their hands, scripted by people who apparently know nothing about wrestling. as far batista having charisma, u kidding me? The mans a bore on the mic and to me never really gets the crowd going during his matches. Maybe when he does that shaking the rope the crowd pops slightly but nothing someone as pushed as him should have got. oh yeh jobber of the year, has to be chavo.

what happened to nick ppv review 4 the rumble?
totally agree with you about hhh, people do seem to link him with everything negative regarding pushes etc but as far as swagger goes surely you must realise that for the most part it is out of the stars hands whether they make it or not. swagger cant improve his mic skills beacuse he is told exactly what to say, if you ask me he does ok with what he is given to say. Only a handful of stars get to script their own stuff and they are ones who have been around long enough to do so. Thats just one of the many reasons why they are having such a hard time creating new stars because aside from their matches everything else is out of their hands, scripted by people who apparently know nothing about wrestling. as far batista having charisma, u kidding me? The mans a bore on the mic and to me never really gets the crowd going during his matches. Maybe when he does that shaking the rope the crowd pops slightly but nothing someone as pushed as him should have got. oh yeh jobber of the year, has to be chavo.

what happened to nick ppv review 4 the rumble?

It's very much in the stars hands whether they get themselves over on the mic or not. They can be given the lamest, steaming pile of crap promo, but it is their responsibility as a performer to make the promo SELL. The promo could make absolutely no sense, but as long as their is energy behind it, the fans will eat it up. Case and point : Ultimate Warrior, all of his promos made ABSOLUTELY no sense at all, but it was his energy that had fans marking out for him.

I'm not a huge fan of batista either, in fact I'm a detractor, but Batista can talk solidly and fluidly on the mic (if that even makes sense). He may be monotone, but when he cuts an angry promo involving screaming and anger, the kiddies in the crowd eat it up because it's a huge freakin' ape pissed and yelling, very much believable.

Swagger has done absolutely nothing during his whole time to make his promos stand out. In fact, he tries too hard to incorporate many different heels into his promos, such as Triple H, Chris Jericho's and Randy Orton's styles. He doesn't know when to be calm and decisive, or when to be cocky and egotistical. He mixes them up far too much in his promos and comes off as bland.

So, while Superstars ARE handed general scripts to follow, it is up to THEM to make that script work and stand out.
I'm torn, there are quite a few people who qualify for this less than honorable award. Let's see...first and foremost...the only man to pretty much be almost 0 and like 1000 against a leprechaun...Chavo. That is the most tarnish on the Guerrerro name. I'm sorry but what did he do...accidentally fart in the elevator while in there with McMahon? :wtf: I mean...SERIOUSLY!! You know that in real life if Eddy was still alive he'd be helping Chavo kick the crap outta that little green elf. Even that old pony Chavo rode in WCW would beat up 'Swaggle in a real fight. Then another person who I can't believe is jobbing is the one and only Matthew Hardy. This dude is the Smackdown version of Chavo right now. I remember he came back and put on a valiant effort against Randy Orton and stole the show at the MITB that one year by running in. Now the most he gets is tag teaming with a horny Punjabi Playboy?? :lol: That is just messed're talking about one of the Team Xtreme. Its like John Cena said to don't appreciate your originals who got you to where you are now.
Wow, where to start with 2009's jobber of the year i'd have a few top choices chavo,santino and i'd throw carlito or even evan bourne in, some of these guys have such great poteinal but the wwe uses them incorrectly, jack swagger maybe on the losing on for a few weeks now but that doesn't mean he'll lose this matches forever, he'll have to get a push sooner or later i'd start with him capturing the U.S championship, or him head to smackdown! in the next wwe draft and become the intercontienal champion. but i wouldn't say hes the jobber of year, that would go to chavo or the others i've listed.
Evan Bourne does job way too much, but he's actually over. He can do spots that very few others right now are doing. He has charisma and as a face will still get pops from the crowd.

Swagger has nothing but wrestling ability, and in the world of sports entertainment, that's not enough. His gimmick is not very good. His catchphrase isn't any better. He can't draw heat.

You could argue that The Miz took his spot. I remember what Swagger was trying to do, and it seems that The Miz does similar things, just way, way better.

I like Swagger too, but I don't see what the office is going to be able to do with him other than being the guy who makes others look good with his wrestling ability and put them over. And they really do need guys like that. If he can do that well, at least he'll be able to work and maybe they'll be able to come up with something for him.
I'm with Colalella on this one, Hardy is clearly the most notable jobber at the moment...teaming with Khali on superstars??? 12 months ago he was involved in one of the main feuds heading into WM.

As for Swagger, seriously surprised he wasn't put into NXT, but do expect a trade to SD for him in the draft. He is far more suited to the show and might actually get some sort of a push on there.
Drum Roll please....

Jack Swagger


This honor goes to Evan Bourne, by far.
This is such a shame. When he was in E.C.W he had such a great push. He was fighting for the E.C.W like it really meant something to him. His promos there where very entertaining to me. Now that he is on raw , this has all turned down hill for him and has done nothing to help him.

It's being reported that Swagger's record as of right now for 2010 is 0-15.

Wow, could it be that he's a heel in progress to getting a new push? The "I've been losing really badly, I'm going to change that though" push?

I mean my god, let's refuse the WWE any opportunity to actually start a push. Either it just pops out of nowhere, or it's not worth it.

Oh yeah, and ever heard of it only being the beginning of March? Seriously.

What a waste. They could push him in the U.S title picture or they could have teamed him up with The Miz instead of big show. Instead they have this all American get beat up by Santino. He has alot of talent that could bring back the wrestling back into raw. Even back with he faced Cena, it was a good match that I enjoyed watching. So how did this happen to swagger from being the Face of E.C.W at one point ,to matches with Cena ,to getting tossed around like a rag doll by Santino.

Will his Career ever recover?

I say yes, when the push starts. Look for one outside of Wrestlemania, when they start the brand new feuds that should have died at Mania. Swagger vs. a newly face Orton will be great.

Sounds like you need patience.

And besides, Bourne is easily the jobber of Raw. He sucks, only has one big move that gets a pop, and only won once on Raw. Last night. When it was to get Legacy broken up.

Swagger is the future of the WWE. Not a floudnering mid-carder like Bourne.

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