An Idea For Smackdown Next Week


I'm cool
Picture this:
Sometime during Smackdown next week Mark Henry faces Daniel Bryan for the title. Bryan wins but gets beat down by Henry after the match. Big Show runs out and pins Bryan. Big Show wins the title because their match this week didnt end, it was a no countout match so therefore the match was still going.

Can you see this happening?
That would be an interesting idea, but don't forget what Daniel Bryan said to Big Show on RAW. It was something along the lines of "I'm a fighting champion, I'll give you a title shot at any time you want.", if I recall correctly.

So, have Mark Henry beat him up, and in a case of cruel irony, have Big Show come out and demand that Bryan pony up on his promise, and bam.

I, personally, think that would be fun and interesting, but I'm not a WWE creative member :p
I really like your creativity but I don't think Show's character is supposed to be that cunning and coniving (sp?) right now. I almost see it as an opportunity for Bryan to beat Show by surprise. This would further Bryan's heel-like attitude and give him an opportunity to say that he beat Show and Show does not deserve to be a part of the World Title scene any longer.

BTW don't let the negative comments you get from the IWC beat you up too much for your ideas. I can hear it now, "Winner of the match at 168 hours 4 minutes and 23 seconds and still World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan!"

I like it and if doesn't work right in this scenario it may work in another.
Picture this:
Sometime during Smackdown next week Mark Henry faces Daniel Bryan for the title. Bryan wins but gets beat down by Henry after the match. Big Show runs out and pins Bryan. Big Show wins the title because their match this week didnt end, it was a no countout match so therefore the match was still going.

Can you see this happening?

I can actually see this happening, and I like the idea. However I don't think WWE wants Henry to loose clean, so I would tweak the idea a little bit. During the main event have Henry just start tearing Bryan apart and taunting, getting real cocky and building heat. Henry hits the world's strongest slam on Bryan, but then Show runs out with a ref (the same one that reffed the match tonight, hits Henry with the knockout punch, and covers Bryan for the 1,2,3.

The announcers need to sell the fact that they don't know whats going on, and Big Show needs to walk up the ramp with the belt smiling while Henry and Bryan look on confused, and end the show like that.

The following week Henry and Bryan come to the ring (not together) looking for answers. Big Show comes out and says the match was no count out, and never ended, therefor the match was still going when he pinned Bryan. After arguing for a while Teddy Long comes out and vacates the title until the Royal Rumble where a triple threat match will determine the new champ.

I love the base of that idea, but for some reason I feel like WWE is gonna make Big Show stay all sad for knocking down AJ. He needs to grow a pair and monster up. I really hope your idea happens.
It`s creative thinking which I like, but I think what will happen is that somehow Bryan will beat Henry and then Big Show will come out and demand to continue their match at the Royal Rumble. And if Big Show finds out Bryan set up his girlfriend to get injured, I think he will receive a knock out blow to end the show.
It`s creative thinking which I like, but I think what will happen is that somehow Bryan will beat Henry and then Big Show will come out and demand to continue their match at the Royal Rumble. And if Big Show finds out Bryan set up his girlfriend to get injured, I think he will receive a knock out blow to end the show.

On that note, AJ was apparently a great heel back in FCW, so I honestly wouldn't mind it being a double set up/heel turn from the both of them to ensure the match went to stoppage. The WWE could use a new heel power couple anyway.
That is one of the most creative ideas I've read on this forum including the 2 years I've been lurking. I would LOVE to see this happen because it is completly different and unique, I don't recall ever seeing anything like this on any Wrestling event of any promotion. It could be used to either Turn Big Show Heel (which rumours are it is planned to happen) or it could be used as just simple payback since Bryan did the same thing, beat the Champion when he is weakened and least expecting it.
i like your idea another idea which is pretty much the same as what you said MH beats DB down then show comes out and says he talked to teddy long and show says DB did say anytime and anywhere. well that would be perfect.

but WWE arnt smart enough to do that
Sounds like it could be a pretty good twist on this feud, it'd be cool if Show did that to turn heel then Chokeslammed AJ through a table.

Then cut to McMahon getting in a limousine, which immediately explodes.
This would not happen, Bryan only just won the title and if he is to drop the title I see it definitely being at a PPV, I think Elimination Chamber.
i think they're gunna go with the fact that big show is now emotionally depressed for hitting AJ. I mean the way he was fake crying had to entail to that and when Bryan keeps on telling Show that he did it on purpose show will keep on responding saying it was an accident and he's sorry until eventually he gets so mad that he snaps on Bryan leading to their match at the rumble.
This would not happen, Bryan only just won the title and if he is to drop the title I see it definitely being at a PPV, I think Elimination Chamber.

That makes sense. Yes, WWE is doing the unusual by giving us heavyweight title matches on free TV, but that's a far cry from allowing us to see major title changes. The way they're building the Bryan-Show-Henry triangle, It would be logical to presume it will actually end at a PPV. As it is, I don't think we're seeing A.J. become an addition to the triangle. I think she was just there to get hurt, to provide a vehicle toward whatever character changes are in store for Big Show.

As for Mark Henry; he still isn't anywhere near ready to wrestle, is he? These past weeks have shown him apparently ready and willing to climb into the ring, but I don't think he's physically able to perform yet.

Cheers to WWE for this angle. I really didn't think a Bryan-Show program would be remotely interesting......but it is.
this is quite simply the best idea iv'e ever heard on this site
I could see this happening but the only problem would be, that i dont think wwe wants show to be like that kinda of guy (if you get what i mean)
But i love the idea
Its supposed to be a triple threat at the rumble so they should just go ahead and do this, let big show get a short run before they make their decision on the title holder at rumble, which will likely be Henry if he's healthy by then and if not, DB until the figure out who he puts over. They've done a good job with this whole angle and remember it wasn't even supposed to happen but it did since Henry got hurt.
Stupid idea to me. I guess everybody forgot that the match was stopped so how can it continue? Next thing you know, people will be advocating to bring back the 24/7 rule.
Stupid idea to me. I guess everybody forgot that the match was stopped so how can it continue? Next thing you know, people will be advocating to bring back the 24/7 rule.

It's no more stupid than the concept of filling arenas by simulating sport with predetermined action for prop titles.

If they are looking to set up a triple threat at the Rumble:

1. I hope that doesn't mean Show and Henry sit out the actual Royal Rumble. The big men always make for interesting action in a battle royal.

2. They could have Show bring his ref down to the ring as Henry is pinning Bryan and have a siimultaneous pinfalls thus forcing Teddy to possibly vacate the title or let Bryan keep it but ultimately give reason to set up the Triple Threat.

In the end this is fake wrestling and basically anything goes. As long as it is done well (I think AJ's bump was done well), then there are no stupid ideas, just smarks.
No. One thing you're forgetting here, which is important, is that Bryan had MITB. Big Show does not, therefore he's not guaranteed a title match whenever he chooses. With regards to the Bryan/Show contest, when a match is ruled a no-contest, the match is over. Big Show doesn't get an automatic rematch whenever, however he wants. Regardless of what Bryan said, Big Show can't just "cash in" anytime he wants.

Many champions have said what Bryan said before, and will do so again. But if this were to happen, it would negate the role of the GM, and undermine the value of MITB as well. Big Show is obviously in line for another rematch, but not at the time, place, or circumstances of his choice.

Points for originality, but this idea simply wouldn't work for reasons listed above.
Not a bad idea at all by any means and I think that even though the match was stopped, if WWE wanted to do it they would do it. The thing that hinders it, as GSB has already said, is that Big Show isn't exactly portrayed as a genius. Even now I cannot imagine Big Show thinking it through. He gets his way by using his muscles, not his brain cells. Maybe if it was someone like Punk or Barrett, there would have been a great chance of this taking place.

Cool idea, nonetheless.
Wow....people are really supporting this? I like the "think outside the box" creativity of the idea but not if it means burning the box to ashes in the process.

Bryan did say "anytime, anywhere", but to take something that's universally recognized as a figure of speech as a means of creating and justifying a title change undermines any degree of order wrestling matches. As a few people have pointed out it'd be like cashing in MITB without having won the MITB contract.

Non-finishes have been a staple of wrestling television forever. They're sometimes used as a means of keeping a feud going, as they've done with Bryan & Big Show, of delivering high quality matches for free on television without hurting the stock of any of the guys involved and as a catalyst for setting up a pay off at a ppv event. As long as you don't go overboard with non-finishes, they're a very useful tool in pro wrestling despite all the pissing and moaning various dirtsheet & web site journalists do.

This sort of idea sounds like something being done just for the sake of shock value and hotshot booking more than anything else. Matches can get "stopped" and do get "stopped" in wrestling sometimes due to storylines. Claiming that a match never actually ended 1 week after a show goes off the air just doesn't make any logical sense. That's like saying a television show never actually ended because it was cancelled before or without it getting a series finale episode.
Its a creative idea. But I think taking the title off Daniel Bryan this quickly would hurt his heel turn.

Like a couple of others said.. I would love to see Daniel Bryan and AJ set up and screw over the Big Show. Screwing over the loveable fan friendly a great way to draw heat.

This is going to be the third week in a row that the World Title will be defended on Smackdown. When was the last time that happened? I guess with Orton and Christian missing, they have to do something to peak peoples interest.
I heard AJ was a great heel in FCW, so I wouldn't be upset if she came back as a heel. Kind of the Lita to Bryan's Edge without the whole love affair involved.

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