Am I reading too much into this.....Replacing rollins


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I went to the WWE site to see all the WWE guys who got future endeavored today. And on the side it had a link on the WWE site to a Shield Replacement top 6 pick. So I clicked it, and it started out Normal with Bryan, Neville, Big E, Ziggler, Rhodes, and then on second to last page is Morrison. And it talks about he is better then Rollins and how the universe needs him back.

The article is editors choice, so I am sure it has been screened and WWE doesnt like to put their stars down. So I am reading too much into this or could this be a spoiler from the 'E
I don't think so. Morrison isn't coming back anytime soon. I'd love for him to come back, but there's no room for him on the roster, I doubt WWE wants him.

But on a side-note, who is "the 'E" and why does he need to screen the articles??
It's nothing new for the website to put former stars in stories like this. And it didn't exactly say he's better overall than Rollins. It just said he's better in some areas.

You're reading too much into it.
What's funny about calling it "the 'E"? You just end up typing double the characters than you would've had you just written "WWE".

Is this seriously happening? How does that garner a response to begin with, let alone an answer, let alone a follow up to the answer? What am I reading right now? And are we really that worried about typing six characters instead of three? I mean, we're talking like a tenth of a second wasted. Besides, I was a lot more confused by the random capitalization of "Replacement" and "Normal" than him calling it "the 'E."

Anyway, I guess it could be a spoiler, but I really doubt it. Articles mention former wrestlers like that pretty regularly. It could be a sign that he's coming back, though I doubt it, and I really can't see him joining The Shield.
Well considering they recently did an interview saying Joey Mercury was the "fourth member" of The Shield, and knowing the history with Mercury and Morrison... it would make sense in a long stretch. But the thing is, John Morrison is bland. He's always been bland. Even when he did his Spiderman impression at Royal Rumble, he was bland. The guy's mic skills are so far below par that I'm surprised he ever got called up, and don't get me started on his inability to hit his own damn finishing move.
What's funny about calling it "the 'E"? You just end up typing double the characters than you would've had you just written "WWE".

I've called them "the E" for years... usually has things in their articles that do not necessarily jive with Kayfabe. CM Punk is currently on the poll on who fans want to see as the next WWE Champion. Shelton Benjamin, Samoa Joe, Styles, Gabe, and other currently not or never were WWE guys in those editorials.
I think you guys are getting a little off topic. I made a joke about calling WWE as the E is for Entertainment. But if thats what you want to focus on that ok.
I was trying to talk more about Morrison and not me writing.

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