AmeriKan Invasion


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For those that are not aware Mexican America are the new Impact Wrestling tag champs and all signs are point towards beer money going their separate ways. So with BMI pursuing singles careers, Guns are on hold and Gen Me are gone from the company, the only teams left are the British Invasion.

But someone on a separate thread pointed out that they might not get over with the fans due to their forigen status...So i suggest a total gimmick overhaul !

First have them lose the English accents then change their names to the AmeriKan Invasion and have Rob Terry come off with the American flag. Give them some new music like Lil Wayne or Pitbull then announce "Hailing from Orlando, FL"

The fans in the impact zone will go crazy !!!! What do you guys think of the idea ? And do you have anymore ideas to get them over with the fan ?
First, why the strange spelling? Second, it didn't work for the Rougeaus (sp?) why would it work now?? And third, sometimes you can put a team against a heel team and turn them face. Country doesn't matter. William Regal and Tajiri were a face team for a while because they were going against more hated opponents. Well, and they were hilarious.
LMAO wow what do I say to this?? :lmao:

How can they drop their British accents so fast? I mean I know it can be done if anyone here follows (H)ouse know's that doctor House is an English speaking person but speaks American on T.V.

But seriously man I just think that British Invasion should be British Invasion. They are the better team in genral but they aren't giving time. An this angle is to help them put over MA due to JJ and KJ joing up with them. An to help AAA also. (imo)

I rather see MA go against INC INK (can't stand the name) and then after that we could hopefully have a few more teams maybe Pope Devon (ugh:banghead:, because Pope should be in the title WHC picture) and maybe a few X division guys can team up too.

This can help out because we will have a few Face teams as in INC INK, Pope&Devon (3 D PIMPIN ha bordem) an the X division team too. That would lead British Invasion and Mexican American as the Heels. Which mean British Invasion can beat INK INC (is it INC INK or INK INC??) then have a few face teams to fight so it don't become stale with them fueding with INK INC.

I hope this happens because British Invasion is better then MA and they shouldn't change their gimmick at all. Hope something amongst what I said happens. For British Invasion (meaning Magnus and Williams (terry sucks)) get their well deserved chances.

SO no OP I and I'm sure a few other will not want this to happen.
An not bashing you for everyone has their own opinions and ideas.
Imagine the AmeriKan Invasion going to Philly for this years site of BFG...Mexican American come down to the ring doing their usual stuff then the lights go out....The theme from Rocky starts playing and the British Invasion aka the AmeriKan Invasion (I use a K cuz it sounds more original) appears on the stage and storm the ring, beating Mexican America is under a min. The squash victory can lead to another match at the next PPV. Plus im pretty sure Ink Inc is close to getting future endevoured besides they already had a fued with Mexican American and it was horrible...So horrible it caused Jeff Hardy to quit lol
It's just not a good idea. Dropping they're accents faster than Booker T changes his is just bad. Bad spelling isn't going to help (how the fuck is a K original?).

TNA already had a fool proof plan to get them over and it worked. If you interrupted Anarquia and made him stop talking like The Invasion did, the Impact Zone would cheer you.

TNA just needs to inject some new blood into the tag division. Ink Inc. isn't bad. They're more of a jobber team, but that is needed. They can always team up 2 Immortal members, bring back the Hardys as a team, add Pope and Devon to the mix, bring in some outside teams. Also, with all the X-division talent that was just brought in, a few of those guys can be teamed up.
No -_- . This is a stupid thread, not trolling, just saying. You can't just drop the accent, you can't just drop where they came from and put it as something different. It would make no sense and would make TNA/Impact Wrestling look like a bigger joke.
Now -
Did you really just start this thread to be funny?
Did you think about this thread before making it?
Do you really think I care for your answer on the two previous questions?
For those that are not aware Mexican America are the new Impact Wrestling tag champs and all signs are point towards beer money going their separate ways. So with BMI pursuing singles careers, Guns are on hold and Gen Me are gone from the company, the only teams left are the British Invasion.

But someone on a separate thread pointed out that they might not get over with the fans due to their forigen status...So i suggest a total gimmick overhaul !

First have them lose the English accents then change their names to the AmeriKan Invasion and have Rob Terry come off with the American flag. Give them some new music like Lil Wayne or Pitbull then announce "Hailing from Orlando, FL"

The fans in the impact zone will go crazy !!!! What do you guys think of the idea ? And do you have anymore ideas to get them over with the fan ?

:lmao::lmao::lmao:Are you insane? Why in the hell would the British Invasion change their name to AmeriKan Invasion? And by the way, why the K? Also drop their accents? What the fuck are you smoking, TNA tried that with Booker-T and for satan's sake it was so ridiculous that even the other MEM members tried not to laugh on TV ( maybe they edited it). Thank god you are not a wrestling promoter, you would go out of buisness faster than Paul Heyman and his original ECW.
Okay, i'm not crazy about the idea either but there's no need to be mean... i'm sure we've all got some doozies, right?

I wouldn't change the British Invasion at all, other than maybe pushing them a little more. Foreign teams can get over just fine -- I wish that there were more! It'd be great to see another America's Cup or something along those lines.

Hopefully TNA can give us some great new teams with the new signings that they've made.
...Yeah this is a dumb idea.

The British Invasion is seemly splitting up as well from where I see it. Magnus vs. Shelly and the winner gets a title shot to ANY championship? Then Crimson vs. Magnus main evented a House show...Yeah. I think this wouldn't work for alot of reasons.

Nobody would ever believe they are American either. If they respect the country and consider it a new home then that's all they need to do to get over.

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