American Badass Gimmick

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Championship Contender
This is not strictly about The Undertaker so I'll make it in General Wrestling but move it if need be.

A thread in Smackdown got me thinking.. I will always think of The Undertaker as The "dead" or "satanic" Phenom character over the biker phase because that darkside is just who he is and who he has been pretty much since his debut.

The ABA or Biker character was pretty good and allowed The Undertaker to stay fresh but I always craved for a deadman return. Anyway I think the biker gimmick was relevant and had a place in the WWE so my question is..

Who else could have been given the gimmick and made it work aswell as The Undertaker?

In todays roster Who could run with a similar gimmick and potentialy make it work?
I don't why but I could see Dolph pulling it off. Right now, he reminds a little too much of Mr. Ass. I could really see Dolph coming down to the ring in a Motorcycle. He doesn't even need to talk most of the time. He could be one of those Bikers who comes in, beats someone down and just leaves. It'd be a refreshing look to his character that's for sure. I think he could pull it off with perfection. No pun intended.
I could see someone like Tyler Reks pull it off pretty well. He is a big, mean looking guy, and if he changed his dreadlocks into something that's less caveman-esque he could play the gimmick well.

Hell, the dreads could even work as they are. Just stick him in a leather jacket, jeans, bandanna and give the motherfucker a motorcycle and let him cause carnage.

That I would like to see. He wouldn't even need to say much initially, just get him riding to the ring during a match, getting in and demolishing who ever is wrestling, taking them out with his awesome finisher, getting back on the bike and fucking off again.

That would immediately get him noticed by the fans, and thought of as a destructive force. Then, one of the people he has taken out can challenge him to a real one-on-one match at a PPV, and Reks can win in dominant fashion and then look at moving up the card.
I personally hated the gimmick and don't think anyone could have made it work. They had Undertaker return to his undead character for obvious reasons, and there was a flop when they tried to turn Chuck Palumbo into a similar character when he turned heel. A biker that beats everyone up is just a type of character that will never get fully over in the WWE and even in TNA (or Impact or whatever they are going by) because it's a boring character and the majority of fans want something more entertaining in their wrestling heroes/villains.
I think Tyler Recks would be great if given a similar gimmick, he was who I had in mind aswell.

I wouldn't mind seeing Recks play a vampire/biker/lost boys type gimmick and start a stable who all come down on motorcycles. I know the vampire gimmick has been done and failed many times (recently with Kevin Thorne) but I think Recks could pull it off.
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