Amir Khan on Sky Box Office

GW Emperor

Occasional Pre-Show
With the news breaking last week that British/Pakistani boxer Amir Khan will now be appearing on pay per view only, with Sky Box Office, I have to ask who would want to pay to see this guy fight?
Just like everything sport related in the UK Amir has been heavily overrated and so far has only fought boxers with poor records who cannot punch. The reason why Amir has'nt been fighting the big punchers is simply because the guy cannot take a punch. I have seen Amir getting hit and knocked down by the poor punchers that he has so far fought and afterwards he looks as though he is about to burst out crying.
The only way Amir is going to get people to want to pay for his fights on Box Office is if he goes for the big fights, but apparently this wont happen for a while as he is instead going to still be challenging the poor punching nobodies, this the majority of the time, and what saddo wants to see that?
Deep down inside I think Amir's promoter Frank Warren knows that Amir is not as great as the British hype is making him out to be, hence why Frank has got the guy constantly fighting crap everytime.
Once and if Amir starts fighting the boxers ranked in the top 10, I feel very confident that the guy is going to get destroyed, especially against the big punching opposition.
The only good thing Amir has is his speed but unfortunately this will not be enough when it comes to fighting the big boys. Once these big boys learn of Amir they will easily notice that the guy is a geek when it comes to taking a punch and once that bell rings it will be goodbye to the hype.
What are you fellow WrestleZone Forum users opinions on Mr Hype Amir Khan and would any of you honestly pay to see this guy fight?
I don't like the guy, since he abandonded his country for this years Olmpic games so he could sign with Frank Warren in an effort to make cash.

Fair enough, he is entitled to do it, but I had a feeling when he did that, he would have never be as good as he could have been. Sure, money is good, but surely winning gold for your country first is so much better?

If i was in Khans shoes, I would have stuck with olypic boxing for one more games (this year), then moved on to professional boxing. If i remember correctly, you cant go back to olypic boxing if you have had a professional figght?
That's ridiculous Foley. He's no longer an amateur boxer, he's a professional. Him going to the Olympics now would be just a step back. He's making money as a pro, so I have no idea why he'd go back when he could potentially get embarrassed for no money. He makes a percentage off the tickets to his fights, I doubt he would at the Olymipcs.

There was no reason for him to stick as an amateur when all that he had left to do was Olympic gold. It's a waste of time for him to wait for years and not progress. If he'd not gone pro, entered this year then lost he'd just be 4 years behind.

I don't watch boxing so him on Box Office makes no difference to me. Hardly any chair shots in that sport.
I'll buy his fights, just because i'm a big fan of his. I always watch his fights on ITV & find him very entertaining. A very attacking minded boxer which is great to watch cause he always goes for the knockout blow.

And why shouldn't he have turned pro Foley? He's making a lot of money and is already a millionaire from what I understand. His life as a boxer is very short, as in any fight his carrer could be over just like that. One fatal blow and it's all over. He needs to make as much money as possible within the shortest amount of time, so him going pro makes sense. Furthermore, he is a very good boxer and could easily become world champion as he has great stamina and a deadly punch. However, he can't take punches very well and that will cost him dear unless he improves on that.
Amir Khan's Sky Box Office Debut: Breidis Prescott knocks out Khan in under 1 minute

I, like anybody who is sane in the head or is an honest boxing expert, knew that Amir Khan was nothing more than a heavily over hyped boxer, who is nowhere near the standard of world class or even good.
Prior to his fight with Prescott, Khan had continuously fought boxing’s worst of the worst, and this was obviously done to con the public by making Khan look far better than he actually is.
Speaking of conning, Amir is also considered and claims to be a British boxer, this even when Pakistan is his first and likely only choice nation, and he probably cares very little for the nation of Britain. This was all proven when during the Olympic Games that Khan participated in, he and his family always waved Pakistan flags and never the flags of Britain, this even when Khan was supposed to be participating in the event for Team Britain. It appears obvious that the only reason Khan claims to be British is so that he can make more money from his fights.
There is barely anything good at all about Amir Khan’s boxing. He is a super geek when it comes to taking a punch, in which on receiving shots he looks as though he is going to burst into tears and start crying, and like Prescott did to him, he will easily get knocked out cold. Khan is also a weak puncher and is clumsy when it comes to boxing tactics. The only thing that you could say is good about his boxing is his speed, but unfortunately if you cannot take a punch without crying or getting knocked out, you cannot throw devastating punches, and you are tactically clumsy, then speed is never going to be enough to make you a good boxer.
The biggest shock to come from this whole Khan con, was Sky TV stupidly placing this guy on Box Office, even when prior to this the guy was constantly fighting nobodies with poor boxing records and these were also very weak punchers. Sky also had the cheek to try to charge the public a hefty £15:00 to watch this joke (Khan) fight, which is absolutely disgraceful. You would have to be someone who cares very little about money (possibly due to good wealth) or be incredibly stupid to pay such a price to watch Amir fight, this even more so now that he has been defeated. In my opinion whoever within Sky was responsible for the stupid decision to assign Amir Khan to Box Office deserves to be immediately fired from the company.
At the end of the day it is blatantly obvious that Amir Khan is nothing more than an over hyped, rubbish boxer, who cannot take a punch at all, and when Sky are concerned, Sky are one of the most stupid and disgraceful companies around at the moment, this for assigning Khan to Box Office and charging the public a hefty fifteen pounds to see him fight.

I really feel sorry for anyone who paid £15 to watch this fight as it didn't even last a minute. I don't know why people big him up so much. Until last night, he only fought against poor boxers who he knew he was definitely going to beat and that I feel that made him act more cocky rather than confident. He was warned against fighting Prescott due to his fantastic record, but they didn't bother listening and look what happened, he got knocked down after 17 seconds and then got knocked down again after about 55 seconds. I hope this brings him down to Earth and makes him realise he is just an average boxer
If Id have ordered this fight, id have rung up Sky and immediately demanded a refund.

Yes, its a pro fight, but I dont expect a guy to go down in less than a minute.

Sky Sports should be ashamed of signing Khan to a ppv deal.
He got banged... Horribly.
£15??? What a rip off!
It's funny because I saw him at the Trafford Centre in Manchester a couple weeks before the fight and I could have sworn he was munching McDonalds!
If Id have ordered this fight, id have rung up Sky and immediately demanded a refund.

They would have immediately laughed at you. It's the risk you run when you buy a fight. That's why they have an undercard. So if anything you get a couple of fights.

But the knockout was great. I don't know how anybody can say they didn't get there money's worth. You pay to see knockouts, and that's waht you got. Why have 15 minutes or so of bobbing about when you can have a short exciting fight?

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