Alien Prequel Dead; Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' Rises From The Ashes

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I know this is old and, hopefully, you all already know but hey, let's discuss. Or I could light myself on fire and run in a circle, screaming. Your choice.

Not sure if I care that the Alien prequel is dead. Probably not. That proverbial cow has been milked so much it's nothing more than a dry husk. Scott, Cameron and - in my opinion - Fincher dragged three brilliant to decent films out of it. It was really time to call it a day in 1992.

Instead, Ridley Scott - director of two of the greatest science fiction films of all-time in Blade Runner and Alien - is returning to the genre with an all-new project set in "an expanded universe." Sure, he's sunk into disappointing mediocrity since Gladiator but this might just reignite the old magic.
As far as the Alien prequel goes, I can't say I care anymore......

Aliens is my favorite film in the series. This film was packed with so much action, and there were a good amount of twists and turns towards the end. Aliens jumps to a bigger level, and this film doesn't have a dull moment, because there is a good amount of tension throughout the entire movie. I never get tired of watching Sigourney Weaver fight for Newt at the very end. "Get away from her you bitch!" is one of those classic lines I've never get tired of hearing. Aliens takes you on a thrill ride from beginning to end. This film is truly a great science fiction classic, and Aliens is one the best sequels ever made.

I enjoyed the first film, but it had this horror feel to it, because there were a lot more spooky moments. Aliens 3 was solid. The story wasn't too great, and Ripley was the only character who was worth watching. Although, there were some nice action scenes here and there. Resurrection was okay. The story was kind of weak, but Weaver still delivered with her performance as Ripley, and it was cool to see her become "one of them."

But I really started to sour on this series when the Aliens VS Predators films were released. The first one was bearable, but Requiem was a horrendous piece of shit. Aliens had a nice run. This series featured one very good film and one very great film. Let the Aliens rest. There's no need to keep making these films. Yeah, you can capitalize of off the legacy of the series, but I wouldn't want to see more mediocre or bad films for the sake of some nostalgia, which died off a long time ago if you ask me.
I am fairly upset that the prequel has been ended. I am a big fan of the Alien series, and while it has been done to death and I can't help but believe that a prequel may have provided something new. Maybe a back story on the aliens origin. Alas I will never know, at least not right now. I am intrigued by this Prometheus film. Angelina Jolie is reportedly up for one of the lead roles and I love her so I feel it would be good. Not to mention if it is truly based on the Greek Prometheus I am all that more interested. Greek history intrigues the hell out of me and Prometheus certainly has an interesting story to tell.
I am fairly upset that the prequel has been ended. I am a big fan of the Alien series, and while it has been done to death and I can't help but believe that a prequel may have provided something new. Maybe a back story on the aliens origin. Alas I will never know, at least not right now. I am intrigued by this Prometheus film. Angelina Jolie is reportedly up for one of the lead roles and I love her so I feel it would be good. Not to mention if it is truly based on the Greek Prometheus I am all that more interested. Greek history intrigues the hell out of me and Prometheus certainly has an interesting story to tell.

Angelina Jolie would get people to go see the film no doubt but the questions is would it be a good film. Salt certainly was not a good film.
Angelina Jolie would get people to go see the film no doubt but the questions is would it be a good film. Salt certainly was not a good film.

Was that Angelina Jolie's fault or was the film just poorly done? I have yet to see it but I cannot imagine Jolie giving a poor performance. That said, on a second reading of the article Sam posted it doesn't appear that the film will be about Prometheus Bound as I thought/hoped. Ridley Scott is brilliant and a tremendous filmmaker, though his films haven't been quiet as good since Kingdom of Heaven which was amazing, but science fiction is definitely a genre he is more then proven in. Alien is one of the greatest sci fi films ever made and Blade Runner was pretty solid as well, though I couldn't get into it. Whatever direction this film goes I have no doubt Ridley Scott will do a good job with it.

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