An open letter to Mark Madden


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey Captain Negative,
How about at least making it look like your trying to write something original. Every time you write I swear I have to doublecheck to make sure I didnt read it already because it is always the exact same thing just re-arranged.
A shot at Luger. Shots at Hogan. Tna sucks. Lacey is HOT. All you missed was the usual shot at DDP and the UFC dick riding you do. Seriously, who finds you funny or even intelligent about the business. You were a nobody in the wrestling world, I hated you on WCW. You were part of the downfall of WCW so stop patting yourself on the back like you did anything or even offered anything to wrestling fans. WCW did with you what TNA is doing with Bubba, cross-promotion...but TNA is all wrong for doing it? Why, is it because your not involved?
You bash TNA for using older stars but what does it say about WZ when they use a flash in the pan, disgruntled, jealous nobody from over a decade ago that 99% of WCW fans or wrestling fans in general dont know and dont care about (with the exception of a few people in Pittsburgh)?
Your editorials are lazy, thoughtless and have no depth. You comes off as the guy who had a huge crush on wrestling but she wanted nothing to do with you so now you just talk shit on her. Every editorial.
Its so easy to sit back and bash what has been done but how about an idea or two of your own from a "if I owned TNA/WWE" perspective? My God, any change would be welcome when compared with the carbon copy echoes you put out.

A Wrestling FAN

P.S. Before anyone thinks Im a new, young WWE fan...Im not. I been watching wrestling since the 70's non stop...and I still love it.
You don't sound like someone who's been watching wrestling since the 70s.. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd probably go with around 14ish?
You don't sound like someone who's been watching wrestling since the 70s.. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd probably go with around 14ish?

What an amazingly original post. At the very least mine was thought out and more than your typical trollish bash...and then calling me 14 must suck to not have a thought of your own and not be able to defend or attack the topic, only the poster with tired ass bumper sticker one liners.
What an amazingly original post. At the very least mine was thought out and more than your typical trollish bash...and then calling me 14 must suck to not have a thought of your own and not be able to defend or attack the topic, only the poster with tired ass bumper sticker one liners.

Better than the guy who is the 20th to write an open letter on these forums rather than having the balls to mail Madden himself. :shrug:
I was dead on wasn't I. 14ish?

Some people just live to Troll and have no thoughts of their own. Exactly how do you write a open complaint letter to someone and let them know how you feel and what you dont like and still come across to you as adult?

Did I spell words wrong? No.

Did I use proper punctuation? Yes.

Did I make it spammy even though it is in the spam zone? No.

Why do you keep coming back when you clearly dont like me or my post? To Troll- because that is what Trolls do.

Anyway I had my say, Ill go back to not coming to this place for another year or so...
Say what you will --and you obviously have-- but regardless of his personal faults, of which he may heave many, he is often times pretty spot on with his comments and opinions. Shifting to Mondays and banking on Hogan and/or Flair won't get them into WWE's orbit, nor will it provide sustainable income which is the most important thing: making TNA profitable here and now and for the foreseeable future. I don't think he's infallible though, as for example I don't see all that much in Lacey Von E, but hey that's me.
Simply put TNA probably isn't ready to be on Monday nights yet their are too many fragile egos within the company to say/do the sensible thing and ultimately this may just backfire and eat away at profits. Nothing crazy, or super negative about that... oh and the Ad Hominem attacks are rather transparent to boot.
Quit saying he's fourteen. He has nice grammar, and his post was structured correctly. Just because his opinions may not be that all intelligent, doesn't mean you should call him fourteen.
What an amazingly original post. At the very least mine was thought out and more than your typical trollish bash...and then calling me 14 must suck to not have a thought of your own and not be able to defend or attack the topic, only the poster with tired ass bumper sticker one liners.
Grammar fail, but I'll roll with it.

Yeah, the other day I saw a bumber sticker that said, "No, you haven't been watching wrestling since the '70s you stupid, stupid child." I was wondering who that was directed at.

Now for some giggles.

How about at least making it look like your trying to write something original.
Missing question mark.

Tna sucks.
I think you'll find that's "TNA," lad.

I agree. It certainly does suck.

Seriously, who finds you funny or even intelligent about the business.
Another missing question mark.

Is there something wrong with your keyboard?

[You were a nobody in the wrestling world, I hated you on WCW./QUOTE]
He might have been "in" WCW. I can't confirm this though.

Also, I think those two thoughts would be better served as individual sentences.

You were part of the downfall of WCW so stop patting yourself on the back like you did anything or even offered anything to wrestling fans.
Are you trying to say that if it weren't for M-Double, WCW might still be around today?

If so, you're talking shit.

Why, is it because your not involved?
Seperate sentences might be a good idea here as well.

You bash TNA for using older stars but what does it say about WZ when they use a flash in the pan, disgruntled, jealous nobody from over a decade ago that 99% of WCW fans or wrestling fans in general dont know and dont care about (with the exception of a few people in Pittsburgh)?
Shockingly, you managed to type out "don't" incorrectly. You did this twice. In the span of about four words.


Your editorials are lazy, thoughtless and have no depth.
I just wasted a good erection reading this garbage.

Its so easy to sit back

Anyhow, please think twice next time you get the inclination proclaim your letter to be written well for someone older than fourteen. I think you'll find you're setting yourself up for long fall.
The fact his name is yur_momma automatically throws off the fact he's not in his 30s. Then the outlandish attacking of people who would DARE criticise him.

Yeah I don't think he's in his 30s.

I have been watching since the 70's but I really dont remember much before I was like 6-7 so sometimes I just say 1980.

I got a reply from Madden. It was this:


Maybe Madden is 14 according some of the morons in this thread.

This is why I dont come here, its a bunch of arrogant kids who constantly pat themselves on the back for thinking they are smart and have no clue how to stay on topic. How much attantion span does it take to stay on topic? Tell me what you like about Madden. Or hate. Or anything but that would require thinking instead of a trollish bash on the poster...

Ah, good ol' WZ.
I have been watching since the 70's but I really dont remember much before I was like 6-7 so sometimes I just say 1980.

I got a reply from Madden. It was this:


Maybe Madden is 14 according some of the morons in this thread.

This is why I dont come here, its a bunch of arrogant kids who constantly pat themselves on the back for thinking they are smart and have no clue how to stay on topic. How much attantion span does it take to stay on topic? Tell me what you like about Madden. Or hate. Or anything but that would require thinking instead of a trollish bash on the poster...

Ah, good ol' WZ.
It's a Spam Zone.....nothing stays on topic.

If you don't come on here then why did you even have to post this thread? If you wanted this thread to stay on topic then why not make a Non-Spam thread about it? Also, why are we being criticized for being "kids" when your name is yur_momma?
Maybe Madden is 14 according some of the morons in this thread.

Have you ever considered that we might actually be calling you a 14 year old because you act just like one?

Quit whining dude and grow up, if you don't like Maddens editorials, don't read them, it's that damn simple!
Though the ZZZZZZZZZZzz reply sounds like Madden, he eats this shit up.

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