Alterbridge or Creed


Formerly known as AD Angelic Diablo
For those who all know, Creed and Alterbridge have the same members in their bands besides for their vocalists.
Creed has Scott Sapp
ABridge has Myles Keneddy
both bands have different genres
Creed is more Alternative/Christian Rock
alter bridge is more on the metal/hard rock style

now my question is: Whats the better band?
Music is a matter of opinion and taste.. Each person has their own taste and give their reasons why they think whatever Is s better band.

Alter Bridge in my opinion is very underrated.
They are my pick over Creed, why? Because Creeds vocalists voice pisses me off, I love their new album though since their guitarist Mark Tremonti was taking lessons from M.A Batio (one of the best guitarists) while being with AlterBridge.
ABridge is more my style then Creed, ABridge has some great songs like Blackbird & Broken Wings(both beautiful songs)
In loving memory
rise today
brand new start
find the real.
And all of you know: Metallingus!!!
All great songs but there so under rated.
So please feel free to post some videos, thought on those two bands etc.
I'd like to hear everyones opinions, maybe post videos of creed and alterbridge
Creed easily. I wanted to like Alter Bridge.... I really did. Creed was my favorite band in 2001-2004. Many people still know Alter Bridge as "Creed with a different singer". As good as they are, they might never get past that viewpoint. They did do a fantastic job on Edge's theme music, Metalingus. I also liked Blackbird. However, I like just about every song Creed ever did.... they are better because when you compare two good songs compared to three entire cd's worth of good songs, the obvious difference in quality is there. I have a lot of respect for Alter Bridge as a band, but they will never be as good as Creed was in my opinion.
Idk but Alterbridge is more for my taste, Creeds more popular because it came before Alterbridge but IMO Alterbridge Vocalist > Creed Vocalist
Scotts voice bugs me idk why
Alter Bridge, because they have some good songs, and Creed sucks. Actually, there was 4 or 5 songs off Human Clay I still sort of like, but for the most part Creed is a pretentious douchebag band playing crappy music for the lowest common denominator. Alter Bridge has had some kickass songs like Metalangus or Watch Your Words, so they get my vote.
For me, it's Alter Bridge hands down. What is it I like about them? The whole band has a creative freedom over their music while Creed was more about what Scott Stapp wanted. Alter Bridge saw a rise in the freedom of how Mark Tremonti was unleashed on the guitar as well as Brian Marshall and Scott Phillips seeming to be more alive. Myles Kennedy is a much better singer than Stapp and can hit notes like no other but the music just simply feels more alive. While I like certain songs by Creed like My Scarifice I just simply cannot get bored of Alter Bridge. It's why I'm a big fan of them and look forward to their third album. Alter Bridge > Creed. I have nothing against anyone who likes Creed for any reason in comparison, but Alter Bridge remains superior in my mind.

As for Alter Bridge being underrated, they simply don't have as much publicity as Creed do, they started from the basics again and are moving slowly up, and unfortunately live in the shadow of Creed's demise which is why they are underrated, but I've remained very loyal to Alter Bridge since first hearing their music.
I agree with Phoenix, Alter Bridge is gonna be my choice of favorite, while I do admit that I have a few songs here and there that I like from Creed, I can honestly admit that I like Alter Bridge better, and that is most likely due to the singer, because I find him to be very talented.

I have Alter Bridge's Blackbird album, and I love every single song on that album, and while I don't have the One day remains album, I still have to admit that I like a lot of the songs from that album, especially Metalingus, which was the song that got me interested in Alter Bridge and made me take time to check them out.
I agree with Phoenix, Alter Bridge is gonna be my choice of favorite, while I do admit that I have a few songs here and there that I like from Creed, I can honestly admit that I like Alter Bridge better, and that is most likely due to the singer, because I find him to be very talented.

I have Alter Bridge's Blackbird album, and I love every single song on that album, and while I don't have the One day remains album, I still have to admit that I like a lot of the songs from that album, especially Metalingus, which was the song that got me interested in Alter Bridge and made me take time to check them out.

Myle can hit such high notes its unbeleivable, Scott's voice is always the same in every song its just nothing special...for instance: With arms wide open, my sacrifice, they are all so similar.

Take Alterbridges:
Blackbird, In loving memory, Save me, Coming Home, Metalingus...none of them are similar..they are all something special and unique.
Myle can hit such high notes its unbeleivable, Scott's voice is always the same in every song its just nothing special...for instance: With arms wide open, my sacrifice, they are all so similar.

Take Alterbridges:
Blackbird, In loving memory, Save me, Coming Home, Metalingus...none of them are similar..they are all something special and unique.

Actually I have absolutely nothing against Creed, I just like Alter Bridge better, that's the only thing, as I said, I enjoy some of Creeds songs (due to the fact that I only checked out a few songs) and those two you list, are actually two of those that I like.

But yes, Myles Kennedy's voice is very good, very consistent and versatile, I find it a shame that the majority of my friends which I tried advertising the band to, said they hated the voice.
Actually I have absolutely nothing against Creed, I just like Alter Bridge better, that's the only thing, as I said, I enjoy some of Creeds songs (due to the fact that I only checked out a few songs) and those two you list, are actually two of those that I like.

But yes, Myles Kennedy's voice is very good, very consistent and versatile, I find it a shame that the majority of my friends which I tried advertising the band to, said they hated the voice.

I can understand why they would due to his nasal voice he has, but i seem to like it. Most rockers have this nasal-like voice.

Nothing against creed, i like Higher, and a few songs but they are boring after a while, though my cuzin is a huge fan of creed.. im actually might be going to a Creed concert somewhere in Florida, with Skillet :)
I can understand why they would due to his nasal voice he has, but i seem to like it. Most rockers have this nasal-like voice.

Nothing against creed, i like Higher, and a few songs but they are boring after a while, though my cuzin is a huge fan of creed.. im actually might be going to a Creed concert somewhere in Florida, with Skillet :)

I wouldn't know, I've never really had a problem in separating musical talent's voices, unless it's female pop singers, those can be a bitch at times, but normal rock singers / metal singers isn't very hard to separate from each other if you've heard something from the group / singer before.

Now Skillet, that's a band.
I definitely prefer Alter Bridge. They just show a lot more musical versatility. The guitar work is much better, and Myles has a much better voice than Scott Stapp (aka Eddie Vedder rip off). I'm a lot more excited for Alter Bridge's 3rd album than I was for the Creed reunion tour/album. Alter Bridge simply has better music, and I DO think they're underrated. I hope they can break the shell and get out of Creed's shadow and really make a name for themselves.
I love them both, been a Creed fan for years and was devastated when they broke up before I had a chance to see them, (I am English), but Alter Bridge are great too! Seen them twice live, and hopefully again when they tour the UK later this year.

I think I prefer Scott Stapps voice to Myles Kennedy's, and Creeds best song "My Sacrifice" tops Alter Bridge's best "One Day Remains". But Mark Tremonti is so much better in Alter Bridge than in Creed, so much more freedom to show his stuff!

Dont think I can split them....two great bands!
Myles Kennedy is an absolute fucking God. He's so underrated. The man has such an incredible vocal range and he can really, REALLY sing. Scott Stapp, or wtf ever. Please, go die. AB > Creed. Blackbird is still one of my favorite songs.
I was too lazy to read all the messages posted, so don't mind me if I repeat someone.
Alter Bridge is my pick of the two, simply because the guy has a better voice by far. It's not often you see a band who's singer is so talented. So overall, I like Alter Bridge better, but it seems as though Creed is more popular, which is too bad.
I was too lazy to read all the messages posted, so don't mind me if I repeat someone.
Alter Bridge is my pick of the two, simply because the guy has a better voice by far. It's not often you see a band who's singer is so talented. So overall, I like Alter Bridge better, but it seems as though Creed is more popular, which is too bad.

Myles voice is amazing, he's touring with one of the greatest guitarists..SLASH! I was going to go to the concert.

Let's not forget that Alternative Rock was popular at the time Creed was around, The Radio those days focused more on Alternative Rock. I live in NY so our "#1 Hit music station called z100" plays the top 40 crap. In the mid 90's that station would play Alternative Rock like Creed, Pearl Jam etc. So of course Creed is super-popular.

Creed topped the billboards for consecutive weeks during that time, that is amazing. Theres no doubt about it that their song "With Arms Wide Open" is an amazing song.

If Alter Bridge was around a while back, they would be a HUGE HIT.
Its too bad "hits" now-days are based more on "pop culture" and whos cool & what not.

Cuz @ the time Creed was a hit, people cared about music.
Now Creed's new album is more mainstream "radio" style, which really stinks.
I was too lazy to read all the messages posted, so don't mind me if I repeat someone.
Alter Bridge is my pick of the two, simply because the guy has a better voice by far. It's not often you see a band who's singer is so talented. So overall, I like Alter Bridge better, but it seems as though Creed is more popular, which is too bad.

You got it right bro! ;) How the hell can be better Creed with Scott Starp? HOW? I mean, there were rumors that Myles Kennedy was going to be the vocals of Led Zep! As simple as that! Plus in AB, you can actuallay notice that Mark Tremonti is one hell as a guitar player. In Creed, musically speaking it was nothing impressive, it was mainstream music made for MTV....
I agree with Ferb and Ang here. I don't have anything against Creed, but I think its more a preference of AlterBridge over Creed personally. Granted, Scott Stapp has issues with being a douchelord in the past and his social skills are not all that great. I do like a few Creed songs, but I won't buy their cd, I will, however, buy AlterBridge, it was Metallingus that got me into their stuff in the first place. Then when their new stuff came out "BlackBird" I was in heaven, and them using the song "Who Will Watch Over You" for the Celebrity Rehab show..that is an emotional song. I know everyone's gonna be different with who they like better. Its like asking someone "Who do u like better in Van Halen, Roth or Hagar?" Its gonna be a pretty varied response.
I grew up in the 90's so i pretty much grew up with listening to creed because my dad loves them. I love alter bridge as well, but I enjoy listening to creed more mainly because of how long ive been listening to them for. I enjoy alter bridge because I feel Mark tremonti can shine more on the guitar and myles kennedy is a beast when it comes to vocal range. But like i said i just grew up with creed and it would be kind of like asking if the bassist and drummer from nirvana started a new band and got a lead singer who is better then Kurt cobain would i like that new band or nirvana and my answer would easily be Nirvana just because of the legacy of them and growing up with their music. No im not comparing creed to nirvana in any way shape or form before i get attacked for that

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