What is next for Fedor?


Nome is where your heart is
So as most of us know by now Fedor defeated Brett Rogers last night on Strikeforce. My question is this, what do you think is next for The Last Emperor. I think strikeforce has two options here. JMT mentioned awhile back that they should build Fedor up for his first two fights. This makes me think that a good next fight for him would be against Fabricio Wedum. Werdum had a very impressive win last night as well and I think it would be a very intriguing match up. Of course I see Fedor winning that fight. The other option would be for Fedor to get a shot at the heavyweight title and Allistair Overeem next. I dont know a whole lot about Overeem besides hearing a lot of people saying hes a juicer. Now that could benefit him against Fedor but I dont think it would get him the win either. Right now I dont really know what I would like to see Fedor do next. Sure id like to see him fight for the belt but id also like to see him fight Werdum. I believe both fights will happen, its just a matter of time. So what do you guys think, what do you want to see him do next?
Well, if it were up to me, what would be next for Fedor is a fight against Alistair Overeem. But unfortunately, I think that's perhaps the least possible scenario right now for numerous reasons that I won't get into.

So, yeah... right now, I'd say a fight against Fabricio Werdum seems like the most likely scenario, unfortunately. Or maybe not unfortunate. Fedor would crush this guy, and seeing Fedor crush anyone is a pleasure to witness. But still... I wish there were more options for Fedor, but until he goes to the UFC... we just have to deal with what we got, which I guess is better than nothing.
Yeah I am in total agreement about him crushing Werdum. And it seriously sucks that there are not that many real good heavyweights in mma and the best ones are already signed to the ufc. I just want to throw out a name for a guy that hasnt fought Fedor yet as far as I know and is always considered an elite fighter. What if Strikeforce signed Jeff Monson and gave him a fight against Fedor. I mean Fedor would more then likely still crush him but I think Monson has a chance. The man can punch, he is a great fucking wrestler and he knows jiu jitsu. Just a thought of someone who is not signed to a major company and would be an alternative to the obvious and limited choices in Strikeforce......Fedor to the ufc cant come fast enough.
It has to be Overeem. Strikeforce signed Fedor to a 3 fight deal and they wouldn't want him to win the belt on his third match(after beating Werdum) and then leaving to the UFC. Giving him the title shot and allowing him to become champion will be HUGE for Strikeforce.

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