America's Most Wanted or Beer Money, Inc.?


Getting Noticed By Management
Beer Money is the best tag team in wrestling today, but are they better than America's Most Wanted?

America's Most Wanted AMW was TNA's first great tag team. They were also one the the few steady corner stones of TNA in the beggining. Chris Harris and James Storm competed in not only the first regular cage match, but also the first six sides of steel match. They started as fan favorites with their tough cowboy gimmick, but eventually turned on the fans to join Jeff Jarrett's stable. They were also involved in one of the greatest cage matches of all time against Triple X. The two had great chemistry together in the ring and on the mic. They were just as good being funny as the were at being evil. They also had a great name and look. The only knock against AMW is that TNA wasn't nearly as big of a company when they dominated as it is today.

Beer Money Beer Money is currently the best tag team in wrestling. After AMW broke up, Robert Roode left Team Canade to tag with James Storm. The two were a natural fit and have dominated the tag titles for a few years now. They also have been involved with much more high profile stars than AMW was. As part of Fortune and Immortal, Beer Money has wrestled some of wrestlings greatest stars. I think the biggest knock against Beer Money is their name. It just sounds stupid and got old after a couple weeks. While Roode and Storm mesh, they just don't seem to have the conection that AMW did. AMW were like brothers, Beer Money just seem like business partners.

As good as Beer Money is, I'd have to say that America's Most Wanted was a better tag team. It's hard to beat the originals, and AMW was TNA's first great team.
Although I like Beer Money, America's Most Wanted is definitely better. Harris and Storm definitely teamed well together.
First...the Guns are the best tag teams in the world...not beer money. As for the thread:

Beer Money is better in my opinion. AMW was fantastic, but it just seems like with Storm having more experience now than then, and Robert Roode being better in the ring, in appearance (he just looks like a champion), and on the money is better.
AMW was amazing, but I have the give the edge to Beer Money. I thought that Storm would fade out of existence when AMW broke up not vice versa. He has proven that he could pretty much team up with a bag of wet shit and make it an awesome team! Storm reminds me so much of Arn Anderson in that capacity, and teaming with Roode has only made them both better in the long run.
Beer Money, Inc. is the better team. AMW is simply the more decorated team.

While normally decoration and championships are indicative of a team being a major success, AMW was carried primarily by Storm, because Harris was the least talented of the two, and he's far and away less talented than Robert Roode — a guy who has future World Champion written all over him.

AMW was fantastic for TNA and they're legendary, but in my eyes BMI are the superior team.
I'm taking AMW...They were a tag team at its best. I never really wanted them to break up as I thought the two of them together were better than apart. You know the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts thinking. They meshed well together and had great chemistry.

I look at Beer Money and think that Robert Roode should be getting a singles push and wait for them to get split up. I think Storm is the perfect partner. I liked Harris too. He was really great when he was still in shape and they had Gail Kim as their manager.

I take AMW. I really love to have AMW and Roode as Fortune now in TNA.
Beer Money is the better team. And the name Beer Money is not a knock IMO. What are the average man's favourite things? Beer and Money. It's one of my favourite things about the team, all they need is some women lol.
I disagree with that about Beer Money. True, they are good and have put on great matches against the Motor City Machine Guns. But as far I can see, they are not anywhere close to the level and prestige that was with America's Most Wanted. There was hardly a bad match with AMW, they were even able to put over the Naturals. To this day, I still hate splitting them up because I think a rivalry between AMW and LAX would've been epic. There was only one highlight after the split and that was an insane Texas Death Match between Chris Harris and James Storm. And I agree, the AMW vs Triple X six sides of steel match is one of my all time favorite matches, just as awesome as the rivalry between the two teams. So my vote goes to America's Most Wanted.
I gotta go with Beer Money. AMW was great, but the best parts of two factions are now together and make for a fantastic combo. Watching Beer Money vs MCMG is like watching the Original Hart Foundation vs The British Bulldogs in the 80's, greatness on both sides.
Wow jericho was right. the iwc is a flock of sheep cuz as dar as i think 2010 james storm was always winning the polls as future world champ and most likely to succeed in the beer money duo.

Anyways back on topic even tho i like beer money im going with amw for now. Because i dont understand why people just cant enjoy beer money. Its always like people are waiting for there split up and downfall. its always whos better or whos got the look. and polls are always up i think people are more wanting to see there split up rather than enjoing them. but with qamw there wasnt to much of that people enjoyed the team not whats going to happen when they split up. so im going with amw its more enjoyable to watch a team that people want to be together rather than always trying to figure out who has the brighter future.
Although AMW was a great team, I gotta go with Beer Money. Robert Roode is much better than Wildcat, IMO. I think he and Storm work amazingly well together. Beer Money's promos are better than AMW's were. James Storm has definitely matured as a performer and he's a lot better than he was in AMW.

AMW deserves a lot of credit for being an amazing Tag Team. People don't really talk about them as far as being one of the best Tag Teams of the last decade. They had some amazing matches and great feuds.

Beer Money's better because they're 2 great wrestlers who matured and entered their prime at the same time and mesh incredibly well together.
while beer money is without one of the best tag teams in the sport today, i just love Americas Most Wanted. i am a huge "cowboy" james storm fan and "wildcat' Chris Harris fan. they were the first great tag team TNA had, they were a true brawling team, if any one has not seen it, i highly recomed watcing the letal lock down between stings warriors and jarrets army, AMW are great in that match. Hands down its Amercas Most Wanted.
Beer Money all the way. Americas Most Wanted was great but Beer Money has accomplished so much in the past few years, really raising the bar for tag teams today. Robbert Roode and James Storm are just amazing together, whether heel or face. and thats just one quality that makes a superstar. Just saying that James Storm is made for tag team wrestling but wouldnt mind him being a singles competitor in late 2011
I'm going with AMW and it's not even close to me. Beer Money is the best of a weak tag team division and that's all. AMW were 6-time tag team champions in which they were competing against LAX at its best, Christopher Styles and AJ Styles, The Naturals, Triple X, and Team Canada. They had their historic cage match with Triple X and caused them to break up and their own break up was spectacular culminating in a great Texas Death Match. Storm and Harris had great chemistry together and they proved in and out of the ring.
I'm going with Beer Money. AMW was a great team but Robert Roode is a much better wrestler than Chris Harris. Yeah, the quality of teams was better back then than it is now, but there's no doubt in my mind that Beer Money could have hung with those teams. If they can hang with the MCMG's, Team 3D, and LAX then they can certainly handle Triple X and The Naturals.
AMW looked and felt like a true tag team. I could never see either Storm or Harris being successful in singles. To me they were the next Dudley Boyz in that they were a team for the long run, who's careers would forever be linked together.

I was surprised when they broke up, I certainly thought they hadnt reached the end of their lifespan but for whatever reason they seperated. I thought they had a great look, great souble team moves and great chemistry. Definitely one of the best tag teams I have had the pleasure of watching.

As for Beer Money? They are very good, and certainly one of the top teams in the business right now. But, for whatever reason, I cannot rate them as highly as AMW. As other posters have said, Roode strikes me as a future singles star. I think that is where his future lies, not in a tag team. Storm on the other hand, while he does have a chance at singles success, I tend to see him as a tag-team specialist, who can work well with anyone. It is quite hard to explain but I just enjoy seeing AMW as a team far more than Beer Money.

If TNA decide to break up Beer Money and give Roode the singles push he deserves, I would like to see Harris resigned and the re-formation of AMW
i gotta go with beer money,basicly because Storm has matured & Roode is also a better & more in his prime the harris is or ever was,but as the poster above me said i would like to see harris & storm tag together..Personally i would like them to bring AMW back as a part of fo why Bobby Roode takes A.J Styles place as the top singles wrestler in Fortune...Bichoff OR Flair should either fire Aj for not wrestling last night,or have Roode say he is disapointed he didnt get the belt last night & kick him out and tell AJ he is FORTUNES top guy now,Roode can tell AJ he is to small,to weak,and not tough enough to get buisness done.have AJ stay off of TV the whole time he is out,then have him come back in 2months with his old buddy Sting,the have AJ cut a face promo apologizing for the error of his ways!!!

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