Almost Time...

New Name

  • Leafy

  • Dr. Leafy

  • Leafmealone

  • Other

  • Samoa Joe

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Alright. I've decided how to pick. I use a random generator thing to pick the page and post. And that's the name I go with. Maybe.
Areoplex, shut the fuck up and get out of this thread. Every post of yours is so painfully terrible and unfunny it almost hurts to read them. I hate you with the power of a drill that could pierce the heavens. The only way you could ever not suck in my eyes would be if you took a swandive from a high platform into a mass of whirling blades. Stop. Just...stop.
Alright. Creation of names cuts off at 8. Then I'll spin the magic tumbler and find the magic name!
Areoplex, I would rather lick an outhouse clean than spend one more minute reading your pitiful excuses for possible names. Ultimo Breakfast was funny because he has a CHIKARA sig. Your suggestions are just terrible.
You should change your name to Vacuumplex. Because you suck!
Well I've rigged my calculator to give me random numbers so here we go!

Page: 6

Post: 1

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