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An idea. *All candidates, please read.*


King Of The Ring
In the end, the winner that comes out of our party is going to be faced with a discussion and debate, not only having to field questions from KB, but also to debate your positions and as to why you're the best person for the job amongst your opponents.

So here's what I suggest. I want each of you to use this time to refine your mission statements. For those who haven't posted one, what the hell are you waiting for? As a Moderator on this site, there are some of you running that I know nothing about. That shouldn't be. I want to hear from each and every one of you that is still wanting about your unique ideas and visions for how you'll make this forum a better place. So I'm willing to help, and I propose this:

Work up your BEST statement for your plans as to why anyone should vote for you as a Mod. If you've already worked up what you feel is a well-polished argument, post it here. I'd be happy and honored to break it down for you here, going back and forth with each of you in a "debate style" format to assist you at prepping for future rounds. We have three days to do this, so for those interested, please submit them sooner then later. I truly believe this will benefit anyone who chooses to take advantage of the opportunity, but I understand that life gets in the way. My goal is just to make sure the best, most well-prepared candidate comes out of this thing. So if you're interested in having me respectfully critique your mission statement, post it here, and I gladly will.

PM me if you have any questions, please leave this thread for what's been specified already. Thanks!

I'll pop in every now and then to help play devil's advocate. I'm gonna be honest, not everything I say or try to debate is gonna be "intelligent" or even make sense, but you guys gotta be ready for anything.
Hello everyone. As you all know I am running to become the new moderator via this election, aiming at the Non-Spam Wrestling Section. There have been grumblings and there have been doubts, but I want everyone to know and understand that the best chance of winning lies with me and I will explain why. Before I get to that I want to reiterate the reasons I am the best choice for this position and thus, worthy of your support and vote. Whether you believe it or not right now, just hear me out.

First and foremost, against any disbelief I DO know the rule book well. There have been folks that have noted infractions I received recently as proof that I do not, but those situations were both isolated and if anything reinforced my understanding of the rules to a greater extent. Situations that I had thought fell within the rules simply did not, I was wrong for them, and received the accurate punishment for them. Now I know better and there can be little if any doubt that I know the rules and would therein be well equipped to enforce them. Which is better? Someone whose never pushed the status quo to it's brink and beyond, or someone who has tested all the waters and found out how deep they truly are? Do you ask a man who has never had a sip of alcohol how to get sober, or do you ask the man who has been there at the bottom of the bottle and had to face themselves and find a way to put it down? I think you know the answer to that.

I know what it takes to do the job and possess all the skills to do it. I have the work ethic, I have the right attitude for the job, I have the experience in the internet world of forums, and I have the desire to make things happen. I want to be a hands on moderator, working with the members and staff to improve the experience of every member here on WZ by helping to keep sections lean, mean, and clean as well as add to them in every way possible. Some people seem to think that this is just a popularity contest, and don't seem to be looking forward to the actual task that will come should they win.

I am aware that this has to do with popularity to some extent, but I want you to think hard about who is actually going to do the best job and take it seriously when the time comes. You think it's going to be Coco who acts like it's his birthright or something to wield power over you? Who has treated this election and all the people in it like a joke and never taken it seriously? You think it will be Crock, who simply isn't equipped despite his hopes to do the job? You think any other member of the ABC party is going to work as hard for you, stride towards excellence, and give the job the respect it deserves like I will? Think again.

I have been waiting and waiting for this opportunity from afar, reading the forums and watching. I decided to start talking because I knew I could bring something you'd want to hear, and from day one you've shown me that to be true with green rep after green rep, post after post that I have made all across the forum. I am a top quality poster and tenure, post count, and rep numbers don't make anyone better than me in any way, nor does false bravado and casting doubts as to my ability to win this thing outright. All I need is your support, your vote, and when I take the position of moderator, you will not just know that I am the best choice, but from that day forth you will see that I am the best choice.

There have been doubts about whether or not I can actually win, but just take a look around. The ABC party has the numbers to make it happen which means that all you have to do is stand behind me, give me your support, and let me do the rest. We need someone who can take it to Crock and Coco in debate, who can challenge them and their ideals, who is bold enough to challenge them head on, and who can do it with style, flare, and keen wits about them. I am that man. With all due respect to the other candidates, Coco knows all of them and knows how to get the best of them. He doesn't know me, and does not have the ability to get the best of me. I'm the guy he won't be able to really see coming, that he will underestimate, and that will blindside him, if only you believe in me and give me your support. Crock, will not be able to stand against me either. While he has his ideas and motivations, he doesn't actually have a clear enough goal or a solid enough platform. Neither he or Coco will be able to best me in debate either. When Coco resorts to his cynical "I'm just better because I say so and have lap dogs" routine, I will leave him without a stump to stand on and people will see through his charade. Crock will simply not have the firepower either to bring a solid argument against me, and doesn't have any real ammunition to do so. Again, Believe in me and I will not let you down.

Unlike many others I simply want the opportunity to do right by all of you in serving as your moderator. I want to make myself a friend of the people, not just their authority figure. I want to be a helping hand to the staff and the members of the forum that truly make it great. I am willing to take on the smallest to the biggest task, and take on everyone head on with an open ear, and open mind, and an unbiased attitude to seek out fair treatment for one and all. Do the right thing here, don't just back one of the other guys because you know them better, or because you think they can win. Back me, the underdog, and show what you are really capable of, show the naysayers that you have the power to put in place anyone you want regardless of rep, or status, or the doubts of others and show that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.
I am interested in two different platforms, so I will submit my ideas for each of them, followed by additional things I would do regardless of which of the two I decide to go for in the end.

Yes it already has a team of 3 in place already. It has had a team of 4 at least once before though. At one point Dave, Doc, Ferbian, and a fourth mod (I forget who it was), ran it together. Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick are a great team. It would be an honor to join them.

I post in there daily as it is. With my large amount of availability, I would easily be able to assist with both discussion generation (which I already do) and section maintenance. Wrestlemania season is coming and with that section already getting by far the most traffic, that traffic skyrockets around Wrestlemania. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands to keep it clean as well as guide the discussions that I help generate. I like to discuss how to better promote the WWE product and ways to make wrestlers more marketable. I enjoy applying topics from my college courses here. I have two Business Administration degrees so I often post in WWE from a business and Marketing perspective.

What new things could I bring to the table as the next WWE mod? One thing I would like to begin doing more often is reviews of shows. Raw, Smackdown, PPV events, all could get recaps by yours truly. I make my opinion known about virtually everything else WWE does and I have done recaps before, I am interested in making that a more permanent part of my posting. As someone who enjoys sparking discussion and sharing my own opinions it is a good route for me to take.

Another idea I have that I am very excited about is to run a championship analysis thread series that remains ongoing. I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion. A big part of it would be title reign length as well as combined reign length comparisons if the current champion has held the belt before. I tried to start this series over in TNA last year but it was more about individual reigns whereas these would be a permanent analysis where discussion on any reign is welcome. If I were running the WWE section then this would be my first project over there. The threads for each title would see weekly bumps to keep discussion going on if things start to die down.

My sig currently links to the Video Games section. I would change it to link to something in the WWE section if I were running it. Perhaps one of my championship analysis threads.

Video Games
I made it clear a long time ago that I wanted to make sure this section stays alive until it receives a mod. I have kept it active on more than one occassion and would like to be the next person to run it. My sig currently links to the gaming forum and it has for quite a while now. That will not be changing.

I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to video games, especially Nintendo. Consoles I have played include but are not limited to: NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox, DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. I have also made my own video games before. Granted some people disliked my biggest project, Division Blade, but the fact of the matter is that regardless of their opinions on my product, I still created a fully playable video game. I am one of the few who can offer insight from not only a gamer's perspective, but also from a developer's point of view as well.

What can I bring to the table in the Video Games forum as a mod that I don't already do? I would like to do more nostalgic walkthroughs. My passion for oldschool gaming isn't exactly a big secret around here. I ran a walkthrough thread for Final Fantasy 4 back in 2009. Why stop there when I can do more legendary titles? I get to relive my favorite games by replaying them for these walkthroughs. You guys get to learn more about said games. The section receives more hits. Everyone wins.

Another idea that I feel would be an important job for me as gaming mod would be to keep everyone updated on upcoming releases and various news stories about video games or technology. We do threads about news/ rumors etc in the wrestling world all the time. I plan on bringing this to the video games section if I will be running it. Finally,my Video Game music topic will continue seeing weekly bumps.

I have stated before that this section needs a mod too. I would like to run it simultaneously with Video Games. If Sly and KB only let me do one the Video Games is the higher priority but let's run a "what if" scenario stating that I did get to be the mod for both sections. What can I bring to the table in this section with it already being my #2 priority behind Video Games if I run two sections?

Mitch already drives a lot of the discussion in there. So the section does receive some traffic. It needs someone to do its maintaining though. I would be available to maintain the section while coming up with some ideas for threads of my own.

Just like with Video Games or WWE, I have a lengthy thread topic project in mind. I plan on doing a thread in January that will last the entire year. 2012 In Film. I am fascinated by seeing how financially successul movies become, and have been ever since Avatar broke the record for highest grossing film of all time. This sticky thread would see bumps every now and then, to update on how the list for the most successful films is looking. It would be a year long topic and by the time 2013 rolls around, the topic could stay open for further analysis while a new thread for the new year would also start.

Other Plans
Last but certainly not least.... We have my reasons for why I would be a great addition to the staff, regardless of if I become a WWE or Non-Wrestling section Mod. These promises will hold true for both platforms.

I am a nice guy. Anyone who reads my posts in The Potluck, The original Cigar Lounge, or even when I have offered advice in the spam friendly zone, knows this to be true. What better way to further distance ourselves from the "mods are nazis" stereotype than to bring in one of the forum's kindest posters?

Coco is going to win his party's nomination. It is pretty much guaranteed at this point. He is a troll who is in this for all the wrong reasons and we need to offer the alternative to Coco with our party's candidate. La Resistance will probably pick The Crock. Same problems as with Coco only he non-spam posts far more frequently. What we need is to promote a kind and caring individual who has a level of friendliness to other posters that rivals his passion for his section. I'm a nice guy plus I am a WWE mark and a gaming fanboy at the same time. My passion and my kindness make me the ideal candidate to put up against Coco or The Crock.

I want to help newcomers and regulars alike in feeling comfortable here at our forum. They need someone they can always count on for help. That someone can be me. I also know a lot about how the forum works. I will make it a priority to always check the "ask a staff member" thread so that I can answer questions when needed. Also anyone who spams too much or those who request it, can be taught my non-spam formula. There are too many mods who flame or put people down. I am not an elitist seeking power or a troll. I am just a nice guy who loves to post and wants to improve the forum by making the experience here more enjoyable for everyone.

I plan to reward people who post in my sections by repping them for it too. Post in my sections a lot if I become mod and you could start seeing green rep from me more often.

In conclusion I will state my most important promise of all. Everyone knows how often I post. Whether it be starting a new thread, responding to other posters' threads, or debating. I enjoy posting and am more active than arguably any other member of the forum except the staff themselves. However....

If I become a mod then I give you all my word that my section would take priority over my posting.

For example, if I am mod for Video Games and Movies then you'd start to see me less often in WWE or TNA. Likewise, if I become WWE mod you will see less of me in the Non-Wrestling sections. That is the sacrifice I would make. I post everywhere now, but that probably will no longer be the case if I become mod. My section will always come first. Period. On my days off from work when I have time to spare is probably when I'd stop by the other sections. I will make time every single day to check in on my section.

So there you have it. This what I can bring to the table and why I think I should be the next moderator at our forum.

With your support, we can help Dagger Dias evolve into Dagger Dias.
WWE - You just mentioned that a good team is already in place, but Mania season is coming and you can help with clean up. So why would you be needed after Mania? Would you just be a seasonal mod? Tell me why your needed there. I think 3 mods is more than enough. You say you'll do reviews of PPV's and shows, but why would I come to the forums when I can read reviews on the main page? Why is your review different? What makes it stand out?

I would plan to take a different approach than the traditional star ratings. The show would begin with a neutral rating. I throw in my thoughts on what I approve or disapprove of, using sarcasm and my sense of humor. In the end I give a verdict on how I felt about it. That's the format I am currently looking into doing, but I am still working on where I'd like to go with it to where people will want to read it each week.

You also mentioned making a sticky thread for each current champion. Personally I have a problem with that. I think threads like that suck. Not saying you do a bad job, I'm saying that it will probably end up having a bunch of threads merged into it and become sloppy like the Official John Cena thread. Every time I want to post something about Cena I stop myself because I know it will be merged into that thread. Will the same thing happen if I post about Punk? or Rhodes?

I generally hate the "keep it all in here" concept too. If Punk is WWE Champion then I'm not going to merge all the threads about him in with the WWE Championship thread. It would be mainly about the title itself and all of the reigns. I believe only topics that come up all the time need to be merged, for example any discussion on the cryptic video needs to all be in the same place, but on another note it's ok to have multiple Randy Orton threads provided they ask different questions.

Video Games - Why should I care? Seriously, why? What will you do to bring awareness to the topic? I love video games, I play at least 3-5 hours a day, and I've never even thought about going into that forum. What can you do to make me care about that forum? Will you only focus on old school games or do you also play newer games? Also, when posting about new releases, how in depth will you get? Will you link to rumor sites? Will you search for news and post it asap? Will you only do this for "hot titles" or will you also post about games people may not know about?

You play video games, you just said so. Therefore you should care about the Video Games forum. You go to WWE or TNA threads to discuss wrestling right, so why not do the same in the Video Games to debate with other gamers? I do specialize in oldschool games but I play newer titles too. There will be discussion concerning both. I plan to bring in articles from sites similar to Wrestlezone only they are for gamers rather than wrestling fans. I got together with a gaming rival of mine. He is the Seifer to my Squall in many ways (Final Fantasy fans will get what that means). He and I compiled a list of sites I will be researching at. These threads will be starting in the very near future. New releases, rumors, and nostalgia bits will all be a part of it.

Movies - Why should you be able to run two forums? You haven't even had experience running one, why should I believe you can maintain two? What will you do to make bring in more people? I don't think they'll vote you in just to do some maintenance in the section.

SSC won the only other moderator contest we have had. He got to pick two sections. I will choose Movies and Video Games if I get the same opportunity. To bring in more people I plan to work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I am going to place emphasis on how films do financially by running a thread all year long that analyzes the highest grossing films, and will come up with similar topics.

Other Plans - I agree with a lot of what you said in this section, but you said your a "nice guy", last time I checked they seem to finish last. Will you be able to win debates against people? Are you going to be willing to ban people if necessary? How do I know you wont let people walk all over you? Also I really think at this stage you should pick which forum you want to mod for and run with it.

I love to debate on here and have won several. They don't call me The Relentless Debater for nothing. I do claim to be a nice guy but the rules will still be enforced, just in a polite way. Much like at my retail job where I often must yell at teenagers who sit on furniture displays or run down the aisles, I take the "I don't make the rules, I am just here to enforce them and help you learn how to follow them" approach. As a mod I plan to follow a similar approach. If I end up having to infract someone it's their own fault for not heeding my warning or ignoring me when I reached out to try to help them. I never let people walk all over me. Those who try will find that out the hard way.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask more. ;)
Hello everyone. As you all know I am running to become the new moderator via this election, aiming at the Non-Spam Wrestling Section. There have been grumblings and there have been doubts, but I want everyone to know and understand that the best chance of winning lies with me and I will explain why. Before I get to that I want to reiterate the reasons I am the best choice for this position and thus, worthy of your support and vote. Whether you believe it or not right now, just hear me out.

First and foremost, against any disbelief I DO know the rule book well. There have been folks that have noted infractions I received recently as proof that I do not, but those situations were both isolated and if anything reinforced my understanding of the rules to a greater extent. Situations that I had thought fell within the rules simply did not, I was wrong for them, and received the accurate punishment for them. Now I know better and there can be little if any doubt that I know the rules and would therein be well equipped to enforce them. Which is better? Someone whose never pushed the status quo to it's brink and beyond, or someone who has tested all the waters and found out how deep they truly are? Do you ask a man who has never had a sip of alcohol how to get sober, or do you ask the man who has been there at the bottom of the bottle and had to face themselves and find a way to put it down? I think you know the answer to that.

I know what it takes to do the job and possess all the skills to do it. I have the work ethic, I have the right attitude for the job, I have the experience in the internet world of forums, and I have the desire to make things happen. I want to be a hands on moderator, working with the members and staff to improve the experience of every member here on WZ by helping to keep sections lean, mean, and clean as well as add to them in every way possible. Some people seem to think that this is just a popularity contest, and don't seem to be looking forward to the actual task that will come should they win.

I am aware that this has to do with popularity to some extent, but I want you to think hard about who is actually going to do the best job and take it seriously when the time comes. You think it's going to be Coco who acts like it's his birthright or something to wield power over you? Who has treated this election and all the people in it like a joke and never taken it seriously? You think it will be Crock, who simply isn't equipped despite his hopes to do the job? You think any other member of the ABC party is going to work as hard for you, stride towards excellence, and give the job the respect it deserves like I will? Think again.

I have been waiting and waiting for this opportunity from afar, reading the forums and watching. I decided to start talking because I knew I could bring something you'd want to hear, and from day one you've shown me that to be true with green rep after green rep, post after post that I have made all across the forum. I am a top quality poster and tenure, post count, and rep numbers don't make anyone better than me in any way, nor does false bravado and casting doubts as to my ability to win this thing outright. All I need is your support, your vote, and when I take the position of moderator, you will not just know that I am the best choice, but from that day forth you will see that I am the best choice.

There have been doubts about whether or not I can actually win, but just take a look around. The ABC party has the numbers to make it happen which means that all you have to do is stand behind me, give me your support, and let me do the rest. We need someone who can take it to Crock and Coco in debate, who can challenge them and their ideals, who is bold enough to challenge them head on, and who can do it with style, flare, and keen wits about them. I am that man. With all due respect to the other candidates, Coco knows all of them and knows how to get the best of them. He doesn't know me, and does not have the ability to get the best of me. I'm the guy he won't be able to really see coming, that he will underestimate, and that will blindside him, if only you believe in me and give me your support. Crock, will not be able to stand against me either. While he has his ideas and motivations, he doesn't actually have a clear enough goal or a solid enough platform. Neither he or Coco will be able to best me in debate either. When Coco resorts to his cynical "I'm just better because I say so and have lap dogs" routine, I will leave him without a stump to stand on and people will see through his charade. Crock will simply not have the firepower either to bring a solid argument against me, and doesn't have any real ammunition to do so. Again, Believe in me and I will not let you down.

Unlike many others I simply want the opportunity to do right by all of you in serving as your moderator. I want to make myself a friend of the people, not just their authority figure. I want to be a helping hand to the staff and the members of the forum that truly make it great. I am willing to take on the smallest to the biggest task, and take on everyone head on with an open ear, and open mind, and an unbiased attitude to seek out fair treatment for one and all. Do the right thing here, don't just back one of the other guys because you know them better, or because you think they can win. Back me, the underdog, and show what you are really capable of, show the naysayers that you have the power to put in place anyone you want regardless of rep, or status, or the doubts of others and show that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

Your main arguments here are that you know the rules and you want to help the forums. You say as long as we put our support with you, you can win. I still haven't seen a reason why we should vote for you. You haven't said what you'll do to make things better, you haven't really listed a mission statement. In all honesty, you don't seem qualified. You have a very minimal post count, hell it's lower than mine and i'm pretty inactive here.

You keep mentioning that you can win a debate, well change my mind. What makes you stand out from the pack? You compared yourself to the lead candidates from the other parties and said with our support you can beat them, well with the numbers on our side, anyone in our party can beat them. Why are you better or more qualified then anybody in our party? You have well known posters in our party such as habs, gunslinger, killjoy, etc. What makes you better than any of them?
I am interested in two different platforms, so I will submit my ideas for each of them, followed by additional things I would do regardless of which of the two I decide to go for in the end.

Yes it already has a team of 3 in place already. It has had a team of 4 at least once before though. At one point Dave, Doc, Ferbian, and a fourth mod (I forget who it was), ran it together. Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick are a great team. It would be an honor to join them.

I post in there daily as it is. With my large amount of availability, I would easily be able to assist with both discussion generation (which I already do) and section maintenance. Wrestlemania season is coming and with that section already getting by far the most traffic, that traffic skyrockets around Wrestlemania. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands to keep it clean as well as guide the discussions that I help generate. I like to discuss how to better promote the WWE product and ways to make wrestlers more marketable. I enjoy applying topics from my college courses here. I have two Business Administration degrees so I often post in WWE from a business and Marketing perspective.

What new things could I bring to the table as the next WWE mod? One thing I would like to begin doing more often is reviews of shows. Raw, Smackdown, PPV events, all could get recaps by yours truly. I make my opinion known about virtually everything else WWE does and I have done recaps before, I am interested in making that a more permanent part of my posting. As someone who enjoys sparking discussion and sharing my own opinions it is a good route for me to take.

Another idea I have that I am very excited about is to run a championship analysis thread series that remains ongoing. I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion. A big part of it would be title reign length as well as combined reign length comparisons if the current champion has held the belt before. I tried to start this series over in TNA last year but it was more about individual reigns whereas these would be a permanent analysis where discussion on any reign is welcome. If I were running the WWE section then this would be my first project over there. The threads for each title would see weekly bumps to keep discussion going on if things start to die down.

My sig currently links to the Video Games section. I would change it to link to something in the WWE section if I were running it. Perhaps one of my championship analysis threads.

Video Games
I made it clear a long time ago that I wanted to make sure this section stays alive until it receives a mod. I have kept it active on more than one occassion and would like to be the next person to run it. My sig currently links to the gaming forum and it has for quite a while now. That will not be changing.

I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to video games, especially Nintendo. Consoles I have played include but are not limited to: NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox, DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. I have also made my own video games before. Granted some people disliked my biggest project, Division Blade, but the fact of the matter is that regardless of their opinions on my product, I still created a fully playable video game. I am one of the few who can offer insight from not only a gamer's perspective, but also from a developer's point of view as well.

What can I bring to the table in the Video Games forum as a mod that I don't already do? I would like to do more nostalgic walkthroughs. My passion for oldschool gaming isn't exactly a big secret around here. I ran a walkthrough thread for Final Fantasy 4 back in 2009. Why stop there when I can do more legendary titles? I get to relive my favorite games by replaying them for these walkthroughs. You guys get to learn more about said games. The section receives more hits. Everyone wins.

Another idea that I feel would be an important job for me as gaming mod would be to keep everyone updated on upcoming releases and various news stories about video games or technology. We do threads about news/ rumors etc in the wrestling world all the time. I plan on bringing this to the video games section if I will be running it. Finally,my Video Game music topic will continue seeing weekly bumps.

I have stated before that this section needs a mod too. I would like to run it simultaneously with Video Games. If Sly and KB only let me do one the Video Games is the higher priority but let's run a "what if" scenario stating that I did get to be the mod for both sections. What can I bring to the table in this section with it already being my #2 priority behind Video Games if I run two sections?

Mitch already drives a lot of the discussion in there. So the section does receive some traffic. It needs someone to do its maintaining though. I would be available to maintain the section while coming up with some ideas for threads of my own.

Just like with Video Games or WWE, I have a lengthy thread topic project in mind. I plan on doing a thread in January that will last the entire year. 2012 In Film. I am fascinated by seeing how financially successul movies become, and have been ever since Avatar broke the record for highest grossing film of all time. This sticky thread would see bumps every now and then, to update on how the list for the most successful films is looking. It would be a year long topic and by the time 2013 rolls around, the topic could stay open for further analysis while a new thread for the new year would also start.

Other Plans
Last but certainly not least.... We have my reasons for why I would be a great addition to the staff, regardless of if I become a WWE or Non-Wrestling section Mod. These promises will hold true for both platforms.

I am a nice guy. Anyone who reads my posts in The Potluck, The original Cigar Lounge, or even when I have offered advice in the spam friendly zone, knows this to be true. What better way to further distance ourselves from the "mods are nazis" stereotype than to bring in one of the forum's kindest posters?

Coco is going to win his party's nomination. It is pretty much guaranteed at this point. He is a troll who is in this for all the wrong reasons and we need to offer the alternative to Coco with our party's candidate. La Resistance will probably pick The Crock. Same problems as with Coco only he non-spam posts far more frequently. What we need is to promote a kind and caring individual who has a level of friendliness to other posters that rivals his passion for his section. I'm a nice guy plus I am a WWE mark and a gaming fanboy at the same time. My passion and my kindness make me the ideal candidate to put up against Coco or The Crock.

I want to help newcomers and regulars alike in feeling comfortable here at our forum. They need someone they can always count on for help. That someone can be me. I also know a lot about how the forum works. I will make it a priority to always check the "ask a staff member" thread so that I can answer questions when needed. Also anyone who spams too much or those who request it, can be taught my non-spam formula. There are too many mods who flame or put people down. I am not an elitist seeking power or a troll. I am just a nice guy who loves to post and wants to improve the forum by making the experience here more enjoyable for everyone.

I plan to reward people who post in my sections by repping them for it too. Post in my sections a lot if I become mod and you could start seeing green rep from me more often.

In conclusion I will state my most important promise of all. Everyone knows how often I post. Whether it be starting a new thread, responding to other posters' threads, or debating. I enjoy posting and am more active than arguably any other member of the forum except the staff themselves. However....

If I become a mod then I give you all my word that my section would take priority over my posting.

For example, if I am mod for Video Games and Movies then you'd start to see me less often in WWE or TNA. Likewise, if I become WWE mod you will see less of me in the Non-Wrestling sections. That is the sacrifice I would make. I post everywhere now, but that probably will no longer be the case if I become mod. My section will always come first. Period. On my days off from work when I have time to spare is probably when I'd stop by the other sections. I will make time every single day to check in on my section.

So there you have it. This what I can bring to the table and why I think I should be the next moderator at our forum.

With your support, we can help Dagger Dias evolve into Dagger Dias.

WWE - You just mentioned that a good team is already in place, but Mania season is coming and you can help with clean up. So why would you be needed after Mania? Would you just be a seasonal mod? Tell me why your needed there. I think 3 mods is more than enough. You say you'll do reviews of PPV's and shows, but why would I come to the forums when I can read reviews on the main page? Why is your review different? What makes it stand out?

You also mentioned making a sticky thread for each current champion. Personally I have a problem with that. I think threads like that suck. Not saying you do a bad job, I'm saying that it will probably end up having a bunch of threads merged into it and become sloppy like the Official John Cena thread. Every time I want to post something about Cena I stop myself because I know it will be merged into that thread. Will the same thing happen if I post about Punk? or Rhodes?

Video Games - Why should I care? Seriously, why? What will you do to bring awareness to the topic? I love video games, I play at least 3-5 hours a day, and I've never even thought about going into that forum. What can you do to make me care about that forum? Will you only focus on old school games or do you also play newer games? Also, when posting about new releases, how in depth will you get? Will you link to rumor sites? Will you search for news and post it asap? Will you only do this for "hot titles" or will you also post about games people may not know about?

Movies - Why should you be able to run two forums? You haven't even had experience running one, why should I believe you can maintain two? What will you do to make bring in more people? I don't think they'll vote you in just to do some maintenance in the section.

Other Plans - I agree with a lot of what you said in this section, but you said your a "nice guy", last time I checked they seem to finish last. Will you be able to win debates against people? Are you going to be willing to ban people if necessary? How do I know you wont let people walk all over you? Also I really think at this stage you should pick which forum you want to mod for and run with it.
First and foremost, against any disbelief I DO know the rule book well. There have been folks that have noted infractions I received recently as proof that I do not, but those situations were both isolated and if anything reinforced my understanding of the rules to a greater extent. Situations that I had thought fell within the rules simply did not, I was wrong for them, and received the accurate punishment for them. Now I know better and there can be little if any doubt that I know the rules and would therein be well equipped to enforce them.

I understand what you're saying here, but what convinced you that the rules you "broke" were accurately enforced? After all, there was significant debate regarding both the spamming infraction and the signature rule violation, and you felt you were being unfairly scrutinized by the "good ole boys club". If you became a member of the good ole boys club, how would you deal with a poster who was insistent they did nothing wrong, and that you as a Mod was being anal?

Which is better? Someone whose never pushed the status quo to it's brink and beyond, or someone who has tested all the waters and found out how deep they truly are?

In what way do you believe you've successfully pushed the status quo? Ergo, if you've done so, what have you come to understand regarding those "deep waters" after testing them that other candidates do not?

Do you ask a man who has never had a sip of alcohol how to get sober, or do you ask the man who has been there at the bottom of the bottle and had to face themselves and find a way to put it down? I think you know the answer to that.

I'd trust my attempt at sobriety to the person who best understands the tried and true methods as shown by science and psychology. Sure, those with addiction issues may understand what you've gone through(as an alcoholic), but those with training , I'd argue, would know best.

I know what it takes to do the job and possess all the skills to do it. I have the work ethic, I have the right attitude for the job, I have the experience in the internet world of forums, and I have the desire to make things happen. I want to be a hands on moderator, working with the members and staff to improve the experience of every member here on WZ by helping to keep sections lean, mean, and clean as well as add to them in every way possible.

It's essentially been announced since the beginning that this is a popularity contest. I have no doubt in my mind that you are intelligent, have good work ethic, and possess certain skills that would make you a good moderator. You have a presence, so to speak, that can't be denied. But being that this is a popularity contest in many ways, what have/will you do to convince people that you are the most likeable candidate?

Some people seem to think that this is just a popularity contest, and don't seem to be looking forward to the actual task that will come should they win.

Maybe so, but how much stock do you believe people who are voting will care about this?

I am aware that this has to do with popularity to some extent, but I want you to think hard about who is actually going to do the best job and take it seriously when the time comes. You think it's going to be Coco who acts like it's his birthright or something to wield power over you? Who has treated this election and all the people in it like a joke and never taken it seriously?

I'm inclined to agree with you here, mostly. The biggest issue I know regarding CoCo in my two years on this site is that he doesn't finish much of what he started, and I believe he'll take that same attitude into the being a Mod as well. But he, along with you, have repeatedly stated your desire to change the status quo. How will you do so in a more effective way then him?

You think it will be Crock, who simply isn't equipped despite his hopes to do the job?

What skills do you possess as a newer member that Crock, who has been here as long as I, does not?

I have been waiting and waiting for this opportunity from afar, reading the forums and watching.

But you joined the forum before the elections were announced. What made you decide to join the forums after watching for so long, especially if you had much to offer?
I decided to start talking because I knew I could bring something you'd want to hear, and from day one you've shown me that to be true with green rep after green rep, post after post that I have made all across the forum. I am a top quality poster.

I agree with this. As a mod, I'm not just responsible for the News/CL section, but to look over all sections. You are a quality poster, you've shown this much in the short time you've been here. But there are many solid posters across the forum who are in the running to be a Moderator. What seperates you from them, as a poster?

tenure, post count, and rep numbers don't make anyone better than me in any way.

No they don't. Unfortunately, many people believe this. How will you change those minds?

There have been doubts about whether or not I can actually win, but just take a look around. The ABC party has the numbers to make it happen which means that all you have to do is stand behind me, give me your support, and let me do the rest. We need someone who can take it to Crock and Coco in debate, who can challenge them and their ideals, who is bold enough to challenge them head on, and who can do it with style, flare, and keen wits about them.

With most of the questions, I'm just giving you food for thought. But I'd like you to respond to these two questions:

1. What ideals of CoCo's do you believe you'ld be able to not only challenge, but that you'ld be able to demonstrate how he's wrong?

2. What will you demonstrate to others that will show that you're more deserving then Crock?

Unlike many others I simply want the opportunity to do right by all of you in serving as your moderator. I want to make myself a friend of the people, not just their authority figure. I want to be a helping hand to the staff and the members of the forum that truly make it great.

I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to take this seriously. Most of the moderators on the site share this desire. As for myself, I had zero designs on becoming a Moderator before I was asked by Slyfox. It took some convincing, in fact, for me to do so. And I took the position without the slightest bit of of pretention, or a better then you attitude. If you saw behind the scenes, you'ld see the large amount of work each of us do to improve this place, work that goes unnoticed and unthanked. My PM box is flooded with people asking me questions, requesting I post in threads, or help them in simple tasks. I respond to each and every one, never asking for thanks I often don't get. Are you equipped to be someone who does that? In essence, being a Mod is like being a volunteer. You're doing a sizeable amount of work with no pay and little thanks. Why would you want to undertake what Ive just described? Further, are you humble enough to do so?

This is just food for thought, my friend. Respond if you like, or just chew on it. But give serious consideration to the things Ive said and asked, because I'm a pushover in comparison to what you'll face going forward. Ask Habs. ;)

Best of luck to you.
I am interested in two different platforms, so I will submit my ideas for each of them, followed by additional things I would do regardless of which of the two I decide to go for in the end.

It's good that you're diverse, but you're going to need to narrow it down. I have no doubt you'ld be dedicated in whatever you did, but if you want to win this, you need to truly pick one primary section, and devote your thoughts and energy to showing why (a)there's a need for a moderator there, and (b) you're the man for the job.

Yes it already has a team of 3 in place already. It has had a team of 4 at least once before though. At one point Dave, Doc, Ferbian, and a fourth mod (I forget who it was), ran it together. Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick are a great team. It would be an honor to join them.

What do you see as the most important tasks that come with being a WWE mod, and what qualities do you have that would make you the right candidate? The fourth Mod was JGlass, during WM season, and D-Man prior as well, btw.

What new things could I bring to the table as the next WWE mod? One thing I would like to begin doing more often is reviews of shows. Raw, Smackdown, PPV events, all could get recaps by yours truly. I make my opinion known about virtually everything else WWE does and I have done recaps before, I am interested in making that a more permanent part of my posting. As someone who enjoys sparking discussion and sharing my own opinions it is a good route for me to take.

Interesting, but it raises an obvious question to me. Why haven't you taken a more proactive route and begun doing these things already? I'm not the most consistent about it, but there was a time when I did the Raw "Hits and Misses" every week, just to lend fresh perspective, and I'm the News/Chit Chat guy, not a wrassling Mod. I think most of us are here first because we love wrestling, correct?. Instead of waiting until your a Mod, start putting these things into action today.

Another idea I have that I am very excited about is to run a championship analysis thread series that remains ongoing. I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion. A big part of it would be title reign length as well as combined reign length comparisons if the current champion has held the belt before.If I were running the WWE section then this would be my first project over there. The threads for each title would see weekly bumps to keep discussion going on if things start to die down.

I like this, but it brings me back to my point from the previous comment. You have some nice ideas, don't get me wrong. But why couldn't you work with one of the Mods already in the WWE section in doing this already? If you recall, I ran three series within the WWE section for some time before I was modded and didnt have time anymore, the "Who Plays The Foil?", "Making the Turn" and the "Defining The Moment" series. They were worked in conjunction with Dave and D-Man and were two of the most popular threads when they were going. My point is, one doesn't have to be a Mod to do these things.

These are good ideas, and certainly being a mod would make these easier, and help define who you are as a Mod. But I think you would need to decide what type of Mod you would want to be, the Jack-Hammer who is a posting machine/thread starter, or the cleanup mods like Nick and Nate. Trust me when I say, doing both would be overwhelming.

I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to video games, especially Nintendo. Consoles I have played include but are not limited to: NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox, DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. I have also made my own video games before. Granted some people disliked my biggest project, Division Blade, but the fact of the matter is that regardless of their opinions on my product, I still created a fully playable video game. I am one of the few who can offer insight from not only a gamer's perspective, but also from a developer's point of view as well.

What can I bring to the table in the Video Games forum as a mod that I don't already do? I would like to do more nostalgic walkthroughs. My passion for oldschool gaming isn't exactly a big secret around here. I ran a walkthrough thread for Final Fantasy 4 back in 2009. Why stop there when I can do more legendary titles? I get to relive my favorite games by replaying them for these walkthroughs. You guys get to learn more about said games. The section receives more hits. Everyone wins.

Another idea that I feel would be an important job for me as gaming mod would be to keep everyone updated on upcoming releases and various news stories about video games or technology. We do threads about news/ rumors etc in the wrestling world all the time. I plan on bringing this to the video games section if I will be running it. Finally,my Video Game music topic will continue seeing weekly bumps.

All good ideas, and I have little doubt that with your passion for VG&T, you would be an excellent fit. I'd only repeat what I said about being proactive and doing these things already(not that you don't to some extent). I'd also ask this:

The Video Games and Tech. section has run without a Moderator for three months. Just like I asked CoCo, which he failed to answer(with regards to the Spam Section), why does the video game section need a moderator? This needs to be your largest selling point if this is your top priority, followed by why you would be the best choice. Make sense?

I have stated before that this section needs a mod too. I would like to run it simultaneously with Video Games. If Sly and KB only let me do one the Video Games is the higher priority but let's run a "what if" scenario stating that I did get to be the mod for both sections. What can I bring to the table in this section with it already being my #2 priority behind Video Games if I run two sections?

Why does this section need a moderator? Let's compare it to the CL/Newswire section, for example. In the case of the CL, the desire was to revamp the section completely, essentially differentiating between it and Potluck completely. If there wasn't a Moderator, the News Section would be dead. M & T still receives a decent amount of traffic, making it self-sufficient. What would you do that would make the section into a place that people would flock to? in other words, how would you revamp it in your own image?

I am a nice guy. Anyone who reads my posts in The Potluck, The original Cigar Lounge, or even when I have offered advice in the spam friendly zone, knows this to be true. What better way to further distance ourselves from the "mods are nazis" stereotype than to bring in one of the forum's kindest posters?

The song "Nice Guys Finish Last" rings true here. I'm a nice guy, as you as much as anyone here knows. But if you become a Mod, forget it. Regardless of how you're perceived now, you're going to be seen as another Nazi Mod by many posters. It's not fair, but it's the way it is, no way around it. How will you deal with the personal attacks and constant beratings from less-then-knowledgeable posters that WILL come?

Coco is going to win his party's nomination. It is pretty much guaranteed at this point. He is a troll who is in this for all the wrong reasons and we need to offer the alternative to Coco with our party's candidate. La Resistance will probably pick The Crock. Same problems as with Coco only he non-spam posts far more frequently. What we need is to promote a kind and caring individual who has a level of friendliness to other posters that rivals his passion for his section. I'm a nice guy plus I am a WWE mark and a gaming fanboy at the same time. My passion and my kindness make me the ideal candidate to put up against Coco or The Crock.

How will you explain to others, as well as in debating CoCo, Crock, Harthan, and members of your own party, that being a nice guy is more important then "insert argument here " that they bring to the table? Further, how will you demonstrate that your reasons for being in this are right, and how CoCo and Crock's are wrong? This will assuredly come up.

I want to help newcomers and regulars alike in feeling comfortable here at our forum. They need someone they can always count on for help. That someone can be me. I also know a lot about how the forum works. I will make it a priority to always check the "ask a staff member" thread so that I can answer questions when needed. Also anyone who spams too much or those who request it, can be taught my non-spam formula. There are too many mods who flame or put people down. I am not an elitist seeking power or a troll. I am just a nice guy who loves to post and wants to improve the forum by making the experience here more enjoyable for everyone.

It's good to help people out, but that's a requirement, not a "nice thing to do" when you become a Mod. You're expected to help people out, and as I said, it's very thankless. Further, it's nice that you want to help people, but how do you plan on dealing with those who continuously spam and disregard the rules because they perceive your kindness for being "too soft"? It's happened to me, and Ive had to deal with it time and again.

If I become a mod then I give you all my word that my section would take priority over my posting. For example, if I am mod for Video Games and Movies then you'd start to see me less often in WWE or TNA. Likewise, if I become WWE mod you will see less of me in the Non-Wrestling sections. That is the sacrifice I would make. I post everywhere now, but that probably will no longer be the case if I become mod. My section will always come first. Period. On my days off from work when I have time to spare is probably when I'd stop by the other sections. I will make time every single day to check in on my section.

As it should. Brain posts mostly in the Old School section. JackHammer is a WWE legend. The CL would be dead, dare I say it, if I wasn't there. IDR is king in the TNA section. Why is this assurance, considering what I just said, important?

So there you have it. This what I can bring to the table and why I think I should be the next moderator at our forum.

You've said alot, and brought alot of perspective to the table. Consider the questions and observations Ive made, and feel free to respond. You know Im up for the challenge to debate! Best of luck to you.
It's good that you're diverse, but you're going to need to narrow it down. I have no doubt you'ld be dedicated in whatever you did, but if you want to win this, you need to truly pick one primary section, and devote your thoughts and energy to showing why (a)there's a need for a moderator there, and (b) you're the man for the job.

It comes down to what I'd like to do more, and where I would be needed more. I spend most of my time in the WWE forum so it is where I would like to help out more. However I am also passionate about Video Games. The Non-Wrestling Non-Spam sections have 3 sections that have no mod. 2 of those 3 are sections I am a regular of. In order to improve the forum more, it would make more sense to pick the section that currently has nobody.

What do you see as the most important tasks that come with being a WWE mod, and what qualities do you have that would make you the right candidate?

WWE mods need to be as available as possible. They have the busiest section so it needs to be kept active with new topics about everything going on involving the federation and each thread needs to be maintained. Tuesdays after Raw or mondays after PPV events will often see an increase in activity so the mods have to be able to come in to take care of the mess and then keep discussion going. I am in that forum daily posting so the thing that would change is I would now have he power to help maintain it.

Why haven't you taken a more proactive route and begun doing these things already? I'm not the most consistent about it, but there was a time when I did the Raw "Hits and Misses" every week, just to lend fresh perspective, and I'm the News/Chit Chat guy, not a wrassling Mod. I think most of us are here first because we love wrestling, correct?. Instead of waiting until your a Mod, start putting these things into action today.

I am still trying to figure out what direction I'd want to go in my reviews if I started them. Perhaps the sarcastic route full of my own thoughts on what gets approval/disapproval. I like to be different so I would avoid the star rating style most likely. As for the championship analysis series, those I have a more clear idea of what I'd like to do so those would be coming sooner than the reviews.

My point is, one doesn't have to be a Mod to do these things.

No, but I would want to be more than just another bolded name. I would be bringing something to the table that is my own. Analyzing the title reigns on a weekly basis as well as the reviews once I figure out a style I can make my own, are things I can add to the table while still generating more discussion or helping maintain.

These are good ideas, and certainly being a mod would make these easier, and help define who you are as a Mod. But I think you would need to decide what type of Mod you would want to be, the Jack-Hammer who is a posting machine/thread starter, or the cleanup mods like Nick and Nate. Trust me when I say, doing both would be overwhelming.

I already generate discussion, I would be of most help by being primarily a discussion mod like Jack-Hammer while also being available to help maintain when Nick or Nate need an extra hand. The time I spend in other sections now could be used for searching for new topics to bring into the section. I would also like to be a guide in the threads, bringing derailed topics back on topic. I post a lot so I should use my strength to my advantage.

The Video Games and Tech. section has run without a Moderator for three months. Just like I asked CoCo, which he failed to answer(with regards to the Spam Section), why does the video game section need a moderator? This needs to be your largest selling point if this is your top priority, followed by why you would be the best choice.

The spam sections don't need a mod specifically assigned to them. The whole staff can tackle it, most of them spend time in there. Who on staff even enters the games section? Lee, Doc, and Dave all left. Now it needs a moderator more than ever. I have kept it alive during the time it has been without a mod. Most of the topics in there are mine and I respond to nearly all of the ones that aren't. If anybody deserves the spot it is me.

Why does this section need a moderator? Let's compare it to the CL/Newswire section, for example. In the case of the CL, the desire was to revamp the section completely, essentially differentiating between it and Potluck completely. If there wasn't a Moderator, the News Section would be dead. M & T still receives a decent amount of traffic, making it self-sufficient. What would you do that would make the section into a place that people would flock to? in other words, how would you revamp it in your own image?

My 2012 In Film thread would be a good place to start. That is something I really look forward to doing which would be my own, much like I do with the Video Game Music thread it would see a weekly bump. I would also work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I do not see too many of the staff members posting in Movies much and I do not want it to become a neglected section like Video Games. If I was to become mod for more than one section I would choose Movies for my second section. I would like to keep a focus on how films are doing and plan to place an emphasis on that when coming up with new topics.

The song "Nice Guys Finish Last" rings true here. I'm a nice guy, as you as much as anyone here knows. But if you become a Mod, forget it. Regardless of how you're perceived now, you're going to be seen as another Nazi Mod by many posters. It's not fair, but it's the way it is, no way around it. How will you deal with the personal attacks and constant beratings from less-then-knowledgeable posters that WILL come?

I am capable of being nice and still enforcing rules. You can be a jerk about it or you can be polite about it, as long as the rules are made known to the individual. At work I often have to tell teenagers on saturdays they are not allowed to sit on the furniture display models. It makes them angry but in my position I am expected to make them obey. As a moderator it would be no different. I will be nice about it, but the rules must still be enforced.

How will you explain to others, as well as in debating CoCo, Crock, Harthan, and members of your own party, that being a nice guy is more important then "insert argument here " that they bring to the table? Further, how will you demonstrate that your reasons for being in this are right, and how CoCo and Crock's are wrong? This will assuredly come up.

They are only in this to gain a bold name and the power to infract. Not to mention how they spend all their time in The. Bar spamming about how people suck. That time could be invested into generating discussion, maintaining a section that actually needs it, or being there for anyone who might need help. I legitimately want to improve our forum. Getting a bold name or the power to infract is simply icing on the cake.

It's good to help people out, but that's a requirement, not a "nice thing to do" when you become a Mod. You're expected to help people out, and as I said, it's very thankless. Further, it's nice that you want to help people, but how do you plan on dealing with those who continuously spam and disregard the rules because they perceive your kindness for being "too soft"? It's happened to me, and Ive had to deal with it time and again.

If they spam beyond multiple warning messages, even after being taught my non-spam formula that guarantees no infraction, I will hand out a Warning. If they ignore that, they get infracted. Once they show no desire to respect our rules then I will hand out infractions as necessary and if they get banned then that is their own fault because I reached out multiple times to try to help them and tried to be nice to them about it.

As it should. Brain posts mostly in the Old School section. JackHammer is a WWE legend. The CL would be dead, dare I say it, if I wasn't there. IDR is king in the TNA section. Why is this assurance, considering what I just said, important?

That promise was important because I do post everywhere and I am known for posting far more frequently than most. My section would take priority over my posting, which I enjoy doing. 2 posts is a bad day for me. I have gotten as many as 30 or 40 posts in on my days off work before and I have a reputation of liking to see my post count increase. That will take a backseat to moderating should I become a mod. I wanted people to know how seriously I would take my responsibilities as a mod.
WWE - You just mentioned that a good team is already in place, but Mania season is coming and you can help with clean up. So why would you be needed after Mania? Would you just be a seasonal mod? Tell me why your needed there. I think 3 mods is more than enough. You say you'll do reviews of PPV's and shows, but why would I come to the forums when I can read reviews on the main page? Why is your review different? What makes it stand out?

I would plan to take a different approach than the traditional star ratings. The show would begin with a neutral rating. I throw in my thoughts on what I approve or disapprove of, using sarcasm and my sense of humor. In the end I give a verdict on how I felt about it. That's the format I am currently looking into doing, but I am still working on where I'd like to go with it to where people will want to read it each week.

You also mentioned making a sticky thread for each current champion. Personally I have a problem with that. I think threads like that suck. Not saying you do a bad job, I'm saying that it will probably end up having a bunch of threads merged into it and become sloppy like the Official John Cena thread. Every time I want to post something about Cena I stop myself because I know it will be merged into that thread. Will the same thing happen if I post about Punk? or Rhodes?

I generally hate the "keep it all in here" concept too. If Punk is WWE Champion then I'm not going to merge all the threads about him in with the WWE Championship thread. It would be mainly about the title itself and all of the reigns. I believe only topics that come up all the time need to be merged, for example any discussion on the cryptic video needs to all be in the same place, but on another note it's ok to have multiple Randy Orton threads provided they ask different questions.

Video Games - Why should I care? Seriously, why? What will you do to bring awareness to the topic? I love video games, I play at least 3-5 hours a day, and I've never even thought about going into that forum. What can you do to make me care about that forum? Will you only focus on old school games or do you also play newer games? Also, when posting about new releases, how in depth will you get? Will you link to rumor sites? Will you search for news and post it asap? Will you only do this for "hot titles" or will you also post about games people may not know about?

You play video games, you just said so. Therefore you should care about the Video Games forum. You go to WWE or TNA threads to discuss wrestling right, so why not do the same in the Video Games to debate with other gamers? I do specialize in oldschool games but I play newer titles too. There will be discussion concerning both. I plan to bring in articles from sites similar to Wrestlezone only they are for gamers rather than wrestling fans. I got together with a gaming rival of mine. He is the Seifer to my Squall in many ways (Final Fantasy fans will get what that means). He and I compiled a list of sites I will be researching at. These threads will be starting in the very near future. New releases, rumors, and nostalgia bits will all be a part of it.

Movies - Why should you be able to run two forums? You haven't even had experience running one, why should I believe you can maintain two? What will you do to make bring in more people? I don't think they'll vote you in just to do some maintenance in the section.

SSC won the only other moderator contest we have had. He got to pick two sections. I will choose Movies and Video Games if I get the same opportunity. To bring in more people I plan to work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I am going to place emphasis on how films do financially by running a thread all year long that analyzes the highest grossing films, and will come up with similar topics.

Other Plans - I agree with a lot of what you said in this section, but you said your a "nice guy", last time I checked they seem to finish last. Will you be able to win debates against people? Are you going to be willing to ban people if necessary? How do I know you wont let people walk all over you? Also I really think at this stage you should pick which forum you want to mod for and run with it.

I love to debate on here and have won several. They don't call me The Relentless Debater for nothing. I do claim to be a nice guy but the rules will still be enforced, just in a polite way. Much like at my retail job where I often must yell at teenagers who sit on furniture displays or run down the aisles, I take the "I don't make the rules, I am just here to enforce them and help you learn how to follow them" approach. As a mod I plan to follow a similar approach. If I end up having to infract someone it's their own fault for not heeding my warning or ignoring me when I reached out to try to help them. I never let people walk all over me. Those who try will find that out the hard way.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask more. ;)
Your main arguments here are that you know the rules and you want to help the forums. You say as long as we put our support with you, you can win. I still haven't seen a reason why we should vote for you. You haven't said what you'll do to make things better, you haven't really listed a mission statement. In all honesty, you don't seem qualified. You have a very minimal post count, hell it's lower than mine and i'm pretty inactive here.

You keep mentioning that you can win a debate, well change my mind. What makes you stand out from the pack? You compared yourself to the lead candidates from the other parties and said with our support you can beat them, well with the numbers on our side, anyone in our party can beat them. Why are you better or more qualified then anybody in our party? You have well known posters in our party such as habs, gunslinger, killjoy, etc. What makes you better than any of them?

All the questions you are asking will be answered as I respond to LSN80. Also, I have posted what I will do to make things better, I have posted a mission statement, I have explained in the post you quoted and many more what separates me from everyone else, and why I am better or more qualified than anyone else. You apparently overlooked it or simply didn't read it when I did. You could start with the PPM thread.

I understand what you're saying here, but what convinced you that the rules you "broke" were accurately enforced? After all, there was significant debate regarding both the spamming infraction and the signature rule violation, and you felt you were being unfairly scrutinized by the "good ole boys club". If you became a member of the good ole boys club, how would you deal with a poster who was insistent they did nothing wrong, and that you as a Mod was being anal?

What convinced me? That's quite easy to answer. As I made note of, I had originally thought what I did fell within the rules for different reasons, and I thought my logic therein was reasonable as to why I thought what I did fell within the rules. It was made clear to me that regardless of my logic I was outside of the rules and that the punishments fit the crime. It's as simple as that. I didn't feel unfairly scrutinized for getting the infractions.

When I received the infractions I made no noise about it, I didn't complain about them, and I understood why I got them. I felt that they were being blown out of proportion to reflect negatively on me in this election, and that the unfair scrutiny was coming at me for trying to explain why I thought I was within the rules. Rather than being civil and professional, someone felt it necessary to mock me, make fun of me, and then accuse me of arguing when I was trying to explain myself, and then accuse me of having a bad attitude when I expressed discord with that.

I had thought simply stating that I was done with the conversation and why fell within the rules of spam, I found out otherwise. I had thought that the way I used the language in my sig was acceptable by sig rules, I found out otherwise. I still do not agree with it, but that doesn't mean I also don't acknowledge that under their definitions of the rules I was in violation of them and received the just punishment for them. You can still disagree with people, and see it their way at the same time. All in all I've come out of it with a crystal clear understanding of those rules, revisited the rule book to make sure I am clear on the others, and am more than well equipped to enforce them as the job mandates.

As for how I would deal with a poster who was insistent they did nothing wrong, and that I as a Mod was being anal, let me inform you that this is one of the most important things that separates me from everyone else running and a lot of the people on staff. Rather than make accusations at them, talk down to them, make resentful and hurtful comments at them, I would simply observe patience and explain it in the most polite way possible. I would approach it like this

"I understand what you are saying, and I see why you thought what you did was within the rules. However, this is the policy and under it you in fact were in violation of the rules. I understand your displeasure with it and how you feel, but these are the rules and this is how they are enforced"

It's called empathy, compassion, understanding, sensitivity and simple decency. I don't see a lot of that with the current staff and I don't think you'll be getting any of that from anyone else. I find it of the utmost importance that you treat people kindly and with care, especially when they are very upset and coming at you with venom. That's the most important time to show that you understand, that you care, and that you're not their enemy, but that you are trying to help them understand where they went wrong. That will be my approach from day one, and I can most certainly guarantee you it will be met with a positive response and great appreciation from those who I encounter.

In what way do you believe you've successfully pushed the status quo? Ergo, if you've done so, what have you come to understand regarding those "deep waters" after testing them that other candidates do not?

First of all, by running. The status quo has been that only long standing members in the right circles really had a chance, that they were the only ones capable of really running and putting up a fight, and I am showing day in and day out that determination, dedication to your cause, and the courage to stand up against anything that comes to you in not something devoid of lesser known members or that a lesser known doesn't have what it takes to go with the perceived "big boys" of the site.

I have also pushed the status quo in conversation repeatedly. Read my sig "Bringing original thought to a thread near you" I stand by that, and that's exactly what I always try to do. A lot of what you read in any number of given threads are people rehashing the same statements, the same points, and the same arguments. I always try to bring in a perspective that has been overlooked, or bring other relevant information to light regarding the given topic. That has been a cornerstone of my success thus far as a lesser known poster making an impact. If I was simply saying the same thing everyone else was I wouldn't be standing out, but I am.

What I have come to understand about those "deep waters" is that as long as you are willing to swim hard against the current you can make a difference, you can drive discussion without being a big name, and you can make people stand up and take notice of you for your worth not your so called "place on the totem pole". I think this is something that the other candidates have no sight of. Everyone seems to think that it's solely about being beloved by all, and simply posting everywhere you can to get noticed. It's almost a quantity over quality mentality and a "boys club" mentality that you have rub the right elbows to be anyone within the hierarchy of the community. I believe that as long as you are willing to work hard, you show a true dedication, and you can get people to notice these traits in you as I have, your fate is in your own hands.

I'd trust my attempt at sobriety to the person who best understands the tried and true methods as shown by science and psychology. Sure, those with addiction issues may understand what you've gone through(as an alcoholic), but those with training , I'd argue, would know best.

That is specifically why a lot of substance abuse counselors are former users who've turned their lives around by using those tried and true methods as shown by science and psychology.

It's essentially been announced since the beginning that this is a popularity contest. I have no doubt in my mind that you are intelligent, have good work ethic, and possess certain skills that would make you a good moderator. You have a presence, so to speak, that can't be denied. But being that this is a popularity contest in many ways, what have/will you do to convince people that you are the most likeable candidate?

To that I say, anything. What must I do? I think the first thing would be, being completely open and honest with them about who I am, what I am about, and what my intentions are which I have done so far. I'd also say that if you want a fearless leader, look no further. As for likability, I can't MAKE anyone like me. That's a purely preferential and objective issue. What I can do however is give it my best to get you to believe in me and support me. I would think that my openness, desire, determination, vision, and goal should make me likable enough. Just the fact that I pursue my goal so relentlessly and show the qualities of a leader in doing so should make people take notice and say "Ya know what, I think this is the guy for the job". Everyone has told me it can't be done and that I have no shot. Yet here I am still, fighting it out, right in the faces of my opponents. What is not to like about someone who goes for it against all odds, refuses to take no for an answer, and fights until the end?

Maybe so, but how much stock do you believe people who are voting will care about this?

That's a good question and I'll be honest, I don't know. I think if the voters are truly interested in voting in the best candidate it is something they should be very concerned with. I would have to ask "Do you want to see your support and your vote thrown away on someone who simply doesn't take the job seriously enough, and therefore fails you in that position as they are not prepared for what lies ahead, and simply want to win to show that they are more popular than the next guy?". That's something to think about for every voter, and I can guarantee that I will not be a wasted vote. I have been there before on other websites, I have been an administrator before overseeing a large forum before, I know what it takes to do the job, and I've got what it takes to get the job done.

I'm inclined to agree with you here, mostly. The biggest issue I know regarding CoCo in my two years on this site is that he doesn't finish much of what he started, and I believe he'll take that same attitude into the being a Mod as well. But he, along with you, have repeatedly stated your desire to change the status quo. How will you do so in a more effective way then him?

First of all he is running to be in a spam section that doesn't have a moderator because it doesn't really need one. That alone should show you how serious he takes the election and the people rallying behind him, which is a direct reflection of how he will treat the position. In changing the status quo, what I aim to do for starters I outlined above in talking about how you treat people. That is one of the biggest changes I will bring, empathy, compassion, understanding, sensitivity and simple decency. People don't consider what they say and how it makes others feel, or the way they treat others and how it makes them feel. I promise to treat everyone as I stated above and that is the definition of what I mean when I say I will be a more accessible moderator and a moderator of the people.

I also want to change the status quo in a way that Coco and Crock have not even conceptualized in making the voice of the people more loudly heard. How do I plan on doing this? I've outlined it before. I want to create an open forum that serves as a direct public link to me to listen to the peoples wants, desires, complaints, ideals, and so on. More so than that I want to do it so that as a person in power I can push and bring forth changes that they want to see made in any way THE PEOPLE see fit. I'd especially like to work with posters who have difficulties putting their thoughts into words or making well thought out posts, and try to work as a filter for them to help improve their posts, or an aid of sorts that they can come to and ask for advice and guidance in improving as posters. I believe this could bring more of an overall improvement to the forums than anything else proposed by any other candidate and be yet another way as a moderator to reach out to the members of the forum to show that we are here for them and are there to help improve their experience on the forum by helping them grow as posters.

What skills do you possess as a newer member that Crock, who has been here as long as I, does not?

I would have to start with experience. I've been to the show before, I've taken on these responsibilities before, and so the transition would be very easy for me. What skills do I have? I have leadership skills, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, and so on and so forth. I can't say that Crock has none of these but I can say I do have all of them. Also remember, I may be new to you as a poster but I have been around in one form or another for longer than you, crock, and most of the other establishment and long standing members. What relevance is this? Well, what it means is that I am very in-tune with the site to a degree that exceeds or rivals anyone here who technically has been around as a poster longer. I have watched it change and develop over the course of years and years beginning as far back as 2005-06, watched many of the establishment come and go, and always held a deep understanding of the culture of WZ that enables me to relate, act, and move forward with the progress that it makes.

But you joined the forum before the elections were announced. What made you decide to join the forums after watching for so long, especially if you had much to offer?

Firstly, I hadn't joined for some time because I was a moderator and administrator for another website and my responsibilities required me to be there more than I could be here. I kept up with this website but didn't have the time to contribute to it in the capacity that I was at the site I was an admin and moderator. I also wasn't the poster when I first discovered WZ that I am now and felt that it wouldn't serve the site or myself very well for me to show up less than on par with some of the best as this is the premier wrestling forum on the net and has been for some time. I was on another wrestling forum for a long time and technically still am, but decided to get going here once I read some posts and was provoked to give my own input finally, after being at this for some time and honing my craft, being a moderator and admin, and really becoming a top notch poster elsewhere. Sometimes you just know when it's time and I felt it was the right time when I finally signed up here, to come on and show what I'm made of and contribute to WZ in the full capacity that I am capable of.

I agree with this. As a mod, I'm not just responsible for the News/CL section, but to look over all sections. You are a quality poster, you've shown this much in the short time you've been here. But there are many solid posters across the forum who are in the running to be a Moderator. What seperates you from them, as a poster?

I would have to reference you back to your question about how I have pushed the status quo.

Read my sig "Bringing original thought to a thread near you" I stand by that, and that's exactly what I always try to do. A lot of what you read in any number of given threads are people rehashing the same statements, the same points, and the same arguments. I always try to bring in a perspective that has been overlooked, or bring other relevant information to light regarding the given topic. That has been a cornerstone of my success thus far as a lesser known poster making an impact. If I was simply saying the same thing everyone else was I wouldn't be standing out, but I am.

That, and unlike many others I don't try to berate people for their beliefs or ideals. I think it's important to be able to accept other peoples opinions and ideals, to have a strong sense of tolerance for those that don't match your own or may even be offensive to you. Sometimes I think people need to observe the term "Agree to Disagree" when they often don't and then just get into flame wars and endless arguments where neither person is really accomplishing anything but antagonizing the other. It was for that very reason that stated I was disengaging from the conversation on the smoking ban, and it was that post that got me an infraction that has been so haughtily touted against me.

No they don't. Unfortunately, many people believe this. How will you change those minds?

Again, I don't know exactly. It's a philosophy and I can't entirely change that of others. I would have to say that the only real way is to elect me and let me show you. The only other thing I can think to do is to post links to some of my posts to show as much. Another way I could attempt to change peoples minds is to simply field questions to try and quell any doubts they may have

With most of the questions, I'm just giving you food for thought. But I'd like you to respond to these two questions:

1. What ideals of CoCo's do you believe you'ld be able to not only challenge, but that you'ld be able to demonstrate how he's wrong?

2. What will you demonstrate to others that will show that you're more deserving then Crock?

1. His idea that a sections that emphatically does not need a moderator needs one. Truthfully, Coco hasn't presented much else to challenge other than "How great he is" in his own mind. Because that is an opinion it's awfully hard to prove wrong in a sense, but his behavior is a good place to start.

2. It's not a matter of who is "deserving". If it were KB and Slyfox would have simply picked a new moderator that they felt "deserved" the position. What I can demonstrate though is that I do possess all the required skills, I have ideals that no one else does to benefit the site, that I want it more than the next guy, and that I will be able to perform the duties and tasks of the position better than anyone else. I will do this through my actions going forward in the elections, and point out other things through the elections that I have done to point to myself being the best choice.

I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to take this seriously. Most of the moderators on the site share this desire. As for myself, I had zero designs on becoming a Moderator before I was asked by Slyfox. It took some convincing, in fact, for me to do so. And I took the position without the slightest bit of of pretention, or a better then you attitude. If you saw behind the scenes, you'd see the large amount of work each of us do to improve this place, work that goes unnoticed and unthanked. My PM box is flooded with people asking me questions, requesting I post in threads, or help them in simple tasks. I respond to each and every one, never asking for thanks I often don't get. Are you equipped to be someone who does that? In essence, being a Mod is like being a volunteer. You're doing a sizeable amount of work with no pay and little thanks. Why would you want to undertake what Ive just described? Further, are you humble enough to do so?

I am glad you asked me this question. Am I equipped to do what you just described? Of course, if I was not aware of what the job required I wouldn't have made the first move at attempting to gain the position. As I've mentioned before I have done this in the past and even been the main man in charge of a sizable forum, one that collapsed after my exit as a matter of fact without my hard work, leadership and guidance, and relentless efforts to improve it. Why would I want to do it? Because I like to be of service to people, I like to work for the betterment of things that are greater than myself, I like to work hard whether I get recognition for it or not because I find it rewarding to do the work in general. Managing forums is something I've found that I like to do quite a bit and I'm jumping at the chance to moderate on my favorite forum of all.

I've wanted to be an integral part of the machine that makes this place go from day one just because I was such a big fan of it. I also want to do it because it lets me reach out to people on a larger scale. I can help people and make a difference in peoples day by giving a kind word, a word of advice, helping someone improve, helping take a burden off of someone else who is too busy to do some of the work around here, help make changes that improve the experience of members of the forum, help enforce the rules that keep this forum in order, on and on and on goes the list of ways I can make a difference here and in the lives of people with something as simple as a few performed tasks or a few typed words.
It's called empathy, compassion, understanding, sensitivity and simple decency. I don't see a lot of that with the current staff and I don't think you'll be getting any of that from anyone else. I find it of the utmost importance that you treat people kindly and with care, especially when they are very upset and coming at you with venom.

Ba-Bomb, with all due respect....... and in connection with the above statement, I have concerns with how you might handle yourself as a mod. I offer the following quotes taken from one of your posts.

"And of course since your a big shot here that's all that matters. It obviously wouldn't matter if I proved you wrong on the matter 1000 different ways. There's a little thing you clearly know nothing about called "discretion". I used the word "*****" in a non-offensive way, you can try to say otherwise all you like, and anyone else can try to justify overreacting to it all they like, it was a bullshit call. Of course I am the bad guy though. I was before I ever said a word since I'm not "one of the boys" and have the nerve to say anything against you. That must hurt your ego."

"You take this shit way too seriously, you use it as a tool to brow beat people that you otherwise couldn't in real life, you probably eat a lot of shit IN real life which is why you take it out on people on the internet that conveniently for you can't do anything back but type, and it makes you look pathetic and sad that this is what you must resort to to feel so important and powerful. Basically, your a fucking loser, both on here and in real life obviously."

"Oh and BTW, we're in the bar room where anything goes so I can tell you that and you can't do a fucking thing about it. There's your rules for you dipshit."

"Well that's quite a bit different than the tough talk bullshit you tried to puke on to me now isn't it? Make up your mind."

"Well, if you like to give oral that's your thing. I'm sure D-man would love for you to give him some oral. It seems he can't go very long without having someone trying to suck his dick before he gets all crabby and starts trying to pick on people out of his insecurity, just don't tell him you've taken bigger."

"And in fact you should have had some fucking discretion and seen that I was simply bowing out officially and not been such an anal fuck about it. I couldn't really give one fuck less what you do, but I felt that your infraction and the one I received for my sig were bogus. You guys can piss and moan and gripe and growl all you want about it and try to tell me how wrong I am and talk all the shit about me you want, act like "Oh the audacity" that I disagree with your shit, but I don't fucking care, okay. You guys trip way too much on little shit, you act like children whenever someone has something to say that challenges your authority in any way perceivable, and I think most of you have severe security and self esteem issues that you take out on people here on the internet, because ya know, Da Interwebz iZ Zeirouz Bizunez."

"And in fact you should have had some fucking discretion and seen that I was simply bowing out officially and not been such an anal fuck about it. I couldn't really give one fuck less what you do, but I felt that your infraction and the one I received for my sig were bogus."

Lest I be accused on taking these remarks out of context, the post referred to can be found here (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=195936&page=9) in post #86.

Statements like these give me cause for concern when it comes to choosing a future mod, I won't soft-pedal and say they don't. Are you going to talk that way to people who post in the section you're moderating? How will you respond to those who print material that displeases you? How might you use your administrative powers if someone comes at you...... as you put it......with venom?

I'd appreciate your addressing this, Ba-Bomb.

It comes down to what I'd like to do more, and where I would be needed more. I spend most of my time in the WWE forum so it is where I would like to help out more.

What do you like to do most, and is it the section you see the largest need for? This is going to be an important part of convincing people- That your speciality is also the one that needs the Moderator the most.

However I am also passionate about Video Games. The Non-Wrestling Non-Spam sections have 3 sections that have no mod. 2 of those 3 are sections I am a regular of. In order to improve the forum more, it would make more sense to pick the section that currently has nobody.

That would be Video Games, Sports, and Movies. Do you believe all 3 of these sections need Moderation, or only the one(s) you're after? Why?

WWE mods need to be as available as possible. They have the busiest section so it needs to be kept active with new topics about everything going on involving the federation and each thread needs to be maintained.

Maintenance as in how? Looking for spam, or contributing to? As a Mod, like i said before, within the WWE section, it's essentially going to come down to one or the other, for the most part. If you're going to be a Mod who posts, starting threads is going to need to be a top priority, you can't just chime in to threads as you do now, no matter how good your posts are. As for being more of a cleanup Mod, what would you say to those who say you don't understand the rulebook?

Tuesdays after Raw or mondays after PPV events will often see an increase in activity so the mods have to be able to come in to take care of the mess and then keep discussion going. I am in that forum daily posting so the thing that would change is I would now have he power to help maintain it.

Your availability would be a large plus, obviously. Are you guaranteeing your availability every Tuesday? How about after PPV's? Will you be available after each as well to help with that increase in traffic as well?

As for the championship analysis series, those I have a more clear idea of what I'd like to do so those would be coming sooner than the reviews.

What is your plan for the championship analysis thread? In other words, will it be more for people to see, or will it drive discussion? If the latter, how so?

I already generate discussion, I would be of most help by being primarily a discussion mod like Jack-Hammer. The time I spend in other sections now could be used for searching for new topics to bring into the section. I would also like to be a guide in the threads, bringing derailed topics back on topic. I post a lot so I should use my strength to my advantage.

You do post alot, and it's high quality as well. But as I stated earlier, this is something you've done for some time, not being a mod. The onus will be on you, essentially, to generate interest through creating threads people will want to read and reply to. Jack-Hammer also does that, so how will you differentiate yourself from him in the threads you do create?

The spam sections don't need a mod specifically assigned to them. The whole staff can tackle it, most of them spend time in there.

I agree with this, as there is far less to do because of the laxed rules for those sections.

Who on staff even enters the games section? Lee, Doc, and Dave all left. Now it needs a moderator more than ever. I have kept it alive during the time it has been without a mod. Most of the topics in there are mine and I respond to nearly all of the ones that aren't. If anybody deserves the spot it is me.

All of us do, actually. While most of us don't post(if any do), we are involved in cleanup of the section. I know I certainly am. So if you post threads there already, and cleanup is already done, why is there a need for a Mod there? This is a question you will assuredly face.

My 2012 In Film thread would be a good place to start. That is something I really look forward to doing which would be my own, much like I do with the Video Game Music thread it would see a weekly bump.

It's the question I asked before, and I'll ask it again here, because I havent seen the answer. These are good ideas, without a doubt. But why are these things you're not implementing now, to show what you can do? You don't have to be a Moderator to do these things, but they'll help towards the end goal.

Take me, for example. Some would argue(incorrectly) that I was wanting to be the CL/Newswire mod for a long time. I had no designs on it. But I was a huge presence there, and started several threads a week. In other words, I was proactive. Better to start before becoming a Mod then just giving ideas for what you would do "If". Threads can always be stickied later.

I would also work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I do not see too many of the staff members posting in Movies much and I do not want it to become a neglected section like Video Games.

Well, one thing to remember is that it's not only the Movie section, but it's Movies and Television. What would you bring to that aspect of the section? What do you currently bring?

I am capable of being nice and still enforcing rules. You can be a jerk about it or you can be polite about it, as long as the rules are made known to the individual. At work I often have to tell teenagers on saturdays they are not allowed to sit on the furniture display models. It makes them angry but in my position I am expected to make them obey. As a moderator it would be no different. I will be nice about it, but the rules must still be enforced.

And if you get someone who's obstinate and engages you, in say, less then pleasant banter when you enforce the rules? How would you deal with that? If you haven't seen it, there are Mod hate threads started weekly. Those are only in public. You'll receive plenty of "hate" PM's, calling you "anal", "power hungry", and words I won't repeat. How will you deal with those unsavory types?

They are only in this to gain a bold name and the power to infract. Not to mention how they spend all their time in The. Bar spamming about how people suck. That time could be invested into generating discussion, maintaining a section that actually needs it, or being there for anyone who might need help. I legitimately want to improve our forum. Getting a bold name or the power to infract is simply icing on the cake.

i would agree with this on CoCo, but Crock does some work in the non-spam sections as well. Most of the Mods spend time in the Bar poking fun at others, that doesn't make them bad mods. So I ask:

1. Why is CoCo not worthy of a moderator spot?
2. Why are you more deserving then Crock of a spot?

Try and be as specific as possible when answering these.

If they spam beyond multiple warning messages, even after being taught my non-spam formula that guarantees no infraction, I will hand out a Warning. If they ignore that, they get infracted. Once they show no desire to respect our rules then I will hand out infractions as necessary and if they get banned then that is their own fault because I reached out multiple times to try to help them and tried to be nice to them about it.

This sounds slightly laxed, but otherwise, I like this answer. So would the higher ups.

That promise was important because I do post everywhere and I am known for posting far more frequently than most. My section would take priority over my posting, which I enjoy doing. 2 posts is a bad day for me.

You definitely are one of the most visible people on the forum in terms of posting. Overall, how do you believe people perceive you, being that you are one of the most visible?

I have gotten as many as 30 or 40 posts in on my days off work before and I have a reputation of liking to see my post count increase.

Do you think this reputation is a good thing, or a bad thing? Why? It's good that you're taking the position of putting moderation above posting, but how could you ensure you wont get burnt out?

Again, consider these things, and feel free to respond as you like. Best of luck to you.
Hey, LSN and everyone else, I have already stated my positions in my own separate thread, the day before this one was started. I don't think it is necessary to re-state them yet again as we all have done so a few times now as this process drags on. I'd be more than happy to discuss things, or field questions, if anyone feels like discussing things further. We can do it here or in my own thread, whatever you prefer.
If any of you have yet to notice, the forums are eating posts left and right. Dagger, I've responded to you twice, so I'm looking for final arguments here. Ba-Bomb, I'd respond to Sally if you can, someone I respect immensely and certainly raises some valid points. If I can make a second response from work here, I'll do it, but for now, I simply can't read your response as i was able to last night. Habs, I'll be looking to break down your post later this afternoon in your thread. I look forward to schooling you once again in the art of the debate. ;)

To any other candidates that are interested, I'm still more then willing to break things down with you as well. We're just running out of time here, so get those final mission statements up as soon as you can!
While a lot of what is written below is very similar to a previous post that I have made in the past, I would like to encourage all members of the ABC party to continue reading as some changes and additions have been made. I welcome anyone with any questions, comments or concerns to step forward and be vocal, as I will gladly accept and answer any and all criticisms or support.

While some of my opposition remained silent in declaring which section they would like to become the moderator of, I have openly stated, from the very beginning, that I am interested in becoming the moderator of the Video Games and Technology section. This is the transparency that I will be bringing during the entire election process. If you are not interested in seeing your elected candidate in the position of VG&T moderator, and would like the candidate to moderate another section of the forum, then there are a near limitless number of talent within this party that deserve your support.

The number one reason for me becoming a supporting member of the ABC Party, is the vast amount of talented and respected posters within it. Any which would make for an outstanding moderator on this forum. If I am not selected as the candidate, I have no doubt that the person who has been selected, would rise to the task to improving their designated section, and in turn, the forum as a whole. The ABC Party will have my support and devotion until the very end.

I would like to be the man designated in charge of the VG&T section for two important reasons:

1 - As of right now, that is the section that I visit the most, and the section that I am most passionate about. I have always been extremely interested about wrestling, TV, movies and video games, and love the opportunity to discuss all facets of each with anyone, but right now, it is playing and discussing video games with friends, family and co-workers, that is currently consuming the majority of my free time.

2 - I believe I would be the best person for the position. No disrespect to anyone who is running in this election to become a moderator, but if you don't think you are the best suited to run or that there is someone else who would out preform you as a moderator, you should not run for candidacy. If you do not believe that you can win this election, you should withdraw your intent to run and become a vocal supporter for the person who you feel would be better.

Any comments that I have , or will make about another poster who I feel is not fully qualified or capable to act as a moderator, is not made out of malice, but rather self-confidence in my ability. I have no intention of putting down another poster and member of this party during this election process because as I have already mentioned, the level of talented and committed posters in this party is great and I have a high level of respect for many, not only within this party, but throughout the entire forum.

How could I improve the Video Game & Technology section?

While discussing what they would do to each specific section, if they were made moderator of the section, most commented that the VG&T was in good shape. I strongly disagree as there is now, more than ever, a lot of room for improvement.

There have always been a number of dedicated posters who post in the VG&T section, whether it be creating a thread and opening post to kick off the discussion, or to contribute to a thread with an intelligent, thought-provoking comments to help carry the discussion. But since the departure of Lee as the sole moderator of that section, there has been an increase of spam posts that often not only add nothing to the discussion, but sometimes even entirely stop the thread dead, ending any momentum that was being built. This is the main problem with the VG&T section as of now - the amount of spam post that are being built up and burying the quality post. This is the number one issue that needs to be addressed.

Quality discussions are taking place in the VG&T, but they often focused on a specific game and while that does provide an excellent starting point, I would like to see more threads that cover a wider area of gaming, that can provide more diverse discussion, encouraging all to participate. Not everyone has played Saints Row or Modern Warfare 3, or Skyward Sword, so not everyone can contribute to the section. Rather than seeing many threads on individual games, I'd like to see threads that provide posters with a wide range of commenting, like I did with my 'Essential PS3 Games' thread.

I do not agree with one posters comments of “Every new game with a bigger release deserves a thread.” If there was such a desire to discuss every big video game release, then the threads would already be made. Modern Warfare 3 had the biggest launch of anything, ever, but no one took the time to create a Modern Warfare 3 thread. If every big release was designated it's own thread, you'd be replacing "uncontrolled" spam, with "controlled" spam, which does nothing to better the section.

In order to increase traffic, threads need to be created that encourage posters that are foreign to the Video Game & Technology section to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions within it. It needs to be a section that welcomes new posters and allows them to gain confidence when discussing video games. The current members of the forum that are regular posters within the section, need to show support to those that are trying to dip their toes into the VG&T waters.

A lot of people that are running in this election have stated that “when they are mod, they’ll help drive discussion.” Every time I see a statement like that, I can’t help but to think that that is nothing but an empty, bullshit promise. Moderators of ANY section, should not be the only ones to drive discussion, and you do not need to be a moderator to do so. If you aren’t capable to drive discussion, as a regular poster, then you are not likely to be capable to do so when the only thing that will change is bond font to your name.

For the past two years, I have been a part of the very successful tournament to crown the "Best Video Game Ever." These tournaments would continue to be an annual event once a year, but I can't see why we can't hold monthly discussions were we stand two comparative games side-by-side, and determine which is the better game. Perhaps even raising the stakes to see the winning taking a top seed in the tournament, and the losing doesn’t even qualify.

Long before anyone else mentioned it, I was the first person to point out that my biggest weakness that I have going into this election is that I am not able to be on WrestleZone forums every day. Family and work will always take precedence in my life over WrestleZone. While I try to log onto the forums as much as I am able to, I may not be able to post and contribute to it as much as I would like. Even with that being said, with the current amount of traffic that takes place in the VG&T section, I am still confidence that I would be capable to maintain an enjoyable area for posting within it.

Even when I'm away from the forums, I often think of thread ideas that could potentially stir up discussion. I literally have a notebook in my locker at work that has hand written notes of ideas for opening posts of threads that I would like to create and hope to do so in the very near future. (This seemed less nerdy before I typed it out.) While I might not be the most frequent poster on the forum, I am often lurking and staying aware of what is happening in the VG&T section, and the forum as a whole. I believe that when I am able to contribute to the forums my comments within the section represent a "quantity over quality" approach. I'm driven to creating and maintaining discussion, rather than boosting my post count and rep.

I have always enjoyed my time on this forum and have had the privilege to discuss a number of topics with a number of posters that I respect. I enjoy reading the thoughts, ideas and comments from many posters here to gain a different perspective on things. I truly believe that WrestleZone is the best wrestling forum on the internet, and that is solely due to the amount of talented posters that contribute to it on a daily basis.

My campaign is based on my belief that by bettering even one section of the forum, you better the entire forum. This election is a win-win scenario for me. If I am chosen as a candidate for the ABC party, and selected to become a moderator, I will work to improve and better the VG&T section. If I am not the member to be chosen, the selected member will be qualified to improve the section he or she desires.

The Video Game & Technology section doesn't need a lot to improve, but out of all of the sections on WrestleZone, I believe that it needs the most improving. I am aware of the flaws that currently plague the section and I would like to be the man to take charge in making it a better place. By improving one section, you improve the entire forum.
I am aware that this has to do with popularity to some extent, but I want you to think hard about who is actually going to do the best job and take it seriously when the time comes. You think it's going to be Coco who acts like it's his birthright or something to wield power over you? Who has treated this election and all the people in it like a joke and never taken it seriously? You think it will be Crock, who simply isn't equipped despite his hopes to do the job? You think any other member of the ABC party is going to work as hard for you, stride towards excellence, and give the job the respect it deserves like I will? Think again.

In what sense do you figure that Habs, myself, JGKY, or anyone else in this election won't give 100% to the moderator posistion? What are you basing this off of, because I'd REALLY like to know how these thoughts crawled into your head.

If you think that there isn't a handful of candidates that would be successful, you really don't have the clue about the forums that you think you do.

[/QUOTE]There have been doubts about whether or not I can actually win, but just take a look around. The ABC party has the numbers to make it happen which means that all you have to do is stand behind me, give me your support, and let me do the rest. [/QUOTE]

In theory, we have the numbers to make anything happen. You still haven't shown why YOU should be the guy WE send forward, aside from you're nice.

Unlike many others I simply want the opportunity to do right by all of you in serving as your moderator. I want to make myself a friend of the people, not just their authority figure. I want to be a helping hand to the staff and the members of the forum that truly make it great. I am willing to take on the smallest to the biggest task, and take on everyone head on with an open ear, and open mind, and an unbiased attitude to seek out fair treatment for one and all. Do the right thing here, don't just back one of the other guys because you know them better, or because you think they can win. Back me, the underdog, and show what you are really capable of, show the naysayers that you have the power to put in place anyone you want regardless of rep, or status, or the doubts of others and show that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

That’s exactly what we should be doing. Vote on who we think can win. If we send forward the person who we, as a party, can win, then we, as a party lose. And how do we know who can win and be a good mod? Because we know them better.

I am interested in two different platforms, so I will submit my ideas for each of them, followed by additional things I would do regardless of which of the two I decide to go for in the end.

Yes it already has a team of 3 in place already. It has had a team of 4 at least once before though. At one point Dave, Doc, Ferbian, and a fourth mod (I forget who it was), ran it together. Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick are a great team. It would be an honor to join them.

I post in there daily as it is. With my large amount of availability, I would easily be able to assist with both discussion generation (which I already do) and section maintenance. Wrestlemania season is coming and with that section already getting by far the most traffic, that traffic skyrockets around Wrestlemania. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands to keep it clean as well as guide the discussions that I help generate. I like to discuss how to better promote the WWE product and ways to make wrestlers more marketable. I enjoy applying topics from my college courses here. I have two Business Administration degrees so I often post in WWE from a business and Marketing perspective.

What new things could I bring to the table as the next WWE mod? One thing I would like to begin doing more often is reviews of shows. Raw, Smackdown, PPV events, all could get recaps by yours truly. I make my opinion known about virtually everything else WWE does and I have done recaps before, I am interested in making that a more permanent part of my posting. As someone who enjoys sparking discussion and sharing my own opinions it is a good route for me to take.

Why is this something you can't do right now?

Another idea I have that I am very excited about is to run a championship analysis thread series that remains ongoing. I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion. A big part of it would be title reign length as well as combined reign length comparisons if the current champion has held the belt before. I tried to start this series over in TNA last year but it was more about individual reigns whereas these would be a permanent analysis where discussion on any reign is welcome. If I were running the WWE section then this would be my first project over there. The threads for each title would see weekly bumps to keep discussion going on if things start to die down.

Again, aside from the sticky threads, why can’t you make these threads now. To me, it also seems like you’re just creating “controlled” spam, rather than intelligent conversation. If these threads haven’t been created now, why do you think that there is a need for them? Why do you think they’ll stir up discussion?

Video Games

What can I bring to the table in the Video Games forum as a mod that I don't already do? I would like to do more nostalgic walkthroughs. My passion for oldschool gaming isn't exactly a big secret around here. I ran a walkthrough thread for Final Fantasy 4 back in 2009. Why stop there when I can do more legendary titles? I get to relive my favorite games by replaying them for these walkthroughs. You guys get to learn more about said games. The section receives more hits. Everyone wins.
Could be fine, and it would be a nice change from what is posted now, but again I have to ask, what is stopping you from posting NOW.

Another idea that I feel would be an important job for me as gaming mod would be to keep everyone updated on upcoming releases and various news stories about video games or technology. We do threads about news/ rumors etc in the wrestling world all the time. I plan on bringing this to the video games section if I will be running it. Finally,my Video Game music topic will continue seeing weekly bumps.

Sorry, but as I've mentioned before, not every big release or breaking news story needs to be discussed. Uncontrolled spam, would be replaced with controlled spam, which doesn't really add to the thread/section/forum and only boosts post count....O wait...I see your logic.

I have stated before that this section needs a mod too. I would like to run it simultaneously with Video Games. If Sly and KB only let me do one the Video Games is the higher priority but let's run a "what if" scenario stating that I did get to be the mod for both sections. What can I bring to the table in this section with it already being my #2 priority behind Video Games if I run two sections?

If this is your #2 priority, why are you also trying to moderate the WWE section? To me, it just seems like you’re grasping at straws in hopes that something sticks. The more I read, the more I’m convinced you just want a bold name for all the wrong reasons.

Mitch already drives a lot of the discussion in there. So the section does receive some traffic. It needs someone to do its maintaining though. I would be available to maintain the section while coming up with some ideas for threads of my own.

I LOVE movies. I’m known by friends, family, co-workers as “The Movie Guy.” I wish I posted in the Movie section, but I don’t for one reason or another. Because of this, I wouldn’t even think of wanting to be the mod of this section. Here, it seems as if you want to sit with your bolded name, while someone else does the hard work.

Just like with Video Games or WWE, I have a lengthy thread topic project in mind. I plan on doing a thread in January that will last the entire year. 2012 In Film. I am fascinated by seeing how financially successul movies become, and have been ever since Avatar broke the record for highest grossing film of all time. This sticky thread would see bumps every now and then, to update on how the list for the most successful films is looking. It would be a year long topic and by the time 2013 rolls around, the topic could stay open for further analysis while a new thread for the new year would also start.

Oh, Sorry. You want to be moderator so you can sticky threads. I came to this conclusion, because every thread idea that you mentioned here with the intent on creating, also apparently needs to be stickied.

No, but I would want to be more than just another bolded name. I would be bringing something to the table that is my own. Analyzing the title reigns on a weekly basis as well as the reviews once I figure out a style I can make my own, are things I can add to the table while still generating more discussion or helping maintain.

I believe the point LSN was making is that you can make these threads now, without the bolded name. You’d still be bringing something to the table and contributing.

The spam sections don't need a mod specifically assigned to them. The whole staff can tackle it, most of them spend time in there. Who on staff even enters the games section? Lee, Doc, and Dave all left. Now it needs a moderator more than ever. I have kept it alive during the time it has been without a mod. Most of the topics in there are mine and I respond to nearly all of the ones that aren't. If anybody deserves the spot it is me.

Why, because you post more? Quality over quantity, friend. A poster doesn’t become a mod because he has the most posts in the section.

That promise was important because I do post everywhere and I am known for posting far more frequently than most. My section would take priority over my posting, which I enjoy doing. 2 posts is a bad day for me. I have gotten as many as 30 or 40 posts in on my days off work before and I have a reputation of liking to see my post count increase. That will take a backseat to moderating should I become a mod. I wanted people to know how seriously I would take my responsibilities as a mod.

So I wasn’t too far off when I once said that you post only for the sake of boosting the post count.

That's a good question and I'll be honest, I don't know. I think if the voters are truly interested in voting in the best candidate it is something they should be very concerned with. I would have to ask "Do you want to see your support and your vote thrown away on someone who simply doesn't take the job seriously enough, and therefore fails you in that position as they are not prepared for what lies ahead, and simply want to win to show that they are more popular than the next guy?". That's something to think about for every voter, and I can guarantee that I will not be a wasted vote. I have been there before on other websites, I have been an administrator before overseeing a large forum before, I know what it takes to do the job, and I've got what it takes to get the job done.

What makes you think that Habs, JGKY, or myself is a wasted vote? Where have our paths ever crossed for you to be able to size me up in this election and determine that I’m a wasted vote?

First of all he is running to be in a spam section that doesn't have a moderator because it doesn't really need one.[/B] That alone should show you how serious he takes the election and the people rallying behind him, which is a direct reflection of how he will treat the position.

No section REALLY needs to be moderated, but by having a designated body for a specific section, it helps maintain the credibility of WrestleZone.
What do you like to do most, and is it the section you see the largest need for? This is going to be an important part of convincing people- That your speciality is also the one that needs the Moderator the most.

What I like to do most is post (as I have stated numerous times) and it comes down to a nearly even tie between WWE and Video Games. I would love the opportunity to run either. The Video Games section needs it more and I have kept it alive. To repeat myself, if anyone deserves the spot there it is me.

That would be Video Games, Sports, and Movies. Do you believe all 3 of these sections need Moderation, or only the one(s) you're after? Why?

They all do. Every non-wrestling non-spam section needs a mod because they all receive enough traffic to need moderation. In Video Games part of it is due to my posts and my sig being linked to it as an open invitation in every thread I post in. Without me that section would have died already. Movies and Sports need one too. I am a regular of Movies but not in Sports. I am not going after Sports because I do not post there and feel I would not be a good mod in a section I do not post in.

As a Mod, like i said before, within the WWE section, it's essentially going to come down to one or the other, for the most part. If you're going to be a Mod who posts, starting threads is going to need to be a top priority, you can't just chime in to threads as you do now, no matter how good your posts are. As for being more of a cleanup Mod, what would you say to those who say you don't understand the rulebook?

I would much rather use my strengths as a poster who posts a lot and is available to post daily. All of the time I spend in other sections can be replaced with researching for new topics to make in my section.

To those who claim I don't know the rules.... I heard there is a handbook for mods that I would study hard plus I am 100% open to asking for and receiving help from the staff.

Your availability would be a large plus, obviously. Are you guaranteeing your availability every Tuesday? How about after PPV's? Will you be available after each as well to help with that increase in traffic as well?

Yes. I guarantee my availability on a daily basis but can make certain that I will be available on those days should I be needed more there to help fix the mess of crap threads and spam after each show.

What is your plan for the championship analysis thread? In other words, will it be more for people to see, or will it drive discussion?

It will be for both. I will analyze the current title reign and any discussion about the current reign whether it be the champion, angles he is in, or matches he has had, will be up for discussing. If the champion were to change from Punk to Del Rio for example then the same thread could be used and we would not have to make a million "Del Rio is champion now!" threads.

The onus will be on you, essentially, to generate interest through creating threads people will want to read and reply to. Jack-Hammer also does that, so how will you differentiate yourself from him in the threads you do create?

I see the opportunity there to form a tag team with Jack-Hammer. We could divide up the sections to make the workload easier. I could do Raw, he could do Smackdown (or vice versa) while we tackle the main WWE section and PPV's together. Something like that. We both enjoy posting in WWE and get along quite well, so it would be a great route to take if he's up for it which he probably will be.

While most of us don't post(if any do), we are involved in cleanup of the section. I know I certainly am. So if you post threads there already, and cleanup is already done, why is there a need for a Mod there? This is a question you will assuredly face.

Ah, plain and simple my friend. If I were running the section then no one else (other than maybe the G-Mods since they do every section) would need to worry about it. It would be my job. That leaves more time for the rest of you to tackle your own sections and The Bar. Making me the Video Games and Movies mods leaves not one but two less sections for the entire team to worry about.

It's the question I asked before, and I'll ask it again here, because I havent seen the answer. These are good ideas, without a doubt. But why are these things you're not implementing now, to show what you can do? You don't have to be a Moderator to do these things, but they'll help towards the end goal.

To be completely honest, I have been busier at work with it being December I have had less spare time on my work nights due to longer shifts and really random hours. For example I am going 4AM to Noon tomorrow and then 11AM to 7PM the next day followed by 3AM to 1130AM sunday. December sucks for retailers. Period. I am not one to lie or make false promises. I am a man of my word and these threads are coming. I can go without my weekly posting spree on my next day off to set each of these ideas in motion for good. Real life does come first though which includes work and my marriage.

Take me, for example. Some would argue(incorrectly) that I was wanting to be the CL/Newswire mod for a long time. I had no designs on it. But I was a huge presence there, and started several threads a week. In other words, I was proactive. Better to start before becoming a Mod then just giving ideas for what you would do "If". Threads can always be stickied later.

Great point. I already stated earlier that I will go without a posting spree on my next day off in order to set those ideas into thread form. I want them to be successul topics so I would need to take the time needed to prepare a better topic rather than slap something together just for the sake of making a topic.

Well, one thing to remember is that it's not only the Movie section, but it's Movies and Television. What would you bring to that aspect of the section? What do you currently bring?

At the moment I contribute to the discussion but I plan on doing more. I plan to make threads about tv shows too, not just movies. The same idea of a list of sites like I did for gaming is going to help me find topics. Those threads are coming in the near future as well so be on the lookout for them.

there are Mod hate threads started weekly. Those are only in public. You'll receive plenty of "hate" PM's, calling you "anal", "power hungry", and words I won't repeat. How will you deal with those unsavory types?

I would warn and infract as necessary. I look at it once again in the same vein as customer service at my store. No matter how mean or offensive they are, it still comes back on me if I fight back. Should I need assistance I will message other mods or G-Mods for advice before going forward.

1. Why is CoCo not worthy of a moderator spot?
2. Why are you more deserving then Crock of a spot?

Coco is not deserving of a mod spot because all he ever does it sit in The Bar flaming people. He wants to moderate a section with virtually no rules. The guy is in this only to gain power and further his popularity. This is someone who never non-spams unless it is the annual Wrestlezone tournament and/or to defend RVD. Crock is almost as bad as Coco but he does post great non-spam every now and then. He too is out to further his popularity. Much like Coco he spends far too much time spamming about how other posters suck.

I on the other hand couldn't care less about how much other posters "suck". I would rather help them improve and would never flame them. I make it a point to non-spam post every single day. Should I become mod it will take such a priority that I am willing to spend my 15 minute break at work doing extra moderating. I am available daily and use that time to contribute to discussion, which is what a mod's top priority should be. Not flaming.

You definitely are one of the most visible people on the forum in terms of posting. Overall, how do you believe people perceive you, being that you are one of the most visible?

As someone who posts frequently and has some spare time on his hands that could be used elsewhere so he must really like it here. Which would be true.

Do you think this reputation is a good thing, or a bad thing? Why? It's good that you're taking the position of putting moderation above posting, but how could you ensure you wont get burnt out?

I do not think I will get burnt out. My real life priorities such as my faith, my wife, my dogs, and my job will all come before moderating and posting.
Merkley, I already addressed most of your questions in my response to LSN. Here is my response to the rest of your post.

If this is your #2 priority, why are you also trying to moderate the WWE section?

You misunderstood. If I ran both Video Games and Movies then Video Games would be the higher priority. I would rather run WWE than Movies but the non-wrestling non-spam sections are the weakest link at the moment. I am wanting and willing to help there.

Here, it seems as if you want to sit with your bolded name, while someone else does the hard work.

Try reading and understanding my post if you are going to quote it during a debate. I can't believe you would even accuse me of such a thing. Mitch and I have been close friends ever since we were rookies on this forum. We would be driving discussion TOGETHER. As in a team. I would be the mod though, the section needs one. I won't lie and say Mitch isn't a better poster in that section. He is. However if he does not want to mod then I have no problem stepping up to help out one of my favorite sections.

Oh, Sorry. You want to be moderator so you can sticky threads. I came to this conclusion, because every thread idea that you mentioned here with the intent on creating, also apparently needs to be stickied.

Lol.... What?

Not even close. The only thread topic I have in mind that needs to be stickied is the championship analysis series. 2012 in film and all my other ideas can be in regular form and do not require being stickied. I want to be a mod to help improve the forum. There is FAR more to my plans than stickying threads.

Why, because you post more? Quality over quantity, friend. A poster doesn’t become a mod because he has the most posts in the section.

Someone who posts the most in a section and is readily available on a daily basis to run the section deserves to run it. How available would you be? A mod should make time each day to check in on his section to contribute to discussion and look for trash. I have the time to do this. I hope that you will too, otherwise that is something that will surely come up against you in further debates.

So I wasn’t too far off when I once said that you post only for the sake of boosting the post count.

Um, no.... Not even close. Yes I like to see my post count increase but so what? I like to POST, debate, and generate discussion. If it was all about my post count then I would post crappy one sentence responses to each topic. I arrive, I post what I think about the topic by providing my own insights and debate with those I disagreed with, then move on to the next topic.

As a mod my priority would be looking after my section as opposed to posting. If it was all about post count I would neglect my job and that would be going completely against my personal character. I absolutely HATE to let people down. If I become mod I want to be counted on and get things done.

I am in no way shape or form attacking you. I still respect you as a fellow poster and think it's great that you want to improve the Video Games section. We are in this seeking similar goals. Remember that Coco and Crock are the real enemies here. Best of luck to you in this thing man.
Ba-Bomb, with all due respect....... and in connection with the above statement, I have concerns with how you might handle yourself as a mod. I offer the following quotes taken from one of your posts.

Lest I be accused on taking these remarks out of context, the post referred to can be found here (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=195936&page=9) in post #86.

Statements like these give me cause for concern when it comes to choosing a future mod, I won't soft-pedal and say they don't. Are you going to talk that way to people who post in the section you're moderating? How will you respond to those who print material that displeases you? How might you use your administrative powers if someone comes at you...... as you put it......with venom?

I'd appreciate your addressing this, Ba-Bomb.


And I'm glad to respond. That was the tail end of the conversation, and while that was not my finest hour I did what I did for a reason and to make a point. First point being "Hey, your not the only one who can pull that kind of stunt on someone, and BTW here's a taste of your own medicine, how does it feel?" That came as a response only after I had reasonably tried to explain my side of the situation and been treated rather harshly for now reason other than daring to say anything and having the nerve to speak in my own defense. I had tried to convince D-Man to back me up in the election, and rather than listen to anything I had to say he instead felt it prudent to mock me for no reason with no provocation, and completely dismiss anything else I had to say.

When I tried to clear up the situation he and others decided it would be fun to hit me from both angles and blow the whole thing out of proportion to which I responded in kind which lead me to points 2 and 3. Point 2 being "Look, anyone can be a jerk to someone and completely disregard what they are saying with belligerence" Point 3 being "Acting like you do makes you look bad" and I decided to portray that in responding the way I did as that makes no one look good, it was like an example to show him "This is what you are basically doing to me for no reason, now how does that feel?"

Are you going to talk that way to people who post in the section you're moderating? How will you respond to those who print material that displeases you? How might you use your administrative powers if someone comes at you...... as you put it......with venom?

Absolutely not. First of all, a regular section would definitely be the wrong place for that if that were to occur and second, as a moderator I would not do that as it would be unbecoming of someone in said position which is why I also look down on those in that position who choose to act that way.

If someone posts material that displeases me personally, I simply won't respond to it because I don't find it worth getting into an argument over, and I'm certainly not going to come at someone like that simply because I disagree with them. If I did decide to respond to it I would go about it by engaging the person in a debate on the issue rather than treating someone the way D-Man treated me, and the way I treated him in kind for his actions.

As for how I would use my administrative powers if someone came at me like that? You can read my previous post for the full description, but in short I certainly wouldn't go for the jugular like I see other mods do all the time, attempting to humiliate people and debase or degrade them for feeling a certain way. I would treat that person with empathy, compassion, understanding, and decency as they obviously feel very wronged, and I would try to calm them down, meet them on some common ground, and end the problem.

If that is unsuccessful I would then contact the person via PM and let them know that I will let them slide the first time, but let it serve as a warning that their conduct will not be tolerated, and if it happens again further action will be taken. The idea is NOT to use your administrative power because someone offends you, that's the definition of "abuse of power", using what power you have against people that you don't like or that offend you in some way.

You see, there's a difference between me as a regular member, firing back some shots as someone while under attack, and me as a moderator representing the staff and the forum in general. I try to conduct myself the way I would as a moderator being a regular member 99.9% of the time. The situation there with D-Man was an isolated incident and the only reason I did it was because I was in the place where I knew I could do it, and I wanted to make a point to him and anyone else that people don't just have to take their crap, they can fire back on them 10 times worse if they want to, and it probably won't make them feel too good, the same way if doesn't make anyone else feel good when they do it to them.
In what sense do you figure that Habs, myself, JGKY, or anyone else in this election won't give 100% to the moderator posistion? What are you basing this off of, because I'd REALLY like to know how these thoughts crawled into your head.

If you think that there isn't a handful of candidates that would be successful, you really don't have the clue about the forums that you think you do.

That's simple. I can't speak for you, or Habs, or JGKY. I'm not you, I don't know what your work ethic will actually be no more than you know what mine will be, and I'm not campaigning for any of you, I'm campaigning for me. I know what my intentions are, what kind of work load I can take on, how hard I will work, and how good of a job I will do. You can talk all you want until the cows come home about how you'll give it 110% but I this goes both ways and I have no reason to believe you. A

s far as I am concerned, any other candidate is going to say whatever they think they need to say to prop themselves up as being a better choice than me. The only problem there is, that there is no better choice as far as I am concerned. I am the guy for the job, I am the one who wants it most, and I am the one who will do the best job. Why would I go on and say "Oh yeah, you and all the other guys would be every bit as good and dedicated as me"? I'm not trying to score points for you, I'm trying to beat you, and if people were listening to what I've been saying and actually reading my posts, taking what I say into consideration, I have no doubt that folks would be in full support of me.

In theory, we have the numbers to make anything happen. You still haven't shown why YOU should be the guy WE send forward, aside from you're nice.

Actually I have, you just haven't been paying attention. I've posted over and over to that very same accusation as to why everyone should be backing me from the very beginning when I started the People's Party of Moderation. Unfortunately most of you have been too busy with other things to pay attention to the real McCoy and listen to what I've been saying.

That’s exactly what we should be doing. Vote on who we think can win. If we send forward the person who we, as a party, can win, then we, as a party lose. And how do we know who can win and be a good mod? Because we know them better.

On the contrary, you should be voting on who is the best person for the job, because that IS the person who can win. I am that guy, I can win, and I've explained over and over how and why. How can you know who can win and be a good mod? I've already pointed that out, we have a majority, all you have to do is have a little faith, give some support, back me up here, and I promise you, when the dust settles it will be Ba-Bomb who is left standing because he leveled the competition.
While some of my opposition remained silent in declaring which section they would like to become the moderator of, I have openly stated, from the very beginning, that I am interested in becoming the moderator of the Video Games and Technology section. This is the transparency that I will be bringing during the entire election process. If you are not interested in seeing your elected candidate in the position of VG&T moderator, and would like the candidate to moderate another section of the forum, then there are a near limitless number of talent within this party that deserve your support.

My goal isn't to pick someone for a certain section, per se, it's to get the best representative for the job, So seeing that I'm essentially ambivalent about the section, and more about the person and what they bring to the table, what makes you the best choice as Mod, irregardless of section?

The number one reason for me becoming a supporting member of the ABC Party, is the vast amount of talented and respected posters within it. Any which would make for an outstanding moderator on this forum. If I am not selected as the candidate, I have no doubt that the person who has been selected, would rise to the task to improving their designated section, and in turn, the forum as a whole. The ABC Party will have my support and devotion until the very end.

This is some of the same rhetoric Ive heard from Habs(not saying that this is a bad thing), and I'll ask a similar question: Is it more important for you as an individual to get the nomination, or for the party to get the nomination? Are you willing to step on toes of others in the party if it means getting the nod?

1 - As of right now, that is the section that I visit the most, and the section that I am most passionate about. I have always been extremely interested about wrestling, TV, movies and video games, and love the opportunity to discuss all facets of each with anyone, but right now, it is playing and discussing video games with friends, family and co-workers, that is currently consuming the majority of my free time.

Why do you believe this section needs a Mod? I have no doubt that youre passionate about this section, as Ive seen your (excellent)work in there. But I'm passionate about movies and television(Im not running, obviously), Habs and Killjoy feel similarly about TNA, and Dagger is passionate about several sections. Why is the need for a Mod in the VG section more important then another Mod in TNA, an M & T mod, or thinking long term, a spam zone Mod?

2 - I believe I would be the best person for the position. No disrespect to anyone who is running in this election to become a moderator, but if you don't think you are the best suited to run or that there is someone else who would out preform you as a moderator, you should not run for candidacy. If you do not believe that you can win this election, you should withdraw your intent to run and become a vocal supporter for the person who you feel would be better.

Why do you believe you're the best person for the job from the party? I'm not asking you to bury other party members, quite the opposite. I want to know what makes you the best choice.

Any comments that I have , or will make about another poster who I feel is not fully qualified or capable to act as a moderator, is not made out of malice, but rather self-confidence in my ability.

Since you brought it up, I'll ask the question: In showing self-confidence in your abilities, who do you believe is not equipped to be a Mod? Why?

The amount of spam post that are being built up and burying the quality post. This is the number one issue that needs to be addressed.

How do you plan on addressing this problem? How will you, as a Mod, turn this problem around?

Rather than seeing many threads on individual games, I'd like to see threads that provide posters with a wide range of commenting, like I did with my 'Essential PS3 Games' thread.

I read this thread, and it was a good read. I also cleaned up the spam throughout it, so your point from earlier is well taken. Do you have further plans such as this? If so, what are they? Further, do you believe some games do deserve their own thread, or do you have a plan to make a blanket thread for new games, where people can choose to discuss new games at their discretion.

If every big release was designated it's own thread, you'd be replacing "uncontrolled" spam, with "controlled" spam, which does nothing to better the section.

I have my own definition of "controlled vs uncontrolled" spam, but can you go into more details about it?

In order to increase traffic, threads need to be created that encourage posters that are foreign to the Video Game & Technology section to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions within it. It needs to be a section that welcomes new posters and allows them to gain confidence when discussing video games. The current members of the forum that are regular posters within the section, need to show support to those that are trying to dip their toes into the VG&T waters.

Believe it or not, Im a gamer myself. I won't try to compare myself to you, Dagger, or Lee, but I do enjoy gaming and pick up every new release that interests me. I'm also a long-time gamer, but for some reason, Ive had little desire to ever visit the VG section except for the odd post here and there. So....

Convince me of what you would do to draw me in to be a regular, or at least a semi-frequent poster.

Long before anyone else mentioned it, I was the first person to point out that my biggest weakness that I have going into this election is that I am not able to be on WrestleZone forums every day. Family and work will always take precedence in my life over WrestleZone. While I try to log onto the forums as much as I am able to, I may not be able to post and contribute to it as much as I would like. Even with that being said, with the current amount of traffic that takes place in the VG&T section, I am still confidence that I would be capable to maintain an enjoyable area for posting within it.

As a married man of four years, and one who is about to welcome a child in the next few weeks, I understand this. I still manage to have a daily presence while undeniably putting my family, work, and faith first. Obviously, you will need to strike a possibly different balance if Modded. How will you do it?

I believe that when I am able to contribute to the forums my comments within the section represent a "quantity over quality" approach. I'm driven to creating and maintaining discussion, rather than boosting my post count and rep.

These should be the goals of every mod, quality over quantity, but if someone can achieve both, do you feel like this disadvantages you?

I have always enjoyed my time on this forum and have had the privilege to discuss a number of topics with a number of posters that I respect. I enjoy reading the thoughts, ideas and comments from many posters here to gain a different perspective on things. I truly believe that WrestleZone is the best wrestling forum on the internet, and that is solely due to the amount of talented posters that contribute to it on a daily basis.

I agree. Granted, this is my first wrestling forum experience, but I have been a member of Pittsburgh sports forums, and I highly prefer this one. What do you believe makes you someone who contributes to making this forum so great?

This election is a win-win scenario for me. If I am chosen as a candidate for the ABC party, and selected to become a moderator, I will work to improve and better the VG&T section. If I am not the member to be chosen, the selected member will be qualified to improve the section he or she desires.

If you don't win the election, will you work to improve the Video Game section irregardless? As nIve told other candidates, there is plenty that can be done as simply a member to improve a section without the Bold Name.

By improving one section, you improve the entire forum.

Well said, and I couldn't agree more. This is the exact same approach I take in the CL, and Potluck as well, despite not being the Mod of the latter. I hope you carry this perspective regardless of how the chips fall.

Best of Luck to you, MTM. Excellent mission statement.
As far as I can see, our candidate will be up against Coco from DFP and either Crock or Harthan from La Resistance. So my question to all the candidates is:

How will you prove that

1. Coco does not deserve to be mod of the spam section.

2. Crock does not deserve to be mod of the WWE section.

3. Harthan does not deserve to be mod of the Potluck section.
Merkley, I already addressed most of your questions in my response to LSN. Here is my response to the rest of your post.

I appreciate your timely response, but some of my questions went unanswered. Such as, why does every big video game release deserve its own thread? Again, I'll use my Modern Warfare 3 example. It has the biggest launch of ANYTHING, EVER! Surely it's a big enough release that it could have had its own thread, but none was made because the discussion wasn't there. If they haven't been created already, why is there a need?

You misunderstood. If I ran both Video Games and Movies then Video Games would be the higher priority. I would rather run WWE than Movies but the non-wrestling non-spam sections are the weakest link at the moment. I am wanting and willing to help there.

You said it yourself that it was your second priority, but I believe I understand. You want to moderator either the WWE section, or the combo of the VG+T and Movie and TV sections? And if you were to win, and allowed to moderate both the VG+T section, as well as the movie section, the VG+T section would take priority?

So I'd have to ask, if you would give one section a higher priority over the other, why run for the other if it isn't going to get equal attention? On this side of the computer screen, it looks like you're throwing a bunch of plans at the wall and hope one sticks. It seems like you have the approach of "If I can't win with Plan A, I'll try to win with Plan B or Plan C." You're trying to keep all options available to you, in hopes that collectively they'll secure you a win. The problem is, someone might support Plan A, but hate Plans B and C, while another might love Plan C but hate plan A and B.

Try reading and understanding my post if you are going to quote it during a debate. I can't believe you would even accuse me of such a thing. Mitch and I have been close friends ever since we were rookies on this forum. We would be driving discussion TOGETHER. As in a team. I would be the mod though, the section needs one. I won't lie and say Mitch isn't a better poster in that section. He is. However if he does not want to mod then I have no problem stepping up to help out one of my favorite sections.

Oh, I understand completely. You even said it yourself that you'd take the glory, while Mitch does half of, if not most of the work by driving discussion while you "would be available to maintain the section while coming up with some ideas for threads of my own" (Your exact quote.)

So, please, explain to me how I don't understand your exact words. And this time, try not to talk down to me.

Lol.... What?

Not even close. The only thread topic I have in mind that needs to be stickied is the championship analysis series. 2012 in film and all my other ideas can be in regular form and do not require being stickied. I want to be a mod to help improve the forum. There is FAR more to my plans than stickying threads.

"I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion."

"I am fascinated by seeing how financially successul movies become, and have been ever since Avatar broke the record for highest grossing film of all time. This sticky thread would see bumps every now and then, to update on how the list for the most successful films is looking."

These are two quotes from you in this very thread and together that is EIGHT sticky threads total. I'll also point out that the ONLY thread topic that you have in mind for the WWE section is a look at championship title reigns.

Someone who posts the most in a section and is readily available on a daily basis to run the section deserves to run it. How available would you be? A mod should make time each day to check in on his section to contribute to discussion and look for trash. I have the time to do this. I hope that you will too, otherwise that is something that will surely come up against you in further debates.

It's not quantity over quality, and posts shouldn't be the only thing that determines who would be qualified as a good moderator. It's a combination of attitude, personality, respect, approachability, history on the site, and posts.

As for how available would I be? I have noted that this is my only weakness and that I have accepted that fact. I have also noted that just because I'm not posting, doesn't mean I'm not lurking and paying attention to the current ongoings that are taking place.

It's a good thing that I called myself out for not being a frequent poster on the forum because if I didn't give my competition any ammo, they wouldn't have anything.

Um, no.... Not even close. Yes I like to see my post count increase but so what? I like to POST, debate, and generate discussion. If it was all about my post count then I would post crappy one sentence responses to each topic. I arrive, I post what I think about the topic by providing my own insights and debate with those I disagreed with, then move on to the next topic.

Are you aware that the phrase "Daggering a post" has been used on multiple occasions? Where do you think this comes from?

I am in no way shape or form attacking you. I still respect you as a fellow poster and think it's great that you want to improve the Video Games section. We are in this seeking similar goals. Remember that Coco and Crock are the real enemies here. Best of luck to you in this thing man.

I know that I probably come across like a jerk, and it's really not my intent, but there have been a lot of things said by posters that I truly disagree with and want to understand the logic. Don't take anything that I've said or will say as a direct attack on you as a person, or your talents here.

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