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Alright, I'm just going to come out and say this, I think Vince is sick...


Dark Match Winner
I've heard a lot of people comment on how "old" Vince looks, and considering the man works 8 days a week, 18 hours a day, he certainly is a prime candidate to "show older than his age," but it's something more than that.

I work amongst sick people everyday. Most of the patients I deal with are at the tail end of treatments that will either kill them, send them to hospice care to die later, or in a rare case, cause them to go into some form of remission.

My point is, the gaunt, barely hangining in there look of a patient fighting something life threatening, is a look I unfortunately see everyday, and the last few times I've seen Vince, I've noticed that he has that look about him. It bothered me around Wrestlemania earlier this year, but I kept my mouth shut about it because I figured it certainly could have still been his work habits and general lack of care for himself while ageing.

Last night though, I really took notice. Yes he was animated and lively (a man as stubborn as Vince must be a nightmare to treat) but man his physical condition is really worrying me. The eyes in particular seem to be off kilter.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong about this, and certainly do not want to spread rumors, but the last 5 years I've spent working in a specialty EOL Pharmacy has drilled what that look means into my brain, and at this point, I want to get some other fans take on this.

Does he seem alright to you? Did you notice anything other than his age?
I know what you're getting at. It's all in the eyes, the same spark isn't quite there..
I hate even thinking about a world without Vince.

We all gotta go, so until then, Vince will keep being Vince. He flat out will not retire.
He did look a bit senile didn't he? That said; given that there isn't anything widespread, I'd say maybe he is a bit stressed and worries at the direction of the company in some way, perhaps.

Guess we can just monitor it as time goes on, cuz last night his antics didn't seem to be all acting to me...
My dad said the same thing when he saw Vince in the ring. He looked at me and was like 'Man, Vince looks old, doesn't he?' and I didn't want to be disrespectful towards Vince but I knew my dad was right. Sure he's been gone for awhile but when he was threatening Hunter and Steph like only he can, he seemed very jovial. To me, he just looked like he hadn't slept for a week. And to answer his question, yes I missed him!
I noticed it as well, I didn't think anything of a sickness. Just that he has aged very heavily these past years. He looks as if hes aging 2 years to every 1. Being sick seems possible, but I couldn't imagine Vince selling the company as reports say. Nor do I see him giving any less effort if he was sick. Vince will never stop churning out ideas to help his company. Love him or hate him, the man's work ethic and dedication is beyond any measurement.
I know what you're getting at. It's all in the eyes, the same spark isn't quite there..
I hate even thinking about a world without Vince.

We all gotta go, so until then, Vince will keep being Vince. He flat out will not retire.

Yeah that's where it is and where I lose faith in the "he's just ageing crowd."

His eyes are unfocused and his left eye is starting to go in a different direction. I know of a particular sickness and treatment that does this and this is what is worrying me. He by all other accounts looks normal (though you can tell that suit is hiding a much skinnier Vince than we have ever seen), but his eyes as you said, are what concerns me the most.

Again, I hope I'm wrong, and the truth about Vince is we won't know till he's gone, but I really do genuinely hope I'm wrong.
In all honesty, I was thinking along the same lines. I know that he looks a little bit older, his hair seems like it's a lighter shade of gray in some areas, but it's not really anything physical I could put my finger on. He just seemed....I dunno...tired, that spark, that vivacious energy just really wasn't there. When he was talking on the mic, it didn't really seem like a lot of that old fire was there. Maybe this was just part of his promo style last night, but he did strike me as somebody that was really concentrating to remember on what he was intending to say, as if he was having trouble.

Of course, we may be completely off base. I get where the OP is coming from and being able to recognize sickness isn't my line of expertise. Maybe it's just us seeing something that isn't really there.
I have to agree. I seen him on Raw & thought jeez the last couple of years have taken their toll on him. He does now look like a man in his late 60's touching 70.

I don't think Vince McMahon has the energy to return in a full-time capacity.
My gf is a RN and deals with alot of people and she noticed Vince looked odd I'm not gonna say what she said it might be . That's why I think Vince is gonna sell the WWE in case something happens to him and if money gets tight with the way things are going for WWE right now. The McMahon family (Steph, Shane, and Hunter) will still have power.
Yeah, he looked tired and almost hesitant on the mic. I'll go back and look, but he seemed slower than usual.

Those years fighting Stone Cold must really have taken their toll, combined with the stress reported from him not sleeping.
I did notice something was off as well.. He did look worn out,and very tired. He was there,but he hasn't done his power walk in quite sometime and i used to love that part about him.. I have not per sey worked with sick people but have known a few of em,and he does look weary.

The fact is,he is damn there 70 years old,and has been owner of the WWE for 30 years now. Rumor has always been circling that he sleeps only 4 hours a day,and is a machine.. Perhaps the machine is just getting old,and worn out..

He still looks in good shape not no where near he once did,but pretty decent shape.. I hope im wrong and there is nothing more to that.
It's crazy to think about a world without Vince.

#1 on my bucket list has always been to meet him and say thankyou, and I hope I do get that chance.
Well it seems OPer would have a much better indication on whether somebody is sick than I would, however (and it looks like it's just me) I didn't really see anything wrong with Vinman on Raw. Granted, during that first segment I was multi-tasking and didn't get the most intricate look at Vince, but judging by the way he was bouncing around I assumed he was a healthy 70 year old man. He also still has the majority of the bass and power in his voice which is a strong indicator that Vince is still relatively strong as a whole, as people tend to lose that near the tail end of their lives.

A few things were mentioned here such as Vince's seemingly skinny frame and lack of spark. I would argue that Vince has most likely stopped using or working out period nowadays, so his frame would obviously show that and it makes sense that he would lose the majority of his bulk. If Hogan stopped using, he would begin to shrink as well. As for spark, I think Vince has lacked that spark for a while now and we just don't remember it because he has been gone for so long. As for the eyes argument, no offense, but it's a really flimsy argument at this point to go off of as I think it's damn hard to analyze what is going on with someone through their eyes without other telling symptoms.

Also, OP mentioned that he noticed this around Wrestlemania time which was 8 months ago. I would assume that somebody at Vince's age would deteriorate rapidly if they were extremely sick for 8 months, but he looked relatively the same as always imo. For the most part, a lot of people have been arguing that Vince has been sick for a while now and I think it's honestly just the way he has aged, stress, lack of sleep, etc. God-forbid, Vince were to pass on within the next few years.
I don't know what the "F" some of yous are on about I think some are looking too far into this, the guy has to get old some time and he didn't look any different to any other guy thats turning 70 next month and is lacking sleep. The man can still out promo almost the whole roster.
Ah, youth. The young have no way of fathoming what it's like to be old.

Vince is old. I'm older than most of the people on this forum (35), yet I'm no closer to understanding what it must be like to be Vince than are most of you.

Could he be concealing an illness? Sure, so could anyone. Could his lack of fire be construed as decreasing passion for what he does for a living? Yes, although if there's anyone whom I believe will retire only on the day he dies, it's Vince McMahon.

For all that, I think he looks great for a man his age and I'm looking forward to having this topic come up again 5 years from now.
Vince McMahon is nearly 70 years old and has had a life full of injecting steroids (and probably consuming his fair share of cocaine also). Yes, he looked older...but he's almost 70 years old.

In other words, he looked better than I expected, even if he looked worse than we remember.
I don't know what the "F" some of yous are on about I think some are looking too far into this, the guy has to get old some time and he didn't look any different to any other guy thats turning 70 next month and is lacking sleep. The man can still out promo almost the whole roster.

Calm down, we are just mentioning that Vince is looking worse for wear, and is not his old self.
IDK, I thought he looked pretty good for a nearly 70 year old man. I'm sure his body is starting to wear and his vital organs aren't what they used to be, but I don't think he is suffering from a life threatening disease.
Isn't he just old? An old man who takes 3-4 hours' sleep a night, has taken all manner of bumps and chair shots, has taken on the Federal Government, and who runs a business that has at least once nearly went under?

He's 70 in August and has lived. Give him a break.

EDIT: Just watched Vince's apology to UK fans, and the guy looks fine to me. His voice sounds as powerful as ever.
Of course he looks old like someone else said, he's hitting 70. And quite honestly for someone who almost 70, he looks in pretty damm good shape.

Part of the problem on RAW might have been he knew about the UK Network problems and that was weighting on him. Didn't Sky Sports threaten to pull RAW if the Network was launched. So he appeared on RAW delivered the Authority loses and they go stipulation, meanwhile knowing all the time the UK isn't going to get the Network on schedule.

That's enough to take the wind out of anyone's sails, doesn't matter who you are.
I had the same feeling watching him as many have said. Just don't know if it is old age or that he is sick.

Maybe it's stress with the lack of success of WWE Network as a whole.

Maybe there are truth to the rumors he is looking to sell WWE and that is weighing heavily on him, and maybe he is looking to sell cause he knows he's sick and wants to leave boatloads of money to his family?
Age will do it to ya and lets face it, after years of austin, hbk, wcw, the us government and everything elde i cant believe he still going, fully respect VKM and cant see him selling HIS company due to something as trivial as getting old
I've heard a lot of people comment on how "old" Vince looks, and considering the man works 8 days a week, 18 hours a day, he certainly is a prime candidate to "show older than his age," but it's something more than that.

I work amongst sick people everyday. Most of the patients I deal with are at the tail end of treatments that will either kill them, send them to hospice care to die later, or in a rare case, cause them to go into some form of remission.

My point is, the gaunt, barely hangining in there look of a patient fighting something life threatening, is a look I unfortunately see everyday, and the last few times I've seen Vince, I've noticed that he has that look about him. It bothered me around Wrestlemania earlier this year, but I kept my mouth shut about it because I figured it certainly could have still been his work habits and general lack of care for himself while ageing.

Last night though, I really took notice. Yes he was animated and lively (a man as stubborn as Vince must be a nightmare to treat) but man his physical condition is really worrying me. The eyes in particular seem to be off kilter.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong about this, and certainly do not want to spread rumors, but the last 5 years I've spent working in a specialty EOL Pharmacy has drilled what that look means into my brain, and at this point, I want to get some other fans take on this.

Does he seem alright to you? Did you notice anything other than his age?

When I read this, I hadn't yet seen Raw, so decided to pay attention to Vince McMahon, to see if I noticed any changes.

I didn't notice any of this. The way you described him was of a man, close to death. I expected Vince to tottle down to the ring on a walking frame and hooked to a drip, and he needed assistance to get into the ring. I also thought that he might forget his lines.

However, Vince strutted out like he always did. He got in the ring of his own accord, unassisted and he didn't fluff his lines.

Do you know what I saw? I saw a seventy-year old man. He seemed spritely enough. He was missing a step, but only a step. He seemed like a 70-year-old Vince McMahon. I didn't notice much of a difference.

If he was sick at all, it must of been minor. He looked old because he was old. He didn't make me think that he was dying, and I looked out for it.

You say that you work with sick people everyday. I hope that you don't write off all your patients like you did Vince McMahon. I bet that most of them wish that they could strut and be able to climb without help.
Ah, youth. The young have no way of fathoming what it's like to be old.

Vince is old. I'm older than most of the people on this forum (35), yet I'm no closer to understanding what it must be like to be Vince than are most of you.

Could he be concealing an illness? Sure, so could anyone. Could his lack of fire be construed as decreasing passion for what he does for a living? Yes, although if there's anyone whom I believe will retire only on the day he dies, it's Vince McMahon.

For all that, I think he looks great for a man his age and I'm looking forward to having this topic come up again 5 years from now.

I'm 39 and I can tell you there are some days where I feel like 89.

I didn't really think of anything when Vince came out. I think a lot of people forget Vince is old. Flat out old. And not only old, but an old guy who has had stress almost all of his wrestling life. He barely sleeps, he's just recently lost a lot of money and he pushes himself to the limit everyday.

I'm the opposite of what people feel. I thought he looked good. Yeah he didn't act like the firey boss he used to, but that could have been some jitters to. When was the last time he was on live tv?

I don't think anything is wrong with him. I just think life in the wrestling business and age is catching up to him.

Don't forget, his body isn't letting him work out like he did. I am sure he has kicked the steroids long ago, so his body is going to change immensely.

While he has the age, he also has the money to afford himself the best doctors in the world to keep him going. He's fine.

I've seen 69-70 year old men in perfect health and they looked much worse off than Vince does.

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