An idea for Adam rose


Sir Darth Maul
I think if wwe want to save this guy here's how to do it.
Turn him face.
Have him be face for a while then something changes he loses a few matches goes on a losing run.
Then something snaps in him and he goes after everyone.
Have him constantly argue with himself with a split personality not comedic more creepy and scary
And slowly after a good build he can 100% transform into his alter ego
The begining part of that has already happened.

Don't think there's any saving for him. He's doomed to be another Santino Marella.

Must say I was super excited for the Heel Turn and was hoping he'd stay along side the Kidd and Cesaro team. But oh well. How many times can WWE repackage this guy?
Gimmick wise, he's yet to find something that gets him "over" with the crowd. But the one recommendation I have for Adam Rose is to use the spinebuster as his finishing move. That's the best one I've seen since the days of Arn Anderson. Gotta start somewhere...
The begining part of that has already happened.

Don't think there's any saving for him. He's doomed to be another Santino Marella.

Must say I was super excited for the Heel Turn and was hoping he'd stay along side the Kidd and Cesaro team. But oh well. How many times can WWE repackage this guy?

Is that really a bad thing? Santino Marella got more air time than half the WWE roster during his tenure.

Not for nothing, but it's job security. In this business, it's really not a bad thing.
I think WWE would have gone with Rose back when he was turning on the Bunny if they were going to go with him all. That was the perfect opportunity to have start to gain an edge and could have led to him becoming a good cult leader. I said it at the time but I would have drawn inspiration from guys like Jim Jones and had the Rosebuds start to turn from a happy go lucky following in to a more sinister outfit. Have them all get a bit more sadistic and jump the Bunny and other Rose opponents and basically have them become a brainwashed cult.

Only problem with that I guess is being a cult leader is Bray Wyatt's schtick, though obviously he's the worst cult leader in the world at present.
Ray Leppan is cooked. It is time to cut bait with him. The problem is that the Adam Rose character, while good, works in smaller settings. Maybe he is great at the House shows. He definitely does not translate to RAW or SmackDown. Basically, he needs to be in an outfit like PWS or Lucha Underground. They will utilize him better in those places. His fellow Boer, Mr. Lloyd aka Justin Gabriel, had the right idea.
Leo Kruger was pretty sweet. I'm disappointed with the way his career has gone,and the way he was booked right off the bat. He was given a goofy gimmick with even goofier catchphrases (although I'm not sure WWE is to blame for that...) and wasn't really given a chance to get over as himself. I doubt he would have ever been "great" but he definitely would have made more of an impact as Kruger.

I don't think there's going to be much saving of Adam Rose at this point. Hopefully, he gets at least 1 chance to really show off his skills.
Ray Leppan is cooked. It is time to cut bait with him.

Congradulations, you can use Google. This post is about the character ADAM ROSE. No one cares that you know his real name. You don't look clever, or like an industry insider.

ADAM ROSE has plenty of potential. He's already an arrogant heel, and has been since the fans made it clear they didn't care about him as a face. I can see him floundering for another year or so, before eventually 'sapping' and breaking out into the mid-card title scene. He can go in the ring, he's charasmatic and he clearly doesn't mind looking stupid to pay his dues.

Give him time, he'll come into his own.
I think if wwe want to save this guy here's how to do it.
Turn him face.
Have him be face for a while then something changes he loses a few matches goes on a losing run.
Then something snaps in him and he goes after everyone.
Have him constantly argue with himself with a split personality not comedic more creepy and scary
And slowly after a good build he can 100% transform into his alter ego

I am not sure this is the way to do it but Leo Kruger would've been GOLD!!


I think that he would be a great person to make join the Wyatt Family Cult - Bray could kidnap him & in the end he turns into the sadistic creep you see above! #GiveMeKruger
Congradulations, you can use Google. This post is about the character ADAM ROSE. No one cares that you know his real name. You don't look clever, or like an industry insider.

ADAM ROSE has plenty of potential. He's already an arrogant heel, and has been since the fans made it clear they didn't care about him as a face. I can see him floundering for another year or so, before eventually 'sapping' and breaking out into the mid-card title scene. He can go in the ring, he's charasmatic and he clearly doesn't mind looking stupid to pay his dues.

Give him time, he'll come into his own.
They used Leo Kruger in NXT, they developed it for FOUR YEARS. It never clicked in NXT. So, HE created Adam Rose. Worked in NXT, bombed badly on the Main Roster. Sadly, there are people coming down the pipeline: Owens, Balor, Breeze. Those people will give even less opportunity for Rose. Furthermore, he is on the wrong side of 35 (He'll be 36 in July). How long do you think they will wait for him to develop or get over? Let's face it: Rose (since once he gets "Future Endeavored" he may NOT be able to use the Rose character) is better off in the Indies. That character is made for wrestling fans, not the casuals and kids that flood RAW shows.

Go one further: If they would have done ANYTHING with Rose, they would have done it after the documentary that ESPN showed. Sure, they are replaying it, and his story is very touching (Son being fed through a G-Tube, which NO child should have to go through.). However, they are making NO movement for him. Hell, whoever watched it would WANT to cheer for him. Hell, I love what he does in the ring. But, I am also a realist. How long do you expect the WWE to keep throwing money and time at someone that has been getting developed for 7 years? How many more ideas are you going to throw at him? Eventually, there HAS to be a payoff. Cutting bait may be the only option left. Let him go to GFW. Jarrett at least would have a clue.
An idea for Adam Rose would be a time machine back to 2010 when Get Him to the Greek was relevant. I hate to be cynical guys, but the way they played the character was a poor imitation at best of a film character that hadn't been relevant for years. What's up with the lollipops and the way he runs about the ring with his arms stuck down? I don't Brand moving about like that.

WWE should send some feelers to Russell Brand and bring him in to manage Rose, I heard he just retired from "politics." There's an idea, have Rose become a political advocate and follow the footsteps of the real life person he's based on. There's an election next year in the USA. Honestly though, that would all be garbage.

The whole fighting with his Rose Bud's thing, or his Bunny (who's still listed as an official roster member on was so uninteresting. Why didn't they get along? Why didn't they just cheat to help their boss win, that would have been interesting at least.

The dude's about to hit 36, not a great age to be struggling to get a character over. I don't think becoming Leo Kruger is the answer, the casual fans are going to say "who?" If he was to get a character overhaul; keep the gimmick, the music, the random Rose Buds, but have them come together as a unit. Have Rose stop moving around so effeminately, lose the lollys, start kicking a little ass, or at least have the Buds help him win for a change.

Start it off with the Bunny coming back for a tag team match, they win, celebrate. Afterwards, Rose turns on the Bunny and unmasks him as whoever (Slater? Ryder? Doesn't matter). Then Rose continues with the slightly altered character and enjoys being a lower card heel. If he adds a manlier badass edge, he might even get over to the point where a face turn could be considered.

They don't have to reinvent the wheel with this guy, just remove the stupid crap and have some consistency when it comes to his followers.
Then something snaps in him and he goes after everyone.

The problem here is that the guy looks so harmless. Every time I see him, I'm reminded of Mick Jagger prancing around the stage at a Rolling Stones concert. Not a frightening image; bizarre, but non-threatening.

There would have to be a complete re-make of Adam Rose's character....and I just don't know if the guy is worth taking the trouble. After all, they gave him a unique gimmick (unique to pro wrestling, anyway) and once we saw it a few times, there wasn't much left for him to do.

Okay, we'll criticize WWE Creative for coming up with the bunny stuff, yet the gimmick seemed to fit the Adam Rose character and I honestly don't know what would have been much better. The entourage....and the bunny....were inherently meant for a short shelf life.

The OP suggests making him a fan favorite who goes on a losing streak and snaps. I suppose it might be worth a try to re-invent the Rose character and that's as good a way as any. Of course, he's already been a face, although in a dark form.....and even the matches he won left me cold.

I don't see much of a future for the poor guy.
On another thread I just commented on the reunion team of Rowan and Harper needing a mouthpiece. Going out of the box, maybe it could be Rose. I'm with Sally in that he just doesn't have that look as an intimidating wrestler. But he can talk and has some charisma. That translates into manager. Maybe his place in WWE isn't as an in ring wrestler but rather the heel manager who can speak for a team and even do the occasional run in.

I think the best way to do it is to have him come out to the ring one day in his jacket telling the world about his self. Saying that Rosa is his new girl (kayfabe.) He said and it's time he stopped living a lie. He say's I am not Adam Rose....My name is Leo Kruger.

He would then take off the jacket revealing he has his Leo Kruger gear on. He say's and it's time to stop dancing and time to be ruthless.

I would have him go vanish from TV shortly afterward and then return out of the blue 3 months later. No video packages or nothing. Someone calls an open challenge and he comes right out to accept. He beats the person ruthlessly and the match never get's started. The person is stretchered out and he continues to take people out in that manner for a while.

Then you can have a upper-mid card face like Ziggler stand up to him and fall short in the feud and is stretchered out. He can then have a feud over the Intercontinental Championship or US Title with a face like Neville or Cena beating them and they get stretchered out.

I would have him dominate the RR before being eliminated by Randy Orton. The next night following Orton's match the lights go off and on the titantron we see a message saying "Warning" in red letters blinking with a warning sound (maybe the type of sound the play for tornado warning alerts on the news.) Before it say's "You've been warned."

The light's come on and Kruger decks him with a huge clothesline and hits a finisher before using Orton's punt kick on him taking him out.

This would set up a Mania feud over the IC/US title. Kruger goes over and then moves on to feud with a newly turned babyface Wyatt (who just beat Triple H at Mania) winning the first time,before losing the title at Payback and losing the rematch at EC.

Kruger would go on to win MITB and BOOM you have created a star.

This is HIGHLY unlikely but would definitely work. Also for it to work he would need to put on the same weight he had as Kruger in NXT.

Besides anything is better than playing the role of a drunk off their ass Willy Wonka reject in a domestic violence relationship with a bunny.
I agree with the last post his promos as Kruger were creepy and unique a mouthpiece for a dark team like that could be the way to go or tweak the ascensions gimmick to be a dark more sadistic team and add rose as the mouthpiece only as Kruger
Personally I would find the middle ground between the two characters. Drag Adam Rose from being this party boy fun loving guy to a jaded ex-star who lost it all and did too much to himself. However make him sadistic in his misery, have him want to hurt people the way he hurt himself, have him cut intimate promos in the backstage area like this one. A bitter, washed up pop star is the perfect progression for him, and adding a bit of the sadistic and creepy Kruger would flesh the character out.

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