An empty arena makes more of a statement that paid audience chanting negatively


Championship Contender
In recent weeks we have seen arena after arena try to convince WWE to change their booking of certain wrestlers and while I agree with what they are trying to do in they are going about it in the wrong way. If you really want to make a statement to the WWE that you don't like what WWE is doing paying for a ticket is the complete wrong way to go about it. Once you give WWE your money your opinion loses any validity because paying for the ticket tells the WWE you like the product. If you want to make a statement to WWE that you do not like the current product and want change the best way to do it is to have Raw go live with no paying customers in the crowd.
Hope isn't lost yet, though. Fans will start turning away if the product continues with its creative decline.

Oh, and they'll never have empty arenas (or TV arenas that LOOK empty, anyway). The casuals are still out there, and they can be roped in with very cheap or free tickets, if need be.
Yes and no. Obviously if ratings at live show gates go down, then major changes will take place. Crowd reaction still has the ability to change things. Even though the Daniel Bryan saga isn't exactly working to fan advantage, the reaction given to Batista caused them to turn him heel within a matter of weeks. I'm sure if fans were totally into diva matches, they'd get more than two minutes. But yes, if gates go down, or network subscription, anything that causes less revenue, then WWE would change accordingly
Hope isn't lost yet, though. Fans will start turning away if the product continues with its creative decline.

Oh, and they'll never have empty arenas (or TV arenas that LOOK empty, anyway). The casuals are still out there, and they can be roped in with very cheap or free tickets, if need be.

Regardless, we're still a long, long way from that.

I can't say I'm clued up on house show figures, and I know that some of the PPV buyrates in the latter part of 2013 were very low, but the idea of Monday Night Raw going anywhere in the USA and not selling well seems unrealistic. Creatively, the product saw some much, much worse times in the 2000s than it has done in 2013/14, and attendance was never an issue.
Hope isn't lost yet, though. Fans will start turning away if the product continues with its creative decline.

Oh, and they'll never have empty arenas (or TV arenas that LOOK empty, anyway). The casuals are still out there, and they can be roped in with very cheap or free tickets, if need be.

You contradicted yourself there. You say there's hope yet and that fans will start to turn away if the product continues with its creative decline. Yet the majority are casuals and don't care. They will show up no matter what.
Why does the "IWC" think they run the wwe? You don't and you never will. All the children who spend their parents money are the real wwe fans. I have watched wrestling my entire life, yet I have never spent a penny on a ticket, ppv, or stupid merchandise, so my opinion doesn't matter...just like yours. Every article every forum thread is full of "IWC" nerds screaming about how creative is screwing you...nope they are actually doing whats best for business. They cater to the paying children and you all will continue to cry, yet still watch. There will never be an empty arena, EVER. Creative pisses me off, but not as much as you crying for daniel bryan. Who cares!!!!!
You contradicted yourself there. You say there's hope yet and that fans will start to turn away if the product continues with its creative decline. Yet the majority are casuals and don't care. They will show up no matter what.

I don't see where the contradiction lies; it would seem we're in total agreement. I and a million smarks could give up on the product, but WWE will still draw large houses, even if it means reduced ticket prices.
When you're in a relationship, are you more likely to give your significant other what they want if they childishly give you the silent treatment and refuse to tell you what's wrong or when they actually explain to you why they're upset like an adult?

WWE couldn't care less about the fans who don't buy tickets or don't watch. If you're that detached from the product, then you mean nothing to them. They are never going to try to cater their product to that kind of fan.

What they do care about, however, is the people who buy tickets. They want them to continue buying tickets and they want to reward them for doing so. They're going to do their best to give those fans a good show.

In short, they don't listen to people who don't buy tickets. They listen to people who do buy tickets. You tell me which is a more effective way of bringing about change.

If there were massive, sweeping problems with the WWE product at every level, sure, stop going. If enough people stop going, they'll figure it out. But not going because you're unhappy with the way a few wrestlers are being booked? That's insanely stupid and is never going to get you what you want. In fact, it's going to have the opposite effect, because if fans of a certain wrestler stop going to shows, then that wrestler isn't going to get much of a reaction, and they're going to stop pushing him. And there are plenty of fans who don't care about that particular wrestler who will buy your tickets instead.
Yes and no. Obviously if ratings at live show gates go down, then major changes will take place. Crowd reaction still has the ability to change things. Even though the Daniel Bryan saga isn't exactly working to fan advantage, the reaction given to Batista caused them to turn him heel within a matter of weeks. I'm sure if fans were totally into diva matches, they'd get more than two minutes. But yes, if gates go down, or network subscription, anything that causes less revenue, then WWE would change accordingly

I'm surprised they finally run him heel. I figured they'd be stubborn and still try to push him as their face.

Yeah, I just don't see the WWE fans at live events being that bold.
They cater to the paying children and you all will continue to cry, yet still watch. There will never be an empty arena, EVER. Creative pisses me off, but not as much as you crying for daniel bryan. Who cares!!!!!

So what you're saying is that the "paying children" who are spending their parents' money don't want to see Daniel Bryan be the champ? You're telling me that these "paying children" that fill the arenas aren't chanting "YES!" at the top of their lungs? You're saying that those "paying children" aren't the ones jumping out of their seats whenever they see a Daniel Bryan match? I'm sorry, but you're either blind, stupid or both. You're like that dope "iwcistherealproblem" guy on the WZ news posts...very little actual clue about what you're saying.
An empty arena simply isn't going to happen. If the fans making all the noise disappear, they'll just be replaced by a horde of Cena fans whose parents were able to pick up tickets on the cheap through a discount broker, kids from a Not For Profit that WWE does community outreach on behalf of, or some combination of the two. WWE has simply gotten so big that no matter how bad the booking is, they'll never have to worry about an empty arena.
Haha. I never said I was mad, or even upset, at you. I don't need to be enraged to call someone blind or stupid. That's not part of the criteria. :)

So now you're backtracking, with your "fad" and "cool this week" statement. Ok, that's cute. As much as you think you can pigeon-hole me and put words in my mouth, how about a little bit of your own medicine? Daniel Bryan has been WAY WAY over since late 2012...and possibly even before that...and makes a great deal more of the WWE universe jump to its feet during his matches than, say, Randy Orton, John Cena or Batista can.

Your hatred of the man makes you completely transparent, and kinda pathetic at the same time. I went to an ROH show in Revere, MA in November 2004 to see him wrestle Jushin "Thunder" Lyger. I paid $40 for my seat, and wasn't the least bit regretful about it. They had an amazing main event match...but the REAL amazing thing, is that 10 years later, I'm still not sick of watching Bryan Danielson compete. It doesn't matter if his opponent is The Big Slow, the Big Red Geriatric, Bray Wyatt or The Buttface of the WWE himself...Bryan makes them ALL look good in the ring.

Sure, they do an "ok", B+, job themselves...but face facts...Bryan is just leaps and bounds ahead of them with his in-ring skills. Oh, sure, he may not cut THE greatest promos of all time...but not all of them can be Mick Foley or Jake "The Snake". Give the guy some credit, for christ sake. He deserves his chance to run with the gold; I doubt the Universe will turn on him like they do with some others, but we'll never know until we see it happen.
Ok let me explain something to you people....YOU, THE IWC, ARE THE MINORITY of wwe fans!!! Just because everyone on here is complaining and thinking about not watching anymore doesnt mean that other wwe fans are. Children dont understand that there is a creative team that writes these stories, so they wont rebel against them in anyway. They will watch and see what happens and go about with their lives. The parents dont give a damn either as long as the child is happy and most children dont know anything about match quality, they are just happy to be at a wrestling event. Than you have to take in account the people, like myself, that actually LIKE the wwe and dont give a damn who the champ is as long as I see good matches. Nobody is walking out of an event unless they are ok with throwing away their money and being an idiot. As far as not going to an event to prove a point....LOL not going to happen. WWE rarely comes to most cities so if you skip an event than you might not get another event there for over a year. WWE cares about it fans not, people that will stop watching there product whenever they are upset about a booking. These threads are annoying and stupid. OP if you dont want to go to a wwe event, than dont, I'll gladly buy your ticket and take my son and girlfriend and have a great time while you sit at home and complain on this website.

AND PEOPLE...just because some one chants YES doesnt mean they want DB to be the champ, its a fun chant and that is all. People love to join in chants, it has nothing to do with a crowd wanting wwe to change how someone is you think that the kids chanting even know what booking is? You guys are delusional and im getting so sick of these ******ed ass nonsense threads.
In recent weeks we have seen arena after arena try to convince WWE to change their booking of certain wrestlers and while I agree with what they are trying to do in they are going about it in the wrong way. If you really want to make a statement to the WWE that you don't like what WWE is doing paying for a ticket is the complete wrong way to go about it. Once you give WWE your money your opinion loses any validity because paying for the ticket tells the WWE you like the product. If you want to make a statement to WWE that you do not like the current product and want change the best way to do it is to have Raw go live with no paying customers in the crowd.

Oh good grief. It's always one step forward, twelve steps back with you.

Look dude, you're imagining a utopia where everyone gets what they want and are more content for it. Fans are disgusted with the booking, so they boycott the WWE in an effort to make a statement regarding that disgust, and the WWE hastily re-writes the show to honor every one of their whims. This scenario is fucking stupid on an adorable level.

Here's an epiphany that might shock your system so hard that you'll have a two week seizure so brace yourself; the crowd knows that it's all just a show. Are you okay? I have an ambulance on standby in case you need it.

The most the crowd ever does is attempt to coerce the performers to try harder. They might show their angst at a lack of a particular superstar, but they're not going to no-show an exhibition on the notion that they might not see their favorite performers.

If the crowd is going to see their persistence pay off, it makes sense even to them to have it pay off at a big budget PPV like Wrestlemania. If you buy a ticket to RAW, you'd be pretty stupid to assume that this will be the show where Daniel Bryan conquers the odds and becomes the champion.

WWE has a Howard Stern effect on its fans. If you loved or hated Howard Stern, you listened to him. If you love or hate the creative direction of the WWE, you still give it your attention. Fans won't no-show an event because they collectively hate the booking of their favorite performer. Fans would only no-show an event in mass if they were collectively indifferent to the story-lines, thanks to Daniel Bryan's underdog saga this isn't likely to occur. Does this make them stupid for choosing to invest in a company that they hate? Hell no, their hatred is a term of endearment toward the existence of the WWE. Part of the fun of hating them is being able to buy a ticket, or in my case get a free seat being that I'm military, and start a jeering chant toward what bothers you.
Most people are waiting to see what happens until WM. There is still hope that Bryan will get his big moment and therefore semi-fools us fans as far as pushing Bryan being a lie goes. If Bryan gets something stupid for WM (and a match with HHH is borderline stupid), without any follow up at the same night, then yes, WWE have shot themselves and people will just turn away from the product. People are going to these shows now because they still have hope and it is WM season. Once that is gone, then people couldn't care less. Once the B PPVs start, people won't care as much so they will probably don't go to the arenas. THAT will definitely send a message.
Its a bit strange at the moment wwe fans treat it like some evil organization or somthing and while we like to complain about there booking and policys i think the majority of us still enjoy watching but its definatly bad when its got to the point where live crowds are so bored they start making there own fun with mexican waves and chanting for random legends also the boring chant seems to be becoming a regular occurence and thats embarrassing to hear if your supposed to be entertaining people i think the crowds should just carry on what they are doing wwe cant ignore them forever and i think boycotting there shows is a step too far although the sight of an empty arena at mania 30 would certainly make them respect there fans a lot more in the future lol.
here i make one point clear. This year wm30 is live infront of morethan 70000 fans. All are wwe fans not daniel bryan fans. They are not only want to see bryan. They want to see other wrestlers also.

Last week stephnie promo is absolutely true. They make stars. They make punk a rich wrestler. If he stiil compete in roh or tna or other indies, he is known only in us, uk, japan only. But right now he is a world known wrestler.

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