An Open Letter To CM Punk


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
The following is an open letter to CM Punk, and is there purely to create and divide opinion on these forums. I know the whole 'CM Punk left' thing has been done to death, but this is a different angle. I apologise in advance to the mods if this is in the wrong place:

Unlike a lot of other people, I'm not upset.

You had you're reasons and I appreciate that. I have been a wrestling fan for almost twenty four years now and I have seen them come and go, and you are up the list of wrestlers with whom I considered the best in the business. That is just my opinion.

The fact that you held the WWE Title for 434 days in this day and age is a true tesitment to how you were perceived with the WWE and you were obviously a main event player. Hell you still are. Despite what people say, I believe that a 'main event' includes the WWE Champion and whomever his challenger is, and not who goes on TV last. I have never lived by that fact. The main event of SummerSlam 92 was the Ultimate Warrior Vs Randy Savage, and not Bret Hart Vs The British Bulldog. That is my belief.

You're time in the WWE is summed up by most fans as the moment you were given an open mic to air you're issues with the company in 2011. While a lot of people followed you before that, that was the career defining moment in you're life I'm sure.

I guess the reason that I am writing this article to ask you for an explaination. An explaination for walking out. It could be as simple as saying you are hurt, and you need some time to heal, hell it could be that you are upset that you didn't go on last at Wrestlemania. Anything would do. You're fans want to know where one of their favourite personalities has gone. Putting aside all the IWC stuff, at my heart, I am still a kid watching wrestling. CM Punk may have been a Paul Heyman guy, but Scott Hammond was, and still is a CM Punk guy. You're the guy I chose as the guy who was the most like Steve Austin, during the last period that I actually truly cared about wrestling.

I will never know what you know, I will never see the politics and goings on in the back at WWE live events, so you hold the key to all that stuff. I just want any explaination you care to give as to why you walked out on me, and your fanbase.

We will still be there when you return. Because we are a loyal and sappy bunch at heart. I hope you find the time to tell people why you left, but if you don't, just know that we won't wait forever.
Amazed to see that people really think this is a work.

Cm Punk walked out on the company and the fans.

Cm punk is a sellout.

F'ck him.
Gotta love the troll bait presented here. Already snagged quite a few.

Seriously though, nobody here knows what the fuck is going on between CM Punk and WWE and too many are trying to convince others that they do. One thing WWE has done though is get people to talk, and with it Wrestlemania season, odds are if this isn't a work already WWE is going to make it out as a work.

No wrestling article should be trusted 100%. These are the tabloids of our time, so for you few that aren't going completely nuts about how CM Punk is a horrible person or is some kind of saint, thank you for having some sense.
Here is an attempt at a legitimate answer to the open-letter in this thread, based on my assessment of the WWE/CM Punk situation thus far.

It makes no sense from a business perspective for Punk to "reach out" to fans or provide a statement while he is out of the limelight. He does not owe fans anything. Breaking his silence on social media would not be smart, and CM Punk is totally aware of that.

The only time it would make sense is if his walk out eventually becomes a worked-shoot for a storyline. Or, if he finds another career path and is offered the right price to get on his soapbox one more time. This scenario is highly unlikely at best.

Personally, I don't miss him. I like him and respect his ability, but Daniel Bryan has more than taken his place on the card and the show has moved on. If Punk eventually comes back, wonderful. If he does not it creates an opportunity for someone else to step up. Besides, how big a hypocrite will he be if he comes back and "takes somebodies spot" in the future? Phil Brooks is between a rock and a hard place because more than a few guys are ready to be moved up the card.
Punk did what everyone wants to do but can't because they have kids, wives/gfs or simply no balls.

I kinda respect Punk for leaving and not explaining why. The negative is that I miss his presence in the show even if he hasn't been jack shit since WM 29.
You're the guy I chose
I'd like to think this is actually Low Ki making the thread.
Punk did what everyone wants to do but can't because they have kids, wives/gfs or simply no balls.

I kinda respect Punk for leaving and not explaining why. The negative is that I miss his presence in the show even if he hasn't been jack shit since WM 29.

What did you think of his SS match with Lesnar?
I give it a 6.5/10

If this was a troll attempt...then a solid 8/10.

Regardless...whether Punk comes back or not, we'll eventually hear his reasons behind leaving. Be it twitter, shoot interview, etc.

I tend to agree with Austin on his podcast...that this is a shoot that will turn into a work. Punk loves the business, McMahon loves making money...and Punk is too good to let sit on the sidelines in the prime of his career.

All we can do is sit back and let it unfold. I still have high hopes for Mania.
Dear CM Punk

Please tell your followers to give it a rest, since your dick must be pretty sore already.

Enjoy your vacation. Have a beer.
Unlike a lot of other people, I'm not upset.

You had you're reasons and I appreciate that. I have been a wrestling fan for almost twenty four years now and I have seen them come and go, and you are up the list of wrestlers with whom I considered the best in the business. That is just my opinion.

The fact that you held the WWE Title for 434 days in this day and age is a true tesitment to how you were perceived with the WWE and you were obviously a main event player. Hell you still are. Despite what people say, I believe that a 'main event' includes the WWE Champion and whomever his challenger is, and not who goes on TV last. I have never lived by that fact. The main event of SummerSlam 92 was the Ultimate Warrior Vs Randy Savage, and not Bret Hart Vs The British Bulldog. That is my belief.

You're time in the WWE is summed up by most fans as the moment you were given an open mic to air you're issues with the company in 2011. While a lot of people followed you before that, that was the career defining moment in you're life I'm sure.

I guess the reason that I am writing this article to ask you for an explaination. An explaination for walking out. It could be as simple as saying you are hurt, and you need some time to heal, hell it could be that you are upset that you didn't go on last at Wrestlemania. Anything would do. You're fans want to know where one of their favourite personalities has gone. Putting aside all the IWC stuff, at my heart, I am still a kid watching wrestling. CM Punk may have been a Paul Heyman guy, but Scott Hammond was, and still is a CM Punk guy. You're the guy I chose as the guy who was the most like Steve Austin, during the last period that I actually truly cared about wrestling.

I will never know what you know, I will never see the politics and goings on in the back at WWE live events, so you hold the key to all that stuff. I just want any explaination you care to give as to why you walked out on me, and your fanbase.

We will still be there when you return. Because we are a loyal and sappy bunch at heart. I hope you find the time to tell people why you left, but if you don't, just know that we won't wait forever.

An Open Letter From CM Punk, with special guest Colt Cabana


Dear Fans,

I have been reading your letters & I must say that some of them are quite funny.


I am sorry to hear that you are upset that I went home. The truth is that I had a strange day at work recently & management did not take the situation too seriously. Now as you all know the New Age Outlaws recently came back to work & while most of us were excited, things quickly got out of hand. You see Billy has had a crush on me & Colt for some time now. While I respect him as a wrestler, I obviously have a lovely girlfriend AJ who works with us & thus do not prefer the company of men. So I had to explain to Billy I would be his friend, but not in that way. The Road Dogg became concerned when Billy said someone hurt his feelings & asked him to point out the mean man who made him cry.


They then proceeded to yell at me in the ring on live television & Billy said after work he was going to show me why they call him Mr. Ass.


So naturally I approached management, but Kane just thought it was funny.


So after thinking about it, I decided soon after to leave. Now I know some of you have been upset with me & I understand. Truth be told I was going to come back but things with management have not been going well.

I wanted to come back soon, but then ran into a bit of trouble at home & things took a turn for the worse. You see when Colt here heard that I might face HHH at Wrestlemania he decided to get me a gift. A real nice gift he made himself- A straight edge sledgehammer. So naturally when I told him the match may not happen now he became sad.


He then went out drinking at a local comedy club & decided to get on stage to let off some steam about how his buddy CM Punk was being treated by The Authority.


Just when things could not get any worse for Colt, look who showed up & started heckling my friend. This man was obviously drunk himself & had no business being there.


So after a few heated words and thrown fists later Colt ended up in the hospital with a broken finger. Luckily he had a nice time recovering & even got a visit from John Cena.

Now that Colt is doing better, I have spent some time with my hot ass girlfriend AJ & passed the hours playing video games while I wait for Vince to fix this uneasy situation. Hopefully this will be sooner rather than later.

So please everyone be patient. I appreciate the comments & miss you all as well. In the meantime feel free to listen to The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana & keep up those great letters. As for all you fans who seem to be so angry with me for leaving I hope you understand. If not then I leave you with these parting words...



The Best in the World- CM Punk
Dear Punk,

You still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance. I ain't mad - I just think it's FUCKED UP you don't answer fans. If you didn't wanna talk to me outside the concert, you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew. That's my little brother man, he's only six years old, we waited in the blistering cold for you, four hours and you just said, "No.". That's pretty shitty man - you're like his fucking idol. He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do. I ain't that mad though, I just don't like being lied to. Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I'd write you, you would write back - see I'm just like you in a way. I never knew my father neither; he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her. I can relate to what you're saying in your songs, so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on cause I don't really got shit else, so that shit helps when I'm depressed. I even got a tattoo with your name across the chest. Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds. It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me. See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it. My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7. But she don't know you like I know you Punk, no one does. She don't know what it was like for people like us growing up. You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose.

Sincerely yours, Macho

P.S. We should be together too
If this letter is true, I feel sorry for you.

That has to be the most wacked thing I've read in a long time.

You need to understand that it will be just another storyline, even if he "wanted a break".

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