An idea for Ziggler's Singles Career


Dark Match Jobber
I thought I had an awesome idea for Ziggler in the night n I typed it down so that I Could create this thread next morning. But when I woke up I found that Randy Orton has been suspended so just take a look at it n comment,

I read somewhere on wrestlezone Ziggler said to Vickie that he wants to push his singles career n be successful like Orton.
What if he joins forces with Orton turning face in the process? Orton could mentor him just like he did to Cody n DiBiase jr. He could have Ziggler ringside in his matches, be at ringside in Ziggler's matches n they could team up occasionally in some matches.. Over the time Orton would choose Ziggler's opponents as 'Tests' ranking from lower card to the top stars.. After Ziggler has passed all these tests he would get a title shot in a triple threat with Orton involved. Orton would win n become the champion with Ziggler's help n Ziggler would get another title shot on next PPV this tym against his Mentor Randy Orton. He would fail to beat him there But finally become the champion by cleanly defeating Orton. This way Orton would keep the belt for almost 2 months which would definitely not devalue the title n Ziggler will finally become a permanent main-eventer by earning it.
(n remember Orton haters, Randy Orton has been putting over others for almost 8-9 months now)
So hows the idea? Is it good enough to be used??
Hasn't Dolph Ziggler already had a singles career for four years running? He was in a tag team for two minutes.

Your storyline treats Ziggler like some rookie. Coach Randy Orton teaching Ziggler how to wrestle singles matches? Picking low-card opponents to 'test' him? Ziggler's held multiple singles titles. He wrestled for the WWE title on a PPV this year. Dolph Ziggler is well established as a singles wrestler.

Not saying your storyline wouldn't work at all for Orton (well, not at the moment, but...) You could do this with some other pairing (Michael Magillicutty? Justin Gabriel?)
Ziggler is just about to get rid of dead weight, why would he add more? I'm pretty sure at this point Vicky and Swagger will turn on him, making him an anti hero style face. IMO it will go over well if they allow him to excel at the role. As for your idea? I'm not sure it logistically makes sense. And not sure if you know this but Randy will be M.I.A for 2 months further complicating things.
No knock against the WWE video games but this sounds like some weird WWE campaign story line they would put in WWE '13 or something. Don't change Ziggler from what he does best, which is be one of the best heels on the roster (which he hasn't been lately since they have been drowning him with this stupid tag team angle the past few months). Dolph Ziggler has the opportunity to be not only a main eventer but THE main eventer within the next year or so (no matter what you Ziggler haters think, he is one of the best athlete WWE has right now and is great on the mic) but WWE creative can't do that by smashing him down into rookie level by making him Orton's stooge when Ziggler's almost as good as Orton now. They just need to make a good, well-written break from the team, or heck, from Vickie and Swagger completely BUT KEEPING ZIGGLER HEEL (very important) to give him the spotlight he needs to shoot the rest of the way to the top as the great show-off that he is and to start stealing the show once again.
He should keep his Show off gimmick i hope, gives him more character in and out of the ring. Also there was somthing spreading about remaking Evolution? it wouldnt be as guud as the original but id love to see som1 like flair on zigglers corner and Jericho would be the HHH of the team experienced, and Ryback the powerhouse. Ziggler actually reminds me of when Orton first came in to the wwe always cocky but always backed it up in the ring.
Obviously, now that Orton is suspended the idea is no good but even if he wasn't I don't like it. Ziggler is better heel. He is a show off. Arrogant. This is where is best and turning face limits that. Plus, Ziggler is too good for this. He deserves a good solid initial feud that will catapult him into the main event and this isn't it. It sounds like he will be lingering around for a couple of months without going anywhere. It would be utterly pointless. It would be much better if he was to have a normal feud with Orton and that is it.

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