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Amazing Red Given Masked Gimmick; Sangriento Debuts

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Xplosion's viewers were privy to seeing his debut match against Chris Sabin and Jay Lethal.

Apparently the idea behind the mask was from Spike TV officials who wanted to introduce a masked character who would counteract WWE's Sin Cara. Various independent wrestlers were considered forthe role, but ultimately the decision was made to use the seldom utilized Red — according to reports, there's no indication whether or not he'll continue to wrestle as Amazing Red as well.

I haven't seen the video debut anywhere, but I did find this image of him under mask:


Thoughts on this? Could this help to give Red a little more value to TNA?
What's wrong with Red just being Red? Sure he can't talk, but what happened to Don West as his mouthpiece? Red was over fine; and why not push Suicide as the masked wrestler to counter-act Sin Cara?

Push Red w/ Don West, and give Kiyoshi more time as Suicide solving the Sin Cara problem and there you have it - 2 birds killed with 1 stone. :)
I see it as TNA's answer to Sin Cara. TNA often try to do things similarly to WWE, so with the biginning of Sin Cara's push TNA could be trying to kill two birds with one stone. Pushing a new masked character, as well as adding to someone's push that deserves one at this point. Red is a great flyer and he's not the best talker. This could be the beginning of a new gimmick for him that suits him better because he looks more intimidating with a mask on and I think this look benefits his in-ring style. We'll see where it goes.
Lmao this is funny, i mean this is the best idea they came up for him?? he won the X Division champion at least what 3 times and then decided to give him another character?? They can't let him be himself or they having trouble pushing him which i think is the problem with TNA. From looking at the picture, he looks like a Power Ranger from Dino Power Rangers. They already got the Suicide character and i don't know why they want Amazing Red to be Sangriento and I bet he didn't want to do it like he has no other choice to do it

Like i said in my previous post, this all depends on the booking matches and how his character is use, They can't come up with something that is not so close to WWE??
so youre saying to counter WWE signing possibly the most poluler & best Lucha libre star TNA gets a lower mid carder they arleady have & give him a mask? i do think it,ll help red a Little thou but it,ll have no effect on TNA. if there gonna try to imitate wwe fine but atleast do a good job imatating & this is not a good job imatating i just hope they use him right this time.
The X division needs all the help right now that they can. So if that means putting a mask on Amazing Red for the time bieng i'm alright with it.Plus that will also mean that they are in a round about way giving a push to Red to hopefully get him back in the title hunt.
I am ok with this, but I do not see it being a permanent move.

Red is really fun to watch and can do a lot of great things in the ring. Now if this is being done to counter the WWE & Sin Cara, then fine. TNA is a business. Businesses are in competition and push similar products.

I've seen Sin Cara on TV 4 times now and each time has had something botched. I can't ever remember Amazing Red botching a spot. He may lack personality, but dude can work. I think that Red should be a little insulted if people were to compare him with Cara. Red has shown that he is versatile. He can work any type of match and adapt to his opponents style. Sin Cara...ummmm, not so much.

I will follow Amazing Red in this new role.
Wow!!! when I read this I just had to post something, because this is one of the most stupid ass ideas tna has come up with. Wwe signs a major international talent and tna counters with putting a mask on amazing red. Oh and lets not forget that tna has its OWN unique masked wrestler or character that is SUICIDE. So why not push the suicide character, which is unique, and exclusive to TNA? oh yeah, I forgot, this is TNA, so anything that is logical and makes sense they're never gonna do. I have an idea, why don't they just sell tna to someone who actually gives a damn about the fans, wrestlers, and the wrestling business. Clearly no one in that company with authority has any idea what the hell they are doing.
I was actually at that taping live, and that math happened after the conclusion of impact's main event (it was filmed after the episode that aired last week) and it absolutely stole the show. It was funny more than half the audience left after the impact main event even though they kept announcing a special extra match, but it was so worth staying! Red put on an awesome show, and he kept doing this stupid motion like he was playing air guitar haha, but it was an incredible match definitely check it out online if you can find it.

In the grand scheme of things I don't think this will do anything to help Red or TNA, but if it gets him used more I'm all for it.
I thought for years that Red would do well with a mask. He's not the most charismatic speaker, he's amazing in the ring...the mask could well help him out. I look forward to seeing where he goes with this. It could give him a fresh start, after having jobbed out for too long now.
As others have said why introduce this character when you already have Suicide on you're roster. Not considering the fact that he looks ridiculous, Red should stay Red and TNA should use him appropriately in their X division 'Revamp' or whatever they said.


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I found red to be borin....dont get me wrong, the boy can wrestle. He just has no character. He looks young too. Back in the day the long hair he had atleast brought out more character imo The mask will help a bit in the character department. He use to wrestle as fuego guerrero in the indy scene so I dont mind the mask
I think TNA constantly trying to counter the WWE is a terrible idea. Raw gets an anonymous GM that hands down verdicts via a laptop, and TNA gets a "Network" that controls things through...Sting? I think...? WWE gets the most over luchador in Mexico, a true world-wide sensation (Sin Cara) and TNA makes Amazing Red wear a mask... WWE runs Johnny Cash promos for the Undertaker, TNA runs the same promos for Sting. I just don't get it... I understand the thinking that "if we do something the WWE does, people will pay attention to us", but in my mind...if I'm already watching the WWE do something, why would I ever want to watch the red-headed step-child do the exact same thing...?
I still dont think Sting promo was fully ripping off Takers. For many reasons one being the fact everyone thought the WWE one was Sting because of the basic clues that would make it Sting. Meaning, no matter what TNA did for a returning promo fans would think it was ripping off WWE. When it came down to the numbers looking the same...looked a hell of a lot like Christian's TNA numbers to me.

Besides, CHIKARA was doing a BAND IS COMING Countdown this same month but no one cared or called it a Taker Ripoff only because TNA is on TV and mainstream does it count. And since I mentioned CHIKARA this is how I am staying on topic because when I read about this Sangriento character I was like who??

Then I watched the video and I was like...ITS HYDRA! CHIKARA fans know who he is. And then I read all these comments about TNA ripping off SinCara and I thought how? how? TNA use to bring in Lucha's from AAA and CMLL all the time. How is this any different?? Then I read it was Red under the mask and I thought well thats sort of strange...still dont see the connection to SinCara.

Supposely, somewhere some website reported that Spike TV wanted the gimmick/character to counter act WWE well if thats true then obviously thats Spike TV NOT TNA so dont blame TNA for doing what they are told. WWE has done what they are told to do by USA in the past. But the thought comes to mind well they already have Suicide if that was the case so that story cant be true. TNA has a masked wrestler. But hey it proves The Network is not a ripoff of anything real life being made into an angle. The Network is Spike TV.

Btw, I thought Kiyoshi was released? The reason why we didnt see Suicide for awhile was because Kaz was gone and Daniels was gone and Kaz came back as himself and then Daniels came back as Suicide done the sky entrance. I dont know who played him at the PPV but I thought I read once that Okada (Joe's partner) played Suicide atleast one tv apperance and a lot of house shows but its never been picked up anywhere.

Then I learned that Sangriento means Bloody and I thought lets see see Amazing Red... his brother Crimson (Red) ... and now Sangriento is Bloody and Red is the color of Blood...there is some logic here. Maybe, TNA (Russo whoever) decided you know maybe we can't explain Amazing Red and Crimson being brothers the fans wont leave that alone so lets write Red out by putting him under a mask. Out of Sight. Out of Mind.

So, I am sitting here still reading about how TNA ripped off WWE once again...and another thought comes to mind...wasnt it a few months ago when TNA gave try outs to both TJ Perkins and El Generico? and didnt Dixie Carter talk about revamping The X Divison awhile back with new faces? Both of these men have worn and do wear masks in the ring. Perkins as Puma. I think isnt possible TNA was scouting this so called SinCara ripoff way before SinCara even signed to the WWE?

How about the fact that Sangriento didnt even debut on Impact but on the lower show? It would be like Sincara poping up on Superstars. What about the fact that Sangriento's attire even looks like a cross between The SAT's and MR JL? lol

And that mask is HYDRAs I swear...just after Red wrestled King of Trio's weekend and then showed up at the TNA PPV what a hard worker that Amazing Red is to do that.

If I was one to pick silly arguments I could say R Truth smoking a cig months after Jeff Hardy did...or Cena wrestling a gaunlet live on RAW after Mr Anderson did on a taped TNA Impact. But I wont...because who cares? I dont.

To me... TNA has always had masked wrestlers. TNA has always used wrestlers from mexico and japan. To be honest, I had no idea who SinCara or Mistico was before and after all these botches I still dont really know...but I knew a lot more of the guys that TNA has showcased over the years and I hope TNA brings in more from AAA or CMLL. SinCara just seems over hyped to me. People seem to think they should know who he is even if they dont.
After watching the match I say let it be. The match was a great X-division matchup and its actually kinda sad they didn't air it on tv. Hopefully in the next month or two we'll get to see a bit more X-Division stuff leading up to Destination-X. If this is they're counter to Sin Cara then good for them cause he only botched one move in the entire match
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3049532 said:
I think TNA constantly trying to counter the WWE is a terrible idea. Raw gets an anonymous GM that hands down verdicts via a laptop, and TNA gets a "Network" that controls things through...Sting? I think...? WWE gets the most over luchador in Mexico, a true world-wide sensation (Sin Cara) and TNA makes Amazing Red wear a mask... WWE runs Johnny Cash promos for the Undertaker, TNA runs the same promos for Sting. I just don't get it... I understand the thinking that "if we do something the WWE does, people will pay attention to us", but in my mind...if I'm already watching the WWE do something, why would I ever want to watch the red-headed step-child do the exact same thing...?

Where does it say TNA is copying the WWE. Its says Spike TV wanted this. Which should get everyone wondering how much Spike TV has had their hand on a lot of the decisions made in this company. Spike TV needs to get the fuck away from TNA because this won't end well if they keep making decisions.
After watching the match I say let it be. The match was a great X-division matchup and its actually kinda sad they didn't air it on tv. Hopefully in the next month or two we'll get to see a bit more X-Division stuff leading up to Destination-X. If this is they're counter to Sin Cara then good for them cause he only botched one move in the entire match

if Im not mistaken it does air on tv in other countries sort of like how NXT and Superstars does now for WWE. I have followed it on Youtube...I think TNAs offical youtube usually shows the full show but I just watch clips of it.

It would be interesting if Spike TV or MTV2 or one of the other channels under the banner ran it as a saturday morning show because a lot of interesting matches have gone down on that as well as the introduction of new angles.

I think Spike TV has always told TNA what to do. Its why or how TNA is even on Spike TV in the 1st place. I remember reading on WZ about how Spike wanted bigger names sometimes making suggestions such as Kurt Angle, Sting and Nash so TNA went and got them. I believe, USA does the same with WWE like when they have Three Hour RAWs or want more Rock or more Austin type things.

You gotta please the network so they will keep you on the air.
I love this to be honest with you. Red isnt much of a talker, with the mask he doesnt need to talk. This is something that may have come from Bischoff being in Hogan's ear, he loves the X-Division like nobody else in TNA because it reminds him of the Cruiserweights he use to push only without the weight limit. I think it's a great move.
I wouldn't have anything against TNA bringing in an actual masked lucha libre wrestler, but giving Amazing Red a mask and calling him a luchadore is something different. It's great Red will get some exposure and maybe some TV time, but WWE has the real thing with Sin Cara. TNA has a cheap imitation. Red is a great worker but, American guys dressed like luchadores are never successful. Look at Curry Man, Aldo Montoya, and The Patriot. Suicide was only cheered because people believed it was Daniels under the mask.

Now that it is clear Suicide isn't Daniels or Kaz, people have no reason to care about Suicide. I don't think this gimmick will catch fire, but we will have to wait and see. First Sangriento has to debut on Impact so he will be noticed.
Then I learned that Sangriento means Bloody and I thought lets see see Amazing Red... his brother Crimson (Red) ... and now Sangriento is Bloody and Red is the color of Blood...there is some logic here.

Yes there is logic there. It makes it feel more like a re-packaging, and therefore, doesn't insult the fans intelligence. We'll know its Red, but it gives him a new way to get over to a larger audience that is more willing to accept smaller wrestlers if they're wearing masks(which I never quite understood BTW).

If Spike wants a masked wrestler to steal from Mistico's thunder, than Red is a logical choice because he also has a very "jaw-dropping" moveset. I am much happier to see a re-packaged Red than to see TNA go out and expand the roster again with some other random X-wrestler, while they're cutting ties with talented guys like Jay Lethal.

Hopefully this is all part of a plan being put in place to build toward a refocusing of the X-division.

Bottom line... if this gets more Amazing Red matches on television than I am all for it.
The thing is, Sin Cara has been getting rubs left and right by being involved with Cena & Miz and Michael Cole and Swagger.

As much as I like this idea, he debuted on Xplosion, not Impact and in a normal X Division match. So I really can't see this being anything special.

I'm especially unconvinced by the idea that this came from Spike. What they thought that this would do, I don't know.
First, just because it's more fun, I'll pretend that this is a reaction to the WWE's Sin Cara.

This would be a Very Bad Sign for the creative forces at work in TNA. It shows that they're reacting to their opponent's hype. Sin Cara isn't anything particularly special, and I don't mean him botching a few spots. He's a guy that does a lot of flips and spins. They look pretty, they're very difficult, but he doesn't connect to the audience at all. Fans have been given no reason to care about him besides "he tagged with John Cena and Cena seems to think he's ok", which, God help us all, might actually get him over some. To respond to a character which right now has little fan resonance would show that they aren't responding to what their viewers want to see, but what the WWE is promoting as what fans want to see. It demonstrates that the WWE controls the battleground, and TNA has no hope of competing if they're constantly responding to the WWE instead of starting new initiatives of their own.

Now, if this is to reinvigorate the stale "Red" character: Meh. Putting Amazing Red in a mask won't do anything for him or his new character. Maybe they're looking to do some kind of El Generico thing with him. Maybe someone will pull his mask off and "expose" him in a few months. But if this is an attempt to introduce a new character, why bother? How's a faux Mexican in a mask going to do any better than the Amazing Red character, who at least fans have seen a little of?

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