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And Fedor's first Strikeforce opponent is....


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... Brett Rogers!!!

This afternoon at Fedor Emelianenko's public workout session in New York City, Strikeforce CEO and founder Scott Coker announced that Fedor (30-1) will fight undefeated heavyweight contender Brett Rogers (10-0) in his Strikeforce debut this fall.

No date or venue has been announced for the fight, but its been discussed that Fedor's first fight would take place in October or Nevember.

Emelianenko, widely regarded as the top heavyweight MMA fighter in the world, signed a three-fight deal with Strikeforce earlier this month.

Oh, yeah, I am fucking stoked! I've been saying ever since hearing the news that Fedor signed with Strikeforce that I wanted him to step in that cage against Brett Rogers right away, and my wish has been granted.

This is going to be a great fight. It's not going to last long; that I'm sure of, but while it does... I'm positive something memorable will happen. Either Fedor will prove once more that he is unbeatable, or Rogers will shock the World with a devastating knockout. I cannot wait.

What are your thoughts on the fight? Does Rogers stand a chance? Will Fedor finally be beaten? Is this the biggest non-UFC fight ever? Let's hear it...
I'm not sure if I'd call it the biggest non-UFC fight ever, but it damn sure is close. I'm very excited to hear this, as like you said, a fight between these two men is going to be simply great to watch. I imagine this one will end somewhere in the first, maybe the second round. Rogers definitely provides some stiff competition for Fedor, but at the end of the day I'm going to put my money on Fedor. He's simply too damn good, and I don't see his record being put to a halt here by someone like Brett Rogers (no offense to Rogers, who is an excellent fighter).

I'd definitely put my money on Fedor here. Can't wait to see him debut though, should be good. I wonder if the UFC will try to compete with Strikeforce again when this fight airs like they did with the Carano-Cyborg fight, would be interesting to see what the UFC's reaction will be to this. They must realize Fedor is going to be a big draw for Strikeforce.

I'm pumped either way. Too bad we're going to have to wait 2-3 months for this to happen!
I'm not sure if I'd call it the biggest non-UFC fight ever, but it damn sure is close.

I don't know man; it could very well be. This fight just might make or break Strikeforce.

Rogers definitely provides some stiff competition for Fedor, but at the end of the day I'm going to put my money on Fedor. He's simply too damn good, and I don't see his record being put to a halt here by someone like Brett Rogers (no offense to Rogers, who is an excellent fighter).

I wouldn't call Rogers an excellent fighter just yet, myself. He can bang, that's for sure. The dude's power cannot be denied and if he lands just one punch, the lights could very well go out for Fedor, but at the same time.... Rogers chin is untested, and he has yet to show if he has any takedown defense or any skills on the ground. He could have both, you never know, but until he proves it, you can't call him an excellent fighter. He's one dimensional right now in everyone's eyes, and I think the fight with Fedor will show whether or not there's more to him than just punching someone in the face.

I wonder if the UFC will try to compete with Strikeforce again when this fight airs like they did with the Carano-Cyborg fight, would be interesting to see what the UFC's reaction will be to this.

Oh yeah, definitely. They always do. The main event of Strikeforce could be Tank Abbot vs. Bob Sapp, and the UFC would still counter program it.

They must realize Fedor is going to be a big draw for Strikeforce.

It'll be interesting to see if he is. He didn't draw shit for Affliction, but Strikeforce is a whole other deal. The Gina/Cyborg fight drew FANTASTIC numbers, and it all depends whether or not the fans liked what they saw in that one if they'll tune in to another Strikeforce show, and I personally think they will.

Also, Shields vs. Mayhem could be on the same card as Fedor/Rogers, so you can't underestimate their fanbases in this as well (shit, Mayhem does have his on TV show on MTV, after all).

I'm pumped either way. Too bad we're going to have to wait 2-3 months for this to happen!

I know man, but it's going to be worth the wait. Besides, like pro wrestling, there is no off season in MMA. Something awesome goes down every month, so we have a lot to look forward well before this fight. It's what makes the sport so great.
As far as the fight goes, I think it is the wrong type of fighter. Brett Rogers is a pretty single dimensional fighter from what I know of the guy. I rate him a little higher than Kimbo Slice as a power hitter. He proved against Andrei Arlovski that however, he is good at what he does. But Fedor has fought men with power and men with that speed of strikes and has beaten them before.

Fedor needs a man who can outwork him on the mat. That is where I believe where he can fall. Grim will come in looking for a hit and go down, either with a Fedor left, or with a Fedor throw down. Rogers is fast, but lets see how fast he is to tap out.
Biggest non-UFC fight? No, that honor is saved for Overeem Vs. Fedor, hence why Scott Coker is saving Overeem for the end as he mentioned in many interviews.

You know, I was hoping it would be Werdum who would fight Fedor. Obviously Roger's is the more exciting fight, but Werdum is the more credible fight. And with Fedor's ranking always being such a hot topic, a win over Werdum would be what he needed right now.

As for the actual fight, I don't see it lasting long. Roger's is of course a threat to anyone with being so big and having such a long reach, but he reminds me of Tim Sylvia with more KO power. And just like Sylvia, I see Fedor waiting to counter perfectly with his usual looping punch to drop Roger's, then submit him, but this is all based on what we know about Roger's so far. For all we know he can have some granite chin, and amazing takedown defense, we have yet to see. I see the fight going like I mentioned, but not for sure, Roger's is still really untested. Looking forward to see what Roger's really brings to the table.
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I'm warning you, this will be my worst post ever, do don't hate me for it.

Marquis just showed me some Rogers fights the other day, and I instantly became a fan of his. He's a straight-ahead striker, and doesn't back down from any attack. I also read/heard somewhere that he was training in Muay Thai, so hopefully he'll get a ground game, and truly be dangerous. All that being said, I know the legend that is Fedor. I'm hoping he's not going in over his head by fighting someone with this much power right away. He's a vet, and he's good, but Rogers' ain't no Kimbo Slice...

I hope it lasts more than a round, but I think it'll end with one of the two just landing a punch on the chin, and taking out his opponent.
Biggest non-UFC fight? No, that honor is saved for Overeem Vs. Fedor, hence why Scott Coker is saving Overeem for the end as he mentioned in many interviews.

But that fight isn't happening for some time, is it? Nope, so the honor RIGHT NOW goes to Fedor vs. Rogers. :)

You know, I was hoping it would be Werdum who would fight Fedor. Obviously Roger's is the more exciting fight, but Werdum is the more credible fight. And with Fedor's ranking always being such a hot topic, a win over Werdum would be what he needed right now.

Rogers is way more credible than Werdum. First of all, Werdum didn't look so hot in his last fight. He was getting his ass kicked on the stand-up, his takedowns looked HORRIBLE, and he caught someone completely incompetent on the ground in a guillotine choke. That, plus the fact his fight before that being such an embarrassment and him having a loss against Arlovski, Werdum is not more credible than someone who is 10-0 and defeated Arlovski in 20 seconds.

As for the actual fight, I don't see it lasting long. Roger's is of course a threat to anyone with being so big and having such a long reach, but he reminds me of Tim Sylvia with more KO power. And just like Sylvia, I see Fedor waiting to counter perfectly with his usual looping punch to drop Roger's, then submit him, but this is all based on what we know about Roger's so far. For all we know he can have some granite chin, and amazing takedown defense, we have yet to see. I see the fight going like I mentioned, but not for sure, Roger's is still really untested. Looking forward to see what Roger's really brings to the table.

I agree with pretty much everything you said here, however.
But that fight isn't happening for some time, is it? Nope, so the honor RIGHT NOW goes to Fedor vs. Rogers. :)
Doesn't matter, it's happening no matter what. It's the biggest fight Coker can cough up, so the honor should be reserved for Fedor Vs. Overeem. Hell outside of fighting everyones favorite overrated one dimensional wrestler in Lesnar, Overeem is Fedor's greatest challenge. Well you have Mir also, but he's basically a better grounded Overeem.
First of all, Werdum didn't look so hot in his last fight. He was getting his ass kicked on the stand-up, his takedowns looked HORRIBLE, and he caught someone completely incompetent on the ground in a guillotine choke.
Werdum is a BJJ artist, his strength is not his stand up, it's his ground game. Roger's wouldn't look so hot himself on the ground. Most would look incompetent being on the ground with a world class BJJ artist.
That, plus the fact his fight before that being such an embarrassment and him having a loss against Arlovski,
Cause Dos Santos is such a can, what a embarrassment losing to someone who is being mentored by Anderson Fuckin Silva, really it's a embarrasment :rolleyes:. For all you know Dos Santos can be the next best thing, I would reserve judgment till you know, Dos Santos actually loses.
Werdum is not more credible than someone who is 10-0 and defeated Arlovski in 20 seconds.
Ridiculous, so because Roger's is 9-0 against fuckin cans he's more credible? If you put Werdum in there with cans with losing records I'm sure he'd be 9-0 also via submission. Werdum actually holds more then one win against top competition. Roger's only notable win is a suicidal Arlovski.
Doesn't matter, it's happening no matter what. It's the biggest fight Coker can cough up, so the honor should be reserved for Fedor Vs. Overeem. Hell outside of fighting everyones favorite overrated one dimensional wrestler in Lesnar, Overeem is Fedor's greatest challenge. Well you have Mir also, but he's basically a better grounded Overeem.

Yeah right, it's GUARANTEED that Fedor vs. Overeem will happen, huh? Dude, nothing is guaranteed in this sport. NOTHING.

Besides, we're still talking about RIGHT NOW, at the current moment, not the future where nothing has been signed.

Werdum is a BJJ artist, his strength is not his stand up, it's his ground game. Roger's wouldn't look so hot himself on the ground. Most would look incompetent being on the ground with a world class BJJ artist.

Who cares if he's a BJJ artist? The fans don't give a shit about that, and neither do I. Just because someone is good on the ground doesn't make them this huge threat, especially when the fighter in discussion is not explosive like say Jake Shields and Damian Maia.

Cause Dos Santos is such a can, what a embarrassment losing to someone who is being mentored by Anderson Fuckin Silva, really it's a embarrasment :rolleyes:. For all you know Dos Santos can be the next best thing, I would reserve judgment till you know, Dos Santos actually loses.

Fuck that shit dude. You get knocked out by someone making his UFC debut in under two minutes, it's a fucking embarrassment, plain and simple. I don't care how good the guy is or is going to be. I guarantee if you ask Werdum himself if he's embarrassed by his performance in that fight he'll give you a big fat yes.

Also, let's see you sing this same tune if CroCop wins this weekend. I personally don't think he will, but if he does... you'll have to eat your words on this one.

Ridiculous, so because Roger's is 9-0 against fuckin cans he's more credible? If you put Werdum in there with cans with losing records I'm sure he'd be 9-0 also via submission. Werdum actually holds more then one win against top competition. Roger's only notable win is a suicidal Arlovski.

Lol... Rogers undefeated against cans. One of those cans was Arlovski, who Werdum lost to, and like I said... Rogers defeated that motherfucker in 20 seconds. That alone puts Rogers ahead of Werdum. You can spew out this "suicidal" bullshit all you want, but you know what? Hardly anybody knows about that and I'm sure a good percentage that do, aren't gullible enough to buy into that lame ass excuse.
Yeah right, it's GUARANTEED that Fedor vs. Overeem will happen, huh? Dude, nothing is guaranteed in this sport. NOTHING.
It's why they have contracts, no matter what, if Coker wants it, they will fight, well unless one of them die.
Who cares if he's a BJJ artist? The fans don't give a shit about that, and neither do I.
I care, because we aren't talking about who's more exciting, we're talking about who's a more credible opponent.
Just because someone is good on the ground doesn't make them this huge threat, especially when the fighter in discussion is not explosive like say Jake Shields and Damian Maia.
Cause you know, fights never go to the ground or anything. This sport doesn't have a stereotype of people rolling on the ground or nothing like that. Please, anyone who has credentials like Werdum is a huge threat on the ground, he's up and beyond most in the HW division when it comes to the ground.
Fuck that shit dude. You get knocked out by someone making his UFC debut in under two minutes, it's a fucking embarrassment, plain and simple. I don't care how good the guy is or is going to be. I guarantee if you ask Werdum himself if he's embarrassed by his performance in that fight he'll give you a big fan yes.
Poor GSP then, he must be a joke then also, getting knocked out by Serra which is worse. It happens, it's the nature of the sport, everyone has a punchers chance to win a fight, just like how GSP got caught, Werdum got caught. On top of that it wasn't to someone whose a can.
Also, let's see you sing this same tune if CroCop wins this weekend. I personally don't think he will, but if he does... you'll have to eat your words on this one.
I'm actually hoping Mirko wins.
Lol... Rogers undefeated against cans. One of those cans was Arlovski,
You should probably read better what I said. I said 9-0 against cans, not 10-0. Arlovski was his tenth fight.
who Werdum lost to, and like I said... Rogers defeated that motherfucker in 20 seconds. That alone puts Rogers ahead of Werdum.
So one a win over Arlovski means more then wins over Gonzagax2, Vera, and Aleksander Emelianenko? Ridiculous.
You can spew out this "suicidal" bullshit all you want, but you know what? Hardly anybody knows about that and I'm sure a good percentage that do, aren't gullible enough to buy into that lame ass excuse.
Luckily I don't need to spew, anyone who isn't blind can tell Arlovski clearly gave him that win.
It's why they have contracts, no matter what, if Coker wants it, they will fight, well unless one of them die.

Or if one of them gets hurt, or if one of them fails a drug test (looking at Overoid here), or if one of them loses a fight they should have won. If any of this happens, then the quality of that fight (if it happens) goes down the drain. And you know it's possible at least one of those things can happen, which is why NOTHING is a guarantee in this sport.

I care, because we aren't talking about who's more exciting, we're talking about who's a more credible opponent.

I 100% certain in the eyes of most fans right now Rogers is the more credible opponent. That's what people want to see, man. Plain and simple. If Werdum was the more "credible" opponent and people actually thought he would stand a chance against Fedor, then more fans would've been more vocal for that fight to happen.

Cause you know, fights never go to the ground or anything. This sport doesn't have a stereotype of people rolling on the ground or nothing like that. Please, anyone who has credentials like Werdum is a huge threat on the ground, he's up and beyond most in the HW division when it comes to the ground.

Dude, not when that's literally the only thing you're good at it. Like I said, just watch his last fight. His stand-up is absolute shit and his takedown attempts are laughable. He would never, in a million years beat Fedor. Never. But Rogers does have a puncher's chance.

Poor GSP then, he must be a joke then also, getting knocked out by Serra which is worse. It happens, it's the nature of the sport, everyone has a punchers chance to win a fight, just like how GSP got caught, Werdum got caught. On top of that it wasn't to someone whose a can.

Answer me this, was GSP embarrassed after that fight? Yes, yes.. he was. And the difference is that GSP would make up for it just a year later by kicking Serra's ass. Whereas since Werdum's loss against Junior dos Santos last October, he's only had one fight, and that was against a true can, and he looked like shit for the most part. Seriously, how the fuck does that guy deserve a shot at the best in the World?

I'm actually hoping Mirko wins.

I know you are, but if he does win, then Werdum got his ass beatdown by a guy who can't beat a supposedly past his prime CroCop, which makes him look even worse.

You should probably read better what I said. I said 9-0 against cans, not 10-0. Arlovski was his tenth fight.

My mistake, but I wouldn't fault you if you claimed Arlovski was a can. But the fact remains... he's the same guy who beat Werdum, and lasted longer against Fedor than he did against Rogers.

So one a win over Arlovski means more then wins over Gonzagax2, Vera, and Aleksander Emelianenko? Ridiculous.

Yes, because, get this... it happened RECENTLY. What the fuck has Werdum done recently? Oh, that's right... nothing. His last win against someone known was against a hack 205er, and before that against Gonzaga, who is one of the most inconsistent fighters in history. Whereas Rogers has been making headlines for almost two years now, and, mentioning this for the third time.... defeated someone in 20 seconds who Werdum lost a Decision to.

Luckily I don't need to spew, anyone who isn't blind can tell Arlovski clearly gave him that win.

That's not what I saw. I saw Rogers take his head off and that was that. Just like I saw Junior dos Santos take off Werdum's head when they fought. But I guess that Werdum gave him that win too, huh?
Or if one of them gets hurt, or if one of them fails a drug test (looking at Overoid here), or if one of them loses a fight they should have won. If any of this happens, then the quality of that fight (if it happens) goes down the drain. And you know it's possible at least one of those things can happen, which is why NOTHING is a guarantee in this sport.
They can get hurt, fail a drug test, it's still gonna happen. They'll recover or wait till their suspension is up. Like I said, if Coker wants it, it will happen, unless one of them die.
I 100% certain in the eyes of most fans right now Rogers is the more credible opponent. That's what people want to see, man. Plain and simple. If Werdum was the more "credible" opponent and people actually thought he would stand a chance against Fedor, then more fans would've been more vocal for that fight to happen.
Well if we look purely on MMA boards, I doubt you'll find many who think Roger's is a more credible win then Werdum, since you know those on MMA boards actually do look at a fighters history. And unlike the UFC, strikeforce doesn't exactly have a huge casual fanbase, if they did they would be more mainstream. They're a small company still.
Dude, not when that's literally the only thing you're good at it. Like I said, just watch his last fight. His stand-up is absolute shit and his takedown attempts are laughable. He would never, in a million years beat Fedor. Never. But Rogers does have a puncher's chance.
Seems to be working well for Maia and Shields, who both are pretty much just as one dimensional as him. And who needs takedowns when you can pull guard? If he pulls guard on Fedor, who isn't heavier then him, then I would give him a submission specialists chance just like you would give Roger's a punchers chance.
Answer me this, was GSP embarrassed after that fight? Yes, yes.. he was. And the difference is that GSP would make up for it just a year later by kicking Serra's ass.[ Whereas since Werdum's loss against Junior dos Santos last October,
I'm sure Werdum will get his chance to make up for it eventually, the UFC is on a roll with taking away contenders from SF.
he's only had one fight, and that was against a true can, and he looked like shit for the most part.
He looked great to me, past guard, and submitted Kyle easily. I'm not sure why you expect great stand up from Werdum, do you expect the same from Maia and Shields?
Seriously, how the fuck does that guy deserve a shot at the best in the World?
If I remember correctly, you think rankings or whatever should be based off the past 3 years, which was your argument for why Silva is the better p4p fighter right now. Well in the past 3 years Werdum beat Gonzaga, Vera, and Aleks. Those 3 wins mean much more then just one win over Arlovski.
I know you are, but if does win, then Werdum got his ass beatdown by a guy who can't beat a supposedly past his prime CroCop, which makes him look even worse.
Well again, Dos Santos is a kickboxer, so he had a punchers chance, just like Serra did. It happens. Was Werdum embarrassed by it? Probably, but he didn't lose to a can.
My mistake, but I wouldn't fault you if you claimed Arlovski was a can. But the fact remains... he's the same guy who beat Werdum, and lasted longer against Fedor than he did against Rogers.
Well Arlovski in his fight against Fedor actually went for some offense, where in the Roger's fight he ran backwards with his hands down and not moving his head. Anyone would have knocked him out.
Yes, because, get this... it happened RECENTLY. What the fuck has Werdum done recently? Oh, that's right... nothing. His last win against someone known was against a hack 205er, and before that against Gonzaga, who is one of the most inconsistent fighters in history. Whereas Rogers has been making headlines for almost two years now, and, mentioning this for the third time.... defeated someone in 20 seconds who Werdum lost a Decision to.
Lol, I wasn't aware beating cans was making headline. I explained earlier what Werdum has done recently, past 3 years seems like a good way to judge since you use it for Anderson.
That's not what I saw. I saw Rogers take his head off and that was that. Just like I saw Junior dos Santos take off Werdum's head when they fought. But I guess that Werdum gave him that win too, huh?
Really? You didn't see Arlovski move backwards with his hands down, no head movement, and go directly towards the cage? They did show it in slow motion after the fight.
They can get hurt, fail a drug test, it's still gonna happen. They'll recover or wait till their suspension is up. Like I said, if Coker wants it, it will happen, unless one of them die.

But if any of those things happen, how do you know that Coker would then still want to see that fight happen? Pretty much everyone wanted to see Barnett vs. Fedor, but now since Barnett failed his drug test, no one wants to see it.

Well if we look purely on MMA boards, I doubt you'll find many who think Roger's is a more credible win then Werdum, since you know those on MMA boards actually do look at a fighters history. And unlike the UFC, strikeforce doesn't exactly have a huge casual fanbase, if they did they would be more mainstream. They're a small company still.

Their numbers for Gina vs. Cyborg beg to differ, and the fact that EliteXC, where Rogers was heavily promoted, did so well in ratings, I'm pretty sure there are more fans out there who know of Rogers than there are those who know of Werdum.

Also, I think you'd be split on the forums. From what I've been reading on Sherdog and what not, people are really excited about the Fedor/Rogers fight and there are quite a few who think Fedor has a big chance of losing.

Seems to be working well for Maia and Shields, who both are pretty much just as one dimensional as him.

Yeah, but they are explosive. They know how to get someone in their guard within the snap of a finger, while Werdum seems to depend on those weak ass takedowns.

And who needs takedowns when you can pull guard? If he pulls guard on Fedor, who isn't heavier then him, then I would give him a submission specialists chance just like you would give Roger's a punchers chance.

I'm not saying you need them, but that's what Werdum depends on. Watch his fight against Kyle to see that. And besides, you act like getting someone in your guard is simple. Just watch Lietes vs. Anderson to see that it's not.

But for argument's sake, if Werdum did pull guard on Fedor, he'd take a beating like Big Nog and Herring did when those two made the same mistake. Fedor's the best Ground 'N Pound fighter in the game, first of all. Secondly, it is possible for someone to be too good on the ground to never get caught in a MMA fight. There are plenty of cases to prove this to be a fact. However, ANYONE can get caught on the feet. Anyone, which is why Rogers is a more dangerous opponent for Fedor than Werdum.

I'm sure Werdum will get his chance to make up for it eventually, the UFC is on a roll with taking away contenders from SF.

Maybe so.

He looked great to me, past guard, and submitted Kyle easily.

But look who he was fighting. Anyone who gets caught in a guillotine choke and taps out quickly shows that they are completely incompetent on the ground. Watch Joe Stevenson vs. Nate Diaz again. Both guys got caught in DEEP guillotines, and both survived them because it's the easiest submission to withstand and escape in the entire sport.

I'm not sure why you expect great stand up from Werdum, do you expect the same from Maia and Shields?

But the thing is, Werdum isn't on the same level as Maia and Shields. Maia is undefeated, and Shields is on a 12 fight win streak. Obviously they know something Werdum doesn't.

If I remember correctly, you think rankings or whatever should be based off the past 3 years, which was your argument for why Silva is the better p4p fighter right now. Well in the past 3 years Werdum beat Gonzaga, Vera, and Aleks. Those 3 wins mean much more then just one win over Arlovski.

And if Anderson Silva lost by a first round knockout and had another loss to someone who has looked like shit, and his victories were against someone smaller than him who sucks, one of the most inconsistent fighters there is, and someone who has yet to defeat anyone worth noting, then yeah... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be saying he's pound for pound the best fighter in the World.

What Werdum has done in the past 3 years does not impress me.

Well again, Dos Santos is a kickboxer, so he had a punchers chance, just like Serra did. It happens. Was Werdum embarrassed by it? Probably, but he didn't lose to a can.

I'm not saying he lost to a can, but that loss still hurt his credibility.

Well Arlovski in his fight against Fedor actually went for some offense, where in the Roger's fight he ran backwards with his hands down and not moving his head. Anyone would have knocked him out.

That's because Fedor started off the fight against Arlovski on the defensive, whereas Rogers attacked him from the get go.

Lol, I wasn't aware beating cans was making headline. I explained earlier what Werdum has done recently, past 3 years seems like a good way to judge since you use it for Anderson.

Winning 10 fights in a row and finishing every single fight is impressive, no matter who it is you defeat. It's definitely more impressive than anything Werdum has done as far as I'm concerned.

Really? You didn't see Arlovski move backwards with his hands down, no head movement, and go directly towards the cage? They did show it in slow motion after the fight.

I saw Rogers attack and knock Arlovski's ass out. Werdum wouldn't have been able to do that in a million years, and that's the bottom line.
But if any of those things happen, how do you know that Coker would then still want to see that fight happen? Pretty much everyone wanted to see Barnett vs. Fedor, but now since Barnett failed his drug test, no one wants to see it.
Hence why I said IF Coker wants it, it will happen. And people are silly if they no longer want to see Barnett Vs. Fedor, It's not like Barnett's record magically changes, he's still the same fighter, same threat. You try to talk for a group of people way too much.
Their numbers for Gina vs. Cyborg beg to differ, and the fact that EliteXC, where Rogers was heavily promoted, did so well in ratings, I'm pretty sure there are more fans out there who know of Rogers than there are those who know of Werdum.
First of all, I never heard of this Roger's promoting from EliteXC, I never saw him in their graphics. Secondly, how the hell do you know if Roger's contributed to Gina Vs. Cyborg? I really doubt he did, I'm pretty damn positive it was mostly Gina herself. And last, Werdum was on FOUR UFC main cards in a row, and since UFC > Strikeforce, I'm sure more people know who Werdum is.
Also, I think you'd be split on the forums. From what I've been reading on Sherdog and what not, people are really excited about the Fedor/Rogers fight and there are quite a few who think Fedor has a big chance of losing.
Lol, I think you might be reading wrong. All I read is how Roger's is a can, but so is Carwin, since they're both fighters with one notable win.
Yeah, but they are explosive. They know how to get someone in their guard within the snap of a finger, while Werdum seems to depend on those weak ass takedowns.
Are takedowns not explosive? He does charge straight at the opponent to attempt to get them down. Seems pretty explosive and aggressive to me.
I'm not saying you need them, but that's what Werdum depends on. Watch his fight against Kyle to see that. And besides, you act like getting someone in your guard is simple. Just watch Lietes vs. Anderson to see that it's not.
Of course I know he depends on takedowns, but if he gets desperate, like most BJJ artist I'm sure he'll attempt to pull guard. Also I never said it was simple.
But for argument's sake, if Werdum did pull guard on Fedor, he'd take a beating like Big Nog and Herring did when those two made the same mistake. Fedor's the best Ground 'N Pound fighter in the game, first of all. Secondly, it is possible for someone to be too good on the ground to never get caught in a MMA fight. There are plenty of cases to prove this to be a fact. However, ANYONE can get caught on the feet. Anyone, which is why Rogers is a more dangerous opponent for Fedor than Werdum.
I'm not sure why you're arguing this, it's not as if I ever said Werdum would beat Fedor. I don't think any Heavyweight can beat Fedor right now, I think there's some with better chances, but non that can actually beat him. My argument is that Werdum is a more credible opponent, so it would mean more to Fedor. His wins these past 3 years prove that.
But look who he was fighting. Anyone who gets caught in a guillotine choke and taps out quickly shows that they are completely incompetent on the ground. Watch Joe Stevenson vs. Nate Diaz again. Both guys got caught in DEEP guillotines, and both survived them because it's the easiest submission to withstand and escape in the entire sport.
Anyone would look incompetent on the ground against a world class BJJ artist. Just like how BJ made a black belt in Florian look incompetent, Werdum can, since he actually has the credentials to show it.
But the thing is, Werdum isn't on the same level as Maia and Shields. Maia is undefeated, and Shields is on a 12 fight win streak. Obviously they know something Werdum doesn't.
I never claimed that Werdum is on the same level as Shields, though I don't see how Maia is better then him. Both hold a few wins over top competition, Werdum more, but Maia will have a chance to prove he's better if he wins this Saturday.
And if Anderson Silva lost by a first round knockout and had another loss to someone who has looked like shit, and his victories were against someone smaller than him who sucks, one of the most inconsistent fighters there is, and someone who has yet to defeat anyone worth noting, then yeah... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be saying he's pound for pound the best fighter in the World.
Oh I get it, this is your poor comparison to Werdum. Vera smaller? Sure, but that didn't stop him from being 8-1 at heavyweight when Werdum fought him. Gonzaga inconsistent? Sure, but he beat him twice. One may be inconsistent, but two times? And Aleks is much bigger then Werdum.
What Werdum has done in the past 3 years does not impress me.
Lol, I'm starting to think you just hate Werdum. I really don't understand how the man you consider a can(Arlovski) is more of a credible win then Gonzaga, Vera, and Aleks.
I'm not saying he lost to a can, but that loss still hurt his credibility.
Any lose hurts your credibility.
That's because Fedor started off the fight against Arlovski on the defensive, whereas Rogers attacked him from the get go.
Right, which I would think would make it easier for Arlovski, since you know he does train with Roach, meaning he does know a thing or two about head movement and footwork.
Winning 10 fights in a row and finishing every single fight is impressive, no matter who it is you defeat. It's definitely more impressive than anything Werdum has done as far as I'm concerned.
Winning 9 fights against cans impresses you? Your standards must be low. Credible opponents > Cans, there's just no argument for it. Credible opponents are proven, cans with losing records aren't.
I saw Rogers attack and knock Arlovski's ass out. Werdum wouldn't have been able to do that in a million years, and that's the bottom line.
Then obviously you're just seeing what you want to see. I dislike both fighters, I'm not being more biased towards Arlovski or Roger's. You really have to be blind to not see Arlovski gave him that. I mean really, even a 7 year old can tell you keeping your hands up would be smart, you know something Arlovski didn't do, he had his hands at his waist.
Hence why I said IF Coker wants it, it will happen. And people are silly if they no longer want to see Barnett Vs. Fedor, It's not like Barnett's record magically changes, he's still the same fighter, same threat. You try to talk for a group of people way too much.

The point is, Overeem vs. Fedor is NOT guarantee, so you can not start proclaiming it as the biggest non-UFC fight ever, because we don't even know if it's going to happen or not.

First of all, I never heard of this Roger's promoting from EliteXC, I never saw him in their graphics.

When people tuned in to the very first EliteXC show on CBS, what was the first thing they saw? Oh, that's right... Brett Rogers knocking someone out in the first round.

Secondly, how the hell do you know if Roger's contributed to Gina Vs. Cyborg? I really doubt he did, I'm pretty damn positive it was mostly Gina herself.

Lol... where the fuck did I say Rogers contributed to the Gina/Cyborg show? You said that Strikeforce doesn't have many casual fans, and I said that the numbers for the Gina/Cyborg show beg to differ.

And last, Werdum was on FOUR UFC main cards in a row, and since UFC > Strikeforce, I'm sure more people know who Werdum is.

Maybe so, but I still doubt they respect him as much as they respect Rogers.

Lol, I think you might be reading wrong. All I read is how Roger's is a can, but so is Carwin, since they're both fighters with one notable win.

No, there are plenty of people who think Rogers will knock Fedor out. Hell, we have one of those people on this very forum, and there are like 5 MMA posters here.

And Rogers has TWO notable wins, by the way. Arlovski and James Thompson. It's not like Thompson is some hack. Is he great? No, far, far from it, but he's not really a can, either.

Are takedowns not explosive? He does charge straight at the opponent to attempt to get them down. Seems pretty explosive and aggressive to me.

Watch Dan Henderson take someone down and then watch Werdum do it. There's a HUGE difference. You can see Werdum's takedowns come from a mile away.

I'm not sure why you're arguing this, it's not as if I ever said Werdum would beat Fedor. I don't think any Heavyweight can beat Fedor right now, I think there's some with better chances, but non that can actually beat him. My argument is that Werdum is a more credible opponent, so it would mean more to Fedor. His wins these past 3 years prove that.

The reason I'm arguing this is because Rogers stands a better chance at defeating Fedor than Werdum does. That's my whole point, because that alone makes Rogers a more credible opponent, in my mind.

Anyone would look incompetent on the ground against a world class BJJ artist. Just like how BJ made a black belt in Florian look incompetent, Werdum can, since he actually has the credentials to show it.

Difference is, Florian isn't incompetent on the ground. We both know this. However, we also both know that Mike Kyle IS incompetent on the ground. It's simply a fact.

I never claimed that Werdum is on the same level as Shields, though I don't see how Maia is better then him. Both hold a few wins over top competition, Werdum more, but Maia will have a chance to prove he's better if he wins this Saturday.

Fair enough.

Oh I get it, this is your poor comparison to Werdum. Vera smaller? Sure, but that didn't stop him from being 8-1 at heavyweight when Werdum fought him. Gonzaga inconsistent? Sure, but he beat him twice. One may be inconsistent, but two times? And Aleks is much bigger then Werdum.

Lol... my comparison is not poor, it's the truth. Besides beating Gonzaga twice, nothing he's done has really impressed me.

Lol, I'm starting to think you just hate Werdum. I really don't understand how the man you consider a can(Arlovski) is more of a credible win then Gonzaga, Vera, and Aleks.

I don't hate him; I'm just glad he's not the one to fight Fedor at this point in time. He has a little more proving to do, as far as I'm concerned. I can understand if you think Rogers needs to prove himself more as well, but that doesn't disprove that Rogers/Fedor is the better fight for Strikeforce, the fighters, and most importantly, for us... the fans.

Any lose hurts your credibility.

Not really true. You can lose and still not lose an ounce of respect from the fans.

Right, which I would think would make it easier for Arlovski, since you know he does train with Roach, meaning he does know a thing or two about head movement and footwork.

Exactly, but I guess Rogers was quicker than Arlovski was prepared for.

Winning 9 fights against cans impresses you? Your standards must be low. Credible opponents > Cans, there's just no argument for it. Credible opponents are proven, cans with losing records aren't.

I'm not saying I'm blown away by it; just saying it looks better to the eye than anything Werdum has done, especially recently.

Then obviously you're just seeing what you want to see. I dislike both fighters, I'm not being more biased towards Arlovski or Roger's. You really have to be blind to not see Arlovski gave him that. I mean really, even a 7 year old can tell you keeping your hands up would be smart, you know something Arlovski didn't do, he had his hands at his waist.

Listen, you can make any excuse you make. But the fact remains, Rogers defeated someone in 20 seconds who won a unanimous decision against Werdum. That's all there is to it.
The point is, Overeem vs. Fedor is NOT guarantee, so you can not start proclaiming it as the biggest non-UFC fight ever, because we don't even know if it's going to happen or not.
Alright, you seem to be going for this whole as of now thing. Even then I still don't consider it the biggest non-UFC fight ever. I think that honor should be for a pride fight such as Mirko Vs. Fedor, but in SF I assume it would have to be Rogers Vs. Fedor as of right now.
When people tuned in to the very first EliteXC show on CBS, what was the first thing they saw? Oh, that's right... Brett Rogers knocking someone out in the first round.
Well I'm sure they didn't see it for his fight on EliteXC renegade since he was on the undercard, still I don't see how they promoted him. I've never seen him on one of their graphics, while Werdum was actually on two UFC posters.
Lol... where the fuck did I say Rogers contributed to the Gina/Cyborg show? You said that Strikeforce doesn't have many casual fans, and I said that the numbers for the Gina/Cyborg show beg to differ.
"and the fact that EliteXC, where Rogers was heavily promoted, did so well in ratings" Sounded like you gave Roger's credit for helping ratings. Also Gina/Cyborg did a 2.9, that's great, still doesn't change the fact that the UFC is the more popular company. Strikeforce isn't even a close second the to the UFC, where Werdum was on 4 main cards and 2 posters.
Maybe so, but I still doubt they respect him as much as they respect Rogers.
Oh yeah, tons of respect for someone who is 9-0 against cans, while Werdum actually holds wins over notable opponents on the biggest stage in MMA. Besides, respect isn't what we're talking about, you said "I'm pretty sure there are more fans out there who know of Rogers than there are those who know of Werdum." Which is wrong, as I pointed out already, and you pull respect.
No, there are plenty of people who think Rogers will knock Fedor out. Hell, we have one of those people on this very forum, and there are like 5 MMA posters here.
If you're talking about Bacon I really can't take that opinion very seriously, he tries to discredit Fedor whenever he can and actually thought Ricco was gonna fight Fedor.

And Rogers has TWO notable wins, by the way. Arlovski and James Thompson. It's not like Thompson is some hack. Is he great? No, far, far from it, but he's not really a can, either.
Thompson? The man who more then half of his record is a losing one? He's 14-10, and also lost to Aleks, the same Aleks who Werdum beat.
Watch Dan Henderson take someone down and then watch Werdum do it. There's a HUGE difference. You can see Werdum's takedowns come from a mile away.
Oh man, this made me laugh. So now we're comparing Werdum's takedowns to a Olympic wrestlers takedowns? I never claimed they were fuckin amazing, his takedowns, but they do count as aggressive and explosive, since he is charging at his opponent.
The reason I'm arguing this is because Rogers stands a better chance at defeating Fedor than Werdum does. That's my whole point, because that alone makes Rogers a more credible opponent, in my mind.
So MMA companies should just be handing out title shots to those who stand a better chance then those who who are actually worth more, are more credible, and deserve it? Then shit, Vitor's first fight in the UFC should be for the MW belt right away.
Difference is, Florian isn't incompetent on the ground. We both know this. However, we also both know that Mike Kyle IS incompetent on the ground. It's simply a fact.
Exactly, Florian isn't incompetent on the ground, which is why BJ proved World Class BJJ > Standard Black Belt. And Werdum just happens to be a world class BJJ artist.
Lol... my comparison is not poor, it's the truth. Besides beating Gonzaga twice, nothing he's done has really impressed me.
Oh noes, you're gonna try to discredit Gonzaga now. Just like Roger's Gonzaga holds one notable win, a very big one, a win over CroCop.
I don't hate him; I'm just glad he's not the one to fight Fedor at this point in time. He has a little more proving to do, as far as I'm concerned. I can understand if you think Rogers needs to prove himself more as well
Well even if you do think Werdum has more to prove, Roger's has a lot MORE to prove then Werdum.
but that doesn't disprove that Rogers/Fedor is the better fight for Strikeforce, the fighters, and most importantly, for us... the fans.
Do you know for a fact these fans rather see this fight? How about Fedor fans? Do they not want to see their beloved Fedor stay as number 1 in his respective rankings? A win over Werdum would do that since Werdum is a bigger name with more notable wins.
Not really true. You can lose and still not lose an ounce of respect from the fans.
You still lose credibility. Let's use Rogers for example, some people, like Bacon, seem to think Rogers will knock out Fedor, thus removing Fedor from his number 1 spot. If Rogers loses, then he loses the credibility of being able to beat the best heavyweight out there that people like Bacon thinks he has.
Exactly, but I guess Rogers was quicker than Arlovski was prepared for.
or, their could have been something wrong with him. I don't know about you, but putting your hands up I would think is a reflex.
'm not saying I'm blown away by it; just saying it looks better to the eye than anything Werdum has done, especially recently.
I really don't understand how beating cans(yes since you apparently consider Arlovski one) is more impressive then beating Gonzagax2, Aleks, Vera, and Overeem.
Listen, you can make any excuse you make. But the fact remains, Rogers defeated someone in 20 seconds who won a unanimous decision against Werdum. That's all there is to it.
And the fact remains that it's just one credible win, unlike Werdum who has more then one.
Alright, you seem to be going for this whole as of now thing. Even then I still don't consider it the biggest non-UFC fight ever. I think that honor should be for a pride fight such as Mirko Vs. Fedor, but in SF I assume it would have to be Rogers Vs. Fedor as of right now.

Fedor vs. CroCop was a big fight, but it really didn't mean all that much to American fans at the time.

Well I'm sure they didn't see it for his fight on EliteXC renegade since he was on the undercard, still I don't see how they promoted him. I've never seen him on one of their graphics, while Werdum was actually on two UFC posters.

Was Renegade before or after Primetime? The answer is before, so of course Strikeforce didn't know what they had until that fight at Renegade. And when they saw what they had, they put him on as the first fight on their first broadcast on CBS, the very first MMA show ever on network television I might add.

"and the fact that EliteXC, where Rogers was heavily promoted, did so well in ratings" Sounded like you gave Roger's credit for helping ratings.

Umm... dude, the reason there are commas there is to explain that Rogers got air time on a highly rated show. In no way did I indicate that he was a reason to why that show did well in ratings.

And what does this have to do with you claiming that I first said that Rogers was a reason for Strikeforce's Gina/Cyborg rating? Nice back track there.

Also Gina/Cyborg did a 2.9, that's great, still doesn't change the fact that the UFC is the more popular company. Strikeforce isn't even a close second the to the UFC, where Werdum was on 4 main cards and 2 posters.

But we're talking about Strikeforce's fan base, not the entire fanbase of MMA.

Oh yeah, tons of respect for someone who is 9-0 against cans, while Werdum actually holds wins over notable opponents on the biggest stage in MMA. Besides, respect isn't what we're talking about, you said "I'm pretty sure there are more fans out there who know of Rogers than there are those who know of Werdum." Which is wrong, as I pointed out already, and you pull respect.

So you mean to tell me that casual fans pay attention to these hard to pronounce names on the undercard who make no impact on the show whatsoever? Umm.... not exactly, dude. But I'm sure a lot of fans know who Rogers is.

Also, if Werdum was as popular as you're putting over, then Strikeforce would have put him in a more prominent fight for Gina/Cyborg. But they know hardly anyone knows or cares who he is. The guy's been out for nearly a year man, and that was after getting KOed in the 1st to someone NOBODY knew at the time.

If you're talking about Bacon I really can't take that opinion very seriously, he tries to discredit Fedor whenever he can and actually thought Ricco was gonna fight Fedor.

But you and I both know that there are plenty of fans like him on the internet.

Thompson? The man who more then half of his record is a losing one? He's 14-10, and also lost to Aleks, the same Aleks who Werdum beat.

Yeah, but he's experienced and a known, somewhat respected fighter. He's not a can, technically.

Oh man, this made me laugh. So now we're comparing Werdum's takedowns to a Olympic wrestlers takedowns? I never claimed they were fuckin amazing, his takedowns, but they do count as aggressive and explosive, since he is charging at his opponent.

His takedowns suck, end of story. It doesn't matter who I compare them to, they fucking suck.

So MMA companies should just be handing out title shots to those who stand a better chance then those who who are actually worth more, are more credible, and deserve it? Then shit, Vitor's first fight in the UFC should be for the MW belt right away.

But it's just not that Rogers stands a better chance (Which I guess you agree with me that Rogers DOES have a better chance, huh? ;) ). He's also undefeated, finished all his fights, and pretty well known for someone who has never fought in the UFC. We're not talking about Joe Blow, here.

Also, please explain to me how Werdum deserves a title shot. That's such a ridiculous statement.

Exactly, Florian isn't incompetent on the ground, which is why BJ proved World Class BJJ > Standard Black Belt. And Werdum just happens to be a world class BJJ artist.

Yeah, and he went up against someone who probably isn't even a white belt.

Oh noes, you're gonna try to discredit Gonzaga now. Just like Roger's Gonzaga holds one notable win, a very big one, a win over CroCop.

Dude, you keep claiming I'm the one misreading shit. Read that statement again. I said the Gonzaga wins were the only ones that do somewhat impress me.

Well even if you do think Werdum has more to prove, Roger's has a lot MORE to prove then Werdum.

Not really. Rogers didn't lose a 1st Round knockout and then take nearly a year off of competition recently.

Do you know for a fact these fans rather see this fight? How about Fedor fans? Do they not want to see their beloved Fedor stay as number 1 in his respective rankings? A win over Werdum would do that since Werdum is a bigger name with more notable wins.

I'm a Fedor fan, and yes... I want to see Fedor vs. Rogers a lot more than Fedor vs. Werdum. The fight against Werdum would be no where near as exciting as Fedor vs. Rogers is going to be, and everyone knows it, including you.

You still lose credibility. Let's use Rogers for example, some people, like Bacon, seem to think Rogers will knock out Fedor, thus removing Fedor from his number 1 spot. If Rogers loses, then he loses the credibility of being able to beat the best heavyweight out there that people like Bacon thinks he has.

We've already had this discussion before. If Rogers loses to someone like Fedor, it'll all depend on his next performance to whether or not the fans completely give up hope on him, because if he loses to Fedor, he loss to the very best in the World. There's no shame in that, and most fans know it.

or, their could have been something wrong with him. I don't know about you, but putting your hands up I would think is a reflex.

I really don't understand how beating cans(yes since you apparently consider Arlovski one) is more impressive then beating Gonzagax2, Aleks, Vera, and Overeem.

And the fact remains that it's just one credible win, unlike Werdum who has more then one.

Blah, blah, blah... like I keep saying, try and disprove it all you want, but Rogers knocked out someone in 20 seconds who beat Werdum by a unanimous decision. It's as simple as that, and there's nothing you can say that can discredit it. Sorry, but that's how it is, buddy. :)
Fedor vs. CroCop was a big fight, but it really didn't mean all that much to American fans at the time.
Alright so now you wanna go by the American Audience. Considering Fedor isn't popular in the states, I would think Gina Vs. Cyborg is the biggest non UFC to date just because of Gina's mainstream appeal.
Was Renegade before or after Primetime? The answer is before, so of course Strikeforce didn't know what they had until that fight at Renegade. And when they saw what they had, they put him on as the first fight on their first broadcast on CBS, the very first MMA show ever on network television I might add.
Fair enough, but still doesn't change that Werdum is a more known name.
Umm... dude, the reason there are commas there is to explain that Rogers got air time on a highly rated show. In no way did I indicate that he was a reason to why that show did well in ratings.
I took as you mentioning EliteXC promoting him that he contributed to ratings, since that's why they would promote him, to gain better ratings.
And what does this have to do with you claiming that I first said that Rogers was a reason for Strikeforce's Gina/Cyborg rating? Nice back track there.
Well you said the numbers of Cyborg Vs. Gina beg to differ, and then you mentioned the promoting bit, but I misunderstood apparently since you were talking about the casual fanbase at the end of the quote.
But we're talking about Strikeforce's fan base, not the entire fanbase of MMA.
Well SF fanbase mostly contributes of MMA board fans if you ask me, meaning they do know who Werdum is, and obviously know his history. Now you said SF has more of a casual fanbase then previously thought cause of the ratings they pulled for Gina/Cyborg, so assuming this does mean they have more casual fans, are they gonna know more about the SF name then the UFC? I really doubt that, there's really no way you can know about SF and not know the UFC.
So you mean to tell me that casual fans pay attention to these hard to pronounce names on the undercard who make no impact on the show whatsoever? Umm.... not exactly, dude. But I'm sure a lot of fans know who Rogers is.
Undercard? Werdum was on the main card his whole career in the UFC. And his name is not hard to pronounce, Werdum has no silent letters. It's pronounced just as spelled. Also he was the co main event for one event, meaning like every other marketing campaign for a UFC event he was promoted since they usually promote their main event and co main event. Also he was on two posters to my knowledge, which I'm sure is also used for marketing.
Also, if Werdum was as popular as you're putting over, then Strikeforce would have put him in a more prominent fight for Gina/Cyborg. But they know hardly anyone knows or cares who he is. The guy's been out for nearly a year man, and that was after getting KOed in the 1st to someone NOBODY knew at the time.
Can you name this more prominent fight? Overeem was out, Roger's didn't want to fight in August, and Coker wouldn't give away Fedor Vs. Werdum as just some main card fight. So out of the SF heavyweight crop, I'm not sure who they could have brought in for Werdum.
But you and I both know that there are plenty of fans like him on the internet.
Eh, well the common stereotype is that MMA board fans are Fedor nuthuggers, and obviously there's some truth to that. I'm sure there's people like Bacon out there, just not a notable number.
Yeah, but he's experienced and a known, somewhat respected fighter. He's not a can, technically.
Good thing you don't consider him a can then for Aleks. Since Aleks did beat him, which counts for something apparently since he isn't a can.
His takedowns suck, end of story. It doesn't matter who I compare them to, they fucking suck.
Well I don't really expect them to be amazing like you seem to do, they leave much to be left desired. Like any fighter, I'm sure he'll evolve at some point, who knows maybe they did improve, just he had trouble with the close to 1 year lay off.
But it's just not that Rogers stands a better chance (Which I guess you agree with me that Rogers DOES have a better chance, huh? ;) ). He's also undefeated, finished all his fights, and pretty well known for someone who has never fought in the UFC. We're not talking about Joe Blow, here.
I never said that Roger's didn't stand a better chance, just that Werdum was the more credible opponent. You compare their fights over the past 3 years and Werdun > Roger's simply because of number of actually meaningful opponents beat. Frankly I think neither stand a chance in hell against Fedor, so might as well put him there with the more credible opponent in Werdum.
Also, please explain to me how Werdum deserves a title shot. That's such a ridiculous statement.
I meant it as those who are more of threat to a big name should be given the fight. The reason I said MW belt is because the holder is Anderson Silva, who Vitor is huge threat to because of his hand speed. Just like how you think Roger's is more of a threat, thus deserves to fight Fedor, what I said was since Vitor is more of a threat then he should fight Anderson who is the current MW champion.
Yeah, and he went up against someone who probably isn't even a white belt.
Well Kyle does train at AKA, a very good MMA gym. So I'm sure he's above a whitebelt at least.
Dude, you keep claiming I'm the one misreading shit. Read that statement again. I said the Gonzaga wins were the only ones that do somewhat impress me.
Yes, that was my mistake, I did misread what you said. Alright so you said besides beating Gonzaga twice nothing really impressed you. Not beating a 8-1 Vera with a win over Mir didn't impress you? Not beating Overeem didn't impress you? Not beating Aleks who holds a win over Thomson, someone you felt who was worth mentioning, didn't impress you?
Not really. Rogers didn't lose a 1st Round knockout and then take nearly a year off of competition recently.
Still doesn't change he only holds one credible win over Arlovski, while Werdum holds more. Werdum has proven himself a lot more then Roger's ever has. You just look at their records and you see this.
I'm a Fedor fan, and yes... I want to see Fedor vs. Rogers a lot more than Fedor vs. Werdum. The fight against Werdum would be no where near as exciting as Fedor vs. Rogers is going to be, and everyone knows it, including you.
Well you're more of a Anderson fan from what I tell, and think he should be the holder of the current p4p title, so really it benefits you of Fedor fights someone with one credible win like Roger's, instead of Werdum. I really can't imagine die hard Fedor fans not wanting him stay on his throne, which if Fedor keeps fighting like he is now, Lesnar will most likely dethrone him very soon from being the number 1 heavyweight.
We've already had this discussion before. If Rogers loses to someone like Fedor, it'll all depend on his next performance to whether or not the fans completely give up hope on him, because if he loses to Fedor, he loss to the very best in the World. There's no shame in that, and most fans know it.
Right, but he still loses the credibility of being able to beat the number 1 heavyweight in the world.
Blah, blah, blah... like I keep saying, try and disprove it all you want, but Rogers knocked out someone in 20 seconds who beat Werdum by a unanimous decision. It's as simple as that, and there's nothing you can say that can discredit it. Sorry, but that's how it is, buddy. :)
Well then sorry buddy, but Werdum holds more credible wins then Roger's, and there's really nothing you can say about it to discredit it ;).

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