An open letter to Matt Striker...


Of Ace Stevens fame.
Dear Matt Striker,

If I hear you say the words "conducive', 'compromised', 'neutralise', 'hyperextended' or any other 'smart sounding' words that you insist on consistently saying again on SmackDown or any other WWE programming, then I will...... well.... i'll be ruddy well annoyed.

Yours sincerely, Dan.

Does anyone else hate Matt Striker's commentary? I have no idea why he is on PPVs when Todd Grisham is better.
What annoys me most about him is that he tries too hard.
He is 'friends' with basically every heel and he always emphasizes how he LOVES them.

Also, "I spent some time with Edge, we talked about hockey.. that's why I know he's not a bad guy." ...right.
The thing about Matt Striker is that he legitimately sounds like a mark. Which is a good thing.
I don't mind his commentary really.

You should send that letter to WWE, see how they react, soon enough Matt Striker might start talking like a hillbilly :suspic:
Striker is the best thing going on with the WWE commentary. At least he sounds like he gives a shit when commentating.

I would have said Michael Cole, especially with the Daniel Bryan feud. I thought he was outstanding in that.

Striker is a good heel. I do actually feel hate towards his character, which is always a good thing for a heel. I just hate the way he says the some words. I even hate the way he pronounces the word 'that'. But you're right at least he sounds like he cares.
At least he sounds like he gives a shit when commentating.

Much like JR.... difference is, JR actually researched things about the wrestlers whereas Striker just makes shit up.

And also, what the fuck is a 'potential submission hold'? He says it all the time when someone does a submission. "Oh look, a potential submission hold!" Gramatically that means that the wrestler could potentially execute a submission, and NOT that the recipient could potentially tap out from the submission, which is what he's trying to say.

Didn't he even teach English?

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