American Reunion - Who Earned What?


Staff member
After having a look around the internet for the new teaser trailer for the latest American Pie movie "American Reunion", I stumbled across the reported figures that each of the main cast are supposed to be getting for reprising their roles from the original hit.

Jason Biggs, the "star" of the series has reportedly accepted $5 million and a role as an executive producer to pick up the film. The same goes for Seann William Scott. Now, it is reported that both of these names played huge parts in getting the other names of the franchise to sign up. So perhaps it is worth it.

However, the biggest surprise is that Allison Hannigan, star of How I Met Your Mother and perhaps the actor with the steadiest career outside of the American Pie series, is picking up $3 million for her role. Given that Hannigan is probably the only name outside of Seann William Scott that people will know to be of quality, this has caused somewhat of a fuss elsewhere on the net.

The rest of the cast filter down into the hundreds of thousands with actresses like Jennifer Coolidge and John Cho picking up $500,000 for the title. However, Tara Reid has only picked up $250,000 for her role. It is still to be seen if she is going to have a large role in the film but it already seems like the production company were more than willing to exploit her tough times to get her to sign on.

So with that being said, do we all think that this is fair? Should Hannigan be pulling in more for her role than Jason Biggs, who has never set the world alight since his role as Jim in the American Pie franchise?

Should Tara Reid be getting more or less? And should the rest of the supporting cast have such a gaping chasm of cost between them and Jason Biggs/Seann William Scott?
A lot of it depends on how the movie plays out. If Tara Reid has a 5 minute part, I'd say $250,000 is more than fair. She wasn't even in American Wedding so it's not like she's been a major role in the franchise. In fact, without Jason Biggs or Sean William Scott none of the sequels probably even exist. Not sure that can be said about anyone else in the franchise. Not saying that because their acting is so "great" or anything, but they're very well known for those roles and you can't just replace them without it being a let down. And Allison Hannigan is very funny in her part, but she's still not as good without Jason Biggs to play off of. Who cares that she's had a "steady career" outside of the American Pie franchise? I understand bigger actors usually get a bigger payday, but none of these actors are on that level. It seems their pay is more related to their relevance in the franchise.
Alyson Hannigan's roles in these films aren't usually very big. Sure, she plays the love interest of the main character, but her on-screen time isn't anywhere near as much as Jim, Stifler, and Finch. I'm sure that's the case for this Reunion movie.

Also, I like Alyson Hannigan, but believe me... she ain't getting 3 million in any other film, unless How I Met Your Mother or Buffy the Vampire Slayer are made into films and she's asked to her characters from those shows. Outside of that though, she's not a mainstream cinema actress. She's very fortunate to be getting as much as she is, and I'm certain she knows that and appreciates it. Her fans need to stop the bitching.

Besides, at the end of the day... who cares who gets paid what? As long as the movie gets made and turns out to be entertaining, then that's all that matters.

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